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Mirror Bound

Page 51

by Kirsten Bij't Vuur

  We had seen enough, so we went back into the now, and since he had not practised any real healing magic, Lukas wasn't as drained as usual.

  Still he sat in my arms and let me stroke him, whilst Paul asked Hermes:

  'Melissa noticed you were speaking English again, are you able to use spells already?'

  Smiling cordially at me, he replied: 'Yes, I felt so much better this morning and I thought it would be such a tremendous help to be able to communicate with everyone here, that I asked George if it would be dangerous to use the power I had to activate this tiny spell.

  He thought it wouldn't hurt to try, and it didn't. Could it be that the power of love spares the nerves?' Why did I get the feeling that he was speaking only to me?

  It must be my attraction speaking, and that shouldn't be fed, so I ignored it and listened to Lukas telling his father: 'Your nerves are better, and you seem to have plenty of power to fuel the little magics you were worried about.

  Somehow that power of love does indeed seem to spare the nerves. No larger magics though, and I suggest you keep the shields until your nerves are totally healed.'

  'Thank you so much, all three of you,' Hermes said, and it seemed as if he expected me to hug him again. He was so much like Lukas, healing so fast, asking for so much love in a way that was so hard to resist.

  I supposed he would have to learn the same manners, I remembered Lukas just assuming he could make love to me without even asking. George should talk to him about that, to protect his staff, and even his daughters, and quickly, for he already seemed hurt by my unwillingness to give him love freely.

  Lukas noticed too, and asked bluntly, in English: 'Is something wrong, father? You seem put out, had you hoped to be able to go home sooner?'

  Hermes answered just as frankly: 'I don't understand, most women like me, want me to make love to them, but Melissa still doesn't seem to want to touch me, though I feel her attraction to me.'

  And looking at me directly, with fire in his eyes: 'You're beautiful and I want you, you want me, so why don't you return my love?'

  That look just totally froze me, it didn't have all the power of the god in it, but it was still immensely powerful, filled with need and love, and yes, even some pain.

  I had foolishly thought I could hide my attraction from this man, just thinking of my side of the problem, never even realizing he could actually feel my attraction to him and be attracted to me. I was married only yesterday, I expected that to be my protection, but of course that didn't count at all in his culture.

  He was a god and used to getting all the women he wanted, gladly probably. I had seen it coming, comparing his ways to Lukas' and still it caught me totally off guard.

  Paul didn't kick me as ordered, he just unobtrusively took my hand, breaking the spell, and he gave me a very mild look as if to say that he didn't blame me for any of this.

  Lukas now tried to explain to his father what he had learned when he first arrived: 'Father, Melissa was married yesterday.'

  Hermes did not understand: 'I'm married too, what does that have to do with things?'

  'In the culture of this land, people usually love exclusively.

  Melissa may feel a physical attraction to you, she might even want to make love to you, but she will not, for then she would break the vows she made when she married Paul,' Lukas did quite a good job, putting my feelings into words.

  But his father did not understand at all, and it seemed to me as if he was near despair, fixing me with that heated look again: 'Can't you make an exception for me? I'm a god, no woman has ever refused to love me. I'm badly hurt, you say yourself that being loved will heal me, I need your love.'

  I could hardly breathe under that powerful gaze, and I wanted so much to answer the love in it, to relieve his pain and to feel those elegant hands om my perfect white flesh, but I could move my head, and I shook it most decidedly.

  Once I'd done that I could speak again, and I said: 'I'm sorry Hermes, I love Paul more than anything in this world, and I'm not going to make him unhappy by giving in to physical attraction, to lust. It'll pass, for both of us.'

  That had him gasping, and he blurted out: 'You make love to my son.' I nodded and said: 'That is right. I love him too, though I know he will not love

  me exclusively.

  It was difficult for Paul to share my love with Lukas, and Lukas is the only person he will ever have to share it with.

  I'm sorry to disappoint you, had I realized you could feel my attraction to you, I would have stayed away from your presence.'

  I had made myself clear, that much was obvious.

  Hermes bowed his head in defeat, I felt sorry for him, but I felt sorry for myself as well. For of course I wanted to comfort him, kiss him, stroke his beautiful face, now showing his rejection clearly.

  His vulnerability made him even more attractive, and I was having a really really hard time controlling myself. I asked Paul: 'Can we please leave? Right now?'

  He nodded, and got up, and helped me up as well. I could not even say goodbye to Hermes properly, for if I were to smell him I would surely break.

  So I said: 'I have to leave now, and I will probably avoid your presence until we can both control ourselves better. I wish you all the best, and please have George explain to you how our society works and how women expect to be treated here.

  Lukas, I suppose we'll see you tonight?' Lukas wrapped his arms around me, and his touch and musky smell calmed me a lot. He whispered in my ear: 'I'll try to explain to him, it is good for him to feel rejection, he will return a better god still. See you tonight.'

  And I hugged George, Frances and Tristan, who offered his carriage, and I thanked him and told him I needed the exercise to calm down, which he understood of course, and I marched straight to the lane.

  I suppose Paul took some time to say his goodbyes, for he did not leave with me, but he caught up with me quickly, and hand in hand we strolled towards the gate, and through it, back home along the now-familiar route, and when we got home he opened a bottle of wine and we sat on the sofa and drank it together, taking the edge off our feelings.

  What a mess, what was I doing to both of us?

  I started to cry, and since he had never seen me cry like this before, that really upset Paul, more than anything else that had happened today. He sat me in his lap, wrapped in his arms, nuzzling me, not silent this time, but anxiously begging me: 'Melissa, please tell me what is wrong? If you want him so much go to him, I can handle it, I'm used to sharing now, really.'

  I clung to him, still unable to speak, feeling so much guilt for deserting him on the very day after our wedding. He deserved an answer to his plea, but I just couldn't speak, my throat was blocked with feelings, so I opened my mind to him.

  His relief washed over me, he didn't blame me at all, how could he? Hermes was a god, no woman had ever resisted him before. If he had spells to speak English like a native and to keep his body looking like a twenty-five year old, what was to say he didn't have one to make him irresistible to anyone he fancied?

  Paul let me feel all his admiration for my character, for still resisting the pull of my body, which remained weak and ached to console my handsome father-in-law.

  'Can you make love to me tonight, beloved, or would it be spoiled?' Paul asked me softly, 'lets take a nice hot bath anyway, a swim will relax you.'

  'And if that doesn't work, we'll calculate those four projects I sketched this morning,' I stated, 'calculations always make me really mellow.'

  'They do?' Paul asked, 'I have the same with filing, or sculpting, or any metalwork really. But let's save that for emergencies, and try the bath first, as soon as I have checked you for spells and glamours.'

  And he did that right there on the sofa, gathering power and stroking me from head to toe until I had a glowing nimbus around me. It lighted up in several colours, and each time Paul shook his head, until he dispelled the power and told me: 'I can find nothing, but I want Lukas to check you as
well, as soon as he returns.

  And I want to check him as well, I'll guide you through my method, and I want you to use your sight on him, I don't want him to pack up and leave as soon as his charming father is well enough to return home.'

  Then we went to the beautiful bathroom and filled the tub, swimming tiny circles in the hot water until we were totally relaxed.

  And when Paul carefully started to touch me in exciting places, it felt natural and very good, and he built up my lust and my passion so familiarly and so intimately, that I never once mistook him for anyone else, his beloved face keeping a close eye on me, his mind brushing mine, letting me feel his love and his admiration for the power of my will.

  He brought me to one climax after another, the last one coupled with him, timed perfectly through our connected minds. After that, my body was so

  sated, that it could not work up any lust anymore, not even for a fallen god with the face of an angel.

  We sat on the bed together, and Paul said: 'What did you think of what Tristan said about my guardianship today, do you think the responsibility is hurting me?

  I've been thinking about it a lot. I don't think it has aged me beyond my years, I think that is just my need to always be in control, but I'd like to travel a bit, the idea of being stuck in this part of the city my entire life does oppress me.

  Seeing Tristan handle magic made me wish I could work it as easily and as subtly, and I know I just need practice to improve my skills. I like working magic a lot better with the two of you and him.'

  I kissed him and gave him my opinion: 'If you really had aged beyond your years, you would look older even when you were sleeping. I have only known you as you are now, and I fell in love with you as you are now.

  If you don't feel a burden, if you can be happy this way, I have no problem with it. But I'd like to meet that council, if they want to influence my future as much as yours, I think they need to be a little more personal, for I am not from a family of guardians and I am learning magic because of you, not them.

  Also, you have to be able to travel and broaden your experience, you cannot be stuck here all the time.'

  It was good to lie in our own bed and talk about the things that mattered.

  'I'm seriously considering asking Tristan for help to prepare for an adept testing, working magic alone was disheartening, but today made me realize things have changed for good, and for the good,' Paul observed.

  'Good for you!,' I exclaimed, 'you love your one job, why not try to love the other one as well?

  I'm sure he will be very willing to help you, for he told me today he wants to teach in his school.'

  That was clearly something Paul loved to hear, and he said: 'That is just amazing, remember that stiff upper-class bloke we met only days ago?

  He seems totally transformed, I really like him now. Some of that is Lukas'

  influence, he seems really good at connecting people.'

  'He should be, after being a diplomat for twenty-five years,' I observed.

  That silenced Paul instantly, and it took a while before he said: 'That was quite a shock, wasn't it? Do you think he is playing a role, or did he really

  manage to stay innocent for all those years?'

  I replied: 'I suppose I think the diplomat is the role he plays, and plays really well, but I truly believe we know the real Lukas, that sweet, innocent creature is the real him, and that he has managed to stay that way through years of court intrigue proves that he is really special.

  He does have way more experience with life than we do, and I think you saw it too, just one moment today, but he has not been deceiving us. How could he, mind to mind?'

  Paul retorted: 'Well, he is a half-god, you know. He might be able to control our thoughts.'

  'But why would he, he seems happy just to live with us,' I said, 'remember how shy he always was towards you?'

  This did convinced Paul: 'He was, wasn't he? It feels weird now, him treating me with deference when he is twice my age. Why would he do that?

  I never did anything to deserve so much respect from him.'

  'He just loves you so much, that made him shy, he was afraid you'd reject him,' I replied.

  Just then, the subject of our conversation came in, breathing a bit heavy, clearly eager for a little attention.

  He squeezed in between us, and as we hugged and kissed him, he said: 'I ran back, couldn't wait to see you again. You certainly gave my father his comeuppance, Melissa, he's even worse than I was, so used to getting his way in everything.'

  This could not be an act, telling us his father was spoiled whilst offering us his cute curly head for a good scratch, this had to be genuine innocence, and we fell for it of course, giving him everything he asked for.

  'How did he take it?' asked Paul, laughing at Lukas' display of affection.

  'Very badly,' Lukas answered, closing his eyes in bliss as we both caressed his sweet face very gently, relieved he was still our guileless lover, 'he didn't make a scene, he merely sank into a hurt silence, which George managed to coax him out of, but only with a lot of caressing and kissing.

  I'm glad you managed to withstand him, not just for Paul, but also for me. He was just trying to get back at me through you.'

  Did I want to know for what? Actually, I did. I loved Lukas to bits, but if Hermes had a reason to get back at Lukas I thought we needed to know.

  Especially since it was through my feelings that this battle was being fought.

  I fixed Lukas with a severe look and said: 'Tell me about it. This may concern me just a teeny bit, agree?'

  Lukas sobered up a lot under my stare, snuggled against me with his most innocent look, and confessed: 'I may have made love to his wife at one time.

  But I was a different person then, I had just lost my mother and through her death, my father as well.'

  'And do you really think he is going after me to hurt you?' I pressed him.

  'Actually, I don't think he even knows I slept with her, I think he has really fallen for you. We just seem to have very similar tastes in women. And men.

  I miss George,' Lukas said, a bit sadly.

  How did he do it, tell us things like that, and getting away with it? I even felt sorry for him for having lost George to his dad.

  Paul now said in a serious voice: 'Lukas.'

  Lukas turned around instantly, almost anxiously, and replied: 'Yes, Paul?'

  'May I check you for spells and glamours? And will you check Melissa for emotional tampering and show us how to check you?'

  Relieved Paul wasn't going to reprove him, he said: 'Sure, of course. You think my father has tampered with our feelings?'

  Still very seriously, Paul replied: 'I have no idea, but I want to know. I don't want to wake up one morning all alone, with both of you gone through the portal with him. That'd kill me.'

  Lukas caught him in a tight grip, face to Paul's chest in distress, saying: 'He won't do that, Paul, he is already changed by his experience here, his intentions are honest. He treats George with sincere affection, and he has been very forthright with me, how he thought it was his right to profit from my Gift.

  He denied having set me up for the kidnapping, though. He says he found the portal after a long search, using magic and even an oracle.

  That suggests he does love me. I choose to believe that he loves me. But of course I will help you check me and Melissa for tampering, he is a god and he likes to have his way.

  And he is my father, I know my morals used to be rather flexible. And I most certainly don't want to leave you here alone, that would kill me just as much.'

  'Flexible morals, eh,' Paul said, as he lifted Lukas from his chest easily, dumped him on the bed, and sat on top of him in a split second.

  Lukas looked a bit overwhelmed at first, but when Paul kissed him heartily he answered the kiss eagerly enough, closing his eyes and giving himself up to the man he loved.

  'You've certainly taught me some flexible morals,' Paul obse
rved, as soon as he had his breath back after that kiss, 'maybe I'll have a pass at your beautiful father myself.'

  And kissing Lukas again, scratching his horns a tiny bit, he added: 'Though I think I prefer the son, he is so much cuter.'

  Lukas was gasping for breath now, fire in his eyes, and he said huskily: 'What are you doing to me, Paul, you're making me crazy, we were going to do some magic, weren't we?'

  'I was just teasing you a little, Lukas,' Paul said, letting him go, 'haven't you ever horsed around?' Lukas looked confused again.

  'I suppose that's a no,' Paul said, 'so I'm going to have to teach you. I have three older brothers, so I'm an expert.'

  And with no warning, he jumped Lukas, pinning him to the bed again, but Lukas still didn't get it, he didn't resist, just looked hurt.

  I decided to step in, and said: 'I'll help you, Lukas, watch this.'

  And I tickled Paul in his sides, which caused him to fold up, and then I jumped him, trying to hold him on the bed.

  Lukas looked on, as Paul started to wrestle me, his greater strength against my greater weight, and before long he had me under him, and he kissed me as lustily as he had kissed Lukas.

  But Lukas had gotten some insight in the game now, and he pushed Paul over and wrestled him, giving him good opposition despite his smaller size and weight.

  Paul resisted and they rolled over once, and again, Lukas now starting to see the fun in it. They weren't all that badly matched, but it was hard for Lukas to go all-out, he hadn't practised this against stronger brothers all his youth, and he was smaller and slighter than Paul, and still a bit in awe of him.

  I silently lauded Paul for thinking of this way to make Lukas more comfortable touching him, and it certainly seemed to work, Lukas was sitting on Paul's chest comfortably, until Paul heaved him off and turned the tables on him.

  But Lukas no longer submitted to Paul's greater strength, he looked at me conspiratorially, and with a sudden move, pushed Paul to the side. Then we

  both jumped our bossy lover, and pinned him to the bed together.

  Against the two of us, he didn't stand a chance, but he did not give up at first, he struggled doggedly against the weight holding him down, and our hands holding his arms against the bed.


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