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Loving a Stranger

Page 15

by Evangeline Anderson

  Did she trust him not to hurt her? Not to penetrate her? Looking into those dark eyes of his, Nallah knew she did.

  “Yes,” she whispered, nodding. “Yes, Harryx, I’m not afraid. Go…go ahead.”

  “Not going to come until you do, baby,” he murmured. “Need to get you there first.”

  “You…you do? Why?” Even as she spoke Nallah felt the pleasure cresting inside her. The slick friction of his long, thick shaft rubbing deeply into her open pussy was just too much, especially since every stroke pressed him against her throbbing clit. “Oh!” she gasped as the first spasm of pleasure swept over her. “Oh, my husband!”

  “That’s why I needed to wait,” Harryx growled. Leaning down, he captured her mouth with his, swallowing her moans of pleasure eagerly before he spoke again. “Because you look so damn beautiful when you come, baby. God, watching you and feeling your little pussy spasm against my cock is too much…too good…”

  He groaned low in his throat and then Nallah felt the long shaft pressing against her pussy swell as something hot and wet spurted onto her belly. Harryx spurted twice more and then he slid down and she felt the broad head of his cock kiss the mouth of her pussy.

  Nallah tightened up for a moment but though the tip of his shaft pressed lightly against her entrance, he didn’t push all the way in. Instead she felt his shaft ripple once more and then his hot, wet seed coated the mouth of her pussy, making it look as though he had been thrusting inside her all this time and had just pulled out.

  With a last groan, Harryx collapsed on top of her—though he made certain he was resting on his forearms so that he didn’t crush her.

  “Oh, my husband…” Nallah looked up at him in wonder. She didn’t know what to say. Not only had he not hurt her—he had gone out of his way to make her comfortable and helped her enjoy the dreaded Ritual for once.

  He really has changed, she thought. He’s completely different now.

  “Nallah,” he murmured in a low, hoarse voice. Gods, baby…feel so close to you right now.”

  “I feel close to you too,” Nallah whispered. Feeling brave, she added, “Closer than I ever have. You’re so different now. I…I love you.”

  His eyes burned black with intensity.

  “Gods, Nallah—I love you too. So much, baby!”

  His words warmed her all over—it was the first time he had ever told her he loved her. Reaching up to cup his cheek, Nallah looked earnestly into his dark eyes.

  “You know, I…I always wanted to love you, Harryx. You just…wouldn’t let me in. Now I feel like you finally have. Thank you, my husband.”

  A troubled look came over his face.

  “Sweetheart…” he began but just then the priest came bustling back into the room.

  “Are you finished, Arch-General?” he demanded, obviously still miffed at not being able to see more of their performance. “If so then I have others of the Inner Circle waiting to use this room.”

  “We’re finished,” Harryx growled. “Now turn away until my wife gets properly dressed. I don’t want your eyes on her.”

  Huffily, the priest turned his back and made a long, loud sigh of apparent impatience.

  “Here you go, sweetheart.” Lifting her gently from the altar, Harryx helped Nallah put her outer robes back on and then replaced his own. “Come on.” He took her by the hand. “Let’s go home and get cleaned up.”

  They left the priest still fuming and this time when they walked through the Temple, Nallah went with a light heart.

  He loves me! He really said he loves me!

  The sweet words rang in her head and made her feel warm all over. For the first time her husband had told her how he really felt for her, and he had treated her so tenderly during the ritual.

  He’s really changed for good, Nallah thought, finally allowing herself to believe it. He’s never going to be cruel or cold to me again. He’s a different man and he’s never going back to his old ways.

  After the way Harryx had treated her so sweetly and told her he loved her, she was certain of it. Her whole life would be different now and she need never fear her husband again.

  Chapter Seventeen

  I have to say something! I have to tell her! I can’t let her believe it’s that bastard Harryx who loves her! I have to find a way to let her know who I really am so I can bring her back with me to the Mother Ship.

  The thoughts ran in a loop through Reeve’s head as they left the temple and walked to their hovercar and yet, he couldn’t think of how he could tell Nallah the truth. What if she thought he was talking about the damn Hallorook legend again? How could he make her see that it was he, Reeve, who loved her and wanted to take her away from this fucking hellhole of a planet and be with her forever?

  Maybe I should just say it—just say it out. There’s no one around—the parking lot is full but everyone is in the Temple. Maybe I should just tell her the truth…

  “Sweetheart,” he began, nerving himself up for what he had to say. “Remember how you said I’m like a different person now?”

  “Yes…” Nallah looked up at him uncertainly. “But a good person—a kinder person,” she said softly. “I like you like this, Harryx.”

  “I’m glad you do, baby.” He smiled down at her. “But remember how we were talking the other night about the idea of one person’s spirit being in another person’s body? And I don’t mean that damn Hallorook thing you were talking about,” he added quickly. “I’m talking about a good spirit—a friendly spirit—maybe taking over the body of someone else.”

  “Yes, but…that couldn’t be,” Nallah objected. “The Hallorook is only a legend—I know that. And the idea of one person’s mind or spirit getting into another person’s body…it just silly, isn’t it?”

  “Suppose for a minute it’s not silly,” Reeve said earnestly. “Can you see how having one person’s spirit in another person’s body would make it seem like the person who was taken over was a completely different man?”

  “Well…yes…” Nallah was looking at him warily now. “But…what are you trying to tell me, my husband? Surely you don’t mean that—”

  “Ah, Arch-General Parokk—there you are!”

  The voice from behind them startled Reeve so badly that he turned at once, putting himself between Nallah and the perceived threat. One hand rested on the butt of his blaster, ready to shoot if necessary.

  But it was only Grand General Viceroy with a fragile looking woman who appeared to be at least thirty years his junior at his side. Presumably, his new wife, Reeve thought sourly. He wondered what had happened to the old one.

  “Hello, Grand General,” he said, saluting formally. “How are you this fine day?”

  “Of fine, fine—just finished our Ritual.” Harryx’s boss waved away his greeting as though it was unimportant. “Listen, I’m damned glad I caught you, Parokk,” he said to Reeve. “I know today is still technically a holiday but I need you to come in to the office right now—at once.”

  “At once?” Reeve frowned. “But, Grand General, I’m still wearing my, uh, temple gear.” He gestured vaguely to the long black robe he was wearing. Under it he had on only the crotchless leather trousers and no shirt at all. It wasn’t something he wanted to wear for a long period of time—in fact, he couldn’t wait to get out of it.

  The Grand General frowned at him.

  “Listen Parokk, I wouldn’t bother you but we’ve had a breakthrough at the Temporal Displacement lab. I know you were interested to see how it works so I thought—”

  The wormhole lab—that’s what he’s talking about! Reeve felt a surge of adrenaline shoot through him.

  “Of course!” he exclaimed at once. “Yes, Grand General. Just let me take my wife home safely and change and I’ll be at the office at once.”

  “No time for that—just put on the change you have in your office. Your little wife can walk home with mine—no one will bother them. Everyone is at the Temple today.”

  Reeve didn’t lik
e that one damn bit but it was true that the Temple of the God-King wasn’t very far at all from Harryx’s domicile and at least Nallah would have company on the walk. He would never normally leave her alone like this but it sounded like this was his chance to access the wormhole lab.

  He turned to look at her.

  “Sweetheart, will you be all right going home with…” He looked at the other woman and then at the Grand General pointedly, waiting for the name of the other man’s wife.

  “Oh, Shifeenah,” the Grand General said. “This is my new wife, Shifeenah.” He nodded at her and then at Nallah. “You two little ladies can get home fine together, can’t you?”

  “Yes, oh my husband,” Shifeenah said and Nallah nodded at Reeve.

  “It’s all right, my husband. I will be well. Go and do your important work.”

  “I will.” But still Reeve lingered. There was so much he needed to say to her—so much he needed to explain. Would the retinal scan wake up Harryx from his coma-like slumber and bring the evil bastard back to his own body? If so, Reeve would fight for as long as he could for control but at some point he would be kicked out—that was inevitable.

  I’ll have to come back here as soon as I can, he told himself. Get the Mother Ship to fold space for me so I can get back to her immediately.

  Then again, maybe he would be able to avoid the retinal scan if he went right away with the Grand General. And after sabotaging the Hascions’ research, he could pretend to go back into a coma and come back later to get Nallah. If she would come with him, that was.

  I’ll convince her—I know I can, Reeve told himself. But it would be a hell of a lot easier to do if Harryx was out of the way.

  Let it happen the second way, he prayed silently. Let me be able to complete this mission smoothly and without waking my host.

  “All right, sweetheart,” he murmured at last. Taking Nallah by the shoulders, he leaned down and kissed her gently on the cheek, just above her veil. “Just be careful and get home safely. I’ll see you later.” Leaning closer he murmured in her ear, “I love you.”

  When he pulled back, Nallah’s eyes were shining with happiness.

  “I love you too, my husband,” she murmured. “So much. Be well and I will see you soon.” She nodded at the Grand General’s wife and the two women set off across the parking lot, heading for the nearest footway.

  “Well now that they’re out of the way, let’s go to the office!” the Grand General exclaimed. “You can drive, Parokk. Where’s your hovercar?”

  Chapter Eighteen

  “Did he ever come back to his body last night?” Sylvan couldn’t keep the worried tone out of his voice as he looked at the limp body of the M-Switch Kindred lying inert on the sensu-bed.

  “I’m afraid not.” Olivia sounded as worried as Sylvan felt. “And this is the first time he hasn’t come back. I wonder what’s happening to keep him from returning to his own body.”

  “I don’t know.” Sylvan shook his head grimly. “But he needs to come back soon or there could be trouble.”

  “With his host?” Olivia asked. She shivered. “Who sounds like a horrible person to hear Reeve tell it.”

  “I don’t know about his host,” Sylvan said. “But I’ve heard it told that if an M-Switch Kindred—a snatcher—stays out of his own body for too long, he might have trouble re-entering it.”

  “Really?” Olivia’s silvery-gray eyes widened. “Then what is Reeve doing? Why is he staying away so long? He must know the risk he’s taking.”

  Sylvan sighed. “I don’t know. Maybe his host has woken up and he fears to leave the female he has become attached to behind.”

  “Nallah—Harryx’s wife’s name is Nallah,” Olivia said. She gave a little half-laugh and shook her head. “You know, I’ve heard so much about these people from Reeve that I almost feel like I know them—especially Nallah.” Her eyes grew serious. “It sounds like she’s been through a lot. I hope he can persuade her to come back to the Mother Ship.”

  Sylvan frowned. “That was not part of his mission, you know. He’s only supposed to sabotage their wormhole research and tech.”

  “Yes, I know Sylvan, but you should hear the things that awful Harryx has done to her! Reeve saw it in his memories.” Olivia’s voice dropped to just above a whisper. “I think he feels like he has to rescue her because if he doesn’t and Harryx wakes up, he might kill her. Or at least he’ll hurt her so badly she’ll never recover.”

  Sylvan ran a hand through his spiky blond hair.

  “Yes, Reeve did speak to me a little of what he had seen. Though I think he unburdened himself more to you, mate of my kin.”

  “I’m easy to talk to.” Olivia smiled. “Anyway, I like Reeve. He thinks of himself as an outcast and it’s made him hard—but not too hard to see a woman in trouble and want to help her.”

  “I just wonder if he needs help himself right now.” Sylvan stared at the snatcher’s body again and shook his head. “I wonder what’s keeping him away…and I pray to the Goddess he comes back soon. Before it’s too late.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  I have to get out of this body and go back to my own. Even if it’s just for five minutes, I need a break! The thoughts scrolled wearily through Reeve’s mind but there was no chance, no break, no rest no matter how tired he was.

  After The Grand General’s eagerness to go back to the office, Reeve had been certain that he was going to get immediate access to the wormhole lab. Instead, he and the rest of the Inner Circle had been in a never-ending strategy meeting for the entire night and most of the morning. They didn’t even break for last or first meal—they simply had stimu-drinks and food brought in—none of which was half as tasty as the meals Nallah had cooked for him.

  On the plus side, Reeve now knew all their plans. They believed they had perfected the wormhole technology and now they wanted to invade another planet in their own solar system—a peaceful colony world with a democratic government and equal rights for males and females.

  “We will appear in their airspace and crush them before they can even begin to muster their defenses,” Grand General Viceroy thundered. “We will bring them under the flag of our glorious God-King and change their filthy heathenish ways.”

  “Excellent!” Another high ranking member of the Inner Circle—Reeve thought he was called Grand General Philpot—nodded vigorously. “Why, do you know they allow their women to have a say in their government? The president of their planet is a female.”

  “Blasphemy,” Viceroy growled. “The sooner we take them to task and bring them under our dominion the better.” He laughed. “I’ll have their president as my next wife if she suits me. There’s no better way to teach a female her place than to put her on her knees!”

  There was a hearty burst of laughter from around the table which Reeve pretended to join in with. But inside, he felt sick. These war-like, misogynistic bastards were going to do as much damage as they could if he didn’t stop them. But how could he? If he could just get out of here for a moment, maybe he could think.

  Well, he supposed he could take another bathroom break. Maybe he could claim that the first meal food hadn’t agreed with him. That might give him a good enough excuse to lock himself in the fresher and take a quick trip to his own body aboard the Mother Ship. When he got back, he could consider again the best way of destroying whatever was in the wormhole lab.

  Deciding that was his best course of action, Reeve clutched his stomach and rose from the large, circular table.

  “Hey, Parokk, where are you going?” Grand General Viceroy demanded. “We’re in the middle of a strategy session here.”

  “Apologies,” Reeve grunted. “That last burra-wrap I ate isn’t sitting well with me.”

  Viceroy made an annoyed face.

  “Very well but don’t be long. We’re about to go into the Temporal Displacement lab. If you want to see the research, you’d better be ready when we get the security clearance.”

ood.” Reeve nodded but inwardly he groaned. Were they really, finally going to go into the wormhole lab? Now, just when he’d planned to try and get back to his body for a few minutes?

  Forget about your body for now, you still don’t have any way to destroy that damn lab, whispered a little voice in his brain. You’d better get with it if you want to complete this mission, Reeve.

  And he did want to complete it. The Hascions had to be stopped. Also, he was sick and tired of being inside Harryx Parokk. He wanted to go get his own body and come back to convince Nallah to leave with him and never look back. But that wasn’t going to happen unless he could get the job done.

  Thoughts churning, he left the never-ending meeting by a side door and wandered down a corridor he hadn’t yet seen. He was looking for the remote fresher—or necessary room as they called them here—he had seen in Harryx’s memory. Instead, he saw a door which made him stop short.

  Short Range/Small Arms Armory read the sign on the door. There was a key-pad on the door but no retinal scanner. After ransacking Harryx’s memory banks for a moment, Reeve found the code.

  Punching it in, he heard a click as the door unlocked. With a quick look to either side to make certain no one was coming, he slipped into the armory and surveyed the room and the weapons it held.

  There were plenty of blasters and death-pods and shrapnel grenades and flame-flingers—enough weapons to kill every last one of the Inner Circle, blow up the lab and burn down the whole damn building, as far as Reeve could see. But he couldn’t help thinking of the other people working here—the secretaries and clerks who were just obeying orders. He didn’t like the idea of killing innocent bystanders, even to achieve such an important goal.

  But if he wasn’t going to blow everything up or burn everything down, then what could he do?

  Suddenly his eye caught on a box marked Electro-mag pulses and an idea bloomed in his tired brain. Going over to the box, he opened it and looked inside. Laid in an orderly row were about forty tiny, shiny silver devices, none of them bigger than his thumbnail. Each had a tiny red button on one end and a small, flaring emitter on the other. A tiny silver remote was also included.


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