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Tyler: The Gatekeeper Series

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by Stevie Trinity


  The Gatekeeper Series

  Stevie Trinity

  Stacey Thompson

  Copyright @2016 to Stevie Trinity, Stacey Thompson. No part of this work can be copied without the authors permission.

  Published by: Fire Spirit Publishing

  The sweet smell of Vanilla scented the air. Tyler leaned his six foot four frame into the warm body next to his, running his hands very slowly up her exposed thigh.

  “What are you thinking?” Her soft voice said

  “How wonderful this is.” was his replied.

  “Hmmm......that feels so nice.”

  He leaned into her hair. “I can give you something else that's nice.” His voice thick and husky.

  “When are you going to come?” She asked

  “Soon, love.”

  He ran his hands further up her thigh and pulled at her panties.

  “I'm serious, when are you going to come find me.” Her voice harder and not teasing at all.

  “What the hell do you mean.”

  She turned to look at him, her body still relaxed. Blonde hair falling to one side.

  She took his face in her hands.

  “We have unfinished business, you and I. When are you coming?”

  “Tyler?” she asked him He tried to answer anger filling him and he was unsure why.

  “Tyler?” She said again but her voice was changing

  “Tyler, are you dreaming about that girl again?” His eyes focused as he came out of his dream state.

  The Strawberry blonde in front of him let the fire in her green eyes show clearly, she was mad.

  “Not now Eliza, can't you see I'm sleeping.” He tried to keep his voice as flat as possible.

  “You were dreaming about her, weren't you? How can you not be over her after all these years?”

  She got out of bed, and pulled her clothes on.

  Eliza had been just a small time witch when he met her, but she had grown, as they all had.

  Tyler wasn't worried He had always made it clear to her that this was not a love arrangement. This was just a mutual partnership, it was best to leave the heart out of it, that only destroys a person.

  “What do you care?” He asked almost with an empty tone, while he just laid there watching her dress. He had better lovers but she was always so eager to please and she was smart enough to keep her mouth shut if she did have feelings for him, and never asked him for more than he was willing to give.

  “Where are you going?” he said with a snap.

  She just eyed him, her anger clear.

  Tyler let a half smile happen across his lips. She was no 'Plan Jane’, that was one of the reasons he liked her.

  “Come back to bed and I will make up for it.”

  She glared at him.

  “Why so you can pretend that I am her?”

  Tyler moved so fast he had a hold of her arm and was looming over the girl before he had time to register the fearful look on her face.

  “Don't you ever go there Eliza! I have told you she is nothing, yet you insist on making it something more than it is.”

  She parted her heart shaped lips to take in a breath

  “Of course, I am sorry, I should have never of said that.”

  Licking her lips, she started looking around. The room was extremely small, and he knew there was nowhere for her to flee, so she would give into him like she always did.

  “You know how found I am of you, and how indebted I am to you for saving my life. I just don't want to see you in pain over some stupid girl who was foolish enough to throw you away.”

  She kept those green eyes on him. Tyler realized he was gripping her arm tighter then needed. He released it slowly, watching her rub where his hand had been.

  He returned to the bed picking up his clothing getting dressed.

  “Are you leaving?” He ignored the panic sound in her voice.

  “I have a bounty to collect, and then I will be back.”

  “That could be weeks, even months.” she replied.

  He looked over at her, her disappointment clear. Even in moments like this he knew he was never going to love her.

  “When I return we are going to leave and find the Oracle.”

  He couldn't believe he was saying this to her. He never had intention of ever taking her away from the Inn, even though plenty of drunken nights he promised her.

  Her eyes lit up


  “Yes.” maybe it would be a good idea to take her with him after all. She could soften a blow to his ego if he ran across Rhea and she could keep him entertained on the long journey it would take to go and find the Oracle, since she was under ground.

  Tyler headed out the door of the Inn and headed south. He would go to the closest work camp and see who was on the wanted list, and then go on a hunt, the compensation would be enough for him to fall off the grid for a long period of time.

  Tyler knew it was going to be hard to find the Oracle.

  As Tyler walked through the never ending field of sagebrush that was Wyoming he thought about being in England, where he had just returned from. There was a woman he was had been after to turn in. The reward for her was rather high, and Tyler was looking for a means to an end of this life style he had adapted to. Lexa hadn't been what he thought he was looking for. She was special, special in a way that Rhea had been. Tyler had tricked himself into believing that after all this time and after everything that had happened somehow Rhea must have lost her specialness, but Lexa had just reminded him that was most likely not so. Women like that never lose the thing that makes them different from the rest, no matter how beaten down they are, their spirit never allows that to happen. Tyler kicked a clump of dirt with his foot feeling frustrated. Lexa's words nagged at him.

  “Is why really that important?” Lexa cocked her head to one side, her hair falling gently. Rhea's hair fell similar when she made an expression close to that one. “You’re lucky and you don't even know it”

  “What?” He met her eyes, those knowing eyes, it was as if she saw his hidden part of his heart. She saw how clear his pain was.

  “You had something a lot of people never do before you had to worry about all of this shit.” She let out a sigh. “Some of us have only had horrible things happen when they thought they had love.”

  Tyler felt sick to his stomach, she knew he felt betrayed but in her words she was telling him he was a fool that he did know love. She must feel the way he did, not loved. He felt used, and it was clear Lexa felt similar.

  “What happened to you?” He dared to ask.

  Her brown eyes meet his and held them in a challenge “What Happened to you?”

  Tyler hated when people answered his questions with another question. He would never understand women. For a moment he thought he had connected with her, but it was clear she was just a woman like the rest no matter how special he had thought she was.

  Tyler made a lame excuse to leave and portal out. He was mad at Lexa for even being like Rhea even in the smallest. They didn't look the same, they were worlds apart in who they were, but there were small things that made Lexa and Rhea the same kind of person.

  Tyler saw the work Camp as it came into sight.

  Rhea had to be held accountable for what she did. He would see to that, He would be her judge, Jury and her executioner. He had no idea what she was up to, but it couldn't be anything good. A woman couldn't pretend love as well as she did and then do what she did and actually have a soul.

  For years Tyler thought she had worked for the government, it was partly why he had started this work to begin with, so he could find her black so
ul and run a dagger right into her heart. He had one reserved for such an occasion. He spent years hunting freedom fighters down all over the world, becoming very good at what he did for a reason. He knew he was going to find her hidden away in a fortress somewhere enjoying the lap of luxury. He had been invited to a private dinner with Senator Michelle Roberts when Rhea first appeared on the radar as public enemy number two, right next to her conspirator Lynn who was number one. He couldn’t believe that she was against the government. He thought maybe it was a trick of some kind. Her black soul could not possibly be doing any good in the world. It was at this point Tyler decided that she was hiding behind the first one, like a coward. They must be coven sisters. This Lynn person, must be fooled by Rhea, she always came across as so innocent, but Lynn would learn the truth eventually, as he had. Rhea was a user and a manipulator, who was on the mouths of every government official. At every dinner there was always talk of some kind of the two, Tyler spit beer out of his mouth once at a fellow Hunter when he had read the list released by the government of the particular likes and dislikes of Rhea and Lynn. They had said her favorite color was Red, and they could find her swimming in large lakes. Tyler later had learned that Acacia was working for the government and she had help compile the list. He wasn't sure if she was that bad of a friend, or if she purposely misguided people. He chose the latter. That was another person who had gone off his radar when Rhea disappeared, Acacia. He figured they had been together, but when it revealed that Acacia was with the government and Rhea was

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