
Home > Young Adult > Significance > Page 24
Significance Page 24

by Shelly Crane

  “Yeah, cause sleeping with you is torture,” he said sarcastically and kissed the end of my nose. “Ok. Well, I’m gonna get out of here and then come pick you up at the door. I’ll tell your dad I’m driving you to work today.”


  He got up and I saw he was in his clothes still. He’d laid down with me and didn’t even put on his pajamas. He must have seen me looking at him because he looked down at himself too.

  “Oh yeah, let me run to my uncle’s and I’ll be back to take you to work.” He picked up his book bag, slinging it over his shoulder and turned to look at me. “Don’t leave until I get here, ok? I’ll be right back.”

  “Ok. I’ll wait. Hurry.”

  “Ok.” He kissed me on the cheek and then looked at me imploringly.

  I laughed.

  “I love it when it’s you.” I giggled at his expression. “Go to your uncle’s and do what you need to do. Hurry back and I’ll be waiting for you.”

  “Thank you, baby,” he murmured sweetly.

  He kissed my lips quickly before opening and sliding out the window.

  I turned and got dressed as fast as I could. Running to the bathroom and fixing my hair and slicking on a little makeup, I thought about what to tell my boss when I gave him my notice today. They’d been so good to me and I hated having to leave them but if I was going to college, it would happen soon anyway.

  It took me about twenty minutes to get ready and I only had fifteen minutes left until I was late for work. I was about to run downstairs when I heard dad yelling for me.

  “Maggie. Caleb is here.”


  I checked my hair once more in the mirror and then ran downstairs. I hadn’t thought about Caleb not seeing me in my uniform. It was just a uniform after all, but by the way he was looking at me when I came down, he apparently thought differently.

  Holy hell.

  I gasped inwardly at his thoughts and looked down at my outfit. It was a little short, as I said, but I had footless tights on underneath. It was white, as were the tights and it buttoned all the way up with a little open collar and a little belt around the waist and a black half apron. I looked back at him curiously and quirked a brow.

  You apparently don’t see what I see. You work in that thing and you don’t get asked out every five minutes? That’s a bold faced lie!

  I giggled out loud and dad looked at me.

  “Something...funny?” he asked all cocked browed.

  “Nothing. Um, Caleb and I are going to the Farewell party at the school tonight so I won’t be here for dinner, ok?”

  “Ok. You know the rules, before midnight.”

  “Yes, dad, I know,” I hugged him and he seemed surprised by it, leaning back to look at me with a half smile.

  “Um.” He cleared his throat. “Ok, well have fun. And be careful. Caleb, you remember what I said about that bike?”

  “Yes, sir, helmet, speed limit, careful; promise.”

  “Alright. See ya later.”

  “Bye, dad.” I grabbed Caleb’s hand to pull him with me. “Good luck on your first day with your promotion.”

  “Thanks, Mags,” dad said softly and I looked over my shoulder to see him looking sad and conflicted.

  I turned to Caleb and even though I knew I was going to be late, I had to see what put that look on my dad’s face. But before I could ask Caleb he answered me.

  “Go ahead. I’ll wait at the bike.”

  “Thank you.”

  I walked slowly over to dad as he sat on the bottom step of the stairs. I always loved these stairs when I was a kid. The carpet was plush and soft, almost baby blue in color which is my favorite color. I used to slide down on my belly all the way down from top to bottom until my stomach was red and sore but I just kept doing it.

  I sat on the step beside him and sighed as I laid my head on his shoulder.

  “What’s up, dad?”


  “Liar,” I chimed sweetly and he laughed.

  He sighed heavily, loaded with something he didn’t want to talk about.

  “I got a call from your mom.”


  My heart jolted at his words.


  “She called me late last night, crying. She wants to come home,” he said somberly.

  I was confused. I thought he’d be happy, all that stuff he’d spouted to me about us not loving her enough, taking advantage of her. I thought he’d be thrilled if she ever decided to crawl back.

  “And what did you say?” I asked softly, my voice not even sounding like my own.

  I saw Caleb come peek anxiously through the open door, no doubt feeling my crazy heartbeat and I smiled at him and waved him off.

  “I told, I’m sorry. I told her no,” he creaked and looked on the brink of tears.

  I hugged him. My words muffled into his shoulder.

  “Why? Why did you say that and why are you so upset about it?”

  “Because. I know you need her. I should be able to just let her come home for you but I can’t. She was furious. She thought I’d just let her come home and everything would be fine without even being sorry. Pick up right where she left off. You were right. She was being selfish. She chose to leave, we didn’t do anything wrong. We were a good family and she decided to just leave all that behind for God knows why. I forgive her for what she did but, she deserted you and needs to accept her consequences. I’m sorry.”

  “Dad, I don’t want her to come back.”

  “What?” He turned to look full at me. “I thought you’d be angry at me. I thought you’d blame me for keeping her away.”

  “What for? She didn’t just leave me dad. She left you too. And I know she’s my mom but she left and I agree with you. She needs to deal with the consequences. She made her bed and she can sleep in it. No where does it say in the family handbook that when someone leaves and wants to come back without reason or sincere apology that you have to let them. It just says that you have to love them. And I do love her still and I’d be her neighbor any day, but it wouldn’t be right for her to live with you just for me. She betrayed you more than me.”

  “But you forgave me.”

  “Yes, and I forgive her too but she shouldn’t live here, dad. She said you held her back; she’s been living with other men. It wouldn’t be-”

  “She what?”

  Crap. He hadn’t known that. I bit my lip.

  “She told me she was dating. She talked about a few of them.”

  “A few of them?” He laughed a bark of a humorless laugh. “Well. I guess I made the right decision then. I told her she couldn’t come back to stay with us and she shouldn’t come see you without calling you first.”

  “Very smooth, dad, way to handle things.”

  “How’d you get so smart?” he smirked but sadly.

  “I learned from my old man,” I joked and bumped him with my shoulder. “You did the right thing. I don’t know what happened to her but you are way too good for her to do this to you.”

  He laughed.

  “Alright, kiddo. You’re late now, I’m sorry. I’m fine. Get going.”

  “No worries, dad.”

  I kissed his cheek and he hugged me before standing.

  “Have fun tonight.”

  “I will. Bye.”

  I went out to meet Caleb and he still looked a little worried but smiled sadly at me.

  “You ok?”

  “You heard?”

  He nodded.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. I just can’t believe she’d do this to him after being gone almost a year,” I said vehemently. “She’s so selfish!”

  “ I’m sorry. But I think your dad did the right thing.”

  “Me too. I just hate that he has to go through this again. He’s been through so much this year. He’s just now starting to be normal.”

  “I know.” He hugged me around my middle. “You want to stay here with him instead of going to wo

  “Nuhuh. He’s fine. I just hope she doesn’t try to come here or anything.” I glanced at Caleb’s watch. “Dang it, I’m so late. You might not have to worry about my quitting, I might get fired if I keep this up.”

  I put my helmet on and he buckled it for me.

  “Well, let’s go then. I’d hate to not see you in action in that outfit.”

  “Hey!” I smacked his back playfully as I climbed on behind him. “I don’t get it? Why do you like it?”

  He shrugged and I could literally feel his attraction.

  “What’s not to like? It’s hot.”

  I just rolled my eyes and hugged him close from behind as he cranked it up and we drove to the diner.

  When we pulled up, we got off the bike and he dragged his bag out of the back compartment. I took my helmet off and shook out my hair before twisting it into a messy up do. Caleb turned to see me and groaned.

  “Ah, Maggie. You are making my fantasy so much worse.”

  “Alright you,” I laughed. “Get a hold of yourself,” I said in as low a voice as I could muster and pulled him down to kiss me.

  It wasn’t long before I had the urge to glance inside. I then had a slight moment of panic. Number one, Big John was walking out the door with a meat cleaver gleaming in his hand. Yes, a meat cleaver.

  Number two, he was glaring at Caleb like he was the devil himself.

  “Maggie, get your butt in this diner, right now,” he commanded.

  “Big John, this is Caleb. I’m sorry I’m late.”

  “Get inside, Maggie. I’ll handle this.” He came to stand in front of us. “You. What do you think you’re doing with my little girl, huh? She’s only seventeen and I won’t have you riding in here on your hog, all smooth and messing with my girl.”

  “Hog?” I asked and he pinned his glare on me.

  “I thought I told you to go inside.”

  “B.J.” I positioned myself in between him and Caleb. “I told you. This is Caleb. He’s my...”

  Dang it. I still didn’t know what to call him.

  “I’m her boyfriend, sir.” Caleb extended his hand but Big John just continued to glare, ignoring the hand. “It’s nice to meet you. I’ve heard a lot about you from Maggie.”

  “Oh, is that right? Boyfriend. You mean dead man! I know your type, ok? I used to be your type. You think you can trick a pretty little girl into giving you the goods and then skip town.”

  “Big John, Eww! Enough. Look. Caleb is a nice guy. I’m sorry if you think he’s a bad influence on me because I wasn’t here yesterday and I’m late today but there’s a lot of stuff going on right now. Stuff you don’t know. Can you lower the cleaver, please?”

  He huffed and crossed his arms with it instead.

  “What things?” His brow drew together and then it turned to rage. “Oh my Lord, Maggie! Are you pregnant? I’ll kill you!” He lunged for Caleb and I pushed him back with me.

  Caleb was confused. He thought meeting my dad was going to be bad and it had been cake compared to this.

  “Of course I’m not pregnant! I’m...being stalked,” I blurted. Big John stopped and looked sharply at me. “There’s this guy who’s been after me. Caleb’s been watching out for me. Making sure I’m safe.”

  “What? Who? Give me his address, I’ll end this right now.”

  “It’s not that simple. I don’t know where he lives or anything about him really, just that he tried to kidnap me the other night and Caleb stopped him. He saved me.”

  Big John glanced at Caleb with new eyes and tucked the cleaver in his apron, like that helped.

  “Alright. Thank you. Maggie is like a daughter to me. Get inside you two. Come on.”

  We followed him in and Caleb whispered in my ear from behind.

  “What the-”

  “Honey!” Smarty yelled. “Oh my goodness, I thought he was going to kill your biker friend.”

  “Me too,” Caleb muttered.

  “It’s ok, now. Smarty, this is Caleb. Caleb, Smarty and Mena Bena.”

  “Nice to meet you, ladies,” Caleb said and it was hard to stifle the giggle at the look they got on their faces. I wasn’t the only one affected by his charm. “Ok,” he thumped my nametag and smiled, “Sweet Pea. I’ll get out of your way and go park it in the back booth.” He kissed my upturned lips softly and quickly. I heard a soft gasp and an angry grunt behind me. “Pretend I’m not here.”

  “That’s not possible,” I said breathlessly making him smirk as he walked away.

  “Um, details. Now,” Mena ordered.

  “That’s Caleb,” I said aloofly as I started to stack napkins.

  “Yes, we gathered that. And is he your man?”

  “Yes,” I said and heard the smile creep in.

  “Oh! Yay. He’s so cute, honey,” Smarty chimed.

  “I know. I’m sorry I’m late. I had a problem with my dad. But Caleb’s going to sit in the back while I work. Because...someone’s stalking me. Caleb saved my life.”

  “Ah! How romantic!” Mena said as she clutched her chest.

  “Which one?” Smarty asked dryly. “The stalker or saving her?”


  Smarty and I both groaned at her as she bounced away.

  “I have more bad news,” I confessed. “I’m officially giving my two week notice.”

  She sighed.

  “I knew this day would come. Big John!”

  “Yeah,” he said and came around the grill.

  “Our girl is quitting.”

  “What for?” he asked and I could hear the hurt.

  “I’m leaving for college soon. Caleb’s father helped me and I can go to school in the fall. So I’m going. Plus with this whole stalker’d be one less thing to worry about. I’m sorry. I’m gonna miss you guys so much.” I hugged him around his middle. “You’ve been so good to me.”

  He hugged me back with gusto.

  “I’m gonna miss you something awful, girl.”

  “Me too,” Smarty said and wiped her eyes.

  “You sure it’s not this boy. He’s not gotten you mixed up into something has he? Not taking advantage of you?”

  “No. I promise.”

  “Ok. Well, then you get your butt to work then if I only got you for two more weeks,” he said gruffly and cleared his throat.

  I laughed and pulled way from him, wiping my eyes too.

  “Ok. Thanks.”

  I took my first table and kept glancing at Caleb. He wasn’t getting much work done back there because he was watching my every move with eager eyes. One table was a group of guys here vacationing from Michigan to see the mountains. They flirted with me but I remained politely obtuse as I usually did.

  I looked at Caleb on the way to place their order and saw him with his head propped up on his fist. His lips were twisted in irritation and his leg was bouncing under the table.

  It’s just boys. Don’t get all worked up. You know, you’re not getting much work done back there.

  It’s driving me insane how incredibly hot you look. Plus it’s ingrained in me to want to pummel those guys for even looking at you. I can’t help it.

  Well, I’m sorry but I can’t help how I look, I said and sent a laugh with it.

  Very true. Ok, gorgeous, I’ll get to work but, can you tone it down, just a little bit?

  You are insane.

  I looked to see him grinning at me. I grinned back and then got back to work. He stood by his statement and the next few times I glanced , he was going through his books and writing.

  It went by slowly but steady. I told Smarty all about Caleb, how we met, how he was incredibly sweet and careful with me. She said she was happy for me and that he was extremely cute. We talked about college and my dad a little bit in between tables. I told her about my mom too and how she had called and wanted to come home and my dad had said no.

  She listened and sympathized but in the end did what she always did. She was an awesome listener but never told m
e what to do. She didn’t make suggestions or criticize. She just listened and I loved her for it.

  When it was time for my break I sat with Caleb and brought him some sweet tea and a cheesy bacon burger with fries.

  “Where did you get this bracelet?” he asked as he fingered the star charm.

  “They gave it to me.” I hooked my thumb over my shoulder towards the grill. “For graduation.” He nodded. “What did Kyle get for a graduation present?”

  “A car.”

  “I thought he already had a car?”

  “He did but his parents got him a new one, the first one was used. The silver Audi is his.”

  I balked.

  “What? I thought that was his dad’s car.”

  “Nope. Kyle just thought his car was messed up and in the shop. His dad actually pulled the battery cables off before school one morning so Kyle would think it was broken down.”

  He chuckled.

  “Wow. That Audi was pretty nice for a college kid.”

  “He’s spoiled. Only child,” he scoffed.

  I smirked at him.

  “You’re pretty spoiled too, pal, a truck and a motorcycle?” I shook my head at him. “There are carless kids in Milwaukee and you have two! Disgraceful,” I joked.

  “Hey!” he laughed. “I have you know my truck is a hand me down from my dad and that bike was my graduation present.”

  “Oh, well that makes it better.” I grinned at him.

  “So, what did your dad get you?”

  “Nothing.” I smiled sadly. “He didn’t even stand when they called my name.”

  “I’m sorry.” I shook my head at him. “I wish I’d paid more attention at the ceremony now. I might have remembered you from when you crossed the stage.”

  “Yeah. That IPod is not good for you.”

  “You already know me so well,” he smirked and rubbed my feet under the table with his, making me laugh.

  “Ok, back to work both of us.”

  Later that night after Caleb took me home and we both parted ways to get dressed, I was on the back of his bike. This time, headed back to the place I never thought I’d go again, the high school, the gym to be precise.


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