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Freeing Carter

Page 3

by Nyrae Dawn

  "Good. You know I hate putting you in the middle of this, I just have to look out for you kids. I know she loves you, but..."

  Protectiveness rolls over me. "But nothing, Bill. She wouldn't do anything that could hurt Sara. You know that." One time. He's seen her drunk one time and he thinks he knows her? He doesn't know anything. And she didn't even have Sara when it happened, either.

  He pushes his glasses up and rubs his nose. "It's a disease, Carter. I know she wouldn't mean to do anything, but it's my job as Sara's dad to make sure. Is she still going to AA?"

  "No! She wouldn't do anything to hurt my sister. No matter what." My gut clenches, when I think about what to say to his second question. The secret liar comes out of me again. "And yeah...she's going." Does it count as lying when you do it for a good reason? I have no doubt it would kill Mom and Sara to lose each other. I know I'm an outsider, looking in on them sometimes. Sara and Mom doing all the girl crap I have no interest in. How can I risk either of them losing that? That whatever-it-is mother/daughter bond they share?

  Sara's in no danger when it comes to Mom.

  Doesn't Bill know, even if it came down to that, I'd never let anything happen to Twig. If she drank with Sara home, I wouldn't let it slide.

  "I worry about you too, Carter. It's not just Sara."

  I nod because I know Bill cares in his own little way. He means well, but he still doesn't get my mom. I wonder if Dad did. If that's what made them so different. If that's what makes it so she can't get over him. That and the fact that he saved her from my asshole Grandfather. "I gotta go. Gonna take this in and then head to school."

  Bill looks at me like he knows I'm trying to escape this conversation, but I go anyway. "See ya later."

  With each step I walk away, my guilt shrinks. I'm sticking up for my family. It's the right thing to do. It has to be.


  I struggle not to crush my coffee cup as I set it down. Instead, I flip the page in my English book like I'm supposed to, trying to figure out what it is I've been reading. It's a blur of names, places, and a whole lot of crap that feels like a waste of my time, but nothing jumps out at me. I don't even know what these people are supposed to be doing or what they're saying, so I shove the assignment in the book, and into my backpack it goes.

  I already spent half the stupid morning at this coffee shop, trying to catch up, but I have crap to show for it. Math, I get. People actually use that stuff. But unless I plan on being the next Mrs. Z, which we can safely bet I don't, why does it matter if I can dissect every little thing in a book that I wouldn't even remember the name of if I didn't have to?

  Half the morning has gone by and I'm no closer than I was last night. Fighting the urge to walk out, I pull some paper from my binder to start the two page essay I have to write. With the lure of practice calling to me, I have to get something done to pacify Mrs. Z.

  Two and a half hours, two double shots, and a headache later, I shove the one and three quarter pages into my bag and bail. Lunch is almost over and skipping English would be a huge screw up on my part, no matter how much I want to. Remembering I need a note, I forge Mom's signature then head to the hell that is known as English.

  Mel's standing by my locker when I get there, flicking her hair and giving me the evil eye. "About time you got here." Her arms are crossed in that pissed-off girl way.

  "Sorry my mom will let me stay home once in a while and yours won't." It's times like these I feel bad for the lies because there really isn't a good reason not to tell her what I did. I'm not doing it to save Mom or to be there for Sara, but how lame is it to be failing English? To be that guy who pulls his hair out while trying to write a stupid paper? Not cool.

  So I lean forward. Exit guilt, hello Melanie's lips. "Next time I'll bring you with me." Which we kind of need. She's right about the fact we won't see each other much once basketball and cheer start. I give her a quick kiss, which ends up being quicker than I planned because she pulls away.

  "Yuck. Coffee breath."

  My girl totally knows how to make a guy feel good about himself. Not.

  "Take me instead. I don't care what your breath smells like." Travis steps up beside me, pretending to throw his arms around my neck, but stops at the last minute. We bump fists instead.

  "I didn't mean... Whatever." Mel says and walks away.

  Travis shakes his head. "Ever think life would be so much easier if we were single?"

  I hold out my hand because his words deserve another bump. "For sure." It sucks, because things used to be so much easier with Mel. I needed that. Now, she spends half her pissed off at me, which means I spend half my time pissed off, too. But the alternative is a whole can of worms I flinch at the thought of opening.

  "I think Mel and Trina get together every morning to decide if they want to be normal or psychotic. Today's definitely a psycho day. Thanks for leaving me alone with it."

  I laugh as we round the corner into English. Mrs. Z's eyes are on me, burning a hole into my skull. I give her a quick nod, trying to convey that I got something done, though I'm not sure it's going to be enough for her.

  Sliding my gaze away from her laser-beam glare, I spot Kira at her desk. Her braids are up in a knot-thing on her head, black and purple strands going in every different direction. Surprisingly, it doesn't look half bad. Weird, but not bad.

  "I see you made it home safely yesterday," I say as I take my seat. "Didn't get accosted by any strangers?"

  "None except for you." She's drawing little pictures on her notebook.

  "Hey, you came up to me, not the other way around, remember?"

  "Only because I was worried you were trying to kill yourself out there. I wanted to make sure you hadn't passed out. You know, in case I needed to call 911 or something."

  Travis lingers at my side. He looks at me, then Kira, and at me again. "I'm feeling left out. Travis doesn't like to feel left out."

  Kira laughs, making my gut tighten.

  "I went to the court for a while yesterday and saw her." Thankfully, my excuse for why I was hanging around Kira just so happens to be the truth. Two points for Carter. Wait, why do I need an excuse?

  "That's where you were? I was covering for you while Trina texted every five minutes because Mel kept texting her. I got to spend my whole afternoon hearing about how big a jerk you are and you got to play ball? Not cool."

  "I'm a jerk?"

  "Oh yeah. What kind of boyfriend doesn't text back? Poor Mel. She deserves so much better. Travis, if you ever treat me like that!"

  I groan. "Sorry."

  "Wow... What a terrible boyfriend you are." Kira smiles, so I think she's joking. I hope. But I'm starting to feel bad because we're bordering on talking crap about my girlfriend.

  "I apologized to her; it was my fault. I did kind of bail on her."

  The bell saves me from explaining further, and we all slide into our seats. As soon as Mrs. Z starts talking I zone out, thinking about Mom, Bill, Sara, Mel, basketball, English. My thoughts can't choose which one to concentrate on, until I make it pick Mel because she's the easiest. Things used to feel so easy with her, but the longer we go, the harder it gets. I need that easiness back which means I have to stop pulling stunts like I did yesterday. Though I'm still kind of lost on why it's such a huge deal to play ball without calling her, but whatever. I'll make it up to her. I'll do something with her after practice today.

  Mrs. Z puts on a video about the relevance of classic British literature in current times, which gives me more time to think about things that aren't English. Before I know it, the bell rings and I’m sneaking my not-quite-two-page report onto her desk, and slipping out of class. The ache in my head tells me I wasn't as sneaky as I thought and laser eyes are x-raying my skull again, but at least I make it out without having to talk to her.

  Kira sits across the room from me in art. We do
n't have assigned seats, so for some reason it annoys me a little. Not that I have a reason to be annoyed, but I am. Once the final bell rings, I forget all about her and everything else in my life as I head to the locker room. Might make me sound like a nutcase, but it's alive with electricity. Every guy on the team is excited for the season to start, making claims on which titles we'll get and how the whole conference will be owned by us.

  "Do you even realize how much ass we're going to kick this year?" Jackson asks Travis and me.

  "Hell yeah," I reply as we smack hands. This is my place. My element. Where I know I belong. Where I dominate.

  Technically there are tryouts, but we all know who will play what. I'm the starting point guard. Even as a junior, I started for varsity. Freshmen and sophomore years I came off the bench, but always for varsity. I've never played JV in my life.

  I love it. Scanning the court, reading my players, and coming up with the perfect play. Having control unlike I do in the rest of my life.

  "Who do you think for backup center this year?" I ask Trav as we head to the gym.

  He shrugs. "I don't need a backup. I'm a ninja. I can play the whole game, every game."

  "Ha, ha. Seriously though. Chambers has the height. Hopefully he got a little more coordinated since last year."

  Travis nods his approval, but doesn't reply. Coach Blake stands at the center of the gym looking as pumped as I feel.

  "All right, Lancers! Whose year is this?"

  "OURS!" We bounce on our feet, yelling so loud the voices vibrate through me, making me feel electric in a way I haven't felt in a long time. I love playing no matter what, but this is the start of the season. My senior year, and nothing can dim the lights shining down on it.

  "Whose house is this?"

  "OURS!" Another vibration. A few fists rise above us.

  "And we won't only defend our house this season, but we'll what?"

  "OWN THEIRS, TOO!" My heart bounces like a basketball against the gym floor.

  "How do we do that?"

  "WORK HARD!" The freshmen line the walls, gawking at us, like we're NBA players or something, making my adrenaline pump harder.

  "That's what I like to hear! Get to the wall and everyone start doing their lines!"

  In this moment, it's like everything else I have to deal with is worth it. I get this in return. I wonder if it felt this good for Dad. If he felt almost high every time he stepped on the court, even if it wasn't for a game.

  All I know is this is my house. This is where I'm alive.


  My hair is wet from showering when I walk out of the locker room after practice. Mel and I always meet each other in the parking lot, so I head straight there.

  "You doing anything?" Travis asks. "Want to chill?"

  "You're not going to be with Trina?"

  "Nah." He shakes his head. They're usually together as much as Mel and I. I almost ask him about it, but he doesn't give me a chance. "She's busy, I guess, and I'm trying to avoid the parentals. They want to 'talk' and that's never good for me." Travis laughs.

  "Oh. Sorry. Can't go. Going to try to make up with my girl. Take her out or something." I'm still feeling like a live wire. This is just what I needed to feel on track again, the distraction to make everything else disappear.

  "Fine, I see how you are." Trav holds out his fist and I bump it. "I'm out. See ya later." He runs down the hall ahead of me, probably meeting up with the other guys or something.

  When my feet hit the pavement, I stop for a minute, and Mel's voice floats toward me. She's standing in the parking lot talking to Devin. He graduated last year, but his sister, Sam, is in cheer with Mel. Since he picks up and drops off Sam sometimes for school, I guess he's doing it after practice, too.

  "Shut up," Mel laughs, playfully pushing him. Devin crosses his arms and leans against his Mustang and says something I can't hear. My muscles tense. I know Mel. Know how she flirts because she used to do it with me.

  Mel crosses her arms and pretends to pout. Devin steps closer like he's going to console my girl and she smiles. Yeah, so not going to happen.

  "Mel!" I jog toward her. I nod my head at Devin as I step between them, hugging her. Is it me or is she not giving me the same death grip she usually does? Suddenly, not liking my back to Devin, I let go and face him.

  "I'll see you later, Melanie," Devin says, ignoring me completely. And then he turns, walks around his car, gets in, and drives off.

  Rigor mortis has now set into my limbs. My basketball high has been thoroughly killed. "What's up with that?" I'm really trying not to sound accusatory.

  "Nothing." Mel pushes up on her toes and kisses me. She sounds normal. Happy to see me. Maybe I was freaking out for nothing. My muscles loosen again and I feel like an idiot. They were just talking. It's not like they haven't talked before, or like Devin doesn't have a reason to be here. Mel wouldn't do that. She's the one who always wants to be with me and I'm the one who's been more standoffish lately.

  "How was practice?" I ask, still holding on to her waist.


  "Mine too. We—"

  "Is Travis with Trina, do you know?"

  Okay. So obviously we're not talking about my practice. "I don't think so. She's busy, I guess. He asked me to hang out and then took off when I said I wanted to see you." These past couple days have been crazy for me. I really want to get back to normal. Mel is normal. "But whatever. Let's go somewhere. We can grab something to eat or whatever." I lean forward to kiss her again, but she stops me.

  "I can't... I need to find Trina. We're supposed to hang out."

  "Oh." I step away a little. "Can't you tell her I want to see you? I'm sure she'll get it... I know I've been kind of a dick lately and I want to make it up to you."

  She's not really listening, her fingers moving over the screen on her phone. "I can't, Carter. Not today, 'kay? I don't wanna ditch Trina."

  "Whatever." I take another step back, trying to show her it doesn't bother me, when really it does.

  "I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" With another quick kiss, Mel is jogging toward school again. I shove my hands into my pockets, leaning against her brand new VW Bug. What just happened? I mean, I get it. She wants to hang with her friend, but I ditched Trav for her. She thinks I've been weird lately so I try to be sweet and do something nice, and she can't get away from me fast enough.

  Whatever. I pull out my phone to text Travis.


  Before I look like an idiot loitering around my girlfriend's car in the parking lot, I get into my truck. It's an older Ford. Not old old, but not brand new like my friends' cars. I wait a few minutes, and when he doesn't text back, I send him another.


  Ten minutes later I realize he's not going to reply. Lame.

  With nothing else to do, I drive to Mom's shop, frustrated that my first day of practice ended with Mel flirting with someone else and then ditching me.

  "Carter! Carter!" Sara yells when I step inside. She always says my name twice like that. It makes me smile.

  "What's up, Twig? Are you helping Mom?"

  She shakes her head. "Nope. Mommy's busy. There's a girl here."

  "Thanks, Twig." I pull her ponytail then head down the aisle to find Mom and Mel. There are shelves of glass figurines all around me. Some of Mom's paintings hang from the walls. The lights are dim, but they're always kind of dim in here. The store is small, but usually keeps pretty busy. Everyone in town loves Mom.

  When I clear the aisle, I freeze at the sight of black and purple braids.

  "Hey, honey!" Mom waves when she sees me, and Kira turns around. For some reason, it's a little hard to breathe.

  Kira's eyes widen, but she recovers quickly. "Hey, Sleepy. Are you stalking me?"

  Chapter Four

bsp; This is my perfect chance to mess with Kira, and I don't intend to let it pass me by. "Me? I think it's the other way around. English, Art, the basketball court, and now my mom's store? You know I have a girlfriend, right?" A girlfriend I'm mad at, but still.

  "Carter!" Mom gasps, but Kira is smiling. Somehow I knew she'd be okay with the joke.

  "I'm teasing her, Mom."

  Mom shakes her head, but she's smiling too.

  "Well, now I'm not sure I can get a job here. I'm already in charge of keeping you awake—"

  Please don't say in English. Please don't say in English.

  "—when you're supposed to be practicing. Not sure I can handle it at work, too."

  Thank you, Kira, for saving my ass! "Nah, if you're here, that means I don't have to be. You can work, I'll sleep. I like that deal."

  " I'm pretty sure she wasn't talking about you sleeping on the court, Carter." Mom's eyebrows rise. Busted.

  "What? I'd never fall asleep in school. Nothing like a quality education." I smile at Mom and walk behind the counter with her. These are my favorite times, where she's not just Mom, but she's also not guilty Mom. She's Sara's mom and in these times, I can almost forget about the rest of it.

  "Sure. And I was born yesterday." She pats my cheek.

  "So, how was your first day of practice?" Kira asks. "Are you brushing up on your skills so I won't mind going to the games?"

  I cock my head at her, trying to figure out why it gives me a rush that she asked about practice. It's a joke; I know she's playing off what I said to her yesterday, but I like it.

  Before I can reply, Sara comes barreling over, wrapping her arms around Kira. She once did the same thing to Mel, who froze, not knowing what to do. Kira hugs Sara back.

  I don't have time to keep comparing the two because then Sara is reaching up. "You're pretty. I like purple. I want purple hair." She touches Kira's braids.


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