Book Read Free

Falling for the Movie Star

Page 21

by Jean Oram

  “It’s hardly the same.”

  “You can’t marry the paparazzo. She’s a nothing. A nobody.”

  “Why not? You sleep with them.”

  Jessica sucked in a breath, her eyes flashing. “Being in bed with someone from a business perspective is a lot different than setting up house.”

  “Since when does the world get to decide how I live my life?”

  “Since the moment you stepped into the limelight and other people’s income depend upon what you do there.”

  Finn closed his eyes and let the scotch burn a path down his throat, before waving for a second drink.

  The waitress brought him another, shooting a worried glance at Jessica. Yeah, she had a right to be worried. Jessica chewed up the world and regurgitated it for lunch.

  A new round of flashes snapped off beside him as he started his second drink. The paparazzi. He was ready to throw a table through the window to make them go just away for once.

  “Live your real life in the background,” Jessica said. She stroked the top of his free hand, which clenched under her grip. “Once you are solidly A-list.”

  “And when will that be?”

  “Right around the time you ask me back,” she said with a sly smile.

  “That would be rather awkward. You and me and Hailey all living together in my little house. You following us around, trying to interfere and make room for yourself.”

  Jessica laughed. “You really think she’s following you back to Hollywood?”

  “You and I don’t belong together, Jessica.”

  “Oh, I think we do.”

  “Give me one solid reason.”

  “Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher.”

  “That’s not a reason.”

  “Why do you think they brought Tom Selleck in to date Monica on Friends? The same reason Derek set us up together. We’re infusing classic star and new man on the block. It boosts us both. You know, place the known with the lesser known. Cross-pollinate audiences.” She cooed and patted his hand. “Sorry, baby. Am I hurting your pride?”

  “No,” he said, his voice hard. “Please continue.”

  “I breathe legitimacy into your stardom by being with you. And you breathe new energy into mine.” She stood, ditching her napkin as she swiftly grabbed his face and planted a long, soulful kiss on his lips.

  Hailey was going to be really, really mad when she saw this in the papers.

  “And you and that girl?” Jessica said, his face in her grip. “It’ll never last. You don’t live in the same world, let alone the same country.”

  Finn shoved Jessica through the throng of paparazzi and into a waiting limo, and was struck again by how different his world was when she was in it.

  The way she arranged limos and paparazzi. Jessica was always working. Always building the image. Whereas he’d come here to hide out and try to be human. Because really, when it came right down to it, that was the big difference between them, and why he couldn’t live a true Hollywood life.

  “I’m never going to be A-list, am I?”

  The flashes from the paparazzi died off as the car pulled away from the restaurant, and he blinked away the white spots in his vision.

  Jessica continued looking out the window, adjusting her neckline. “Lot of rocks here, aren’t there? And not a palm tree in sight.”

  Finn pushed into the seat cushions. “Maybe I need to make it public that I’m the benefactor behind my community charities.”

  “Why would you do that?”

  “Why not?”

  “This is because of that girl, isn’t it?”

  “Who? Hailey?”

  “She’s going to destroy you and all you’ve worked for.”

  Finn thought of all the things Hailey had changed within him over the past few days. He’d come here hoping to fix himself, and she’d taken one look at him, slapped him, and in the process somehow started to turn him around. Got his head put on straight, and pointed him in the right direction. Must have been a good slap to be able to do that.

  “Maybe I need to tear down this bad-boy image so I can rise again. Stronger. Better. Brighter. New.”

  “You sound like a sentimental, lovesick fool purring like a friggin’ pussycat.”

  “I’m serious, Jessica. Why can’t I change my image? Why can’t I somehow leverage my good deeds? Why does it have to remain a secret?”

  “Because it will destroy the image that Derek and I have built.”


  “What are you getting at, Finn? You signed up for this. You know this has always been a good deal for all of us.”

  “You’ve never cared about the real me, Jessica. You don’t know me, love me.”

  “And does she love you?”

  “It’s all about fame and the bottom line with you. I want more.”

  She squared off. “Are you really doing this sentimental crap? Why can’t you be happy with what you have in Hollywood? Why do you think you deserve love on top of it all?”

  “I’m getting real, Jessica. Real with myself. My life. With what I want.” He called to the driver, “You can let me off here.”

  “We’re in the middle of the woods!” Jessica exclaimed.

  “I’d rather ride with the paparazzi. I can be anyone with them.”

  “They’ll have forgotten you by tomorrow if you change tactics!”

  “Have a nice life, Jessica.”

  “Don’t ruin your career! I read that you’re saving turtles and that is not acceptable! Get back in this car this instant!”

  “Jessica, let’s face it. You don’t really care, and there are about a thousand young men out there who are ready to take my place. Go find one of them to be your new puppy. I’m done.” He checked his watch. “In fact, I’m very late for a date with a woman who accepts me for who I am.”


  The early morning sun shone brightly as Hailey dropped the tabloid onto Simone’s coffee table as though it had burned her. She couldn’t breathe. She couldn’t think.

  That…that bastard.

  And the worst part was that she deserved it for betraying him. But this wasn’t even a tit-for-tat move. It couldn’t be. There hadn’t been enough time for him to have seen her photos in Celeb Dirt! and retaliated by kissing Jessica at their restaurant in Port Carling.

  “Where did this come from?” Hailey pointed to the front page photo of Jessica and Finian.

  “Austin dropped it off. He said the paparazzi are still all over your lawn, too.”

  Hailey sagged onto the couch and Simone joined her.

  “You can hide out here as long as you’d like.”

  She nodded, her stupidity burning through her. Hadn’t she known he’d do this to her? Hadn’t she known she was only a sideline distraction as his summer fling? A way to pass the time until Hollywood wanted him back?

  It had felt real because he was an actor. No other reason.

  At least she’d also managed to pull a punch with her own photos.

  “Is this why he didn’t show last night?” Simone asked.

  Hailey shrugged, blinking back tears. “I guess so.”

  “You okay?”


  “What are you going to do?”

  Hailey rubbed her eyes and shook her head. “I don’t know. List the cottage with a Realtor?”

  “No, I mean with Finian.”

  “Roll over and play dead?” She gave her friend a pitiful look and moaned. “I feel like a complete loser, Simone. I promised myself I’d never fall for a summer man and his games again.”

  “I know. But he was a movie star.” Simone shot her a wicked grin. “You slept with Finian Alexander.”

  Hailey let out a laugh and shook her head, her eyes tearing up.

  “Oh, girlie.” Simone gave her a half hug. They sat in silence for a moment. “I don’t think you should list the cottage.”

  “What?” Hailey turned to face her.

  “I know. You owe money and could l
ose everything, but don’t you think…don’t you feel…?” Simone raised her hands in question.

  “Feel what?”

  “That something’s going to happen?”

  “Could you be a little more specific?”

  Simone shrugged, her cheeks flushing. “I don’t know. It just seems like with you Summer sisters some miracle appears in the final hour, that’s all. Or maybe I’m sentimental and don’t want to see the cottage go.” She brushed off her jeans as she stood, yawning. “I’m probably just being a romantic. I’m going to go make coffee. Want one?”

  Hailey nodded.

  A few moments later someone knocked at the front door and Hailey glanced toward the kitchen before getting off the couch to answer it, hoping the paparazzi hadn’t found her.

  “I’ll get it,” she called, as the banging became more insistent. “Wow, don’t break down the door!” Hailey wrenched it open to see a wall of paparazzi lurch forward from their spot on the sidewalk, a flurry of shutter clicks blocking out the sound of the tree frogs singing in the adjacent woods. She shielded her face and slammed the door.

  The knocking started up again and Hailey peeked through the eyehole, her heart beating furiously. “Um, Simone?” she said, raising her voice to be heard across the main floor.


  “Are you expecting Jessica Cartmill?”

  “I’m guessing she would be here for you.”

  “Great,” Hailey muttered. She opened the door, shielding her face in advance. Reaching out, she pulled Jessica in, who was wearing a typical celebrity-hiding-out getup--large sunglasses and a floppy hat. “What did you bring to my friend’s door?”

  “A hail storm. That’s what they’ve dubbed it.” Jessica lowered her glasses, taking Hailey in from her bare feet, up past her borrowed nightie, to her messy French twist left over from last night.

  “Why are you here? How did you find me?” And why wasn’t it Finian at the door? “And thanks, by the way, for bringing the paparazzi.” She opened the door and yelled, “Get off the begonias!”

  Jessica moved into the living room as if she owned it. “We need to talk about Finn.”

  “No, we don’t.”

  “He thinks he loves you, and he’s about to self-destruct because of that small little fact.” Jessica sounded begrudging.

  Hailey opened her mouth, but so many things came to mind she couldn’t figure out which one to choose, so she shut it again.

  “Why do you think he loves me?” she asked finally.

  “He’s trying to sacrifice years of hard work.”

  Hailey sat on the couch, trying to sort things out. Did that mean Finian saw her point of view in regards to his image? And if so, then had everything she’d felt with him actually been real? She raised a hand to her mouth. Had she just messed it all up by releasing nice-guy photos of him without permission?

  No. He’d kissed Jessica last night and hadn’t come to her opening as promised.

  He was still a schmuck.

  “You’ve seen the side of Finian that his agent and I have been trying to hide for years. And that’s a problem.”

  “It’s his career,” Hailey said, still trying to puzzle things out. “His life.”

  Jessica gave a hard laugh. “Yeah, but it isn’t. Okay? Things are getting out of control with the pictures you released to Celeb Dirt!--oh, yes, I know it was you. It’s pretty obvious, Hailey Summer. And you’re destroying him with this. You understand?”

  “What do you mean?” She needed to sit down. No, she already was sitting. She needed to lie down.

  “It’s going viral,” Jessica continued. “Everyone is already yammering on about this supposed soft side to Finn.”

  Hailey wrapped her arms around herself. She’d sold out the one thing that had been great about her summer. And for what? An old building on an island that she was going to lose, anyway.

  She closed her eyes. She needed to talk to her sisters, sit on the dock on Nymph Island, figure everything out, and get grounded again.

  Standing, she led Jessica to the door, warring with her emotions.

  “What do you think is going to happen to Finn’s career as an action hero now that everyone thinks he’s out here playing house in Canada?” Jessica asked, her voice resentful.

  Hailey’s cheeks burned and her hands shook. “If it truly mattered to Finian, he’d be here. Not you.”

  “You don’t get it, do you? You don’t get what it’s like to be a celebrity.”

  “And you don’t get what it’s like to be real.” Hailey turned the doorknob.

  Jessica laid a hand on Hailey’s and she fought to keep herself from flinging it off.

  “You hurt him, Hailey. He needs someone like me to protect him. He’s a lost man trying to become a big star, and he’s going to be eaten alive. And you know why? Because of you. If he falls, it will be because of you. Because you used him and you broke his trust.”

  “Don’t play me.” Hailey yanked her hand out from under Jessica’s.

  “You don’t even know what game we’re playing.”

  “Actually, I do. But it’s a game for two and you’re the third wheel.” She opened the door, the crowd of photographers moving closer like a wall. “Have a nice life, Jessica.”

  “You what?” Finn held his aching head. His ride with the paparazzi the night before had evolved into a long bender. They’d gone searching for Hailey at the opening, but finding everyone had left, they’d moved on to her house, where the lights were out. Then they’d started checking out the local bars, hoping to spot her. Eager to help local businesses, they’d purchased drinks in each establishment and before long, the night had involved him and a few others waterskiing in the dark as they, unsuccessfully, tried to find Nymph Island. It had been a fun way to blow off steam about Jessica, and would probably result in getting his mug back in the tabloids as a temporary measure while he tried to figure out his life.

  However, now Jessica was standing beside his bed, insisting he come and deal with some sort of crisis that sounded a lot like her having chewed out Hailey to no effect.

  She thrust a tablet full of “good boy” images at him.

  “Aspirin,” he said, trying to focus.

  “Taken by your girlfriend. She posted them on Celeb Dirt! along with some chirpy ‘family man’ captions. Happy?”

  He glanced at the images. Definitely taken by Hailey. He groaned and rolled over, tugging the blanket over his head.

  What had he missed while passed out?

  “What time is it?” he groaned. It felt as if he’d just dragged his carcass to bed.

  “Two. In the afternoon.”

  He had just gotten to bed. An hour and a half ago. He needed sleep. Caffeine. Hailey.

  “Go away unless you’re Hails,” he said.

  “She’s done with you, Finian. Don’t you understand?” Jessica’s voice was close, as though she was hissing at him through the covers. “She got what she wanted and she’s done. Washed her hands of you and your crap.”

  “Am I in the tabloids? For bad-boy stuff?” He hated the way his voice rose in hope, betraying his emotions. His vulnerability.

  “Yeah, online. A hazy shot that does you no justice.” Jessica whipped the blankets off him and he groaned as the bright light stabbed his eyes. She thrust the tablet at him again.

  He took another glance at the photos. Definitely Hailey. He read the captions and suppressed the urge to hurl.

  “I thought this was what you wanted,” Jessica said.

  He glanced at the tablet again. The unexpected betrayal hit him again like a punch to the gut. The one person he’d thought he could trust, and she’d taken the version she wanted of him--the one he’d told her to keep quiet--and sold it to the public. She was no different from everyone else.

  What a fool he’d been. And he’d even been warned by her old friend Polly at the party in Windermere. Honey, you just have to watch Hailey. She’ll tell you one thing, then do the other.

sp; “Doesn’t anyone want me for me?” he moaned.

  “Oh, stop feeling sorry for yourself, and get up so we can fix this.”

  “There’s nothing to fix, and didn’t I already break up with you today?”

  “That was yesterday, and it’s gone viral, Finn.”

  He pulled a pillow over his face, the soft cotton comforting. Of course it had gone viral.

  Wasn’t there anyone in the world he could trust, and who would want the best for him and not themselves?

  He tugged the tablet over and took a closer assessment of the damage. His stomach churned as he flipped through the images. He looked beautiful. Happy. Real. Content. Successful and confident. Like someone he’d like to be. Someone to be envious of.

  But that was his private side--a side he’d shared only because he’d trusted her.

  He stood and threw his shoes against the wall, making Jessica jump.

  “Why did I even leave the ’hood?”

  “Do you want to see a bender photo from last night?”

  He glanced at an image Jessica brought up on the tablet. He paused for a better look, his anger still pumping through his veins. “Is that me pretending to eat a spotted turtle?” He swore and swung at the air before collapsing on the bed, diving his head under a pillow that smelled of Hailey.

  Hailey had been right to sell him out. He was a big, fat pompous, self-absorbed, spoiled celebrity who couldn’t manage a proper life for longer than approximately five seconds without making it implode.

  “The good news is that with all this controversy around you, you should be able to help those charities of yours. The bad news is that this could be the burst of light before your stardom implodes.”

  “I don’t want to think about it.”

  “I told that woman to back off.”

  Finn lifted his head, wishing Jessica was a cup of coffee and not his needling ex. “You what?”

  “She needed to be warned. She’s just some small-town chick who doesn’t understand the consequences of messing with your image…”

  Finn couldn’t hear the rest of what Jessica said over the rage of blood roaring through his ears.


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