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Hard Earned Cash: A Dark Mafia Romance

Page 29

by K. L. Hiers

  “And who is that?” Cold asked calmly, his hand moving down Jimmy’s chest and slowly working open the buttons of his pajama top.

  “Someone who, someone who isn’t a good person, sir,” Jimmy replied awkwardly, his brow scrunching up. He gasped when Cold pinched his nipple, and he jerked in his lap.

  “Mmm...” Cold didn’t let go, rolling the tender bit of skin between his fingers as he spoke. “But you are a good person, Mr. Poe. My sins do not reflect upon you despite your insistence on carrying them.”

  Jimmy’s breathing began to pick up, groaning when Cold’s attention moved to his other nipple. “They do,” he argued. “I’m not stopping you, I’m not helping... I’m... mmm...”

  “Your inaction is not the result of a skewed morality,” Cold said, squeezing and watching Jimmy squirm. “It’s out of loyalty to me. You love me, you would never betray me, but you know I’m a monster.”

  “Yes,” Jimmy whispered brokenly, gazing deeply into Cold’s eyes. He was certain Cold could see right into his soul, that pinpoint perception leaving him feeling so vulnerable.

  “The decision is yours, Mr. Poe,” Cold went on, tracing a single finger down his lean chest. “You have to decide if you want to marry a monster or not.”

  Jimmy came out of his lustful haze for a moment, fussing, “Okay, we’re already technically married, and I did finally accept your proposal—”

  “Then why are you hesitating?” Cold asked firmly. “What are you so afraid of, Mr. Poe?”

  “Becoming like you,” Jimmy blurted out, inhaling and swallowing nervously. He was afraid that Cold was going to be offended.

  “That’s all?” Cold was smiling, warm and soft, a glimmer of amusement in his eyes.


  “You have nothing to worry about,” Cold promised sincerely, “because I won’t let you. I will never let that light inside of you fade, dear Mr. Poe.”

  “Never?” Jimmy asked shakily, his hands locking onto Cold’s shoulders.

  “I would sooner die than let you turn into a fiend like me,” Cold said, and despite the dramatic wording that may have seemed corny from anyone else, Jimmy knew he meant every syllable. “Your light reminds me that darkness... is not always the answer.”

  “I love you,” Jimmy said, his voice almost a whisper. “I love you so much...”

  “And I love you,” Cold replied without hesitation, and it made Jimmy’s heart swell. Something hot ran across his face, and Cold murmured, “You’re my good boy, aren’t you, Mr. Poe?”

  “Yes,” Jimmy whispered, his cock throbbing in reply. Good, yes, that’s all he ever wanted to be. “I want to be good... I want to be good for you.”

  “You’re always good for me,” Cold assured him, pressing a light kiss to his lips. “No matter what happens, you’re always going to be good.”

  Jimmy whimpered, grinding his ass down in Cold’s lap. He was flushed down to his chest, asking urgently, “But, but what about when I’m not? I’ve been lying to my dad... and Maury... I was bad.”

  “Then you need to be punished,” Cold replied huskily. “Let me take care of you, let me punish you, let me absolve you of all your sins... and I’ll make you be a good boy.”

  “Please,” Jimmy pleaded, needing the promise of discipline to be fulfilled more than he could properly express. All he could do was roll his hips and beg, “Please, sir...”

  Cold grabbed Jimmy’s sides to still him, commanding, “Take off your clothes and go to our bed. I want you on your hands and knees on the very edge... and wait for me there.”

  “Yes, sir!” Jimmy leapt up from Cold’s lap, hurrying to their bedroom. He stripped along the way, leaving a trail of clothing behind him as he jumped into bed.

  He got on his knees and froze, looking back over his shoulder at his clothes on the floor. He knew Cold really wouldn’t like that, and he jumped up to grab them and at least shove them in a somewhat tidy pile on the chaise at the end of the bed.

  Jimmy hopped back into place, quickly lowering his head to the mattress and sticking his ass up. His heart was fluttering with anticipation, his fingers already clenching the thick comforter beneath him.

  The air felt cool against his bare skin, his cock hanging hard and heavy between his legs. It seemed like an eternity had passed before he finally heard Cold’s footsteps approaching behind him.

  Jimmy immediately relaxed when Cold’s hands slid up his thighs, squeezing gently.

  “How many times did you lie to your father, Mr. Poe?” Cold asked firmly.

  “At least five,” Jimmy said, a quick flash of shame curling in his stomach, “and seven times to Maury.”

  “Twelve little lies,” Cold tutted, the tips of his fingers touching the base of Jimmy’s spine. “I think twelve spankings is a good start to your punishment, don’t you?”

  “Yes, sir.” Jimmy closed his eyes, his entire body melting as he prepared himself for the first blow. He needed this so badly, he needed to be good.

  Cold’s hand cracked across Jimmy’s left cheek with a loud pop, as he counted out loud, “One.”

  Jimmy flinched, taking a deep breath as his skin stung in the most delicious way. The first strike was the easiest, although his body tried to move away. He held fast, gasping as Cold spanked the same cheek again.


  This one burned a little more after the initial slap, but Jimmy breathed through it.


  Jimmy jerked, groaning as Cold put more force behind this spanking. He gritted his teeth, his flesh starting to throb softly. He wanted Cold to switch to the other side, but he showed no signs of changing.


  “Oh...” Jimmy whimpered.


  “Oh, fuck!” Jimmy’s cheek felt scalded now, and he ducked his head down. His face was hot, seeking the cool fabric of the comforter to soothe him. His breathing was becoming more ragged, knowing he wasn’t even halfway done with his punishment yet and his thoughts were starting to fog.



  “Seven. Eight. Nine.”

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” Jimmy began to sob, rocking back and forth on his knees as he sought relief from the pain. It burned and throbbed, his entire body strung out from a blinding rush of adrenaline.

  He took several shaking breaths, groaning when Cold’s palm smoothed over his abused cheek. The burn seemed to radiate across his skin and Cold’s soft touch was like a ripple over a small pond that sent waves of sensation over Jimmy’s entire body.


  Jimmy sobbed, clawing at the bed as his eyes began to water.


  Jimmy gritted his teeth, telling himself there was only one more, just one more to bear and it would be over.

  But the twelfth never came.

  Instead, Cold was rummaging around in their bedside drawer, ordering, “Don’t move, Mr. Poe.”

  Jimmy froze, panting and trying to twist his head without compromising his position to see what Cold was doing. He swallowed back his tears, sniffing softly, “Did I do something wrong, sir?”

  “On the contrary,” Cold replied, “you were splendid, but I’m not done with your punishment yet.” He moved back behind Jimmy, securing a snug cock ring around his balls and shaft. He checked the fit with a firm tug, asking, “Yes?”

  “It’s fine, sir,” Jimmy said, the pressure in his balls already starting to build. He was relaxed now, turning his cheek against the bed as Cold’s freshly lubricated fingers began to play around his hole.

  Slick silicone pressed inside of him, and Jimmy recognized the familiar vibrating toy. It was set on low for now, a pleasant flutter compared to the throbbing still resonating through his spanked cheek. He shifted his hips, rocking back against Cold’s hand as he pushed the toy all the way inside.

  “I don’t understand,” Jimmy whined quietly. “What’s, what’s my punishment, sir?”

  “This,” Cold said, turni
ng the strength of the vibrations up before grabbing Jimmy’s hips. His monstrous cock pressed against Jimmy’s ass, separated only by the cloth of his pants. “You’re going to stay here, just like this, without touching yourself. Do you understand?”

  “Wait, wait!” Jimmy whined, groaning as the vibrations increased. “What if I come? What if... What if I’m not good?”

  “Oh, you’ll be perfect,” Cold promised. “I know you will be.”

  Jimmy jerked his head up when he realized Cold was leaving the room, shutting the door behind him. He didn’t know what the range was on that damn remote for the plug, but it had to be pretty darn far because the pulsing was only getting stronger.

  He bowed his head back down, staring dumbly between his legs at his dripping cock. It was swollen and red, glistening with oozing pre-cum, and the vibrations were absolutely relentless. Cold hadn’t said he couldn’t come, and he didn’t know if he honestly would be able to stop himself if he did.

  Jimmy rocked back and forth on his elbows, pushing himself flat against the bed. The pressure of the comforter was too much and before he knew it, he was coming, grinding clumsily down to chase the intense shivers of his orgasm. He kept humping the bed, crying softly as the vibrations took him from pleasure to severe overstimulation.

  The pulsing relaxed to a dull hum, Jimmy’s balls absolutely aching from coming so fast. His head actually hurt from the rush, and he mindlessly rutted his hips in little circles. He was still hard, his cheek still stinging, and that damn plug was still vibrating away.

  He could feel sweat breaking out all over his skin, his heart pounding down between his legs as the toy’s vibrations began to slowly pick back up. It took several minutes before they were at full strength, Jimmy left struggling and moaning as he fought not to touch himself. He wanted to come again so badly, anything to grant relief from the incredible pressure.

  Jimmy started grinding against the bed again, too desperate to be ashamed of himself. He started moaning more loudly, grabbing a hold of the far edge of the mattress for leverage as he fucked the bed. Being trapped between his stomach and the comforter wasn’t nearly enough friction for his cock, but the vibrations were pounding away inside of him against his prostate, and he was so miserably close.

  He started to pant, trying to get himself there as fast as he could. The taste of climax felt like it was only moments away, his cock and balls throbbing as he climbed closer and closer to the edge.

  And then the vibrations stopped.

  Jimmy groaned in frustration at the loss of stimulation, trying to rub his cock and catch the right angle to make himself come. “Fuck! Mmmph! Come on!”

  “Mmm, look at you,” Cold’s voice suddenly purred from behind him. “So desperate, so full of need... how many times did you come, Mr. Poe?”

  “Just once, sir,” Jimmy replied with a needy little whine. “I was so close, please... Please, I wanna come again.”

  “No.” Cold held Jimmy’s hip, carefully pulling out the toy and setting it aside to clean up later. He spread Jimmy’s cheeks apart, squeezing the tender one purposely and chuckling when Jimmy wiggled. “Not yet. Not until you’re nice and full, Mr. Poe.”

  Jimmy wanted to scream, but he held it in, relaxing when Cold pressed his bare cock against his hole. He groaned greedily as Cold pushed inside, the slide slick and easy, taking in every thick inch. He sighed in relief when Cold finally released the cock ring, a fresh rush of blood feeding the burning between his legs.

  “There,” Cold soothed, thrusting into Jimmy slow and deep. He held Jimmy’s hips tightly. “Just like that, Mr. Poe... my good boy... my perfect, good boy...”

  “Yours,” Jimmy cried, his thighs shaking as he clung to the bed to ground himself. He couldn’t take much more, his entire body wrung out with pleasure and pain. “All yours, forever...”

  Pace picking up, Cold growled fiercely, “Are you ready to come for me, Mr. Poe?”

  “Yes! Please, please, please!”

  “Then fucking come!”

  Jimmy didn’t hesitate, reaching down to grab himself with a firm hand. He began to stroke, sobbing as he felt his climax stealing away any rational senses and forcing his breath to catch. “Rod! Oh, God! God!”

  Cold’s hand came down with one final crack on Jimmy’s ass.

  “Fuck!” Jimmy screamed, his vision whiting out as he came hard and shuddered with pleasure. He could feel the echoes of Cold’s firm hand all the way down in his toes, causing him to whimper weakly.

  Cold pulled out to finish, grunting as he spilled all over Jimmy’s well spanked ass. Jimmy could hear the smirk in his voice as Cold teased, “Twelve.”

  Jimmy would have laughed, but he was far too busy trying to catch his breath. He was still panting quietly when Cold brought a warm cloth to clean them both up. Once they were wiped down, he got fresh pajamas for both of them.

  “You were perfect,” Cold praised as he slid into bed with Jimmy, pulling himself up on his chest to kiss him. “You’re always such a good boy for me, Jimmy.”

  Jimmy’s body was still thrumming from the intensity of what they had shared, and the compliment filled him with an incomparable warmth.

  Good, yes, he’d been good. He was a good boy, a good person doing his best, and that’s all that mattered. His sins had been absolved, and while he didn’t know how long this would last, he was going to enjoy it.

  “Feel better?” Cold asked carefully. “Not too sore?”

  “No. I promise. It was... exactly what I needed.” Jimmy snuggled close, sighing happily as Cold petted his hair. “You really do think of everything.”

  “Almost,” Cold said, gently brushing Jimmy’s cheek. He seemed to be looking over Jimmy’s healing nose with something sad in his smile. That single word he’d spoken held an entire library of feelings, but the only one Jimmy could readily pick up on was guilt.

  Cold still blamed himself for Jimmy’s injuries, and Jimmy kissed him firmly, trying to wash away his lover’s obvious discomfort with a warm swipe of his tongue.

  “Jimmy,” Cold murmured, letting their lips linger for several tender moments. His smile was sweeter when they finally parted, teasing, “There is something else I haven’t thought about yet.”

  “Does it have anything to do with onions or murder?”

  “No,” Cold snorted, reaching for Jimmy’s hand. He caressed the ring on his finger as he explained, “I haven’t thought about a ring.”

  “For you?” Jimmy blinked, honestly surprised.

  “Would you pick it out for me?” Cold asked quietly.

  Maybe it was Jimmy’s imagination, but he sounded almost shy.

  “Oh, Rod,” Jimmy gushed, kissing him eagerly. “I would freakin’ love to. Holy crap, yes! Shit, but wait!” His face fell. “What if you don’t like it?”

  “Jimmy?” Cold smirked. “Whatever you decide, I’m sure I will love it, and I will wear it proudly for the rest of our lives.”

  “The rest of our lives,” Jimmy echoed, sighing contently as Cold pulled him into a tight embrace.

  It would be a life filled with danger and excitement, Jimmy knew, but also one filled with passion and love. When he wondered if it was all worth the risk, especially now after having faced those dangers firsthand, only one answer came to mind, immediate and perfectly succinct:


  Chapter Nineteen

  Jimmy woke up with a smile on his face and a sore bottom. All of the building tension he’d suffered since being taken had melted away under Cold’s strong hand, and he hadn’t slept so well in days.

  He flailed around in bed for a few more minutes before he finally decided that he wasn’t going to be able to fall back asleep. It was almost lunchtime, and he figured Cold had told Jerry to let him sleep in.

  Besides, he thought with a smile, he had to start thinking about where to buy a ring for Cold.

  He sleepily shuffled around to get dressed and head downstairs.

  Cold was in the living room, calmly readin
g the newspaper. He had his glasses on and peered over the rims when he saw Jimmy walk in. “Good morning.”

  “Mmm, it isn’t ‘good afternoon’ yet?” Jimmy asked, flopping down on the couch next to Cold.

  “Not quite,” Cold chuckled, shifting his arms so Jimmy could lay his head in his lap. He folded the newspaper and set it aside, reaching down to gently pet Jimmy’s hair. “How are you feeling?”

  “Okay,” Jimmy replied. He wrinkled his nose and found it tender. “Still kinda hurts.”

  “There is that additional pain medicine left by Dr. Queen if you’d like to take some.”

  “Maybe later,” Jimmy said. “Stuff makes me kinda woozy.”

  “Mmm. Are you hungry?”

  “Mehhh?” Jimmy stretched his legs and got settled. “Have you eaten lunch yet?”

  “No.” Cold made a face. “My sister has been hounding me about the wedding. It would seem that she has elected herself honorary wedding planner and is in the process of ousting Charlie... in summary, I don’t have much of an appetite.”

  “That’s, uh, nice of her?” Jimmy chuckled. “I guess it’s good someone is taking care of things.”

  “If we end up with a margarita bar at the reception, don’t be surprised.”

  There was suddenly a loud commotion at the front door.

  Jimmy could hear Jerry screaming angrily in French and the guard dogs barking away. He could feel his muscles tensing and lifted up his head worriedly. “Rod?”

  Cold tensed, his eyes narrowing to icy slits. He clearly wasn’t expecting anyone. He stood up and said sternly, “Jimmy, stay here.”

  “But... Rod?” Jimmy was frozen in place by a sliver of fear that bound his feet to the floor. Even though he wanted to follow, his body refused to listen. He started to pant, his chest tight, and he was feeling faint.

  He’d felt so good all morning, and the sudden terror of not knowing what was going on was making him panic. He was instantly being transported to the night of the hotel fire when he didn’t know if Cold was alive or dead.

  He could feel the cold grip of the cuffs around his wrists, and he thought he was going to throw up. He tried to look around the room and convince himself that he was home, he was somewhere safe, but it wasn’t helping when he could all too easily remember bullets whizzing over his head out by the pool.


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