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Destiny: A Fantasy Collection

Page 114

by Rachelle Mills

  “It’s tomorrow? So soon?” I asked quietly.

  How had my mother managed to arrange everything so quickly? It shouldn’t have been such a surprise. My mother loved parties and celebrations; she could arrange weddings and birth ceremonies before anyone even asked her to. The female touch, that’s what she called it. A touch I hadn’t gotten from her, I took too much after my father.

  “Don’t worry too much about it. It won’t start until sunset,” he said, sitting on the bed.

  Roarke rubbed his neck in an unusual nervous gesture, his eyes darting around the room.

  “What is it?” I laughed. “It’s far from your nature to look so uncomfortable.”

  It made me feel closer to him, though. It proved he wasn’t as perfect, confident, and infallible as he portrayed himself. I wondered if anyone ever got to see this side of him but hoped they didn’t. I wanted this side of him all to myself.

  “I was wondering if you wanted to go into the human city with me tomorrow. We have things we need to pick up, food, decorations…we could go for lunch and you could get a dress to wear…or something…” He trailed off, a blush staining his cheeks.

  I smiled, sitting next to him, my heart fluttering. “I would like that.”

  He reached over to turn the bedside lamp on, and I only just noticed how dark it had gotten. Through the window, the sky was a dark blue, the trees a black silhouette against the backdrop. I looked for the moon, its phase the timer for when Roarke decided he would no longer hold back. It was a thin slice of white, a fingernail of light in the dark that wasn’t enough for the stars to shine yet.

  A yawn escaped me before I could even try to hold it back, and Roarke chuckled. I lay back then stiffened as Brenna’s scent caught me off guard. She must have been sitting on the bed since Roarke and I left her for her scent to still linger.

  “I want her gone, Roarke. She’s ruined my first night in this room, in this bed,” I said, voice harsh, leaving no room for argument about it.

  He sighed, lying next to me, arms behind his head.

  “This is your wish? You won’t settle for punishment? She’s an integral member of our pack, a good warrior, the daughter of my head trainer. I can’t persuade you to settle for less?” he pressed, turning his head to look at me.

  It was the way he called the pack ours and the way his eyes begged for me to reconsider that made me rethink. I didn’t want to shake things up too much here when I was still so new, and perhaps with Saba standing by me, Brenna would be easier to control.

  “The punishment will be harsh,” I conceded. “But one more misstep on her part and I’m kicking her from the pack. If she so much as looks in your direction in a way that’s anything more than the way a subordinate looks at their Alpha, I will cut her down.”

  The threat was my truth. He knew it and nodded. I relaxed, happy that I had his support. Roarke leaned in and pressed the gentlest kiss against my cheek, merely a brush of lips against skin that still managed to leave a searing mark.

  “Thank you,” he whispered, the relief and gratefulness he felt clear. “See, we work well together.”

  I laughed, pushing myself to my feet and moving to the chest of drawers for pyjamas, picking a pair of shorts and an old Linkin Park band shirt.

  “For the last five minutes, yes, we’ve been getting along,” I agreed before informing him nervously, “I’m going to get ready for bed.”

  “That sounds like a great idea. I’ll use the bathroom after you. Feel free to take a shower,” he said, already shrugging his shirt off.

  I avoided looking at his chest, even if the dark swirls of tattoos drew my eyes to him. The bathroom became my sanctuary, and I locked the door without thought, the click of the bolt followed by an amused chuckle from Roarke as he muttered something that sounded a lot like, “As if that could keep me out.”

  I stripped carefully, eyeing the deep scars along my side. For some reason, I felt the urge to poke at the scabs that had me cringing and groaning. Blood seeped from wounds opened by my movement, the copper smell making my nose crinkle.

  Roarke knocked on the door.

  “Is everything okay?” he asked, concerned.

  I nodded before remembering he couldn’t see me. “I’m fine. Still a bit tender.”

  A grunt and footsteps walking away from the door had me going back to pulling jammies on, then I frowned when the bedroom door opened and closed. Where was he going?

  I brushed through copper hair, fighting with the curls that refused to untangle themselves. I settled for tossing it up in a messy bun, a few rebellious strands falling around my face.

  My legs felt too exposed, and I wished I’d chosen joggers instead of shorts, even if I’d end up too hot during the night. My bra dug into my skin as well, but again I worried about feeling too vulnerable around him to take it off. I wanted intimate parts properly covered. Perhaps it was an odd thing to worry about considering we’d seen each other naked, but sleeping next to him seemed to make it far more intimate. Quickly brushing my teeth and double checking my reflection, I finally left the bathroom, my clothes from the day bundled in my arms. Roarke entered the room again, but I was too busy looking for somewhere to put my clothes to look his way.

  I spotted a washing basket that drooped against the wall and dropped them in it. Turning towards the bed, Roarke was setting two mugs on the bedside table and antiseptic cream, bandages, and wipes on the bed. He had left to get things for me. I smiled, my heart melting for him just a little more.

  “Saba made hot chocolate for us, the way my mother used to. Saba is the only one who knows what my mother added to it. Maybe one day she’ll tell you.” He smiled, patting the bed. “Sit and lift your shirt. I want to make sure those wounds are healing properly before you sleep.”

  Smiling back, I was glad he shared a little piece of his mother with me.

  I did as he instructed, tucking the bottom of my shirt under my bra so I could hold the mug. It smelled amazing, the aroma of chocolate, ginger, and something I couldn’t place filling my senses. I took a sip while Roarke finished organising his small first aid kit and moaned at the flavours that burst onto my tongue.

  “This is delicious,” I exclaimed, taking another sip of the hot drink.

  Roarke grinned at me. “My mother used to make it every night for my father and me and any other members of the pack that wished for some. She never did tell me what was in it, even though I asked every night. She was a good woman, Cathwulf. The kindest, most generous heart, she could forgive anyone. My father saw it as a flaw, and maybe it was, but it was also her gift.”

  His grin turned to a sad smile, grief clouding his eyes. I reached over and squeezed his hand.

  “She sounds like an amazing female. I’m very sorry that I won’t get to meet her,” I told him honestly.

  “She would have liked you,” he commented, that grin I liked falling back into place. “You’d have blossomed under her instruction. She would have loved your strength, and my father would have loved watching you hold my eye.”

  I grinned back then gave him my mischievous look as I took a sip of the hot chocolate. The prospect of his hands on me again delighted my wolf and made me feel flustered. He was still topless and in only a pair of grey jogging bottoms that hung dangerously low on his hips. I hoped he didn’t wander around the house like that or I would have the eyes of every female that looked at him. My unabashed jealousy had my lips twitching into a smile.

  Roarke crouched in front of me, his face suddenly serious as he looked over the scabs and blood that littered my side. A hiss of air between teeth and a cluck of his tongue almost made me giggle.

  He worked quickly, wiping the crusted blood from my skin, gently applying the antiseptic cream that cooled hot scars.

  “She got you good, didn’t she?” he grumbled, shaking his head.

  I raised an eyebrow, feeling indignant.

  “I got her better,” I snarled back. “That female has no sense when it comes to honouri
ng mates. I feel sorry for the male that ends up with her.”

  “Don’t be petty, Cathwulf,” he warned. “She’s still my best friend’s sister.”

  “Ruiraidh is your best friend?” I asked, surprised.

  He nodded, dropping the used wipes in the bin.

  “Yes, him and Quillan. We grew up together, we trained together, went to school together, fought side by side together,” he explained. “Enough story telling for tonight. We have a big day tomorrow. It’s time for bed.”

  I wouldn’t argue. I was exhausted even as curiosity rose at the mention of Quillan because I’d never heard mention of him before. Roarke began to put everything away, and I untucked my shirt from my bra that was beginning to irritate me even more. While my mate was distracted, I decided there was no use in being shy around him and slipped it off. Eyes were already drooping closed as my head hit the pillow, not even caring if Roarke had a specific side he slept on because I had now claimed this side as mine. Sleep came for me fast once I settled, and I smiled as I felt the bed dip, Roarke’s presence influencing my dreams.

  Chapter Ten

  To Know Him

  Tired eyes flickered against the light that streamed through the window to settle on the back of a very naked Roarke. A soft exhale of breath and I tried to stay as still as I could, pretending to be asleep so I could take in what was mine. Muscles rippled over his back as he sorted through the clothes in the wardrobe, arms flexing deliciously. Looking lower, I bit my lip at the taut rear and strong thighs. I had to lift my head to look lower still. I pressed my thighs together beneath the sheets, but that drew Roarke’s attention to me.

  “Good morning,” he greeted, turning around to face me.

  I quickly averted my gaze before I looked somewhere I shouldn’t.

  “Morning,” I croaked in reply, my mouth dry from sleep.

  Sitting up slowly, I stretched my arms above me, joints popping and muscles stretching in relief. I kicked the covers away, cool air brushing over hot skin. My feet dangled above the floor, making me huff in annoyance at the reminder of my small stature.

  All I could smell in the air was Roarke’s scent. I inhaled almost greedily without realisation. It was strangely comforting to be surrounded by the scent of my mate, the safe feeling it provided almost making me forget all worries.

  My eyes were forced back to the object of my thoughts, who was now half dressed in dark jeans that seemed to struggle to hold so much muscle. Once again, I spotted what looked to be dried paint on his fingers, black and green sticking out against his tanned skin. It hadn’t been there last night. Had he been up long before me? Before I could ask, he coughed for my attention, and my eyes flicked back up to his. A smirk was twitching at his lips, and I dearly hoped he didn’t think I had been staring anywhere inappropriate.

  “You need to get dressed. There will be plenty of time for you to study every inch of me another day,” Roarke teased, tossing something green at me.

  I was blushing, my cheeks burning at having been caught staring so blatantly. I wanted to defend where my eyes had wandered, but my tongue was too thick and dry with embarrassment. Picking up the green fabric, spreading it out on the bed, I realised it was my shirt-dress.

  An eyebrow raised as I looked at my mate. “You’re picking my clothes out now? Should I let you pick what I eat, where I go, and who I see too?”

  He shook his head and sighed. “Don’t be like that. I just wanted to see you in it. You’ll suit green.”

  Something I already knew. Green brought out the colour of my hair and eyes and was one of my favourite colours. Roarke’s eyes were green…just a coincidence, I told myself. I left the dress on the bed and went to pick out underwear, for some reason hiding panties and a bra under my shirt because I didn’t want him to see them. I really needed to get over being so shy.

  I slipped into the bathroom after grabbing the dress, changing and leaving my pyjamas folded on the counter. Braiding the front of my hair to keep my fringe away, I started on makeup. I couldn’t help but admit that I really did like the dress that I’d pair with some knee-high brown boots.

  Roarke moved in behind me, reaching over for his toothbrush, his chest pressing against my back. I stilled, scared to move and end up even closer to him as I picked up a bottle of perfume.

  His head ducked, his nose pressed against my throat, and he inhaled deeply.

  “Don’t cover your scent with chemicals,” he growled out, taking the bottle from me and putting it away.

  He stepped to the side and continued brushing his teeth, obviously expecting no protest from me. It was too early to argue, and his words had sent a thrill through me. I liked that he enjoyed my scent so much. I could sense him watching my reflection in the mirror as I walked back to the bedroom to pull on my boots. Leather bands, bracelets, and cord was wrapped around my wrist, hiding the spare hair bobbles I kept there because my mother had always said it was unseemly.

  I headed downstairs while Roarke finished getting ready, needing time to collect myself. The sheets were still by the door where I’d left them last night, and I carried them downstairs with me. My nose crinkled at the dried blood that carried the scent of Brenna, and I held the sheets away from me in disgust.

  “I can take those for you, Alpha Female!” a young boy offered, already bundling them in his arms.

  His bright, crystal blue eyes shone with friendliness, and the way his gaze never met mine gave away his status as an omega immediately. A mop of curly blond hair fell into his eyes, its texture so fluffy it could be described as cloudy. His aura and look reminded me of Oria’s so much that I could have sworn the two were related. Despite only reaching my shoulder, the pup’s presence was hard to ignore.

  “Thank you.” I smiled, a lie slipping from my mouth easily. “I spilt some hot chocolate on them last night.”

  “Don’t worry! I can have them cleaned and dried by tomorrow for you,” he replied with a goofy grin that I couldn’t help but return.

  “Kailum!” a woman yelled, the boy’s head tilting in its direction. “Kailum, if you don’t come here by the time I’m done…”

  “Gotta go!” he sang, running off.

  I shook my head, amused, glad I’d at least found out the pup’s name before he trotted off. I wandered a little more, perking up at the sight of Beta Zale and Saba.

  “Cathwulf! I saved you some breakfast before the males could eat everything,” Saba called, waving me over to the dining room.

  “It’s okay, Roarke and I are going out. We’ll get something to eat then,” I replied, giving her a hug in greeting that she returned, her cheek brushing against mine.

  “You’re going out? Together? To eat? I knew you two were a good fit for mates,” she teased smugly, wiggling her eyebrows at me.

  I rolled my eyes, my cheeks flushing pink. “It’s just food and things to get for my initiation into the pack tonight.”

  She hummed, looking disbelieving as she slipped through the door to the dining room. I entered the kitchen opposite, looking through the cupboards for a cup, stretching up on tiptoe to reach. My fingers brushed cool glass but I couldn’t grasp it, and I huffed in annoyance, remembering the constant teasing from my father about needing a step ladder. Strong hands gripped my hips, making me squeal as they lifted me so I could get the glass.

  It wasn’t Roarke; that much I could tell as their touch didn’t heat my skin like his did. Still, something about the steady way they held me did have my body shivering in delight. I whipped around as soon as I was placed gently back on my feet, clasping the glass protectively to my chest as I leaned back to get a glance at the male in front of me.

  Brown eyes that were so dark, they were almost black stared at me with a harsh expression. It was the male who had sat next to Saba at my first dinner here, Roarke’s Third in Command. I should have known his name.

  Scruff covered a strong jaw and black hair fell over his forehead, creating shadows across his face. He towered over me; he was taller t
han Roarke but leaner, and his power beat against my being. It was wild and uncontrolled, feral. He was definitely strong enough to be more than his rank, but I knew for a fact that his lack of control held him back. This was a wolf who needed an Alpha to keep him sane, and I was amazed he held the rank he did.

  If I had not already been claimed by Roarke, this male would have had my wolf’s head lifting, and I hated to admit that I was drawn to him. He was handsome too, or he would have been had that permanent scowl not been etched on his face. I opened my mouth to thank him, but as if he couldn’t bear to hear my voice, he cut me off.

  “Alpha Female,” he said gruffly, giving a small dismissive bow of his head before walking determinedly out the door.

  I stared after him, my heart hammering in my chest. He intimidated me and I couldn’t place why. He hadn’t once smiled at me, perhaps that was just his way, but I felt like I had done something to offend him. Pondering on the male while I filled my glass with water, I watched wolves training out the window, spotting Seaghán sparring with a very large male.

  “Are you ready to go?” Roarke asked, his reflection appearing in the window.

  I finished my water then turned to nod at him.

  “If you are,” I chirped.

  He smiled and placed my hand on his elbow like he had the day before, picking up a set of keys on the hook by the door. The air was thick with heat outside, clinging to my skin and making it difficult to find breath. I really couldn’t wait for this summer to end. Roarke led me over to an old-looking, rusty green convertible, jumping into the car instead of using the door.

  I raised an eyebrow, pulling on the door handle that wouldn’t budge.

  “Did you think I jumped in because I want to be like James Bond? The doors haven’t worked in years. Get in.” He chuckled, offering me a helping hand.

  My mouth formed an “O” shape, and I took his hand and jumped, landing less than gracefully onto my ass in the torn and ageing seat.


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