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Kindred Soul (Otherworld Book 2)

Page 10

by Brynn Burke

  Men, women they can both be equally as horrendous. I’ve learned that from experience.

  I rush to him, taking his hands in mine.

  “That’s fine. It’s okay. We will figure something out together. All three of us.” I say as I look at him and then to Killian.

  Killian just nods.

  Now I just have to figure this out, a way for it to happen and suit us all.

  Everything will work out, I just know it.

  * * *

  Killian approaches and kisses my forehead before he turns and walks to the hotel room door. I want to say something, anything but what he is doing is giving both Wyatt and I some space. It’s greatly appreciated but I really don’t want him to leave. I feel safe when they are both within a close distance. He places his hand on the door and looks at me before walking out, but it isn’t me who speaks, it’s Wyatt.

  “You can stay, just… sit over there,” he says pointing to the chair Lynx was sitting in a few minutes ago.

  Wyatt sits on the bed and Killian takes his place in the chair Wyatt directed him to. They are staring at me, basically asking ‘what are we to do now?’

  How do I initiate this?

  The only time I’ve even encountered anything sexual is when it was taken from me without my consent. Taken from me with abuse, and a roughness that resulted in the act being painful rather than pleasurable. Things are different because both of these men turn me on. Turn me on to the point where I want to jump them and take what’s mine, but I am not like Monster… I don’t want to just take, I want things to be different but I am afraid. What if I need rough? What if essentially, I need to be controlled to feel any sort of sexual gratification?

  Wyatt stands and I have no more time to think about anything as he grabs me by the neck, tangling his fingers through my hair, pulling me towards his chest. His lips find their way back to mine and I feel exactly like I did after he purchased me. A rush of blood to my head, heart feels like it’s going to beat right out of my chest. He does something to me that causes me to lose all sense of reality. His hands leave my neck and I feel him caress my arms before he grabs the shirt I’m wearing roughly, lifting it up my stomach to my head. We break the kiss for just a brief moment to remove my shirt. I grab ahold of his and do the same. Only it gets stuck under his armpits because he is so much taller than I am, and I can’t quite reach. He grabs the hem for me and lifts it off of him, throwing it to the floor beside us. His hands slide under my bum and the next thing I know, my chest is pressed tightly against his. I wrap my legs around his torso as he carts us over to the bed.

  “This is going to be different than the first time. I need to be in control, can you handle that?”

  I look him in the eyes and nod my head.

  “I need you to speak your acknowledgement, Oksana, tell me you understand.”

  “Yes,” I manage to get out as nothing but a whisper.

  That’s all he needs as he dives back into kissing me breathless, while working the bow that holds my pants up. As soon as the bow is untied, he moves them over my hips and down my legs. He breaks the kiss and sits back, looking at me. Now I am completely bare to him feel a bit vulnerable. Not because I am embarrassed of my nudity. It’s because I have so many little scars that cover my body and for once I feel a bit self-conscious. I want him to want me, to not be disgusted by the marks that riddle my body. I cover myself up with my hands, but he grabs them in one palm and holds them up above my head.

  “Don’t ever hide yourself from me, Oksana.” His voice is something I’ve never heard from him before. Serious isn’t the right word. He’s…showing me his dominance in it’s truest form. Warning me not to hide myself from him.

  He removes his grip on my arms. “Don’t move your arms, and I want you to look at Killian while I taste you.”

  Wait what? Taste me?

  “Look at me, Oksana.” Killian demands, and I obey, looking into his eyes. They are a bright glowing red and from the way he is sitting I can see the outline of his arousal in his jeans. Just knowing that Killian is watching Wyatt touch me, bringing me pleasure… it turns me on more than I can explain.

  As soon as I feel warm breath on my neither region, I squirm a bit and turn my head from Killian, looking down. Wyatt peers up at me with his beautiful golden eyes.

  “Oksana, I think you just disobeyed a direct command. Killian… if you would?”

  Killian stands and prowls over slowly… like he’s stalking prey. As soon as he is next to my head, he unzips his pants and pulls his length out, bending his knee so that his cock right in my face. I got told not to move my hands from above my head… screw it. I move my hands and my mouth starts to water just thinking about having his length in my mouth. I give the head a lick just as I feel Wyatt’s tongue do the same. I have never felt anything like it, and my back arches unexpectantly. I hear Wyatt groan and then he just dives in, his tongue moving so fast I can’t think let alone concentrate on Killian.

  Killian crouches down on the side of the bed, grabbing my face with one hand and places his other hand on my breast. He pinches my nipple and it causes me to moan but it doesn’t pass my lips. He kisses me so forcefully that I don’t make a peep, we can only hear the sounds of our lips clasped against one another.

  Killian breaks the kiss and looks down at me but everything happening is almost too much, everything just feels so good and I close my eyes at the sensations that riddle over my entire body. I feel a pair of lips encase one of my nipples and it feels like I am having an out of body experience. My muscles tighten up and I know something is about to happen. I want to scream but instead I grab Killian by the hair, bringing his neck up to my mouth and I bite down hard.

  I explode in the most fantastic way. A way that I never thought possible.

  With blood on my lips and my men surrounding me.

  For the first time I feel as if I am in heaven and if I die right now, I will die with a smile spread across my face.



  Her reaction to the pleasure she is receiving is unbelievable. It’s so intense that her mind is wide open and so powerful that I can feel everything she is though our connection. I am about three seconds from coming in my pants, so I close off our connection and take a moment to breathe. I need to gather myself. It only lasts about two seconds because my wolf tries to rear his head, demanding I claim her. That we give her our seed, marking her as ours. I try to pull him back but the growl I hear coming from Oksana drives him to come forth.

  Within seconds my pants are undone, and I am thrusting my cock deep within her tight pussy. I know it won’t hurt her because she just had an orgasm, spilling her wetness all over herself. She’s wet enough that I am able to slide in with no resistance, but as soon as I do, I take in a deep breath. She’s tight, her pussy gripping me like a vice, as if she was born for my cock.

  I close my eyes, relishing in the feeling that is Oksana. As I open them, I see that Killian is out of view and Oksana is staring at me in what I can only assume is awe. It’s either that, or extreme lust. I’m not quite sure. I remain still, my cock still nestled deep inside her.

  My intentions when we started were to dominate, to control her. To show her just who is in charge but now as I look at her, I realize something else.

  I want anything but that.

  She reaches up with her left arm and caresses my face. Her touch is soft, caring and so very loving. She leans up and places her lips upon mine, while she lifts her legs up and places them on both sides of my hips. I slowly pull my hips back and then rock them forward. Sliding my hands under her back with one arm, I hold onto her shoulder while with the opposite I wrap deep her hair so I can move her in any way I please.

  We continue this slow pace for a while, just enjoying the feel of one another, but as soon as she softly bites my lip, I know she needs something more. I still hold onto her the same way, but I begin moving my hips a bit faster, making sure my pelvis rubs against her clit each time I drive
deep inside her.

  Being with her like this… I start to wonder if this is what I needed all along. Maybe I don’t need to dominate. Maybe that is just an excuse I told myself in order to not think about the terrible things done to me.

  As much as I hate to admit it…I once thought that Adaline loved me. She told me countless of times that she did and that I was her favorite, but years later I finally see the truth. How truly wrong I was. She never loved me. I don’t think she even knew what love was. I did love her… or maybe it was lust… I felt something for her, but the whole thing was a confusing time for me. Being someone whose days and nights consisted on being fed on, a big blood bag whose only purpose was to be fucked No, that’s not the right word. Let me correct myself, being raped. All my days started to combine into one, one a constant loop. You lose yourself and you go numb, in ways that you never even thought possible.

  Numb is the last thing I feel right now. Whatever I feel with Oksana…I feel like she is the air I need to breath, this indescribable feeling… that is now what I associate love with. She doesn’t know me, and I don’t really know her, but one thing is for sure. I am starting to fall for this magnificent woman. She has shown me that she trusts me. I know what she has gone through with Archer couldn’t have been easy. But I have a sinking suspicion she has gone through a lot of the same things as I have, but she has given me her body

  Not all mates love each other, in fact I heard stories of mates ignoring the pull and they end up going mad. For once I refuse to ignore the obvious. I want her and I believe she feels the same and I am not going to let that go. She has become my lifeline and I see the ways I am already changing since she has come into my life. I am not a lost soul anymore. Finally, I have a place.

  I have someone who wants me, and I know I have always had Elliot but now… I am not so alone. She fills the empty void that I have been carrying around for too long.

  Oksana’s gasp draws my attention back to her. Her mouth remains open in a silent scream and her eyes are tightly closed.

  “Look at me, Oksana.” I order her.

  She pops her eyes open and they are glowing that bright yellow color I love to see on her. Her breathing is coming out more frantic, and with the constant mewls and gasps I know she is just as close as I am.

  My time is coming. It’s time to claim what is mine. I want this to be something she will never forget. So, with the hand wrapped in her hair, I pull her head to the side forcefully but not to the point where it would hurt.

  I feel her muscles tighten around me and I watch the way her throat works as she swallows. I lick the column of her throat and I feel a shiver work its way through her body. I place open mouthed kisses all the way from the base of her neck to the same exact location she marked me in, right on her shoulder. I move my hips slightly, giving her a different angle. As soon as I hear her moan loudly and I clamp down on her neck, sinking my canines deep within. She screams out and her nails find their way to my back, marking me up. The pain is just what I need. I feel myself emptying deep inside of her as her orgasm continues on.

  I hold her for a few moments. It has been many years since I have had sex like that. By years I mean before I was turned into a wolf. I don’t remember those experiences, but I have a feeling they went something like this… slow and passionate… but one thing remains is that they weren’t with anyone like this woman underneath me. They were just two inexperienced people trying to figure out how to do the damn thing.

  I didn’t want to leave her. What I really want to do is hold her, to never let her go but that is me being unrealistic. My time with her has come to an end and now I need to share.

  Sharing is not something I ever thought I’d have to do with a mate, but it doesn’t bother me or the wolf any. It’s weird considering that wolves are very territorial, but alas… Killian is pack, werewolf or not. As soon as Oksana accepted him, my wolf understood and did the same. There was no use for him to fight it. If he did, she could have died…and that is a sacrifice that none of us are willing to make. Maybe it has to do with the wolf she had inside of her, we have experienced how she is dominate… we just don’t know the full extent.

  If Oksana is Alpha, my wolf has no choice but to accept her wishes.

  I lean down and kiss her forehead, placing my cheek against hers and whisper.

  “Thank you for trusting me with your body, Oksana. I will cherish this moment for the rest of our lives. Now… there is someone else that needs you and I can tell he is getting very impatient.”

  I remove myself from my mate and after I stand, I look over to Killian and give him a slight nod.

  I walk to the bathroom, shutting the door so I can give them some alone time. Besides a shower sounds wonderful right now.



  As soon as we are outside the hotel room I look at Lynx and with a hint of bitchiness I say to him, “I need answers and I need them now. I am sick of the half assed responses. I don’t know half the shit you and the others are taking about. I feel like I am going crazy so please if you would, start at the beginning. I want to know everything.”

  Both of the two men look at me as I plop down on the ground, resting my back against my patrol car. I look at them once more and throw my head back against the bumper.

  Lynx huffs out a breath and begins.

  “All supernaturals come from our world, Otherworld. It’s in another realm. A realm that is side by side to this one. It’s a safe haven of sorts… well it once was. Things changed a few hundred years ago when your mother became the Queen of the light fae. She was a kind queen, fair but also very strict. Her number one rule was not to have any doings with the dark fae. You see… the King of the dark fae was not her biggest fan. They were betrothed but Vesna, your mother knew he wasn’t her true mate and she also knew what kind of man he was. Evil, sadistic and selfish. He only wanted to marry your mother because of the power he would receive by being her husband. So, she put up the gates that separate the two kingdom’s and made the law that no one was allowed to associate with anyone from that kingdom.

  She knew it was wrong keeping the two races separate because there was always a chance that someone in her kingdom was actually the mate of someone in his kingdom. She hated keeping mates apart because your mother was actually a big believer of true love, but with the constant threats thrown at her by Lucius… she felt like she had absolutely no choice. She was afraid for her life but also afraid of her unborn child that was growing in her stomach,”

  “Things were quite for a little while, but it was too quiet. The dark fae were planning an attack on the light with of course some of the light faes help. Those light fae thought your mother was being selfish and unreasonable by putting the gate up in the first place, preventing them from having any doings with the outside world,”

  “It was a hard time. The people of our world not knowing what they should do. Do they fight your mother, the one person who has made their lives tremendously better with her reign or do they do everything to obey her command?”

  I interrupt. “What am I? Am I dark or light, Lynx?” I don’t know why I ask. I just feel like it is something I just really need to know. I have a feeling I knew exactly which type of Fae I am, but I want to hear the words leave his lips.

  “I am not there yet, Hadley.”

  “Okay… then please continue.”

  “Lucius proclaimed war against your mother. Vesna knew that her kingdom was not ready for battle. Not when her people were more peace keepers than fighters, so on the day Lucius stood outside the gates threatening to bring it down… your mother ran. She didn’t tell anyone where she was going. She just seemed to have disappeared into thin air. That was all the ammo Lucius needed to claim the kingdom as his,”

  “He sent men after your mother and he search relentlessly for months. One day your mother gave up running and she let Lucius and his men capture her. He forced her hand in union and unwillingly took her into his bed to consummate their marri
age. Even though Vesna was already pregnant, well… it didn’t matter because she became pregnant again. It’s a common thing that happens to changeling woman. They are able to give birth to one child, while the other still continues to grow inside the womb.”

  I want to say something, but I am so into the story. I sit up a little straighter and cross my legs, intrigued by everything he has said so far.

  “Days turned into months and your mother knew she needed to find a way to flee… but where was she to go? Then she thought about it… she would go to the one place that has been closed off to us Otherworlders for generations -Earth. It was the only hope she had to escape all of Lucius’ reach and protect her child. What she needed was a fairy. The only race in Otherworld that can create portals to and from there. It has always been forbidden, but since my mother and your mother were dear long friends... When Vensa fled the castle, Lucius knew of course. He knew and had her followed, but he got arrogant thinking that there was nowhere she could go to in order to escape him. Now many were to believe that she had no mates, but it was a lie. She wanted to protect them. So… she had a spell cast upon them that placed them in a deep sleep in an unknown location. A place where they would forever remain safe, only she would know of their location. Her and her daughter.

  She wandered for days before she came to my tribe, trying to confuse the trackers and it worked for the most part,” he explains and then pauses, he sighs getting lost in thought for a moment.

  “Time is a completely different concept there than it is here. Years will pass there and only months will pass here. Considering that most of us are immortal anyways… time just seems endless. That brings me to the reason as to why I came here to find you. Her last wishes to my mother were that if she didn’t come back… to send me. She would leave a clue buried in the ground of the first tree you see when you came out of the portal and she even asked me to make the portal rather than my mother so I would never forget the destination. I created the portal for her, but right before she stepped through, she leaned down and told me that I was special and that one day I would be one of the great loves of her daughter’s life, her daughter’s mate. I didn’t understand because at the time I was just a young lad, but she told me that I would know when the right time to come was, that I would be able to find you as soon as I stepped through the portal so that’s exactly what I did. I stepped out of the portal and walked over to the tree and I found this.”


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