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Mirror Bound

Page 47

by Kirsten Bij't Vuur

  It was like lightning reversed, instead of an overload of power these nerves had been drained dry of their power by the failed spell. The effect was much the same, though George had given Hermes enough power back to keep his life-processes going, his nerves were so raw that the very working of those processes hurt agonizingly, and they would keep on hurting until they had recovered from the blow and gone back to their usual quiet state.

  I instantly understood that our fear to bring him back to fighting power had

  saved his life: had George filled his reserves to capacity, his nerves would have shut down completely with the overload of power.

  Taking him back to his own world, bringing his power back instantly, would likely kill him as well, the nerve damage had been inflicted here and could not be undone.

  He would have to stay here until his nerves could handle power again, and he would have to be sedated against the pain, for the nerves could only heal themselves over a certain period of time. Lukas was already trying to soothe them as well as he could with his talent, pulling a lot of energy out of him which I then replaced from Paul's stash.

  I suggested to Lukas he should check Hermes' power level, for if his magical power charged too quickly, or he'd use it before he had healed himself far enough, he would surely lose the use of some nerves, leaving him crippled or even comatose or dead.

  And sure enough, Hermes' magical power was already replenishing itself quickly, which was probably why he was in ever increasing pain.

  We had to figure out where the power came from, and shut down that source immediately, or he'd be screaming in agony within hours.

  This was not an easy task and it fell to me mostly, with Lukas helping me to interpret the flows we saw inside his father's body.

  It seemed that magical energy was stored throughout the body, in pockets used solely for this purpose. Hermes' were huge, of course they were, he had managed to call a hound of Hell from his world to ours, on nothing but the power amassed in these pockets.

  I watched one to see how it filled up, and saw a tiny trickle coming from inside his own body, that was his personal power, I guessed, for it was blue.

  Then there was a sizeable amount of green, coming in from outside, right through his skin. That must be the power one got from a ley-line, only this was too little for a ley-line, it seemed he harvested it straight from nature without even thinking about it. Interesting advantage of being a god, wherever one was?

  Then there was a tiny bit of red, but healthy red, power given to him voluntarily by other people instead of forced from them? Maybe he had a handful of worshipers on earth, in a strange cult where they celebrated ancient Greek gods? They would be devastated to miss his visit.

  And there was a tiny bit of lighter red coming in, a tiny trickle also, which I

  couldn't place for now. But the main power coming in was from nature itself, and it was causing him excruciating pain. It needed to be stopped.

  Now I felt an urge from outside, someone was pulling us back into the now, worried about us. We knew enough, so we let ourselves be moved, and soon I felt arms around me, holding me up. Slowly I woke up enough to recognize the arms as Jonathan's.

  Jonathan? He looked me in the eye and said: 'Paul and Lukas are fine, but Lukas is out cold in Paul's arms, and Paul asked me to catch you. Tea?'

  I felt much better knowing my men were fine, so I said drolly: 'Don't mind if I do.' And soon I was sitting against my own husband, one of his arms around me, the other around Lukas, and I was handed a cup of steaming fragrant tea.

  Four sets of eyes were watching me intently, dying to know what we had found out. Looking at Hermes, I could see he was a little better, but not much.

  George was giving as much solace as he could, and in a flash of insight I checked their interaction with sight. Pale red energy was emanating from George towards Hermes, and being absorbed by his skin. The realization made me a bit dizzy, and I was not up to speaking yet, so I sipped more tea, and snuggled against Paul, hoping to get some of that pink stuff myself.

  I stroked Lukas' rough hair, giving him some of it too. He didn't look too bad, just fagged. He'd come around soon, and with his energy topped up by Paul and some of that tea he would be able to tell his father what was wrong with him, and what the cure would be.

  I looked at Hermes and said: 'We found out what is wrong with you, you're not dying, but all is not well either. When Lukas here is feeling better he'll tell you all about it.'

  Of course, Hermes looked at me uncomprehendingly, but Paul translated what I said in Greek, and to my surprise and delight I could still understand what he said in my mind. I continued: 'One thing can't wait, Paul, or rather, George, can you put a shield on him that stops node-energy from entering his body, no matter how tiny the amount? It is only a matter of life and death.'

  That got a weird look, but I must have done something right the past few weeks, for without asking any questions, George gathered energy and put a nice blue shield on Hermes, that shrank to fit his body exactly and lost its colour at the same time.

  The change on Hermes' face was immediate, he sighed with relief and looked at me thankfully, spilling some Greek words.

  Paul translated: 'He has no clue how you did that, but it just about halved the pain he is in.'

  I observed: 'And for the other half, he'll have to rely on good old painkillers, so if you would be so kind Jonathan, to please run over to Frances and ask her for the strongest ones Hermes may take?' Jonathan was away without even saying anything, and I poured a cup of tea for Hermes to cool enough to swallow the painkiller with, whilst Paul translated what I had said into Greek.

  Now Paul said, a bit worried: 'He's out longer than usual, you were down there for so long, is he all right?'

  I asked 'Have you checked his power-level?' Paul nodded, and said: 'All at full strength.' With my new knowledge of pink power, I suggested: Why not scratch his horns a little, I think he needs a bit of love to wake him up.'

  I stroked his beloved face whilst Paul scratched his horn-bases gently, and soon Lukas opened his eyes, eager for a kiss or two. I let Paul do the honours, he had been rather worried after all, let him assure himself that Lukas was just fine by sharing an ardent kiss. I poured a cup of tea for Lukas as well, and handed it to him as soon as he was done kissing Paul.

  But that wouldn't do at all, he wanted me to kiss him too, so I obliged, how could I ever refuse him a little bit of love? After the kisses, he was happy to drink his tea, resting against Paul, drinking in Paul's obvious relief he was in good health.

  Lukas was so good in finding love wherever it could be had, and he was starting to really see the subtle forms it could take as well as the more obvious ones.

  Chapter 53

  Only when his father addressed him with his name, actually, Hermes called him by his Greek name Lykos but that sounded much like Lukas as he pronounced it, did he seem to really wake up, realizing his dad was yet awake, turning around swiftly in Paul's arms: 'Sorry father, I thought you must be asleep. Feel a bit better?'

  As his father answered, in Greek of course, Jonathan came running up with a packet and a glass of water.

  He helped George to sit Hermes up in the chair, leaning against George for support. This caused quite a bit of pain again, but to relieve the pain he needed to take the powder, that couldn't be helped.

  And he didn't seem to mind being held by George one bit. I handed Jonathan the cup with the cooled tea, and Hermes quickly took the powder with it, then drained the glass of water as well. He said something to Lukas, and before Lukas could translate, George replied in Greek.

  That was a pleasant surprise for our foreign patient, having his most devoted nurse speak his language fluently.

  I checked their interaction with sight, and still saw the pink energy flowing from George into his patient.

  But it was clear he wouldn't last long awake, so Lukas sat on his chair with him, and answered his earlier question: 'We found all your ne
rves totally on fire, when you drained yourself so totally it was like the reverse of a lightning-strike, instead of an overload of power, all the power was pulled out of you.

  When George here gave you some power back, to keep you alive, it set all your nerves on fire, causing you intense pain. As your body started to accumulate power again, the nerves got more and more overloaded, intensifying the pain from bad to excruciating.

  Melissa and I were away so long because we had to find out where the power was coming from, so we could have it shut down by one of our pet-mages here. I suppose George has already taken care of that, I see a shield on you.

  To summarise, father, too much magical power in your body will cause you agony, but it may also damage your nerves further, possibly resulting in disability, coma and even death. I discovered I can only calm your nerves, I cannot heal them, they have to heal themselves and that can take weeks or months.

  You will be in pain all that time, and you may not work magic during that process, for fear of a setback. If you think going home might help, please consider this: if the damage is not healed by your return to godhood, the amount of power your body will take in as soon as you cross the portal will kill you in agonizing pain.

  I'm afraid you're stuck with us until your nerves are healed enough to handle a full personal reserve. And you will have to choose between the fuzziness of painkillers and being in pain all day. Not a very pleasant prognosis, but all I can offer you right now.'

  It was easy to see that this was a blow to Hermes. I guess he expected to just go back home as soon as he could crawl through the portal, and be restored instantly.

  Now he was facing weeks, even months of debilitating pain, and dependence on a bunch of mortals he had been trying to destroy.

  I wondered if he felt humiliated as well, by his miserable failure. But soon I learned the reason for his extreme reaction to his diagnosis, as he talked to his son seriously and Lukas answered: 'You've had a tremendous shock, father, I'm sure you'll remember in a few days.

  As for the other thing, there is no problem, father, we can offer you a place for that time, and I bet George is dying to have you staying with him. I told you I have forgiven you, and as long as you respect the life I have chosen my friends will accept you too, is it not?' this at us.

  Paul said something reassuring in Greek, and I nodded. He was afraid to be left in the cold, helpless and in pain, with no way to support himself.

  After hearing this disheartening news, Hermes was clearly exhausted, and Lukas lovingly helped him to lie down again.

  Then he kissed him tenderly, and stroked his face, murmuring softly. But though his father clearly enjoyed his caresses intensely, there was still something bothering him, almost embarrassing him. Lukas bent over him and Hermes whispered something in his ear.

  Lukas nodded and said: 'I understand, I'll ask Melissa, she was with me, she

  might know. Well that is too bad then, father, she knows how old you are, do you want an answer or not?'

  He got up, led me away from the group and said: 'My father is afraid that if he is stuck here for too long, without godhood and totally without magic, he will start to age a lot.

  Could you identify those other sources of power? Maybe they can provide enough power to keep him good-looking?'

  I was proud to be able to tell him: 'I think I did, the blue was his personal power of course, that will be available. And I think the red was from an obscure group of worshipers somewhere on this earth, probably in the bush bush in Greece, and I think the lighter red is the same power you thrive on, Lukas, the power of love.

  Maybe that is your divine heritage, that you can use love as a source of power. But, he'd better talk it over with George, for he has way more experience with magic than you or I do.'

  Lukas said, smiling broadly: 'I think he has designs on George, and doesn't want him to know how old he really is.'

  I retorted: 'Hmpf, as if George didn't know that already. From the vanity of the gods, please deliver us.'

  This caused Lukas to smother a laugh, and we went back to his father, where he told him: 'We think you will be fine, you have a tiny bit of magic power trickling in that your own body makes, and according to Melissa you even have a few worshipers left here.

  And if you spread enough love around, you also seem to have the ability to derive magic power from the love of the people around you, the way I power my healing Gift.

  Making love fuels me like nothing else. We'll check tomorrow, and if you want to be sure, you'll have to ask George here, he is the expert on magic in all its shapes and forms.

  He may know how much power you need for what you want. Maybe you can use that English spell again, most people here do not speak Greek.'

  Some muffled Greek, and then Lukas, softly, but clearly audible in my mind:

  'Oh, come on father, he knows you're centuries old and he doesn't care. Just ask him, will you. Not now, tomorrow or the day after. Go to sleep now, we'll speak again in a few hours.'

  And in George's lap and beneath Lukas' loving touch, Hermes fell asleep

  once more.

  'What was that all about?' Paul asked, and Lukas said: 'Don't let him know I told you, but Melissa and I just don't know enough of magic to be sure: he's afraid he'll start ageing without magic power. He could be right, it is clear he is not a god anymore, not here.

  It embarrassed him to have you know, George, he wants a piece of you. It'll do him good, for Melissa here tells me he can use love to generate magic power, just like me. She thinks it's my share of divinity.'

  I saw Paul and George digest this, and they looked really impressed.

  Paul asked: 'What more did you learn?' I replied: 'He skims power off nature, like a ley-line but smaller bits and totally automatically.

  That is what you had to shield out, George, it was overloading his nerves and killing him bit by bit. Sleeping on a node may turn out to be dangerous for him, if his shield fails he may overload unconsciously.'

  George took this in, nodded to let me know he'd heard well. I continued: 'And he still has some worshipers here I think, he had a bit of clean red power coming in, I guessed it was people willingly donating power to him. And light red power, which came from George as well, leaching straight into him, even after you built the shield. We'll have to check if that is enough to keep him handsome.'

  Paul looked at me proudly, at both Lukas and me, actually. He said: 'You're so good at this, both of you. Finding out all that, understanding what it all means. Compared to you two we've just been power-plants.'

  'And objects of lust,' Lukas added.

  'Well, this object of lust needs to stretch his legs, and get some food, maybe help clear up the mess, or I'll be in trouble,' George said, 'can I tempt one of you to hold hands with a god, whilst I take some children to bed?'

  I said: 'See if he wakes up first, if he does, I'll take your place for an hour or so, I can use a nap by now. I have a feeling this night is going to be a long one.

  When you come back we should decide where he is going to stay the night, for we all need some sleep.'

  And Lukas lifted his father carefully, so that George could move away from under him. As he was laid back on the chair, Hermes was clearly not comfortable, and I decided I'd take that nap, so Lukas lifted him again, and I sat down as a kind of pillow to rest on.

  That satisfied him totally, and he quieted immediately. I laid my head against the chair, and asked for the boys to bring a blanket if they could find one. It was getting chilly.

  It didn't take long for me to drop off as well, working magic had tired me, and it had been a weird day with a lot of emotions.

  I woke up a tiny bit when someone, I think Paul, covered me with a blanket and kissed me softly on the forehead.

  But it was clear that Hermes was not going to do anything for some time, so I guess they felt safe enough to leave me there with him.

  When I woke up the next time, I felt him snuggled against me, and though hi
s sleek shape against mine still gave me mixed feelings of attraction and smudginess, his hands rested nowhere they shouldn't, and all my skirts and panties were still exactly where they should be, and I knew now he did not send those dreams, so I ignored it and let myself drop off again.

  It was dark when I woke up next, Hermes moaning and turning in pain beside me. I supposed the painkiller had been exhausted, and he needed another one.

  As soon as I saw a shape, I called out, and Lukas was with me in a second.

  I said: 'He needs another painkiller, Lukas, can you get one? Or should we take him to a bed somewhere?'

  He replied: 'I'd prefer to move him with a working painkiller, so I'll get that first.' And he was off in the dark. The moaning beside me increased in pitch and in frequency, so I held the suffering man closer and stroked him to let him know he was not alone in this. He clung to me, muttering in Greek, which of course I didn't understand, but by then Lukas was back already.

  He reminded his father: 'Don't fight it, father, it won't work. This will.' And with his usual gentleness he helped him take the powder, then took my place behind him to support him until it started to work.

  'I will arrange a bed for him as soon as he can be moved,' I said, 'but I want to speak to Tristan as well, about the corrupted node. It may be killing more children as we speak, it needs to be taken care of. I'll be back really soon.'

  And I tucked both of them in in their own blanket, for there were two.

  Tristan was still there, helping with the clean-up, with struck me as rather singular. Here was a council member of the largest city in the country, a nobleman with his own estate and a house in town, and he was helping to clean up the remains of our wedding party.

  Still, he seemed to enjoy it, and that was his new main objective in life, learning how to enjoy himself. I walked up to him and said: 'Tristan, before you leave we need to discuss that corrupted node for a few minutes. Will you stick around long enough to do so?


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