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The Hybrid Princess

Page 13

by Latrisha Holmes

   “I will be with Ember again this morning, you mustn’t come. I will be back by lunch and you can help me with the party. I’m no good at this stuff.” Neala said. Zera rubbed the sleep from her eyes and nodded.

   “Mother forbade me already. Please hurry back, it’s not the same without you.” Zera wrapped her arms around Neala.

   She met Ember at the gates of the castle, and they strolled in silence back to the village. Neala wanted to ask Ember more about herself but she feared she would intrude, and that Ember would feel obligated to answer. She also wished she could fill the silence to stop from the dread that crept into her mind about the children. Had any survived the night? Pricilla seemed so sick yesterday.

   They headed to Pricilla’s house, knowing she had been the sickest, Neala prayed they would see some improvement. Gemma ran out in front and smelled at the doorway, the hunches on her back standing up.

   “No one is here anymore.” Gemma said to Neala.

   “What do you mean no one is here? He couldn’t have moved her.” Neala said, reaching for the door.

   “Stop.” Gemma barked out. Neala pushed past her anyway. It was dark and silent. She didn’t hear a sound, no wet breathing, no crying, nothing. Then she stepped into the room and lit an ever flame.

   The blue cast of the flame reflected off the two bodies. Pricilla propped up where Neala had left her, the child’s mouth open and eyes closed. Wrapped around the child was her father, the blood that came from his wrists now soaked into the bed and in heaps on the floor. Neala and Ember raced out of the door to the fresh air and heaved into the earth. She could hear a mixture of cries and vomit coming from Ember who had fallen to the ground.

   The image of the dead child and her father’s unbearable agony awoke a rage inside Neala that she had never experienced. A burning that started from deep in her belly erupted from her hands.

   “Neala! Stop, put those away, you’ll burn everything up.” Ember screamed, staring at her. Neala looked down to find two ever flame swords in her hands. The anger inside her grew, as she felt the urge to lash out at the whole world. She threw her hands to the sky and screamed, throwing out a stream of blue flame straight into the sky.

   It wasn’t until she had depleted all her energy that she collapsed on the ground calling back her fire. The anger had subsided, but Neala could feel that something was awake inside of her now that was not going anywhere.

   “Nia, take Gemma back to the Castle. I will check on the others and replenish their medicine and fires. You go back and get some rest.” Ember said, picking up Neala from the ground.

   “You called me Nia. I like that. Thank you, we will fix this. We will save them.” Neala squeezed her hand and returned to the castle. She was too weak from the flame to protest and couldn’t bear to see any more dead children.

   When she got back to the castle Zera ran up and hugged her. Neala couldn’t imagine what she would do if that had been her lying there. Neala kissed her sister’s head and headed back to bed.

   “Tell mother that I am too weak to plan the party. You must take my place. Do me proud little one.” Neala said and then crashed into her bed letting exhaustion wash over her as those haunted images raced through her mind.

  Chapter 16

  The Feast

   The sun had disappeared from her window by the time her door burst open and a tiny ball of energy came bursting in wafting the delicious smell of food with her. Ember came in behind her and closed the door.

   “Oh Nia! I have never seen the castle look so alive! There is a band starting to play music and tables and tables galore. I didn’t even know we had so many! Please hurry we must get to the dancing! I have planned everything perfectly with mother just like you said, she was so pleased with me!” Zera was glowing with excitement every pearly white tooth showing.

  Ember laid out a dark crimson dress with a lace bodice and a chiffon train. There was also a crown. Gold flames holding up large rubies all around. It looked stunning next to Zera’s modest golden halo with a single Ruby in the middle. She waited until Zera bustled out the door before speaking.

  “There were two other children who succumbed to the virus. The rest of the children showed marked improvement and I believe will regain their strength. The parents are most appreciative of all you have done. I have made sure that the staff send all the families that cannot be here plenty of food.” Ember looked somber.

  “Thank you. You are a good woman.” Neala said, thankful that she will tend to the rest of the children for her.

  “Not good enough.” Ember said. Neala couldn’t tell if she was remorseful over the children or if something else was bothering her. She brushed it off to get ready for the feast.

   Neala slid into the dress feeling the soft fabrics cool her burning skin. She found the necklace she had hid in the mattress that the Hydris had given her. Ember brushed her long flowing hair out and then took out a single metal rod. In the mirror, she saw the rod heat in her maid’s hands, and she turned her messy main into a masterpiece of heavy curls. She dabbled her face with different powders and creams and by the time Ember finished, Neala couldn’t recognize the woman staring back at her. Her eyes were glowing as red as her hair. She looked like her mother.

   “You will be the best Queen Nia. We have needed you.” Ember was soft with her words. Neala held out her hand, and the two walked down to the party together.

   The music was sweet to her ears, fiddles and drums. The familiar beat of the drum made her ache for the home lost to her. Smells of chicken, pork, herbs and spices hit her nose, making her mouth water, and her stomach rumbled in loud protest.

   Up at the front of the hall was an elevated platform with a long table. They sat the Queen upon her throne observing everybody as they danced and moved about the hall. She seemed composed tonight and her goblet was missing from her place settings. The Queen stood up as they approached and looked speechless at Neala. She grabbed her hands and kissed both cheeks.

   “I have had this dream. My perfect daughter all in red with fire in her eyes. You my darling daughter are perfect.” She ushered her away from Ember and to the throne to her right. With a clap of her hands, a servant was there to offer food and drink.

  “Take Gemma outside the walls will you, she needs to stretch and hunt.” Neala said to Ember, she wasn’t sure why the Queen didn’t seem fond of Ember’s close quarters and tried her best to distance them.

  Neala tried everything from the roasted duck and bell peppers to the pork loin and mashed potatoes. As soon as she was full, she sat back observing the festivities. By the looks of the crowd, the entire village had to be in attendance. Most were eating and laughing at the tables and a fair few were dancing along. It filled the air with joy and reckless abandon.

   Neala excused herself from the table and made her way to the dance floor to where her sister was already getting down with other children her age. Out of the corner of her eye, Neala saw movement and was being followed with every step. It was one of the Queen’s soldiers from her personal guard. He stayed in the shadows when she reached the dance floor. She waited until a new jig started and people started swinging hand in hand to the rhythm. Zera smiled as she caught up to Neala and then disappeared with the tempo. Neala lost her in a blur of red eyes, fair skin, and love.

   Breathless by the end of the song she made her way to the warrior who watched her as she approached but dropped her eyes when she met his side.

   “Are you on the Queen’s orders? I do not believe there is a soul in this room that aims to hurt me. And if so, where are your reinforcements? I have not seen another warrior all night.” Neala said more confidently than she felt.

   “No one in this room will hurt you.” The Queens guard said, scanning the room. “I cannot say the same for those beyond this wall, that is where my kinsmen are tonight.” There was a coldness to the man’s face that hardened his chiseled features.

   A dark cloud de
scended on Neala’s, as she reexamined the scene before her. The entire tribe is in here except for the warriors. Not even the queen had protection, aside from her own powerful presence. She slinked back into the shadows on the edge of the dance floor. The realization came to her. The Terra were coming, to destroy or rescue her, were yet to be seen.

   She had to protect this new family of hers before she watched everyone she loved, to fight to the death. Neala ran towards the kitchen where she knew there was a door. Before she reached it, the warrior had caught up to her and grabbed her arm whipping her around to face him. Neala let her persuasion flow through her to pass to her captive.

   “You will return to Zera and protect her with your life. Nothing must befall her.” Neala’s voice wavered, but the warrior released her and nodded returning to Zera on the dance floor. Neala glanced towards where her mother as sitting and found it empty. Neala reached the door and slipped outside.

   Expecting the night sky, it startled Neala to find it as bright as day. The smell of fire filled the air, and the light was coming from a giant fire grizzly bear that filled the sky. Stone arrows flew on one side of the fire barrier and answered by fireballs firing from the other side. The ground shook as the two tribes clashed. Neala looked for her opening to escape and ran for the garden grounds away from the fighting.

   “Nia!” Zera screamed, sprinting towards her, Ember following behind.

   “What are you doing, you must go back, they are fighting over me. If I leave, they will stop.” Neala pleaded to her doe eyed sister.

   “Please take us with you. I can’t stay here with her without you. Please, I will be good, I can help.” Zera’s eyes brimmed with tears, her peppiness gone. For the first time Neala could see their resemblance, it was in those eyes.

  “I can help you; I will take care of Zera and you. I don’t have anyone here for me.” Ember said, placing her hand on Zera’s shoulder.

  Neala grabbed her sisters’ hand and the three of them made their way to the garden. Zera grabbed a bag of vegetables from the shed and Neala grabbed a pick-handled ax. Ember looked down at her hands and formed two ever flame blades.

   “Come on.” Ember said.

  A loud noise startled them and Neala looked back. A shadow figure was sprinting towards them.

  “Hurry.” Neala grabbed Zera’s hand, and they jumped through the blazing barrier. Neala saw the figure getting close. The bare chest told her it was the warrior she had put in charge of Zera.

   “Run Zera!” Neala shouted and turned toward the figure trying to will him to stop, but he was still too far away. A hot force hit her square in the chest and knocked her back. The warrior was now on top of her with his hand poised for another strike. A blur of tan fur streaked in her line of vision and the man was off her.

   “Gemma!” Neala screamed in disbelief. The giant cat was now between the warrior and Neala. Neala sprinted toward her sister. Neala could hear the scuffle behind her but didn’t stop until she reached Zera and Ember. Gemma caught up to them and nudged Zera who shrieked.

   “Get on Gemma we can go faster this way.” Neala assured her and lifted her onto the big cat. Wide-eyed Zera lay on the cats back and wrapped her arms around her neck and they were off again.

   “The warrior is still coming; he is hurt, but he keeps coming like he’s in a trance.” Ember said looking back.

   “He is. I made him protect Zera, I didn’t mean from me though.”

   “Well he took you for your word, he is not stopping. If we don’t hurry the Queen will know you’re gone and so will your father.” Ember said as they picked up speed and Neala followed. Glancing back, the sight took her breath, and she stopped dead. Flames now licked the sky and stone boulders and barricades answered the attack. The bloody figure of the warrior was still coming towards them, now too weak to use his fire. Neala knew she had to release him from his trance. She sprinted towards the figure as Gemma’s protest echoed into her ear.

   When she reached the warrior, he attempted to wield her off but Neala was fast and jumped onto him, the weight of her knocking him to the ground. She placed her hands on his face and willed her power to leave him. The cloud lifted from his eyes, turning his face into a startled confusion. He made a sickening cough as bright red blood spattered in Neala’s face. When she looked back down the man had stiffened and the red from his eyes had left.

   Neala staggered back and fell onto the ground. She had killed for the first time. She felt a tiny hand touch her shoulder as Zera came closer to comfort her. Time to grieve would not wait as a deafening roar echoed in the valley and the giant fire bear changed course.

   “We have to go now!” Ember screamed and took Zera’s hand throwing her back onto the cat to get moving again. Zera looked uncertain at her sister. Neala stood and walked back towards the sounds of war.

   “Nia please let’s go!” Zera pleaded grabbing for her.

   “I can’t run from this; I must try to stop it. Gemma take Zera and Ember away from here, take her to the Hydris.” Neala continued back to the fight with her sisters’ pleas still in her ear.

  Chapter 17

  Loss of Innocence

   As Neala got closer to the blue bear, she felt the gentle heat stroke her face. She still couldn’t see the Red Queen. She had no real plan other than to stop the bloodshed. Just as she reached the flamed walls, someone whipped her around and she was face to face with Tyee.

   He was black covered with soot residue, but his face was soft and kind, nothing like the man who had tried to kill her just weeks before.

   “Nia, thank the Gods! We feared you dead. Are you hurt?” Tyee said looking her over. Neala wretched free from his grip, backing up slowing and showing her hands now light with flame.

   “What do you care about me? I am Pyre, remember? An abomination to all Terra kind!” Neala choked out as the raw emotion of his rejection hit her.

   “Nia it wasn’t me! The red Queen infiltrated the compound with the help of the Avians’. I was under her spell Nia. She tricked you, tricked us all to get you back into her grasp. We have been searching for weeks for you. She is using you Nia.” Tyee stepped closer, his shoulders sunk in shame. It was making sense to her now. The escape seemed too easy and how had the Red Queen just found her; she must have been following them from the beginning.

   “Please, you must stop this war. There are good people here, the Red Queen has oppressed them all, and they are starving. I will leave with you, but you must stop this.” Neala got the words out before the earth rumbled and then broke away. Neala turned to see she was on one side of the ravine and on the other side was the Red Queen. She had heard everything and was just feet from Neala. Tyee was kneeling on the ground forcing distance.

   “Have I not shown you kindness? Have I not shown you how much your daemons need you? And, here you are running away from those that need you most. Terra have treated you like nothing more than an outcast, an anomaly in their isolated world. I gave you a chance to make a difference. If this is your decision, then you are no daughter of mine.” With that, the Queen used her flames to propel her across the divide. Before Neala could run or defend herself she was slammed down into the earth and looking down as a fire serpent was wrapping itself around Neala pinning her to the ground.

   She turned to Tyee for help as the snake reached her throat cutting her air out but as Tyee posed to strike, a fireball blew him back. Neala coughed and choked trying to breathe as the world spun. Just as Neala was saying her farewells in her mind, a tall shaggy figure crossed her vision and collided with the red Queen.

   The serpent disappeared leaving Neala reeling on the ground trying to make sense of what she was looking at. In the scuffle, she saw flames, vines, stones flying. Then she saw the shaggy beard of her father.

   “Papa!” She said and ran towards the two. Blow per blow she couldn’t tell who was who, terrified the Queen would stand when the scuffle ended. Neala dove into the hurric
ane of violence to sort it out, maybe one of her parents would live after this. She was unaware of what was going on behind her, but she could hear the voices and screaming of more people around. A hard blow to her face took her out of the fight.

  The break gave Kendrick the advantage he needed to gain the upper hand. Neala laid in horror as his left hand had the Red Queen by her throat and his right hand commanded a stone anvil. A flash of blonde curls came out of nowhere as Kendrick lay down his final blow.

   Silence seemed to paralyze everyone around. Kendrick let go of the red Queen and in his place lay the still porcelain body of Ember. The blood that came from the back of her head stained her curls a crimson red.

   “No, no, no, no.” Neala muttered as she crawled to the body of her friend. Her pale skin was already growing pale and seemed to reflect in the moonlight. Neala held her up kissing her cheeks, willing her back to life.

   “You have now stolen another child from me!” The red Queen was up, her hair ablaze and a fire sword in her hand. “Your hatred for the Pyre goes so much as to murder an innocent child.”

   Neala watched as her larger-than-life father stumbled back, tears flowing down his face. He was looking at Neala and the murdered woman in her arms.

   “I’m, I, oh my gods.” Kendrick sputtered out.

   “Please, Mother. He didn’t mean to hurt her.” Neala pleaded.

   “No, he meant to murder me. I should have rid you of this planet a long time ago, you and all of you Terra scum.” With one swift blow, the Queen plunged her fire sword into Kendrick’s stomach. Kendrick dropped to the ground and the Red Queen whispered something into his ear. She let go and her father dropped to the ground as motionless as Ember.

   The Red Queen turned toward Neala now with the same hatred as she showed her father.

   “I was wrong about you. You are the daughter of a Terra and therefore can be no daughter of mine.” The Red Queen lunged at Neala. Neala let go of her sister and scrambled back. She grabbed a rock and formed it into a shield to deflect the showers of fireballs raining down on her. Then Neala heard the roar of the queen’s fire bear towering into the sky.


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