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Page 5

by Jessie Rose Case

  “Was it necessary to pull upon such an old law Alex?” He smiled up at his old friend. “No. But it just felt right and the beast came roaring up and … I couldn’t let her go.” “I understand.” Arturo told him. “But, next time you want to use an antiquated law to bamboozle Luce, give me some notice so I can make sure that she has all the facts. She was right. We should have given her Vamp 101 and I didn’t even consider it. That was bad form and manipulative. You know we don’t live like that anymore.” Smarting from being told off like the juvenile he was acting like, it was difficult to hold his temper. “I know dam it. I would have told her. It was just too much fun and she can hold her own Arturo. She gave as good as she got. Have you forgotten the milkshake thing. Cos I haven’t.” He watched as his friend grinned. “Ok. Let’s move on.”

  “Any other issues last night?” Arturo asked him. “No. We were lucky. It was close for a bit. I’m sure you saw that on the vids and.. I’m grateful Luce warned me. I didn’t see it and he was fast. I kinda lost it after that. The rage. It took over. Been a while since that has happened. Then again, we haven’t been in this position for a very long time have we old friend.” Arturo nodded in agreement. “You’re ok though?” He asked him. Was he ok, he asked himself. “I took a couple of hours to cool off. I was fine after that. I didn’t want to go back to the complex until I was under control.” “I can understand that.” Arturo was clearly concerned for him. Unable to not speak about her he voiced what was on his mind. “She intrigues me, pushes me, calms me Arturo. I know it’s weird and I don’t really know her but she does and I can’t explain it. Just knowing she was next door was enough.” The look Arturo gave him told him he understood. “She’s fragile Alex. Are you ready for that?” I stared at my friend. “I have no idea.”

  “When this is done. There will be new territory here Alex. You want it?” Not much got passed Arturo. “I’d be a liar if I said I hadn’t thought about it. Yeah I want it.” Arturo smiled. “Good to have you with me old friend. When the trash has been taken out, we build our own empire.”

  Luce sat at her desk contemplating how Alex knew about her crew. It didn’t take long. “Bloody hell.” She said aloud. Her so called security Bill and Ben and Craig were spying for him. Now she was pissed off. She got that she had to be careful and have security but reporting her movements, that was questionable. She’d be having words. Connecting her latest software she plugged into the system and started working. Not sure how long she was at it, gradually the noise of others arriving encroached on her concentration. Wondering what the time was she checked her comp. Meeting started in 10 minutes. Knowing she would get sucked in again, she closed her lap top and headed to the dining room. Pete and Val and several others were already there with drinks.

  Pete acknowledged her and walked over. “Everything sorted?” He asked her. “Yes. I told him with Arturo present so it’s clear.” “Good. You moving back to your old place? You know that’s not going to be safe enough and I’d have to put you somewhere else.” He told her. Shaking her head no she told him. “Alex said I can keep the apartment. But could you provide me with security? Alex’s report to him.” Pete grinned. “He won’t like it.” Luce smiled back. “I know. Great isn’t it.”

  Arturo walked in with Regin and Alex and took his usual place at the table. Luce was happy to sit in her seat at the edge of the room. “Well done last night everyone. I’ve seen the reports. We cleared out a lot and more than we first thought so good work. Our day walkers have been over the hit’s today and their clean. So let’s move this on. Pierre update us please.”

  “The hits were all successful. We lost three good men. If you want to pay your respects in the usual manner there’s a notice up in the hall. As Pete guessed three of the hits were bigger in size than expected. Charlee’s been over them all today with his people. It looks good. Nothing came back and we seem to have got most of them. I’m sure we have some still out there and the day walkers are checking and keeping their ears to the ground to ferret them out. The word is that their usual route has been made very difficult and they are not being sent out as before but staying close to home. With only five days to go till Saturday it seems Marcus has decided he needs he troops close by. If he thinks this is the old days, he’ll be expecting a full on attack, seeing as we have cleared out the skirmishers. We have three other targets tonight. These were given to us very reluctantly.” Pierre smiled knowingly to those round the table. “It seems that several full back positions were in place in case one of their original places got hit. So having cleared out all those we know about I’m expecting the loose ends to have headed to the back up positions. John has teams working on that. Luce will provide overlord on the action as she did last night. Good job by the way Luce.” Luce gave a sharp nod.

  Arturo picked up the conversation. “Right, Brandan and his boys are sitting this one out, they will be checking their borders from here on out. I want interference across our own border tonight and every night up to Saturday. Check the usual haunts. No one gets a free pass. Pull them in or ash em. We clear?” A round of nods greeted his question. “Right, well Luce has upgraded some of our systems. There are security sensors and proximity camera’s around and throughout the estate. Make sure you carry your ID at all times. This system tracks movement and proximity and will alert if you are not recognised. Your ID chip with recognise you to the system. Ok, time to move out.”

  Pete turned to look at Luce. “See you in the gun range in 10 ok.” Luce had forgotten all about that. O yeah, so up for that thought Luce. “Ok see you in 10.” Luce walked back to her desk and secured her equipment. “When you’re finished playing with your guns, we will work on how you defend yourself when you don’t have one.” Luce looked up at Alex. She frowned. “Can’t you wear bells or something, I never hear you.” Alex looked peeved at her. “Exactly why you need my help and why I offered to train you but you prefer Pete. You won’t hear us coming in time to use a gun.” Ok, she had to give him that. “I’ll give you an hour with Pete, then I take over.” He told her taking charge again, like that was decided without her input he vamped off on her. Bloody hell. “I never said yes.” She shouted in the general direction he whooshed off in. Dam that man.


  Luce made her way down to the basement. The gun range was marked and she headed towards it. Funny she thought. I’m in a house full of vamps in the basement and not worried at being bitten or anything else happening. There had been times when going into a basement put her life on the line. Yet, not there. The human world was more dangerous in many ways she reflected. Reaching the door marked ‘Range’ and pushing through it, Luce was assaulted by the noise. There were several gun cubicles with sides and a shelf and in front of them she could see paper targets. Pete and Val were in two booths side by side shooting down the range.

  Luce stood back and grabbed some ear muffs and watched the two. It was so clear that they were a couple. Maybe not in the conventional way but none the less, they were together and you’d have to be blind not to see it. Pete gave gentle helpful advice along with the odd caress and Val leaned into him, stroking him and looking very much in lust if not love. As it started to look a bit heated, Luce thought she’d better make herself known. Shouting as she walked, “Hay I’m here.” She called out walking to them. Val appeared to hear her first and took a step back from Pete. He looked surprised and noticed the direction she was looking and followed it. He smiled when he spotted her coming towards him.

  Luce watched as they both took off the ear muffs. So she followed suit. “Good, your on time.” He told her. “Sure… I’m not interrupting anything?” She asked cheekily looking from one to the other. She noticed Val raised her eyebrow at Pete. “Right ok,” he told her, “come here.” He indicated that she should join him and Luce walked over. Pete lifted a box. “So this is a SCCY CPX-1 handgun, it holds 10 rounds. There are four spare magazine/cartage holders. That gives you 50 rounds before refilling. It’s a good weight, take it and fe
el it.” Pete handed the gun to her. It felt weird in her hand but not uncomfortable. “Using both hands to steady yourself when you’re ready, walk into the booth, take the safety off and stand as if you are going to shoot.”

  Luce walked over to the empty booth he had been standing in. He moved in behind her. Pointing to the gun, “That’s the safety, only take it off if you know you are going to use it, it slides back here.” He showed her and moved the safety off. “Ok, now it’s ready to use. Do not put your finger on the trigger until you are ready. You can use it one handed or two it’s up to you, tends to be steadier with two but if you get comfortable with it, one handed will work just as well if not better in a fight situation.” Pete slipped the safety back on. “So, the gun goes on the shelf and remains there while loaded pointing towards the target, your going to do a few test passes. Stand straight on and when you are ready, raise the gun, brace your feet and body put your finger on the trigger and fire at the target.”

  Luce did as she was told. Raised the gun and pulled on the trigger, the gun made a clicking sound. Pete moved in to her. “OK that’s good. Keep your arms straight and look down the barrel when you eye up the target squeeze the trigger gently and keep the gun in the same position through the firing. Don’t jurk it, gentle squeeze and let it fire itself.” Luce tried it again. “Ok better. A few more times. From stand still up to firing. You want to focus on remaining in control throughout the movement to firing.” Luce gave it her best. “Arms starting to ache a bit.” She told him. “Yep your gonna have to increase those muscles to be really good they are not use to the weight or the handling it takes work and time just like very thing else.” Luce nodded.

  “Right a few more times, focus on the target, keep your own focus on what you are trying to do, eye the target as if you are firing real bullets.” Luce did another half dozen practice shots. “Arm tired?” He asked her. Luce frowned. “Yeah weird, I need to work on this.” “Your best bet is to work on upper arm strength and get yourself a squeeze ball and build up your muscles. Get down here twice a day ok. So I’ll meet you here tomorrow same time, see what you got ok?” Luce nodded breathing out. “Yep ok.” She told him handing out the gun. “Nope, that’s your gun now. Make sure you know how to clean it and look after it and practice with it often. Case is over there, keep it in the case until you are practicing ok. No taking it out with you until I tell you, and when you get the other bullets they will be Regins specials, we’re having them made.” Luce grinned she’d heard of those. Perfect.

  “Now it’s my time Luce.” Luce turned to see Alex waiting in the doorway. He threw her some track pants. She instinctively raised her arm to catch them. “Your gonna need those, come on.” He told her and walked back through the door. Luce felt peeved now. Even in workout gear he looked too good. This guy really annoyed her. She turned back to Pete. “He is driving me nuts.” She told him through gritted teeth. Pete smiled. “I think you are doing the same to him.” He told her. Luce smiled and walked out after him. Ok. That seemed fair.

  Luce walked down the corridor following in Alex’s footsteps. He must have gone slow on her cos she saw him enter the gym. Great she thought. Luce took a deep breath and pushed the gym doors open. Alex was standing on the mats facing her warming up. “You need to get changed you can’t work out in jeans.” He told her looking smug. Luce dropped the sweat pants and started to undo her jeans a button at a time. As she got to the last one she looked up at Alex. He’d stopped working out and didn’t look so confident she thought. Looking him straight in the eyes she pushed the jeans over her hips and wiggled them down her thighs. Her T, slipped down with them covering her panties.

  She bent, slipping off her boots and pushed her jeans off her legs one at a time. She turned around and bent for the sweat pants. She heard and intake of breath behind her. Luce looked over her shoulder not getting up. Alex was riveted to her ass. She raised both eyebrows at him. He smiled lustfully at her. She’d deliberately given him a view of her ass. It was a blatant invite. You could not miss the heat coming her way. Luce turned back, her own body pooling with heat and wetness. She stood putting one leg in the pants then the other and pulling them up. She turned back to face him with a ‘well’ expression.

  “That was quite a show Luce. You appear to have hidden talents.” He told her. Luce huffed. “That’s about all you’re going to see of my… ‘talents.” She told him bouncing on her toes. Alex grinned at her. “Really? Can you smell that Luce? It’s your body producing sexual chemistry to entice me. The night is young and so are you. Let’s do this. I need you to come onto the mats. We will work on keeping the vamps from you. If they are in close. Your dead.” He told her matter factually. “Nice.” Thought Luce. He’s not pulling any punches. “Your forgetting I have some surprises for them.” Alex shook his head as he circled her and she moved round him. “It won’t be enough. Now see those two sticks.” He pointed to the side of the room. “Your going to use those and come at me, time and time again until you can get it right.” He told her.

  It was torture. He pushed her to exhaustion and kept on pushing her never letting up. She would stand guard with her fighting sticks. He would move and she would anticipate where he would be and start to attack. She was slow to start and unsure but as he harassed her and pushed her, she got better. He caught her time and time again. What she would have given for a stun gun she thought more than once. Pissed. But as time went on, she had to admit she caught him just as many times as he did her. “Enough.” He told her sounding disgusted. “That will do for today. You would have a better chance if you had vamp blood.” He told her dismissively. “Eww. Pass.” Luce shuddered. “It is a gift to humans.” He told her affronted. Luce turned and headed for the door exhausted grabbing her jeans as she went. “Yeah whatever, don’t think of giving it to me.” She threw at him as she exited the door heading for a shower.

  Muscles hurt where I didn’t know they existed. ‘Someone remind me how I got in this mess’ thought Luce. Having showered she felt better, grabbing a clean T before pulling her jeans back on, she felt normal again. Aching but normal. ‘Dam that was hard work’ she reminded herself as she walked back to her desk dragging her heels. ‘Thought I was fit. Well fit ish anyway. Guess that wasn’t the case.’ She mumbled to herself. Glad to see her screen and desk, she quickened her pace. ‘Right. Work I can do.’ Plonking down she plugged herself in. While waiting she picked up the house phone. It rang three times before it was picked up. “Hi Alice, could I have a turkey and mayo sandwich and a milkshake please?” Smiling at the warm greeting on the other end of the phone. “Hi Luce, yes I’ll have one of the girls bring it up.” “Thank you Alice.” Sooo badly need that. She told herself.

  Luce watched as her screens came on line. Her lap top was now joined by two other TOTR displays that gave her a quad in each. Luce networked them and plugged in her feed. It would be so much easier keeping track on everything but she still didn’t have enough eyes. Waking up the new security sensor system, Luce punched in her activation code and joined the old security system to her new one. Picking up the phone she called down to the security desks. She watched as the phone was picked up in the office. “We are now online. Live test please.” She told them and disconnected. She had programmed this with a special sensor. It was to constantly scan in various random rotations, for movement in vamp speed as well as check for those not logged into the system. It also provided ‘big brother’ oversight on all staff. She was excited to see how it worked.

  The new cameras came online one by one, both inside and outside the house. The only place they were not installed were the bathrooms and the personal rooms of Arturo and Regin. Other guest rooms had cameras but could be disconnected when in use. There was a week’s live recording system and a month’s saved system, that then rotated to archive back up that no one knew about but her and nothing was ever lost or erased. Being a person that guarded her privacy and work, she wasn’t too sure who to confide in on that. But someone else needed to kn
ow just in case it was ever needed and she couldn’t be around to do it. Maybe Regin? Thought Luce. She watched as the vamp security ran their tests. The system picked them up running at vamp speed and without their security ID. She smiled. She was good.

  A plate was put on her desk along with a large milkshake. Looking up Luce smiled. “OMG. Thanks Carol. I need this. I’m sure Alex was trying to kill me earlier, it’s been a tough night.” “You look busy.” Carol told her smiling at her comments and looking at the screens. Grabbing her milkshake Luce smiled. “Yep trying out some new equipment it looks good so far.” Grinning Carol turned and walked away. “Enjoy your supper. If you need a refill let us know.” She called out as she exited the room. ‘Just loving this gig’ thought Luce as she latched onto her straw and took a deep fill of deliciousness. Heaven in a glass.

  Luce had just finished half her sandwich and another delicious pull on her milkshake when her system sounded several vamps with unknow ID’s. Luce punched the alarm and tagged in security. It was picked up straight away. “I’ve got movement on all fronts, do you see the feed?” She asked all business. “Yes we have it, security are already on it.” Luce reached for her hand gun. She never thought this was going to be needed. Taking it out the box she picked up the loaded bullet magazines and clicked one in and engaged it. Shit thought Luce. She grabbed the other cassettes and stuffed them in her jeans pockets. She already had her Taser. Thank god her jeans were cargo style and stretchy. The alarm in the house was going off. Luce secured her equipment and hid her lap top. Taking the safety off she headed to the kitchens where the staff were likely to be. Several security were running to the main door down the corridors. Luce made her way to the end of the corridor and down the stairs as quietly as possible. No telling what she would find. Making her way down the corridor she spied the kitchen doors ahead. She heard Carol cry out.


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