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Needing You Close (Tyler & Gemma duet Book 2)

Page 26

by Kennedy Fox

  “I believe you, babe. Liam seems very protective of her, so I’m sure if you two had done anything, he would’ve broken your neck.”

  “Well, he would’ve tried at least.” I chuckle, then grab her hand and press a kiss to her knuckles. “I’d do the same if another man tried to touch you, just so you know.”

  “You have nothing to worry about. You’re all I want.”

  I lean down until our lips crash. “And you’re all I’ll ever need.”




  Dear Gemma,

  You’re too young to be worrying about your wedding day, but I will say the way you described it sounds perfectly you. Something simple, but elegant. To answer your question, I’ve never thought about getting married. Considering my mom and dad divorced and didn’t even want to be parents, I never had that desire, but never say never. Maybe if I meet the right woman, I’ll get down on one knee and propose, confessing my love…

  Tyler wrote me that letter after I told him about how Everleigh, Katie, and I binge-watched Say Yes to the Dress all weekend long. The girls and I started talking about what dresses we’d wear and what theme we wanted. The next day, I wrote Tyler a detailed letter explaining my dream wedding.

  As I look at our vow renewal photos from three months ago, I notice all the similarities that I told him when I was only sixteen years old. A part of me wonders if he remembers what I told him. Next to the one of Tyler and me kissing at the altar is a framed picture of our eight-week ultrasound from two weeks ago.

  Sharing the news with Tyler over Christmas that I was pregnant was one of the most exciting and emotional days of my life. We’d only had our one-year wedding anniversary a month before that. We talked about starting a family soon, and it happened quicker than either of us anticipated, but we’re both over the moon about it. I have no doubt he’s going to be the best father because he’s already the most amazing husband.

  Since we’re adding a bundle of joy to our family, we’ll be looking for a bigger house in the next year or two. I’ll be sad to leave the cottage and all the memories we’ve made, but we’ll need more room once the baby is able to walk. Until then, I’m soaking up every day being here.

  The best part of still being in my first trimester is my brother will be here for some of our pregnancy journey. For the first time in ten years, he’ll be living back in Lawton Ridge, and though I’m nervous for him, I can’t wait to hug him again. Noah and I were very close growing up, and a part of my heart went with him when he was charged with unintentional manslaughter. He’s done his time, and now he’ll have to figure out how to be a part of society again. People in this town haven’t forgotten what happened, and they’ll judge Noah, as well as anyone who’s associated with him. I can only hope some of them will be forgiving, and I pray one of those people will be Katie.

  Though I have a feeling she’s not gonna make it easy.

  Tyler comes up behind me, wrapping his arms around my stomach, and nuzzles his nose in my neck. “Morning, baby.” He slides one hand up and cups my breast. “Morning, sexy.”

  I snort with laughter at the cute way he always tells me and our baby good morning or night. He’s ecstatic and already running wild with ideas and making a list of things we’ll need. Telling my dad was another highlight of my life. I’d only seen him cry a handful of times, one including the moment we gave him a custom mug with the words “Best Grandpa Ever” written on it.

  “What’re you doing?” he asks.

  “Just looking. I can’t wait to add more photos on this wall. Hopefully some with Noah.”

  “I’m glad he’ll be able to meet the baby,” he admits. “It’ll be nice having another man around, too.”

  “Me too. And I’m happy you two get along so well. That definitely helps.”

  After the first time Tyler visited Noah with me, he joined me every month after. It became our thing, and when we told Noah we got hitched, he had to stop himself from reaching over and hugging us. He was so ecstatic for us and also because he was getting a brother he liked. I hate that he wasn’t able to celebrate the wedding with us, but after missing a decade’s worth of important events, I’ll take whatever I can.

  “We should eat and get moving if we wanna meet the contractors on time. I’m gonna need extra coffee today,” he warns, slapping my ass. “Especially since my hot wife kept me up half the night.”

  I turn around in his arms and scowl. “Hey, you started it! I was almost asleep when I felt your cock pressed against me.”

  “And that’s an automatic invitation to jump me?” he taunts, flashing a smoldering grin. “I mean, I’m not complaining, but it definitely wasn’t one-sided.”

  Rolling my eyes, I push past him and walk toward the kitchen. “Yeah, yeah. You blame my hormones, but you’re all over me all the time.”

  “Is that a bad thing?” He arches a brow when I glance over my shoulder. “You definitely weren’t mad about it last night, or the night before that, or the night before that, or the night…”

  “Stop!” I burst out laughing, and he comes around the island, wrapping me up in his arms. “I get it. Over a year later and we’re still hot for each other.”

  “Insatiable,” he adds.

  “Do you think that’ll change once the baby’s born?”

  “Only for the first six weeks. Then I’ll go back to trying to knock you up again.”

  “Oh my God, no you’re not! I’m not taking care of two babies under the age of two.”

  “Why not? I bet we make adorable kids. Hell, let’s have ten.”

  I groan, pushing back so I can start the coffee maker. “You’re insane. Let’s get through one pregnancy before you start renting my uterus out for nine more.” I grab a mug, then the creamer from the fridge. “Plus, with us remodeling the gym and planning the re-opening, I don’t know that we should be biting off more than we can chew. I’ll already be juggling a newborn by the time it’s open plus all the paperwork and office stuff. I’ll be lucky if I don’t go crazy.”

  “Gemma, I already know you’re gonna be an amazing mom. Stop worrying.” Tyler cups my cheeks and brings our mouths together. His tongue swipes along my bottom lip, and I hum at the sweet gesture.

  This past year, he really reminded me why I love him so much. After moving in together, we got to know each other on a deeper level. Even after all this time, he still cooks me breakfast every morning. We spend our lunch breaks together, and soon, we’ll see each other throughout the day even more. He’s worked so hard to save money and between the two of us, we were able to get a business loan to buy the old gym downtown. The owner, Sam, was finally ready to sell it, and after Dad started dating Belinda six months ago, he’s ready to retire early. He claims it’s because he wants more time to spend with Noah once he’s out, but we all know the truth. It’s his first girlfriend in over twenty years. I’m happy for him, even if it’s still a little weird for me.

  The plan is to gut it from top to bottom and replace all the old equipment and put in a boxing ring. Tyler’s already told Noah he’d hire him to help rebuild the place and work on whatever we need him to. Noah’s excited for the project since it’ll keep him busy and give him the opportunity to make money. My brother’s always been good with fixing things, like our dad, and with the shop closed, he’ll need the work.

  Katie got that promotion at the bank she was hoping for and finally bought a fixer-upper. Though Noah could help her remodel, she’s too damn stubborn to ask for help. She thinks she’s going to be able to tear out walls and fix the plumbing by watching YouTube tutorials.

  I have faith in my best friend but not that much. I’m hoping to convince her to at least give him a chance, but ever since we got Noah’s official release date, she’s been in a weird mood.

  “You really think we’ll get the whole place gutted and ready to open by midsummer?” I ask as Tyler drives us downtown. “That only gives us four to five months.”

  He reaches over and squeezes my hand. “It’s my full-time job now, baby. I’ll be there every day doing shit and working with the contractors to make sure it’s finished on time.”

  “You have no idea how happy I am that you’re gonna let Noah help. It will ease him back so much smoother.”

  “I have no doubt he’ll be a hard worker. After seeing how he’s bulked up, he’ll probably run circles around the other guys.” He chuckles, but it’s true. Noah will be the most eager out of them to prove himself and do a good job.

  Tyler parks in front of the gym, and when he looks at me, I can’t stop the smile from forming on my face. “I can’t believe, by this time tomorrow, we’ll be picking him up from prison.”

  “Been a long time comin’,” he confirms, and I nod.

  “Then let’s get this meeting over with so you can triple-check your dad’s house is ready for his arrival like I know you’re dying to.”

  “Hey!” I squeal. “I just want it to be perfect.”

  “Babe, he’s been sharing a tiny ass cell for the past decade. He’ll appreciate a nice warm bed and privacy more than you know.”

  I frown because he’s right. I can’t even imagine the conditions Tyler and Noah have experienced.

  “We should at least grab a few pies for dinner tomorrow night. He’s probably dying for homemade desserts.”

  “I’m sure he’d love that.” Tyler places a kiss on my knuckles. “Now, Club Blackwood is waiting for us.”

  I snort at the name, shaking my head, but this is his pride and joy, so I let him name it whatever he wanted. He plans to add a juice bar, a boxing arena, and a couple of private studio rooms for training and classes. He has so many great ideas, and I can’t wait to watch him fulfill his dream.

  * * *


  I watch as Gemma changes out of another dress and rummages through her closet yet again. She’s a nervous wreck, and nothing I say has been able to calm her. Walking up behind her, I squeeze her shoulders, trying to release the tension.

  “Sweetheart,” I say calmly. “If we don’t go soon, we’re gonna be late picking him up.”

  “Babe, I know,” she snaps. “Nothing fits me!”

  I hold back from saying anything that might upset her. Her hormones are out of control—some days are better than others—but with the added nerves, she’s been a tad moodier.

  “You could wear sweatpants and a ratted T-shirt for all Noah cares,” I remind her.

  “I don’t wanna look like a fat, tired pregnant woman in our pictures. He promised we’d take some as soon as we got home, so I need to look nice.”

  “Okay, how about this…you put that dress back on and we’ll buy some maternity clothes tomorrow. Everleigh’s boutique has some cute new ones.”

  As soon as my sister found out we were expecting, she expanded her inventory to include maternity as a surprise for Gemma. She messaged me this morning that it’s all arrived, and she’s ecstatic and impatient for Gemma to see.

  “Wait, what?” She turns around, blinking.

  I tell her the news, and her whole face lights up.


  “Yep. She wanted to surprise you tomorrow, so can you pretend you didn’t know?” I smirk. “I tried to wait but seeing you freak out like this, I didn’t know what else to do.”

  Gemma wraps her arms around me, and I hold her to my chest. “Sorry, I’m a mess.”

  “You’re perfectly fine, baby. But we really do need to leave.”

  “Okay, gimme five minutes.” I lean down and collide my lips with hers. “Thanks for telling me the secret.”

  Twenty-five minutes later, we’re finally on the road, and Gemma’s knee is shaking next to me. Jerry’s in the back seat of the SUV with Belinda. I don’t even know if there’s gonna be room for Noah at this point, but we’ll make it work.

  “Oh my God, I’m so nervous!” Gemma squeals as I pull into the parking lot. There’s a process for when an inmate is released, and we’ll have to wait out here until he comes out the door.

  “I’m so relieved we’ll never have to be here again,” Jerry says. “Can’t wait to hug my baby boy.”

  Gemma snorts. “He’s hardly a baby, Dad.”

  “He’ll always be mine and you too. I don’t care how old you two are; you’ll always be my babies.”

  I smile and flash a wink to Gemma. She’s lucky to have such a loving and caring father.

  “There he is! Noah!” Gemma opens the car door, and the three of us follow suit.

  He’s carrying one small bag and wearing the biggest smile I’ve ever seen. Jerry stands next to Gemma as Belinda and I stay behind. The moment he’s close enough, he wraps his arms around the both of them, and soon, I hear sniffling.

  Moments later, he releases them, and I hug him next. “Good to see you, man.”

  Noah wipes his cheeks. “You too. I was just about to say you have no idea, but…” He chuckles, and so do I.

  Walking out of the gates six years ago is still fresh in my memory. Seeing Maddie and Liam for the first time outside was something I couldn’t actually prepare for, no matter how much I envisioned it. I imagine it’s the same for Noah.

  “Well, let’s get out of here and get ya settled at the house.” Jerry beams.

  “And eat,” Gemma adds. “Belinda made her famous fried chicken, and we bought pie.”

  “I can’t wait.” Noah beams. “But before we go home, I need to make a stop.”

  “Sure, wherever you wanna go,” I tell him as we pile back into the SUV. “Just tell me where.”

  “I don’t actually know the address, but I’m sure you do.”

  I look at him through the rearview mirror and see the guilt written on his face. Gemma isn’t gonna like this.

  “Wait, where?” Gemma asks, looking over her shoulder.

  Starting the engine, I put my foot on the gas and exit the parking lot. I know exactly where he wants to go.

  “Katie’s,” Noah finally answers. “I need to see her before we go home.”

  “Noah!” Gemma scolds. “No. She specifically said she didn’t want to see you, and I’m not gonna be the one who forces her.”

  “You aren’t,” he argues. “Tyler’s drivin’.”

  I snort at the way he just threw me under the bus, though I kinda agree with him. If he doesn’t at least try, he might not ever get the opportunity, especially if it were up to Katie.

  “Babe, just let him,” I try to calm her. “What’s the worst that can happen? She slams the door in his face?”

  “Exactly!” Gemma shouts. “And never talks to me again.”

  “Maybe she won’t,” Noah counters. “I just want to see her. Please. It’s been so long,” Noah pleads, and Gemma instantly melts.

  “Alright, fine. But if she pushes you off the patio or slaps you, don’t say I didn’t warn ya.”

  Knowing Katie, she’ll probably do one of those, but I won’t deny Noah the chance to at least try.

  Less than an hour later, I’m turning into Katie’s driveway, then park. “Well, this is it.”

  Noah crouches down and looks out the front window. “This is where she lives?”

  “It needs a little TLC.” I chuckle. “She’s planning to fix it up.”

  “She hasn’t moved in yet, but she comes here every evening and weekend to work on it.”

  Noah inhales a sharp breath. “Okay, wish me luck. Here goes nothin’.” He pulls the door handle, then steps out.

  “You gotta give him credit,” Belinda says. “He wants to mend their relationship.”

  “It’s gonna take a lot more than just showing up ten years later with an apology,” Gemma mutters.

  We watch intently as he climbs the steps and nervously knocks on the cracked wood.

  “Fifty bucks she slams the door in his face before he gets a word out,” I say with amusement. Katie isn’t gonna take his shit, and if I’ve learned anything about her since I’ve been here, she’s fiercely indepen
dent and literally depends on no one.

  “I’ll take that bet,” Jerry chimes in. “Fifty bucks she tells him off.”

  “Fifty bucks she slaps him,” Belinda adds.

  “You guys!” Gemma scolds. “Fine. Fifty bucks she lets him inside!”

  We wait in anticipation until she finally opens the door.

  As soon as Katie sees Noah, she immediately steps back and slams the door in his face.

  “Told ya.” I smirk, holding out my hand.

  Noah’s head drops, and I feel bad for the guy. He looks so defeated.

  “Dammit, Katie,” Gemma mutters. “I was hoping she’d change her mind when she actually saw him.”

  “She’s too stubborn,” I remind her. “Y’all are.”

  “That’s true,” Gemma agrees. “But still.”

  Noah hangs his head as he walks back and slides inside. “Yeah, she hates me.”

  I turn and face him. “Give her time.”

  He scrunches his nose. “More time? How much more time should I give her?”

  “Give her space,” Gemma clarifies as we leave. “She’ll come around.”

  “Or here’s an idea…” I arch a brow as I pull onto the street. “She needs help on the new house, and Noah just so happens to be pretty good at fixing shit.”

  “Katie will never hire me,” he retorts.

  “She works during the day. She can’t say no if she doesn’t know…”

  “Noooo….” Gemma shakes her head. “She’ll kill you for sure.”

  “Actually, that’s not a horrible idea,” Jerry blurts out.

  “She might think it’s romantic,” Belinda adds.

  “Absolutely not. She wants to do it all herself.” Gemma shakes her head, crossing her arms.

  “Well, if she won’t give me a chance to talk, then I’ll show her how sorry I am instead,” Noah decides. “Start fixin’ things little by little until she notices. She won’t be able to slam the door when I’m already inside the house.”

  “This is seriously a bad idea. How are you guys agreeing with this?” Gemma glances over her shoulder, furrowing her brows.


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