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Boys That Tease: A Bully Romance (Lords Of Wildwood Book 1)

Page 24

by Betti Rosewood

  “Get him out of here.” Crispin motioned to the door, and the security guards dragged my father off. I was sure by then the whole school knew what was happening. It was just another nail in my coffin, just another way to show the world how horrible the Sullivans really were.

  The moment the door closed, I felt the first tear slipping down my cheek. Crispin pulled me against him, gently holding me against his chest as I started sobbing. For myself, for my mom, and for the father I’d just lost for the second time.

  I barely heard the door opening, clutching on to Crispin and just wanting the ground to open up and swallow me whole. I just want it to be over. Please, please, please, let it be over.

  “Are you okay to take Miss Sullivan home?” I heard the headmaster ask, her voice filled with concern. I felt Crispin nod next to me, holding me as delicately as a porcelain doll. “Take a few days off, both of you. And let me know if you need anything.”

  Before I could walk off, Crispin lifted me into his arms as if I weighed nothing at all. He carried me out of the conference room, out of the staff quarters, and down the school hallway that was filled with students by then. I buried my face in his arms, not wanting to see them look at me, and inhaled his crisp apple scent, filling my head with conflicting thoughts.

  I barely remembered getting home. I remembered Mom’s worried look as we arrived, her hushed conversation with Crispin, and then finding myself in my bed with his strong, tall body holding my shaky one. He was whispering in my ear, telling me everything would be okay, that he’d watch out for me, that he’d make sure I was okay, and I let myself believe it.

  It must’ve been hours later when I opened my eyes again, realizing I must have fallen asleep in that bed. Crispin’s body was still wrapped around mine, holding me, protecting me from anyone who meant me harm. I cuddled closer to him, and he muttered my name in his sleep, pulling me against him.

  “Crispin?” I whispered.

  His eyes flew open, registering where we were, turning angry and then gentle and sweet when he looked at me. “Hey, crybaby.”

  “Crispin…” I swallowed thickly. “That night after the cheerleader try-outs. I saw my clothes and my bag in your car, didn’t I?”

  He stiffened next to me, but finally nodded, saying, “I had all of it, yes.”

  “Did you convince them to do that to me? To dump the paint on me?”

  “It was supposed to be a prank,” he muttered. “Leaving you stranded in the gym so I could come and get you. They added the paint without me knowing.”

  “Why are you so mean to me?”

  He looked down at my face, gently stroking his fingers over my skin. “Because I can’t fucking help it.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because you… you wouldn’t have liked me if I was a nice guy.”

  “What?” I furrowed my brows. “Who said that?” He hesitated, so I nudged him with my hand. “Tell me who told you that.”

  “Estella,” he finally admitted. “She… she said good girls only like bad boys.”

  “That’s… just dumb,” I managed, a giggle escaping me when he stared at me so intently. “So all of this is because of something stupid Estella came up with?”

  “I… I guess,” he muttered. “I was dumb for trusting her.”

  “We both were,” I sighed. “And I was dumb for not noticing this was all you earlier.”

  “Are you angry?” He sounded genuinely worried.

  “Yeah.” I glared at him. “Nobody deserves to be treated that way, Crispin. Especially not the girl you like.”

  “I’m sorry.” He tucked a stray strand of hair behind my ear. “I’m truly, deeply sorry for hurting you.”

  “Not forgiven,” I whispered. “I’ll never forgive you.”

  “No?” he asked, nuzzling my neck. “Not even when I do this?”

  “No,” I managed weakly. “Not even then.”

  He rolled on top of me, pinning me beneath him. “Do you want me to leave?”

  I considered his offer, finally shaking my head no.

  “Good,” he grinned. “Because I’m nowhere near done with you, Tins.”

  Chapter Twenty


  Holding Tinsley in my arms was my new favorite thing. I never got sick of it. The feeling of her body against mine was so calming, making me feel complete for the very first time in my life. Now, as she cuddled closer, I inhaled the sweet scent of her hair. "I'll never grow tired of this," I muttered in her hair the next morning when she stirred awake next to me.


  "Holding you. Smelling you."


  "I'm not a creep," I laughed.

  "I still remember your foot fetish, creep," she giggled, turning around on her elbows. "The nail polish thing."

  I pinched her cheek, and she stuck her tongue out at me. "That was just to piss you off."

  "Sure." She rolled her eyes. She was wearing a sleeveless shirt, and I could see the faint, silvery outlines of her scars.

  I touched them, letting my fingertips wander over her exposed skin. "I want to show you something," I said softly, and Tinsley cocked her head to the side.

  "What is it?"

  "I've been doing some research," I went on. "I saw this thing... it's supposed to help whenever you have the urge to self harm."

  She immediately stiffened next to me, her body rigid with worry.

  I paid it no mind, gently touching my fingertips to her skin like I'd done before, brushing the goosebumps on her flesh. "Wanna know about it?"

  "Okay," she managed hesitantly. "What is it?"

  "Do you have a Sharpie?"

  "Sure." She got off the bed and rattled in a drawer before coming back with a metallic silver marker. "Only one I could find, sorry."

  "That's okay." I uncapped the Sharpie and motioned for her to join me back on the mattress. Once I had her next to me, I gently took her arm by the wrist and made her lay it out on my lap. "So, the idea is that every time you feel the urge to do something to yourself..." I started to draw on her skin, and she peeked to see what I was doing. "You draw a butterfly instead." I pulled back, motioning to my shitty drawing on a butterfly now decorating her wrist. "You can draw as many as you like. As long as you don't hurt yourself."

  "You want me to start doing that?" she asked, her voice uncertain.

  "Yeah, I'd like that."

  "Okay." She nodded, raising her eyes to meet mine. "I'd like that. I think."

  "Try it out," I suggested. "You might find it helpful."

  She moved in for a kiss, and I let the moment pull me under into the world where nothing mattered but Tinsley Sullivan and her sweet, sinful lips.

  Minutes later, I pulled back with a groan, glancing at the clock as I said, "I have to get going. Game starts in two hours. Coach will want me there for practice."

  "Okay." She blew me a kiss, her fingertips outlining the butterfly on her wrist. "I'll be cheering you on with Andie and Finn from the bleachers."

  "You better," I grinned, grabbing my lacrosse jacket before leaving the room and calling out, "I'll be watching out for you!"

  We won.

  We won.

  We freaking won!

  My teammates nearly tackled me to the ground once the game was over. Another win over Silverside for Wildwood. This meant we'd won the state high school championship. Next up—nationals.

  I grinned so hard it fucking hurt as I rushed to get ready after the game. I was picking Tins up and taking her to her very first homecoming dance, and I couldn't fucking wait, especially with that win under my belt.

  I showered in the locker room, rushing out and wrapping a towel around my waist when I bumped into a familiar, muscular figure in the locker room.

  "Watch it, Dalton," Natan spat out at me.

  "You watch it." I glared at him. "Fucking get out of my way."

  He stepped aside but not before spitting in front of my feet. Goddamn, the tension was high. Since I'd be off the team in just a
couple of months when I graduated, Natan would be taking my spot, and man, was he going for it already. He was good, but not as good as I was, and I knew it had bothered him before the whole Estella debacle, but now he just couldn't get over it.

  As I dried off my hair, I wondered whether their relationship was going anywhere. I didn't get the vibe from Estella that she was really into him, but what the hell did I know. I wondered who the man would be to finally tame Estella Hawthorne.

  I changed into my suit right there, rushing to my car to make a quick stop at the florist before I picked up Tinsley. I'd gotten her a corsage to wear—I wanted her to have the full high-school experience she'd dreamed of for so long. Finally, with everything in tow, I pulled up in front of her house, not surprised when I saw another familiar car parked in the driveway.

  My dad was there. I still felt my heart skip a beat, but things had calmed down a lot since I'd first found out he was still dating Diana Sullivan. I hadn't come to terms with the idea just yet, but I was at least more open to it than in the beginning.

  I raced up the front steps and rang the doorbell. A moment later, Diana opened the door, wearing a bright grin and a dress that made her sparkle.

  "Wow," I said. "You look like a million bucks!"

  "Thank you," she laughed, reminding me of her daughter. "Your father's taking me out for dinner while you kids have fun. Come in, Tinsley's almost ready."

  I walked into the house, and Dad stood in the hall, clapping me on the back when he came closer. "You're not going to believe it when you see her."

  I grinned, waiting at the foot of the stairs for another few minutes until I heard Tinsley call out, "Okay! Everyone ready?"

  "Ready!" we called out in unison.

  She came down the stairs, a vision in cotton candy pink fabric. She was wearing a dress that looked like something out of my little sister's Barbie princess castle—big, poofy, and pink. But Tins had paired the dress with black combat boots and ripped fishnet tights. The look was perfect and unmistakably her, and with every inch I saw come around the corner, I fell in love again and again.

  Her hair was down, the purple now a little more washed out and giving way to the blond underneath. She wasn't wearing much makeup, but she looked perfect. And I told her as much as I rushed to her, picking her up and spinning her around the room while she laughed.

  "The belle of the ball," I told her. "You're going to be the most beautiful girl there, Tins."

  "Thank you." She blushed, but I could tell she was pleased by my words. "Can we go?"

  I nodded, and after we said goodbye to Tinsley's teary-eyed mom and my dad, we got in the car, and I drove us to Wildwood. Nilou Westbrook's biggest hit, Baby Mine, came on the radio, and she sang about finding herself and the love of her life while we drove to school. Tins started singing along, her voice low and raspy and just as exciting as it had always been. Enchanted by her, I barely managed to keep my eyes on the road until we arrived.

  The school was decked out, and we made our way past the fairy lights and took every single photo-op until we arrived inside the main hall. Music was playing, someone was pouring vodka into the punch, and girls gossiped in every corner. Oh Wildwood, I won't miss you at all.

  "I think you're going to get homecoming king tonight," Tins whispered in my ear as I led her to the dancefloor.

  "Is that so?" I grinned. "You might get homecoming queen, you know."

  "I kinda doubt it." She grimaced. "I don't even want it. Let Estella have it."

  "I'm pretty sure she'd murder someone if she didn't."

  Tins responded to my words with a sad smile, and I tipped her chin back, making her look at me.

  "Hey, don't be upset."

  "I lost a friend, C." She sighed. "I'm never getting her back."

  "Was she really that good of a friend?" I asked, and she gave me a guilty look.

  "A better one than I ever was."

  "Don't say that." I tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear. "You're the most beautiful girl here, and you've made me the happiest man at this dance. Who cares about Estella?"

  "I can't stop caring. She was my best friend."

  "What about Andie?" I suggested gently. "She's your real friend."

  "I guess." She glanced to her friend, who was gyrating on the dancefloor with somebody she most definitely shouldn't be dancing with. "God, she's going to get herself in trouble."

  "So much trouble," I muttered before taking my eyes off the unlikely couple. "Just dance with me, crybaby. I don't want to think or care about anything or anyone other than you right now."

  She managed a smile, and I held her close, spinning her around the dancefloor. It was a silly thing to get excited about, the dance, but I made sure she had the best time. I posed for pictures. I danced. I let her drink the non-spiked punch and held her close when the songs played. Then, when they announced the nominees for homecoming king, I left her with Andie and took the stage.

  The homecoming queen was announced first, and the four nominated girls stood shivering on the stage until the only name we'd expected was finally called out—Estella's. Her smile was triumphant. She took the flowers and the tiara, smirked at the crowd, and blew kisses.

  I stood in line with the other three guys, including Natan, who gave me the death glare, while our headmaster gave a speech. I knew the win was in my pocket; I wasn't nervous about that.

  "And your homecoming king is..." The head master wrestled with the envelope, finally pulling out a piece of paper. "Crispin Dalton!"

  The applause was deafening, almost loud enough to ignore Natan's whistles of protest.

  I stepped to the front of the stage, my eyes finding Tinsley's while the head master put a tacky crown on my head.

  "Thank you, everyone—"

  "Actually, I wanted to say something." The hall went quiet when I spoke, all eyes on me. "I hope you don't mind."

  "Well. I..." Instead of waiting for the Head Master Weston to stop me, I snatched the mic off the stand and stood up front and center.

  "I've been a Wildwood student for almost four years," I started. "I've seen the good, the bad, and the ugly of Wildwood. I fell in love at Wildwood." My eyes found Tinsley's. "I had my heart broken at Wildwood. And I'm not the first one, or the last one. But I wanted to say something to every one of you who has struggled. You're strong enough to get through this. This year, I met a girl who changed my life for the better. And she is the kindest, bravest, most beautiful soul I have ever known. To see her overcome all of this... to see her get better every day, has been a true blessing."

  Tinsley smiled at me from the crowd, and I returned a hopeful grin.

  "No matter how many scars," I went on. "Physical or metaphorical... you will come back on top. And while you may have voted differently..." I glanced at Estella who was looking at me with murder in her eyes, "My real queen tonight is more real, more honest, and more beautiful than anyone else standing on this stage. And I love her."

  I tossed the mic aside and took the steps leading off the stage until I came to a stop in front of Tinsley, who was blushing fiercely.

  "May I have this dance, my queen?" I asked, grinning wide.

  She gave me her hand, and I led her to the dancefloor once again. I held her close, twirled her around the room and laughed until everyone else joined in, too. And when my shirt sleeve rolled up, and I saw the butterfly tattoo on my wrist peeking out, I knew I'd made the right move.

  Because Tinsley Sullivan was the only one for me.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  "Shhhh, wake up. Baby, wake up."

  "W-What?" She stirred from her sleep slowly, eyes flying open and zeroing in on me. "Tinsley?" she asked, yawning and rubbing her makeup-free eyes. "Is that really you?"

  "It's me." I nodded with a conspiratorial grin. "I'm here to full-on prison break you out of here."

  "What?" Baby's eyes went wide, and she stared at me in disbelief. "They're going to kill you."

  "Not if
they don't find out." I winked and carefully peeled back the blanket that was covering her ever-grown navel. "Now come on, we don't have much time."

  She seemed to understand how important it was in a matter of seconds. She barely made a sound as she got out of bed, giggling softly as I helped her get dressed in a floral sundress and flat sandals. I grabbed her denim jacket and guided her to the window. Crispin was waiting outside, and he raised his hand up to help her.

  Baby shot me a surprised look, whispering, "What's this?"

  "Just go with it," Crispin said, motioning for her to hurry up. After a moment's hesitation, she let him help her climb out of the window.

  I followed suit, joining them on the lawn outside Lindsay's Home. We checked to make sure the coast was clear. There was nobody in sight—though, at four a.m., it would be unlikely that we’d run into someone in this part of town.

  We rushed across the lawn to the iron gates that separated the estate from the main road. Baby and I used to call them the Gates to Hell. I wondered if she still felt the same way, but taking one look at her delighted face as we broke free told me my answer. The doors were unlocked for the morning deliveries of food and laundry, so we'd timed our escape accordingly.

  During my last visit with Baby, I'd checked with Dr. Morton if I could take her out, but he'd said no, saying she was too vulnerable to be seen. Despite my promises that it would be a private outing, he insisted on her keeping between the very four walls of the home that were driving her crazy.

  Now, she sat in the backseat of Crispin's BMW while we sped away from the scene of the crime, laughing like a little kid. She didn't stop all the way to Clancy's, where Andie was waiting for us, nervously glancing over her shoulder.

  "Come on, hurry," she said, shooting Baby an admiring look before ushering us into the building.

  We got out of the street and filed into the diner. It was quiet, since it was officially still closed—the doors would open at eight, but we'd be long gone by then.


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