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Ruined by Blood (The Vampires' Fae Book 3)

Page 7

by Sadie Moss

  “Are you all right?” Sol murmured. “Is Malcolm?”

  I nodded, and his hands followed the movement of my head. “Yes. We both are. I think we worked out our… differences.”

  Sol’s lips tilted up at the corner, and I had a feeling he’d seen right through my lame euphemism. I wasn’t really worried he’d be angry about me and Malcolm, but he banished any doubts I might’ve had by leaning down and kissing me softly.

  “I’m glad, Willow tree. You two need each other.”

  He tried to draw back, but I followed him, keeping my lips pressed against his. I needed him too. Just like I needed Jerrett. And now that Malcolm was with us again, everything felt right in the world.

  Or as “right” as it could with two vampire-witches trying to harness dangerously powerful magic to use against us.

  When I finally broke the kiss, I realized the noises behind us had stopped.

  I glanced over my shoulder to see Malcolm and Jerrett walking toward us. Malcolm had a cut over his right eye, and Jerrett had a split lip, but their wounds were already healing.

  “Have a nice chat?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.

  Jerrett belted out a laugh, tagging Malcolm on the arm with his fist. Malcolm swiped for his head, and he ducked, still chuckling. “You know it. We had a great heart-to-heart. Right, Mal?”

  “Yeah. We did.” Malcolm met Jerrett’s gaze, and something larger than words seemed to pass between them. Jerrett’s expression grew serious for a moment and he nodded.

  Part of me couldn’t believe this was how ancient vampires sorted out their issues. But then again, not too long ago, I’d gotten into a fist-fight with Malcolm after I thought he threw me under the bus in front of his father. So maybe it was a vampire thing—part of our predatory nature or something.

  “Good.” Sol released me, and the four of us started toward the cave’s entrance. It was full dark outside now, and moonlight gave the world a silvery hue. “Because we really can’t delay any longer. We need to start tracking down the Stones of Power.”

  “The two that are left, anyway,” I added, worry souring my stomach.

  Jerrett’s eyebrows flew up. “What?”

  “Yeah. The sisters already have three. I saw them in a vision. I’ll tell you about it on the way to… wait, where are we going?”

  In the aftermath of the shade attack on the Penumbra, we’d spoken often about the need to start the hunt for the Stones of Power. But I’d been too distracted by worry and anger at Malcolm to give too much thought to how we were going to accomplish that. Now that we were finally ready to start our search, I realized I had no idea where to begin.

  Jerrett draped an arm over my shoulder as we set off through the woods. “Same place we go anytime we need magical assistance, sweetheart. Hell’s Kitchen.”



  We shadow ran back to the car, moving like whispers on the wind. When we reached it, Jerrett hopped behind the wheel and the rest of us piled inside. If I thought he’d driven fast on the way out here, it was nothing compared to the speed he set now.

  “Aren’t you worried about getting pulled over?” I asked, watching the dark scenery whizz by outside.

  Jerrett shot me a devilish look in the rearview mirror. “Nah. I had the witch who put the sunlight repelling spell on my car add a minor aversion charm too. Cops just don’t notice me.”

  I shook my head, biting back a smile. Of course, Jerrett would use magic to skirt the law like that. It was only fair, really. I was sure his vampiric senses and reflexes made him one of the safest drivers on the road, at any speed.

  It was just past 11 p.m. when we reached the city. Jerrett parked the car in a private garage that had to cost an arm and a leg, and the four of us ventured into the bright lights of Hell’s Kitchen.

  I’d generally avoided this part of Manhattan when I was human. It was too crowded, too busy for my tastes. The sights, scents, and noises were even more overwhelming now that I was a vampire, but I found myself entranced as we walked past giant video billboards and flashing neon signs. With all the bright lights around us, it was almost like being out in the daytime—something I still missed—and it made me giddy.

  My head swiveled on my neck as we walked, probably making me look like a damn tourist, but I hardly cared. Malcolm and Jerrett took the lead, and Sol walked behind me as we made our way through the crowded streets. I was so distracted that not even my vampiric grace could keep me from crashing into a girl waiting outside a club.

  I yelped, grabbing her shoulders to keep us both from toppling over. “Sorry! Sorry!”

  She shrugged my hands off, giving me a somewhat annoyed look as she twitched her low-cut top back into place. “It’s fine.”

  “Willow? Hot damn, girl, it’s you!”

  Before I knew what was happening, a new body plowed into me. Small arms wrapped around me in a bear hug.

  “Grace?” I stammered.

  My former co-worker pulled back, her dark eyes shining as her nose piercing sparkled in the light. She was perfectly made up, as usual, and her dark skin looked flawless.

  “Yeah, Grace!” She slapped me lightly on the arm. “What the fuck, girl? You just quit out of nowhere and don’t even call or text me or anything? You were one of the few people at Osiris I liked!”

  “Same here,” I said, and meant it. I’d been too shy to really get to know any of my co-workers at the bar, but Grace hadn’t let that stop her from becoming my friend anyway. I’d always been happy when I showed up at Osiris and found out she was working the same shift.

  “So, what happened?” Grace pressed.

  Her friend, the one I’d bumped into, moved away to talk to another girl in their group while Grace held me at arm’s length, looking me up and down.

  “Nothing,” I hedged. “I just needed some time off. I’ve got some other things going on, and I couldn’t juggle it all.”

  Her brows drew together. “Are you oka—”

  She broke off abruptly, her eyes widening as she glanced over my shoulder.

  I shot a look back and realized Sol, Jerrett, and Malcolm had all gathered behind me. Their stances were protective, although I doubted they’d have to fight off all five-foot-five of the bubbly woman I was talking to.

  “Ohhhh my fuck.”

  Never one to hide her emotions, Grace was staring open-mouthed at the three men flanking me, her jaw comically low. Her head whipped back to me, and a huge smile broke out across her face. She grabbed my elbow, tugging me closer, and I swore I heard a low, warning growl come from behind me.

  “Holy shit, girl! Is one of these guys Mr. Hottie? The one who broke your sexual dry spell?” she whispered, not very quietly at all. “Who is it?”

  Her question caught me flat-footed, and I opened and closed my mouth like a fish, not sure what to say.

  Grace’s nose scrunched up, and she looked from me to the guys standing protectively behind me and back again. Then understanding lit in her eyes, and she chortled.

  “No way. No fucking way! All of them?”

  She was still sort-of-whispering, but it was loud enough now that even her human friends turned our way.

  I could feel the brothers’ gazes burning into my back. They were waiting to hear what I’d say too. I knew they probably wouldn’t blame me if I denied it—this kind of thing wasn’t exactly common in the human world, after all.

  But I realized suddenly that I didn’t want to deny it. Hell, I wanted to shout it from the rooftops. These beautiful, dangerous men were mine. I was theirs. We’d gone through a lot to get where we were now, and where we were now felt more right than anything had in my entire life.

  “Yeah. All three.”

  I said it simply, neither boastfully nor shyly. Just a statement of fact. The truth.

  Grace’s reaction was immediate, and so over-the-top I had to laugh. She clapped both hands to the sides of her face, her eyes as big as saucers. Then she yanked me into another bone-crushing hug.
/>   “Goddess. You’re a fucking goddess. Teach me your ways, oh wise one.”

  I chuckled, returning her embrace. “You’re checking them out over my shoulder right now, aren’t you?”

  “Fuck yes, I am! Damn, girl.” She drew back. “We need to get together for drinks soon. I need alll the dirty deets on this craziness.”

  My heart dropped slightly. “Yeah. Yeah, we will. I’ll… call you.”

  “You better!”

  Her friends were heading into the club, and the girl I’d run into tugged on Grace’s arm. The petite bundle of energy gave me another squeeze before allowing herself to be drawn away.

  “Ask them if they have any friends!” she called back over her shoulder, making another laugh bubble out of me.

  When they’d all disappeared into the club, I turned around to face the three brothers.

  “Well, I guess that makes it pretty damn official, huh?” Jerrett grinned widely.

  “Guess so.” Sol’s smile was as bright as his eyes.

  Malcolm didn’t say anything. He just tipped my chin up and planted the smallest, sweetest kiss on my lips.

  Hell yeah, it’s official.

  I basked in their affection like a love-struck teenager for a moment before the purpose of our trip to Hell’s Kitchen filtered back into my consciousness. Malcolm cleared his throat, turning to lead us through the crowd again. This time, Sol walked with him while Jerrett hung back with me.

  I glanced back over my shoulder at the club Grace had disappeared into. I’d meant it when I said I would call her. When I’d been human, our friendship had been a little one-sided. I’d been too damn shy and afraid to contribute to it as openly as she did. But the more comfortable I began to feel in my own skin, the more I could see the two of us becoming really good friends.

  Hell, the fact that she’d been thrilled instead of horrified to learn that I was shacking up with three different men proved how big her heart was. And how open her mind was.

  When this was all over, I would find a way to make good on my promise and call her up for a drink and some girl talk.

  Lord knew, I had a lot to say.



  Will’s face as we made our way through Hell’s Kitchen was pretty fucking priceless. I had to remind myself she’d only been in New York for less than a year before being turned. And after becoming a vampire, she’d been thrown right into the deep end of the supernatural pool. Coming back to the city, with its lights and noise and humanity, was probably a thrill after her time in the Penumbra.

  I tugged my lip ring into my mouth, biting back a grin. Just wait ’til she sees where we’re going.

  Mal pushed open the door to a small dive bar with a flashing neon sign that read “T—n Cat.” It was supposed to say “Tin Cat,” but in all the years we’d been coming here, I’d never seen the “i” lit up. The inside was small and cramped, filled with the kind of heavy drinkers who just wanted to shut the hell up and enjoy their shitty beer in peace.

  Willow’s brow furrowed as she took in the sketchy-looking place, but she didn’t question it as Mal led the way toward the back. In a dark hallway, two bathroom doors were painted red, standing out against the dark paint of the wall. Mal glanced back at the bar, but no one paid any attention to us. He pulled the men’s room door open and jerked his head, ushering us all inside.

  He followed us in, closing the door behind him. It was a single occupancy room, and with four of us in here, the fit was tight.

  Not that I fucking minded.

  Willow cocked her head to the side. She was sandwiched between me and Sol, her breasts brushing tantalizingly against my chest. “Um, guys? I know I just said I was with all of you, but I’m not sure I’m ready for a foursome in the bathroom of a dive bar.”

  Sol chuckled, resting his hands on her hips.

  My cock jumped at the teasing tone of her voice, and I lifted an eyebrow. “Are you saying you’d be into it somewhere else?”

  A flush rose in her cheeks. But this time, I was certain it wasn’t from embarrassment, but from another emotion.

  Goddamn it, I wish we had time to explore that more.

  Mal’s eyes were hot, but he shook his head. “That’s not what we’re here for, wildcat. This is the entrance to the Underground Bazaar.”

  “The what?”

  Instead of answering with words, Mal showed her. He hovered his hand over the wall opposite the door, tracing the lines of graffiti that covered the surface. A few moments later, the lines of paint shifted, reforming themselves into the shape of a door. Willow gasped, and Mal smiled as he pushed it open.

  “Stick close to us,” he murmured. “The Underground Bazaar is a clandestine supernatural market. No one here should be stupid enough to mess with four vampires, but you never know.”

  Will nodded, her eyes wide. In single file, we descended a set of winding stone stairs. The noise of the bazaar filtered up the steps, and when we finally stepped out into the huge underground space, the usual cacophony greeted us. Unconsciously, Will shrank back against me.

  The space was large and cavernous, with stalls and tents arranged in uneven rows stretching as far as the eye could see. Supernaturals of all kinds wandered the aisles as vendors hawked their wares. It was chaos.

  And I fucking loved it.

  We came here when we needed magical assistance on a hunt, to pick up spell ingredients for Yuliya, or occasionally just to grab a drink and relax without having to worry about humans noticing anything different about us.

  “It’s okay, sweetheart.” I gave Willow’s arms a squeeze, pressing a kiss to the back of her head. “Just follow Sol.”

  Sol had taken the lead, striding confidently through the crowd. Occasionally, he cocked his head to the side and altered his course slightly as he followed the sound he was after.

  “Where is he taking us?” Willow asked.

  “To Eustice. He’s a Finder. He’ll help us track down the stones.”

  She nodded, though I was sure my answer hardly satisfied her curiosity. We wended our way toward the back of the bazaar until Sol stopped outside a rickety wooden stall. It was more like a hovel than a stall, actually, a tiny little building with a narrow door at the front. The door was closed, but Sol rapped twice.

  “Eustice,” he called. “I know you’re in there. I can hear you.”

  A low hissing sound filtered through the wood. Yup, Eustice was definitely in. He moved locations in the bazaar frequently and often claimed to be closed. Unlike most of the business owners here, Eustice was a loner who preferred to keep to himself. If he didn’t need the work to get by, I was sure he would’ve made good on his promise to close up shop long ago.

  “Yessssss?” His sibilant voice drifted out.

  “Open up, Eustice. We need help.” Mal stepped forward, his voice commanding.

  Slowly, the narrow door creaked open. Eustice poked his head through the crack, scowling at us. His thin eyebrows were pinched together, and his thin lips followed suit. The vertical slits of his pupils were dark against his yellow irises.

  “Help with what?” he hissed.

  “Help finding something, dummy.” I pushed against the door, and he gave way, falling back immediately.

  If we didn’t take control of this meeting, it’d be another twenty minutes of back and forth while Eustice tried to think of a way to get rid of us. He wasn’t going to be able to, and we always paid well, so I figured we could skip the whole song and dance today.

  “That’ssss not very polite.”

  He pouted, retreating to the back of the small room as my brothers and I piled inside. Willow stepped in last, and an audible gasp escaped her lips as she got a good look at Eustice.

  Or, more specifically, at the snakes coiling all over his body. They hissed and writhed as they twisted around him, their yellow eyes an exact match to the ones in his head.

  Her gaze trailed down, and she did a double take as she realized the snakes were actually a part
of him. Their bodies protruded from his bare chest and abdomen.

  “It’s rude to sssstare.” Eustice glared at her, wrapping his arms protectively around the snakes covering his body.

  “Ah, come on, Eustice,” I said amiably. “Cut her some slack. You’re the first Finder she’s ever met.”

  “Sssstill rude.” He shook his head, his shaggy white-blond hair falling over his forehead.

  “Sorry.” Willow wrenched her gaze away from the snakes to look him in the eyes.

  He sniffed, placated by her earnest apology. “What do you want?”

  “We need help finding something. Two somethings, actually,” Sol said. “We’re searching for two statues that are part of a set called the Stones of Power. They hold an ancient magic capable of enhancing other spells.”

  “What do you have to guide me?” Eustice asked, settling down to business now that he realized it was the quickest way to get us to leave.

  “Not much.” Sol grimaced. “We don’t know what they look like, or where they were last seen. Malcolm and Willow both had their hands on another stone from the set. They can tell you what that one looks like.”

  “Don’t care what it lookssss like,” Eustice muttered. One of the snakes wound around his neck to peer at us from over his shoulder. “Need to know what it feelsss like.”

  We all turned to look at Mal and Will.

  Mal frowned. “Willow held it longer than I did. She’s probably our best chance.”

  Eustice’s gaze shot to her, and he held out his hands, palms up. “Give me your hands.”

  Willow didn’t even hesitate before laying her palms on his. She might’ve been surprised by Eustice’s odd appearance, but she was no delicate flower. She was tough and brave as fuck. Her body stiffened when the snakes covering Eustice began to slither down his arms, wrapping around their joined hands and inching up her forearms. But she didn’t pull away.


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