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Whom Shall I Marry... An Earl or A Duke? (Tricking the Scoundrels Book 2)

Page 9

by Laura A. Barnes

  Sophia waited in anticipation for his next move. She knew what he was about to do and trembled for his kiss. Her eyes met his, and she saw his intent and desire. She lifted her hands to slide through his thick black hair for encouragement. With a growl, his lips descended to her core where he assaulted her senses with his passion. She moaned in delight as the sensations took over her body. His mouth made love to her, each kiss and stroke of his tongue sending her to a higher level.

  Oh, his Violet tasted better than he could ever have imagined. Sweet, exotic wetness glided over his tongue sliding inside her, stroking her passion higher. Her body shook beneath his hands. As his mouth loved her, he brushed his thumb across her clit, stroking. She lifted her hips higher as he drove her over the brink. Each kiss became stronger as his fingers worked their magic. When her hands gripped his head as she screamed his name, his mouth claimed her wetness as his. The shudders that had racked her body calmed as he held her in his arms.

  Alex gently kissed her lips. When the storm calmed in her eyes, he declared, “You are mine and I will allow no other to have you.”

  “Shh,” she whispered as she pressed a finger to his lips. “Love me, Alex.”

  Alex rose above her as he slid inside her. Slow. So that she could feel every inch of him as he entered her. She responded by wrapping her legs around his hips as she matched his rhythm. Slow. Each stroke drawing out their need for each other. Slow. Each touch and kiss precious for fear of breaking the other. Slow.

  When she tightened around his cock and exploded, he fell with her. Deep into the passion only they shared. With his arms wrapped embracing her, he settled her head onto his chest as his fingers threaded through her hair. Her ribbon caught his ring and urged him to pull it loose. Only he didn’t. He didn’t want this fantasy to end. He only wanted her love, not her anger. However tempting it might be.

  He felt her body relax against him in sleep. This time he wouldn't rest, for he wanted to speak with her instead of having her escape on him. When he slid her over, she fell back into the pillow. Not once did he take his gaze off her as she slept. Once again, as his eyes devoured her innocence, calm entered his soul.

  SOPHIA AWOKE TO A PAIR of eyes staring at her. The grin on his face, as she awakened, she would cherish in her heart forever.

  “You look younger when you smile. Why don’t you smile more often?”

  “Nothing else brings me joy in life.”

  “You were recently engaged. Did that not make you happy?”

  “You know of my engagement?”

  Sophia nodded, not wanting to divulge any more information for fear of giving herself away.

  “Then you know why I am no longer engaged.”

  “Yes. I have also heard about your quest to find a new duchess. Have you narrowed your choices?”

  “I have.” This conversation made him feel uneasy. He listened to the sorrow in her voice. He needed to change the topic before he blurted out his intentions for her.

  “Is it to be Lady Dallis MacPherson?”


  “Oh.” A sadness overcame her eyes as she averted them from his gaze.

  Damn. Why couldn’t he have met her under different circumstances? Obviously, she was a member of the ton who knew of his standing. Perhaps someone in his close circle. Now, after their time spent together, they could never be. Scandal surrounded their involvement. He watched as a tear leaked down her cheek from behind the mask.

  “Don’t,” he moaned as he rested his forehead against hers, staring into her eyes. “Please don’t.”

  “Don’t what?”


  Which only made her cry more. It was all so unfair. It didn’t make sense how they shared an intimacy as Alex and Violet, yet when they met outside as Lady Sophia and the Duke of Sheffield, they never spoke one kind word to each other. How could he hold her as a precious gift one moment, then the next time they meet, make snide remarks toward her?

  Alex gathered Violet in his embrace and held her as she cried her sorrows at their predicament. After her tears dried, he started talking to her. He asked what her favorite things were; flowers, books, and treats. Anything to distract Violet from the sorry state of their affair. They discussed the similarities between them as single children. He explained the high expectations that were demanded because of his title. He revealed his true passions, a part of him Sophia held not a clue about.

  She spoke of her love of reading romance novels. He asked if that was how she learned her expertise on pleasing him. With a blush spreading over her body, she admitted to the erotic novels she found at a certain bookstore. Alex whispered what he could teach her, and that she didn’t need to read about them. Then he proceeded to show her during the rest of the evening and into the next morning his knowledge on making love.

  “LOVE, DO YOU NEED TO return home to your parents?” He kissed her shoulder as he leaned over her.

  “Mmm,” Sophia moaned into the pillow.


  Sophia rolled over to regard Alex through her drowsy eyes. Disappointment flooded her when she saw him next to the bed, already dressed and ready to leave for the day.

  “I must be off. I will have Belle arrange a carriage for your return home.”

  “No bother, I shall reside here this week.”

  “How will you explain this arrangement to your family? I do not wish for a scandal, my dear. While I love bedding you, I will not wed you. Do not think to trap me.”

  And once again he was the arrogant duke she despised. He only considered himself and not others. Why Sophia loved him was beyond her. Her anger got the best of her as she unleashed her fury at his conceited ego. She pushed him away as she rose from the bed with the sheet wrapped around her body. She spilled her thoughts out loud, ticking them off on her fingers as her voice grew louder.

  “First, I will not have to explain this arrangement to my family, because an emergency at the family estate called for my parent’s attention. Second, there will be no scandal involving you or our time together. Third, while I love bedding you also, I do not believe I have even hinted at wanting to be married to an overbearing, egotistical ass such as yourself. Fourth, I have no intention of trapping you into anything but the use of your body for the remainder of the week. Furthermore, let me make myself clear, I am too good for the likes of you. One day a ring shall be placed upon my finger, but only by a man who deserves me, and that man is not you. Now, if you will be so kind, please leave my bedroom now.”

  Sophia finished her tirade standing at the door, pulling it open for him to leave. She watched as he stood across the room, glaring at her. Her foot tapped in annoyance the longer he stood there. If he didn't leave soon, she would rip off her mask to reveal her identity. Then he could deal with who she was and how, if she wanted to trap him, she could. Her father was a powerful man in the ton. If she cried injustice at the hands of the Duke of Sheffield, he would make the duke beg for her hand in marriage.

  Sheffield walked over to stand before her, staring at his wild temptress in her fit of anger. He didn’t know whether to be furious with her for addressing him in that tone, or to carry her to the bed and make love to her all day. She riled his emotions on another level. As she stood before him, the sheet slipped from her grasp as she pointed at the door for him to leave. Her tangled hair fell over her shoulders hiding her breasts from his gaze. Her body shook in anger as she continued to glare at him with those dark violet eyes that shot sparks of silver at him. While he would love to stay and turn them into passion, he was already late for an appointment. But he had time to kiss her and show her just how arrogant he was.

  He pulled her into his arms and her glare intensified as she dared him to kiss her. He wore the smirk of a man who takes a dare and declares himself the winner.

  Sophia knew from his stare that he wanted to ravish her lips and she would be powerless to stop him. Because angry as she was, she still desired him. Sophia wanted him to kiss her, then it would
mean he desired her too. However, when his lips lowered to hers, it was the kiss of an apology. Soft. Slow. Gentle. Each brush of his lips against hers asked for forgiveness.

  He meant to ravish her and stake his dominance, however when his lips met hers, it was to ask for forgiveness. So, he kissed his apology upon her lips. With each stroke of his tongue he begged for her forgiveness. When she responded with her own gentle strokes, he felt in his heart she had forgiven him. With one final touch of his lips on hers he pulled away and stepped back. He bowed as if she was a queen, then walked out of the room and along the hallway. When he rounded the corner, he stopped. He stood there with his breath held until the door clicked shut. Alex leaned his head against the wall and closed his eyes as he brought himself under control. Walking away from her was the hardest thing he ever did. However, it was for the best.

  They were two individuals whose tempers flared in a moment of passion. He didn’t want to ruin what time he had remaining by fighting. Already he'd soured it with his outburst on trapping him into a marriage. He would have to confess his problem and make her understand why he needed to marry Lady Dallis MacPherson. Then he would persuade Violet to be his mistress. It was his only chance not to lose her. Also, she'd betrayed some information to her identity in her fury. He must keep his ears open at society functions on which peer was called away from town to their estate. Perhaps he would follow her and learn just who was his mysterious Violet? Then she wouldn’t need to wear a mask and they could be free in their relationship. Maybe he could even find another respectable gentleman to marry her, one who lived close to his own estate.

  Once he settled his thoughts, Sheffield left Belle’s and returned home.

  BELLE LISTENED TO THE raised voices coming from Sophia’s room. She hesitated in the hallway, wondering if she should interrupt. When they quieted, and she heard footsteps walking along the hallway, she ducked into a room. She watched as Sheffield halted when he stepped around the corner. He appeared unsure of himself; Belle noticed how he tried to calm his emotions. The door to Sophia’s room closed. The pair appeared to have had a disagreement of sorts. Sheffield opened his eyes and continued away. A smile graced Belle's face seeing that Sophia had wedged herself deeper into his heart.

  Belle slipped from her hiding place and walked to the front parlor where an important guest was waiting. When she entered, it was to find the marchioness seated and pouring tea. Lady Sidney wore a cunning smile at Belle's entrance. Belle returned her smile as she sat across from her.

  Sidney said, “I am assuming from your letter and my husband’s confession; my friend resides in your home this week.”

  “He confessed already? He said he would give it the week it required.”

  “Yes, well I can be very persuasive.”

  “I’m sure you can.”

  “Were the raised voices I overheard them?”

  “Yes, they were.”

  “And my friend is well?”

  “Yes, I believe so. I think my friend stirred your friend’s temper into a snit.”

  “He has the tendency to draw out her frustrations. Do you think we can coax them into a more amicable relationship?”

  “Do we need to? I think it gives the right spark to their explosion.”

  “I believe you are correct. Since you are aiding them with the scandal to bring them together, how may I be of assistance?”

  “Would you be able to draw them together in more innocent meetings? Perhaps a dinner party, or you can persuade him to dance with her at a ball. Small interactions to draw his attentions to her charms outside of the bedroom.”

  “It will be difficult.” Sidney thought for a while. “I think I shall attempt an experiment of sorts.”

  “Do you have a plan?”

  “An idea comes to mind. I shall use a technique that I used on my research which landed me Wilde.”

  “And that is?”

  “Why, good old-fashioned jealousy,” Sidney laughed.

  Chapter Twelve

  Over the next couple of days they settled into a strange courtship. Alex would send Sophia gifts, small trinkets at first. A box of candy, a bottle of perfume, then he started sending her books. First a simple gothic romance, then a few books from his personal library. More of the erotic kind, and he would place bookmarks in the novels sharing his favorite passages. When she read them, she blushed. When he acted out the scenes, she moaned in pleasure begging to learn more.

  There was no more talk about his quest to find a bride, or her anger toward him. They avoided the sensitive subjects for more intimate acts. Their time was limited, and they explored their relationship with a desperate need. They feared the week coming to an end. Between their love-making they discussed their passions and dreams. Each of them discovered a layer of personality they would never have expected from the other. Sophia discussed her passion for the unfortunate and the need to help educate them. Alex shared his secret charity of helping orphans. When he explained how he supported two orphanages in the east end of London near the docks, her heart opened wider for him. He told her how he hired tutors to teach the children and supplied them with apprenticeship opportunities for their future. If any child was caught pick-pocketing or exploiting themselves, he would send them on their way. Their interests were so similar it was uncanny. How their activities never crossed as members of the ton astonished her. She'd never heard whispers of his unselfish efforts.

  Every night he arrived to share a small meal with her. Not only at nights, but during the day he would surprise her with his company for lunch. The majority of the time they spent resting on the divan while he held her in his embrace, sharing secrets. However, this evening would be different. She noticed the difference in him after he entered. His eyes were alight with a need the moment he walked into the bedroom. He prowled through the door, determined for an evening of passion. One Sophia anticipated with her own desire.

  He wanted her with a passion stronger than he could contain. Their time together this week only strengthened their bond of intimacy. While he enjoyed their long conversations, and her excitement when he brought her gifts, it didn't compare to when he held her in his arms and made love to her. His surprises for her tonight would only enhance the memories they would share in the future. When he entered the room, he found Violet standing at the window.

  The other times he visited her a simple day-dress graced her form. However, this evening a nightgown of violet adorned her body. The dark silk emphasized the color of her eyes. The soft material draped her body, a long slit up one side of her leg, and her breasts spilled from the deep vee of her gown. Her long blonde hair hung along her back with a few curls dangling near her breasts, teasing him to wrap around his finger. She stood waiting for his reaction. The only thing running through his brain was to slide the silk up her legs and take her against the window now. His need for her controlled all his thoughts and emotions. But his desire to please her with more gifts overruled his need to claim her. He wanted to present her tonight with his plans for their future. He must remain calm and in control, for he knew she would put up resistance to his ideas. Tonight was otherwise their last moment together. It had been a week.

  Sophia watched as he hurried over and halted near the bed, his hand holding the bedpost in a death grip. She continued to stare as he tried to rein in his passion. Confused, she took a step toward him. His grasp tightened, turning his fingers red. She was eager for his touch and needed him now. Tonight would be their last evening together and she didn’t want to waste a moment not being held in his arms. She wanted him to make love to her throughout the night. Belle had helped to choose a new negligee to match her eyes. Sheffield must never forget Violet. Her footsteps advanced again. A light growl hummed between his lips and his hand turned white against the strain of his grasp. Sophia smiled at him knowingly.

  Alex stared as her confusion transformed into the smile of a siren. She finally understood the power she wielded. If she touched him, all his plans for the evening wou
ld fly out the window. He was powerless to her charm.

  “Alex,” she purred.

  Her husky voice whispering his name slipped his control lower. He gulped as her hand reached out to run across his chest, rubbing in small circles. As she came closer, he inhaled the fragrance he gifted her yesterday. The exotic scent stamped a memory into his soul. Whenever he breathed it again, he would remember her. As his eyes drifted lower, he gulped again as her breasts spilled from her gown, her nipples teasing his vision and begging for him to kiss them. He took a step backward.

  “Alex,” she purred again, and this time her hand traveled to the placket of his trousers.

  He grabbed her hand, enclosing her fingers and brought them to his mouth. He placed a kiss on them, shaking his head in denial. Her lips pouted her disappointment, his innocent temptress now a devilish siren meant to lead him down a path of sensual pleasure. He almost blurted out a marriage proposal in that instant. To hell with the scandal, or if she was even duchess material. It no longer mattered. When she stood on her toes and pressed her lips to his and pulled away to rest on the divan, it was clear what a mistake that would have been. His life outside of this house lay in shambles and he couldn’t afford any mistakes. This week was a whim he would never regret, but he must make other arrangements to avoid a scandal.


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