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Page 12

by Jessie Rose Case

  Serenity continued. “My Ang is still growing and will not stop doing so until she reaches around 24 years old. She was a gift we did not see coming and we cherish it every day.” She told the room looking over to Ang. “O mama don’t say that it makes me look like a child.” Serenity became all serious. “Just so, I apologise Ang. I forget.” Serenity turned back to Regin and smiled indulgently before getting back to her story. “I met my Lord, while he was rampaging and being magnificent throughout our lands. He had been containing his beast for some time by then. By 1791 the land and law pertaining to worship of those of a Catholic faith were no longer required to hide. We could freely practice and make choices.

  I chose to enter the sisterhood. My life had been hard and my family were unable to support us, famine had affected many places and would later plague a nation. I had seen enough to know, I did not want a mortal life with a husband and children only to see them die of one disease or another and my parents had enough mouths to fill. I had been within the walls for two years as a novice. I was to take vows within a few months, when our nunnery was attacked. It was night, when a band of men thought that a place for women would be an easy target. We later understood they had been told that there were precious metals and jewels present. There weren’t of course and when they found none, they turned to other ……activities.” Serenity turned to her daughters, her voice dropping.

  “Many of the younger women, children really, did not survive the attack. I was luckier than most. I had gone to check on a horse that was in labour and was in the barn and able to hide using a trap door that we stored grain in.” She turned back to Regin. “My Lord had followed the men. He had word that the attack was planned on innocent women with no defence. He brought his men to our aid. I heard the fighting and his orders to protect the women and children. It drew me out of my hiding place and I looked into the court yard. It was fully lit in the darkness and Marcus was upon his steed, ready for battle.”

  Serenity smiled. “He was the most magnificent sight I had ever seen. I felt no fear or malice from him. I walked out of the barn into the light and called to him. I thanked him for coming to our aid and saving our lives and asked for God to bless him. He turned towards me and stared for what seemed an eternity, then he asked my name and I gave him my sisterhood name. Serenity. He told me that he had saved my life and that he belonged to me. I told him I belonged to god. And he simply said. We’ll see. Within three months we were married.”

  “Marcus insists that God, or the fates or both gave me to him and that Serenity is who I am. He also insisted that if we were lucky enough to have children that the girls had names to remember those I’d lost in that raid. Such precious lives, ended too quickly. Our girls are equally precious and we both thank the deities for our good fortune. They both carry the name of a lost soul. Some, may find that strange that we carry the names of the angelic, knowing what we are but, to me, it seems most fitting.”

  It was a wonderful story thought Luce. It was harsh, real, and incredibly hard and brought tears to her eyes. The tragic reality of times gone by for women. Not much had changed for many women in the intervening years thought Luce sadly. Men were still barbaric, still raped and pillaged, took what did not belong to them. Women were far too often used and abused, seen as weak and victims. It was hard to break that cycle of being used and made to feel useless. It was hard not to succumb to the darkness, not to feel useless, unworthy, a blight on the face of the earth, not to wallow and withdraw. But it could be done, she knew it. Wasn’t it time that changed?

  “I agree with you.” Spoke Regin. “There are wonders we do not understand and should embrace them. I am a scientist and would welcome understanding how Ang and Eve are different, if that would be acceptable to you.” Serenity frowned. “I would not have them exposed or used in some way.” Regin leaned forward and squeezed Serenity’s hand. “It is not a demand and you can say no and so can they. It would just aid us in understanding. You see, offspring of Vampires are not easy to come by and you have been successful in having two. That would be interesting to the rest of us. It might aid those who wish to be parents and are unable to do so.” Serenity gave a sigh of relief. “If they wish to I have no objection.” She told Regin. “Thank you.” “Do you have children Regin?” Luce didn’t know of any children. “No. Arturo and I have not been together long. But, I would welcome it in time if we were so lucky.” Serenity looked over at her children again. Eve had moved back to sit with Ang. “They are both the greatest joy and the greatest burden and there were times, when only their presence kept us both going.”


  Alex walked out the room with Arturo and John. It had been a demanding experience. Not one they would want to repeat. Taking more from Arturo and then him than either one of them had expected. It had pushed them both to their limits. It was likely that Marcus would be out for the next 12 hours. Alex felt weary. He needed a recuperative sleep. He needed Luce and followed Arturo and John into the reception room. “Your husband rests, he should be better by dusk.” Arturo told Lady Serenity. “Regin, I have need of you.” Arturo held out his hand to his wife. Regin rose. “Take comfort in that all will be well.” Regin told Marcus’s wife and walked towards Arturo. “John, please ensure our guests find their rooms with Marcus, if you require anything please call down to the staff.” Arturo told them taking Regins hand and walking back the way he came. Alex looked at Luce. She was gazing at him, she looked worried. “I am well,” He told her, “but it is time to rest. Are you ready?” He waited unsure of her reaction. He was relieved to see her rise and come towards him. “Yes, I am ready.” He watched her turn back to Marcus’ family. “I will see you all this evening. Rest well.” Alex held out his arm to her and it made him happy to see her take it.

  They walked silently up to their suite of rooms. Alex opened the door to their own reception room and Luce walked through it. “Would you like a drink?” She asked him. Alex almost fell into the sofa. All pretence of his exhaustion gone. She could see how tired he was. “In truth Luce all I need is to be with you.” He told her leaning his head back onto the chair closing his eyes. He heard her move in front of him. “Come, you will fall asleep there and be more annoying than ever.” She told him. Alex found the energy to smile and raised up his head. He had her hand out to him. He took it and rose following her into the master bedroom. He watched as she went about her business in the bathroom and stripped off down to her underwear and got into bed. He removed his shoes and socks, pants and shirt and climbed in after her. Pulling her to him he breathed in the scent of her and threw the covers over them. “Sleep she told him. I will be here when you wake.” He pulled her tighter into him. If he still believed in a god, he would thank him or her, were his last thoughts as he drifted off and the day claimed him.

  Luce listened to his even breathing. Not sure why he still did but it comforted her. He might be Vampire but he was human too. He’d scared her earlier. She realised that. This dominant demanding male, had looked wiped. Whatever had happened with Marcus it had taken its toll. And for now, she would not add to that. She didn’t understand what was going on here but she was at the point where she wanted it no matter what. She could no longer deny her attraction to him. He came with baggage probably more than she knew, but so did she. She would not think on it any longer. He was here and safe and suddenly, that meant everything.

  Luce woke knowing she was not on her own and with her head on his chest. She had gone to sleep with Alex entangled around her but now she was wrapped around him. Her right leg over his. Her right arm over his chest. His hands were stroking her fingers. She peeled her sleep filled eyes open. Everything was still a bit blurry. She stretched her eyes in an effort to clear them. “Good morning.” Alex told her while continuing to stroke her fingers. Luce did a small yawn and stretch of her shoulders down her arms and legs to her fingers and toes without really moving much at all. It was enough to bring some life back to them. She sleepily turned her face up to Al
ex’s. “Morning. How you feeling?” “I am feeling good.” He told her linking his fingers through hers and holding them. Luce slipped her head back down and rested on his chest once again. “Don’t do that again Alex ok.” She told him. She felt his other arm circle round her shoulders and hold her to him. His head must have leaned down as she felt his kiss on the top of her head.

  Not being one to hold back when there was something she wanted, Luce unravelled her arms and straddled Alex. She seemed to have lost her bra in the night. That didn’t surprise her, she hated sleeping in anything. Being seated at his waist allowed her to reach down and stroke the side of his face. “You are beautiful Prickles.” He told her. Luce suppressed a grin and gave him best her best offended look. “Not too flat for your taste?” She asked him defensibly. “Never.” He told her as he lifted his hand slowly, she guessed allowing her time to make the decision. She had no intension of stopping now. He raised his hand up her body and cupped her breast. That felt so good thought Luce and closed her eyes and allowed her body to feel.

  Alex couldn’t believe how beautiful she looked. All tussled from sleep and demanding attention from her male. And he was her male. There was no more deny that. The feel of her breast under his hand was delicious and tantalising. How he wanted more. He brushed the side of her thigh with his other fingers and felt her goose bumps rise on her skin. Moving his hand around and over the thigh he stroked the inside of her flesh as his other fingers slipped over her nipple and squeezed. Luce cried out an undecipherable word of pleasure and arched her back into his caress, that spurred him on. Tracing across her chest he moved his hand from one breast to the other and ran his thumb over the nipple it being hard and proud. Perfect for suckling and dragged his nail across it, causing a little pain with the pleasure. Luce moaned loudly. She liked that. He moved the hand on her thigh up the inside of her flesh looking for the petals of her sex. He ran a finger along its edges. He was hard as hell. Close to bursting and he’d barely touched her. “What do you want Luce.” He asked her straining with the effort to remain calm. His beast wanted out and he feared he would scare her.

  She started to dance on his waist, her passion rising. “You. I want you. Now.” Alex held her and turned her onto her back and nestled between her legs. “You sure? I’m not the gentle sort.” He told her. He’d give her every chance to walk away. She frowned at him, “Yes I’m sure, now fuck me.” She demanded. Alex smiled. She was prickly, he loved that about her. Lifting off her he ran his hands down her body catching the top of her knickers and pulled them down her body and off. She lifted and helped him. He looked at the glory waiting for him. He sensed her becoming uncomfortable under his gaze. “No Luce, you never feel uncomfortable with me looking at you. I’m loving you woman, it might only be my eyes but I am devouring you, anticipating the joy and pleasure we are going to share. I will look and you will do the same of me and we will both enjoy it.”

  He sat back on his knees and ran his hands up both her legs. Circling round the calves, knees, thighs, along the edges of her centre up her sides to her chest, skimming the swells of her breasts with his thumbs and over to her shoulders and neck. Stroking, caressing, circling. Ending with both hands on both sides of her face, he pulled her to look at him as he leaned forward to meet her eyes. “There will be nothing that we do not know about each other. You will own me and I will love you with everything I am. This is not a quick fuck. This is not scratching an itch. This is me, loving the woman I crave. It will be dominant and demanding, it will bring you more pleasure than pain and you will beg me for more.” And he lent in and devoured her mouth.

  Luce wrapped her arms around his shoulders and gave in to the sensations bombarding her. Alex was everywhere at once. His hands and mouth bringing her body alive. She couldn’t believe how much pleasure he was bring forth from her. Her body was alive, firing on all cylinders and he was stroking the fire in her soul that wanted to explode. She had kept a check on her emotions and needs for so long. She needed to feel him. As he continued to devour her mouth with his own and she duelled with him stroke for stroke, she ran her hands through his glorious hair and down his back. She had never been a huge fan of long hair on men but Alex was able to bring a whole new level of sexy with it. It was breath taking in its length and weight. Luce loved it. She trailed her hands down his back and held his buttocks and squeezed pulling him into her. He broke away from her mouth. “You are a temptation I cannot ignore.” He told her. “Then don’t. Fuck me. I need you inside me. Now.” She told him grabbing his hand and placing it at her core.

  Alex revelled in the feel of her silken lips and stroked her back and forth and slipped a finger into her hot wet depths. He felt her body suck his finger in. Tight. She was so tight. Luce arched at the invasion of her body. “More.” She cried out. “I need more.” Desperately trying to hold back, Alex pushed into her with two fingers and started a rhythm that gave them both the friction they craved. Wanting more, he kissed down her body to her breasts and nipped them with his teeth, “yes” Luce moaned out. Moving on he reached the apex of her thighs. He parted the petals surrounding his fingers and placed his lips on her clit and sucked. Hard. Luce cried out screaming his name as she came over his face. Alex’s beast burst forth and ate at her pussy. He sucked and licked her greedily, while pumping three fingers into her channel. Luce came again on an exhausted cry clinging to his shoulders and riding his face.

  And still, the beast was not satisfied. Alex removed his fingers. “I need more Luce, I’m sorry but I’m going to have to take more.” He told her through gritted teeth as he picked her up bodily placing her knees over his shoulders and pulled her legs open to him balancing her on his chest, her vaginal channel glistening and open to him. “Mine.” He growled and consumed her flesh with his mouth and fucked her with his tongue. He would give her everything he had. Luce reached her climax twice more before the beast was satisfied enough to move her under him. Alex turned her over. Luce was struggling to find some purchase on her limbs, he liked that, he had driven her beyond her own control. Lifting her onto all fours and supporting her body from behind he placed his cock at her entrance and pulled her legs open to him. He stroked himself and coated his cock in Luce’s juices. “Are you ready for me Luce? I’m going to fill you now. There is no going back. If I fuck you I take you and you are mine. Do you understand Luce. You need to tell me. Do. You. Understand?” He asked her under such strain that he desperately needed to be buried in her. “Yes.” She panted. “I understand. Fuck me.” She whimpered. Alex pulled her thighs wider and slammed home. Balls deep. Luce screamed, flinging out a hand to hold onto his own thigh and came hard calling out his name.

  Alex was driven. Luce’s cries at his invasion of her body, tipped him and his beast over the edge. Domination, he needed domination of her. He couldn’t stop if he wanted to. He had her taste and her body under him. He pumped into her hard and fast gripping her shoulder and around her thigh holding her still in front of him. He was aware his pounding was bruising but he couldn’t stop. His beast needed to mark and take from her. Needed her to carry his mark. Needed to possess her. He felt her passion rise again, felt the link beginning of mating, joining them. He ripped into his own wrist with his teeth opening a vein and pulled Luce’s hair so her head came towards him with the other hand. In the throes of passion, she would be lost to all thought and reason but he still had no choice but to do it. Throwing caution to the wind he gave her his wrist. “Drink and become mine. Your life before mine.”

  Luce felt Alex’s wrist at her mouth and instinctively closed her mouth over the open wound as he pounded her with a scorching rhythm. She sucked on his wrist in time with his rhythm. It seemed natural and perfect. As she sucked on him, Alex’s rhythm increased and his hold on her intensified. Unable to hold onto his wrist any longer, the pounding bouncing her, she let go. “Need to fuck you,” He gritted out. “Need to fill you.” Alex cried out her name and leaned over her, the pounding increasing. He pulled her head to the side
and Luce felt the moment he bit her. Her climax rolled over her again and again and she screamed out again unable to control the rolling euphoria riding her body. She couldn’t help it. It was overwhelming, consuming, she felt she saw stars and still her body gave up another climax as she felt Alex pull on her neck. She knew he was drinking from her and the pure ecstatic joy that exploded through her was unimaginable to her. She felt her link to Alex slam into place as he brutally rammed into her, once, twice, three times more and came himself crying out her name as his own ecstasy at their joining flooded them both.

  Luce woke wrapped in Alex. She smiled. Felt she had been naughty and it was sooo nice. Taking a peek, she could see that Alex was sleeping. Wondering what the time was, Luce slowly unhooked herself and grabbing her phone headed to the bathroom to do her business. Washing her hands and checking her phone, she remembered last night. Her body tingled. She looked in the mirror half expecting to see herself battered and bruised and worth every bit of it. But her skin was unblemished, in fact her skin looked good, clear, peachy even. She moved her neck from side to side. No evidence of the bite and as she consciously moved her legs, realised that she had no soreness and couldn’t see any bruising.

  She looked back in the mirror again and Alex was standing in the doorway in all his glory staring at her with a smile on his face. “You are not harmed. I would never harm you Luce.” He told her. “Do you regret it?” He asked her with a tone that told her he was worried. Luce walked towards him and lifted her hand to his face and stroked the side of it pulling him down to her level. “Not a moment of it.” She told him kissing him lightly on the lips. Alex surrounded her with his arms and held her to him. “I have many regrets in my life, I do not regret this.” He told her. “Good. Because I intend to keep you.” She told him. “Come I need a shower and someone to scrub my back and you’ll do nicely.” She told him. Alex let her go. “Cheeky chit.” He told her swiping at her buttocks and missing walking with her into the shower.


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