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Page 7

by Iris Johansen

  "Brother Stefan appears to be in a good mood tonight," Zack murmured in Kira's ear as they walked across the room in the direction of the elite cluster.

  "Well, I'm not," Kira whispered as she smiled brilliantly and nodded to the right and left at acquaintances in the crowd. "I'm so nervous I can scarcely breathe."

  "You don't look nervous," Zack said quietly. His gaze ran over her small figure in the delicate pink silk gown. "You look very lovely, the perfect princess."

  "Training." She made a face. "I feel like a little girl who wants to go hide under the covers. I'm so scared Marna will be hurt."

  "She won't be hurt." Zack's lips thinned to grim-ness. "I've made it quite clear to my men what will happen if she develops so much as a hangnail from this escape. I guarantee they won't run any risks getting her out of the palace. Just hold on and it will all be over soon. In another hour she should be leaving the palace grounds."

  "You're sure the guards won't panic and decide the bribe isn't worth risking Karpathan's anger? It seems impossible that you were able to set up the bribe so quickly."

  "They won't panic." His hand reached out to clasp her arm bracingly. "And my men won't panic either. You're the only one who's in a tizzy."

  "Well, I'm not accustomed to— Where's Kar-pathan? I don't see him."

  "I do. There he is." Zack nodded toward a corner of the room. "Take it easy. I guarantee he's not at Mama's suite lying in wait with a drawn pistol."

  "I wouldn't put it past him. How long do we have to stay?"

  "Another two hours should do it."

  Stefan glanced up and saw them approaching. He immediately stepped forward and out of the crowd. "Mr. Damon. We have been waiting for you," he said with a jovial smile. "There are any number of people who want to meet you." He glanced reproachfully at Kira. "You shouldn't be so selfish, darling. We haven't seen anything of our guest since you arrived."

  Kira forced a smile through clenched teeth. "I'm sorry, Stefan. I didn't realize Zack's arrival would cause such a storm. I've been showing him some of my favorite haunts." She paused before adding deliberately, "And introducing him to my favorite people."

  The genial smile faded a little. "Yes, I heard about that." The smile regained its brilliance. "We all admire your loyalty, even if it is a trifle mis­placed. I'm sure Mr. Damon realizes that some-

  times we're forced to undertake unpleasant tasks for the general good."

  Kira kept the smile fixed firmly on her face as she counted to ten under her breath. She should know by now that it did no good to blow up at Stefan. He

  actually believed every word he uttered. If he thought something was for Stefan's good and the good of Tamrovia, then it must be so. He was the king, wasn't he? "I'll try to remember that the next

  time I visit Marna and watch her pace the floor. She's a Gypsy, Stefan. Don't you realize what that means? Freedom is as necessary to her as air to breathe."

  "Sandor says she's adjusted very well," Stefan said soothingly. "Don't be so melodramatic, Kira. Mr. Damon will think all Tamrovians are as unciv­ilized and untamed as you and your friend Marna."

  "Marna isn't uncivilized," Kira began hotly. "Her people have a different philosophy, but that doesn't mean—"

  Zack's words swiftly cut across hers as his hand tightened warningly on her elbow. "I happen to admire Kira's untamed qualities, Your Majesty. If she derived them from her former nursemaid, then I owe her a vote of thanks." He smiled blandly. "You may have heard rumors that my own background isn't precisely civilized."

  For an instant Stefan looked a little uncomforta­ble. "Well, I'm sure you're—" He broke off, his expression brightening with relief as he spotted his adviser. "Sandor, I was wondering where you were. We must introduce Mr. Damon to our guests."

  Karpathan smiled lazily as he inclined his head in acknowledgment. "That was my intention, Stefan. I came as soon as I realized our guest of honor had arrived." He turned to Kira with a grace­ful bow that still managed to contain a hint of mockery. "You look enchanting this evening, Your Highness."

  "Thank you," Kira said. Enchanting. The word sent an unpleasantly reminiscent chord through her as she remembered Mama's remark about Karpathan working his magic on Stefan. Tonight he looked more than capable of doing that. The white tie and tails accented both his height and elegant slenderness and the only note of color in his outfit was the brilliant blue-and-white sash he wore diagonally across his breast. The very sim­plicity of his clothes only served to emphasize the aura of strength that surrounded him. "I find you enchanting, too, Sandor."

  Karpathan's brows lifted in surprise and his lips curved in a slightly whimsical smile. "Thank you ... I think." He turned to Zack. "I was just speak­ing to a man I believe you will be fascinated to meet. He's something of a tycoon himself. We do have them in Tamrovia, you know. Perhaps we could leave Kira for Stefan to entertain for a few minutes. I'm sure you wouldn't hear a word the poor man said with her at your side distracting you."

  Zack frowned. "I don't know . . ."

  "Go on," Kira said quickly. She hadn't been exactly an asset to their enterprise this evening. Zack was probably afraid to leave her alone. It was

  time she started conducting herself with a little more control. "I'll be fine. I won't even miss you."

  He smiled at her with an intimacy that was entirely unfeigned. "You'd better miss me. Or I'll

  show you just how wild and untamed I can be

  when I come back." His hand fell from her arm and he turned away. "I won't be long."

  She smiled as she watched him cross the room

  with Karpathan. He moved with a power and confi­dence that reassured and soothed her even when be wasn't beside her. Nothing could go wrong as long as Zack was here.

  "He's a very interesting man," Stefan said thoughtfully. "He appears quite taken with you."

  "It's mutual." Kira met his gaze directly. "I assumed you were aware of that. You did assign him an adjoining room."

  "Sandor suggested it would be tactful, since you

  evidently shared similar quarters at his house in Tucson," Stefan said easily. "We wanted the arrangement to be as discreet and pleasant as possible for you,"

  "Thank you, Stefan." There was a thread of irony to her tone. "I realize that one of your prime missions in life is to save me from the consequences of my own foolishness."

  "He's a very important man. If handled correctly, Damon could be a valuable asset to us. I'm very glad you brought him with you." He glanced at her with sudden sharpness. "You realize, of course, that marriage is out of the question. Damon's fam­ily background is totally unacceptable."

  Kira felt a quick surge of rage. She took a deep, steadying breath. "I expected you to feel that way. In other words, Zack is good enough for me to have an affair with in order to add rubles to the royal coffers, but not good enough to be the father of any Rubinoff progeny."

  Stefan's expression was pained. "You don't have to be unpleasantly crude, Kira. You know your position requires certain duties of you."

  "I don't know anything—" She broke off in mid-sentence. She wouldn't let him anger her. It was too dangerous tonight. "I'm thirsty. I think 111 go see if I can find a glass of champagne." She turned away. "I'll see you later, Stefan."


  She turned back to see a distinctly uneasy expression on Stefan's face. "You spent last night in Mama's suite."

  She stiffened warily. "So?"

  "I'm sure Damon resented sharing your atten­tion with anyone so early in your relationship. It's obvious the man is quite possessive of you. You were lucky he didn't take offense and leave Tamrovia in a huff."

  She gazed at him in disbelief. "Now you're telling me how to conduct my own love affair?"

  "Well, we all know how unthinking and undis­ciplined you can be. Sandor and I discussed it early this afternoon and we decided it would be best to move Marna to the prison at Belajo tomorrow until Damon leaves Tamrovia. We'll make sure she has special treatment
and every comfort. Then you'll be able to give Damon your full attention during his stay."

  "Sandor," she repeated dully. She wouldn't have put this plan past Stefan, but he usually moved more slowly and methodically. It must have been Karpathan who had nudged him into such swift action. And she doubted if it was her presence in Damon's bed that was the real issue with her dear cousin. She felt a ripple of chilling panic. Did he suspect something?

  "Sandor is very perceptive in these matters," Stefan said. "You'd be wise to be guided by him."

  Good heavens, was he offering Karpathan's ser­vices as her pimp, she thought hysterically? She had to get control of herself. "I'll consider that advice. You appear to find him very valuable in that capacity." She turned away again. "Perhaps we'll discuss it later."

  She was scarcely aware of the next two hours as she drifted from group to group with a bright, meaningless smile pasted on her face. She certainly wasn't conscious of what she said to anyone. Her conversation must not have been too outra­geous for no one seemed to be startled or upset with her. She caught glimpses of Zack from time to time, with Karpathan always at his elbow. She had to restrain herself from running to him and nestling close to shut away the icy fear Stefan had instilled in her. No, she had to do her part. She couldn't depend on Zack for everything. But why didn't he break away and come to her? Surely enough time had passed now for them to leave without comment.

  She put her fluted champagne glass down care­fully on the chest beside the French doors. She couldn't take this any longer. She felt as if her smile were frozen on her face and her stomach full of butterflies. She'd slip out on the terrace a moment and get a breath of air. Perhaps when she came back inside, Zack would be ready to leave.

  The air was clear and cold and the stars brilliant in the night sky. She closed the doors behind her and wandered out on the terrace to stand at the stone balustrade and look out over the garden. It was much better out here. There was a peaceful-ness that was a balm to her raw nerves. She heard the door open behind her and she tensed.

  "Are you all right?"

  Zack's voice. She relaxed and turned to face him. "I just had to get away for a while. Can we leave now?"

  "In a minute." He left the French door open wide as he crossed the terrace toward her. "What's wrong? You looked taut as a bow string. I was worried about you."

  "Were you?" She hadn't realized he'd been watching her. The knowledge sent a little current of warmth through her that partially dispelled the chill. She looked up at him. "I was frightened. Stefan told me that Sandor had spoken to him about moving Marna from the palace tomorrow.

  Do you suppose he suspects something and has set extra guards on her tonight?"

  He shook his head. His hands reached out and cupped her face in his hands. "It's too late even if he has," he said softly. "I received word thirty minutes ago that Marna is safely out of the palace and on her way to the helicopter."

  Kira was so relieved that she went limp. "Oh, thank God!" she said on a long drawn-out breath. How did you—?"

  "Another bribe. I arranged to have one of the guards get a message to me. I knew you'd be worried until you knew for sure."

  "Thank you." She could feel the foolish tears well up in her eyes. It was such a wonderfully thought­ful thing for him to have done. "I feel better now. When can we join her?"

  "Soon. First we have to provide a logical reason for withdrawing from Stefan's charming festivities."

  "What reason?"

  He smiled faintly. "Lust. It's the most convincing reason I can think of—besides being the most enjoyable." He slowly lowered his head toward her mouth. "I left the door open. I don't think anyone

  will be rude enough to interrupt us, but it should be fairly clear to any passerby what we're doing here, even though they can't see us too well because of the shadows." His lips feathered hers, sipping with a teasing delicacy that caused her to arch up to him with helpless abandon. "I missed you last night. I've never had you in my bed, but still I missed you."

  "Did you?" She would never have guessed it.

  When she had returned to the suite after lunch his manner had been casual to the point of being brotherly.

  His tongue brushed her lower lip. "I kept remem­bering the scent of you and how your breasts tasted. I lay there all night aching and thinking what I'd do to you when we were together. When you walked into the suite I was within an inch of throwing you down and . . ." He drew a deep breath. "But I knew I wouldn't be able to stop until the ache was gone, and I wasn't sure if that would be in hours ..." His lips hardened as he kissed her with almost bruising passion. "Or days ... or weeks." His left hand moved from her cheek, down her throat, and under the silk of her bodice. "And we had a prior engagement tonight." His warm palm closed over her naked breast and she inhaled sharply. "I love to feel you swell under my hand," he said softly, his gaze dark and intent on her face. "I can feel your nipple harden and tauten, pushing against my skin. Do you know how it makes me feel to know I can do that to you? I can't wait until I have you back at the lodge. I want to know that anytime I wish, I can just reach out and slip my hand beneath all these silky trappings and you'll be as ready for me as I am for you." His palm rubbed slowly back and forth. She gasped. "I want to make you want me so much that you're as crazy for it as I am." Her hands dug into his shoulders. "Zack, please,


  He drew a deep, shuddering breath, but his hand continued to move on her breast as if unable to stop. "I know, but I don't want to—" He broke off. "All right." His hand reluctantly slipped out of the bodice of the gown. "I'm sorry. I realize it's not the time or the place." He turned away. "But it sure as hell better be soon, dammit. I can't take much more of this."

  "Neither can I," Kira said shakily. Her breasts were still swollen and taut and she wanted his hand back on her to ease that aching.

  "You go on ahead. I'll join you in the suite as soon as I'm in a little better shape to face Stefan's guests."

  Her cheeks were hot as she turned away. She was sure her arousal was almost as obvious as Zack's. "Perhaps using lust as an excuse wasn't such a good idea," she said with a quavering little laugh. "Ill see you in a few minutes then."


  She turned to look at him over her shoulder.

  "It wasn't lust."

  "I know," she said softly as she moved toward the French doors. "I know that, Zack."

  Kira had already changed from her formal wear to jeans, a thigh-length beige sweater, and soft suede boots when Zack opened the door to the suite. He had also changed and was wearing charcoal-gray cords and a black sweatshirt, and carrying his suede jacket. "Ready?"

  She nodded as she slipped on a black leather flight jacket and stuffed her passport and wallet into the pocket. She cast a wistful glance at the photographs on the walls. It hadn't been difficult leaving them before, because she had always known she would be back. But after tonight she couldn't be sure she would ever be permitted to return.

  "I'll try to arrange to have them smuggled out and brought to you later." Zack's understanding gaze was on her face.

  She smiled with an effort. "They aren't really val­uable except to me." She turned away. "Stefan will probably be so angry he'll make a bonfire of them anyway. Karpathan will no doubt be delighted to supply the match."

  "We could try to take them with us."

  "Too bulky. I don't have the negatives. Stefan destroyed them when he took away my camera. It may come down to having to move fast and free." She shrugged. "It's all right. I knew when I started this that there were things I'd have to give up. Freeing Marna is worth it."

  "Even if it means giving up your country?"

  "I never actually had a country to give up." She smiled sadly. "Stefan and my parents locked me up in a nice, insulated glass bubble and never let me out of it. Every time I thought I had found the key, they changed the lock." Her gaze went to the pic­ture of the union leader, Naldona. "When he spoke at that meeting he was talking about all
the things I wanted for Tamrovia. How I wished I could help the way he did," she whispered. "God, I wanted that."

  She didn't realize Zack was behind her until his hands closed gently on her upper arms. "We have to go."

  "I know." She stepped away from him and straightened her shoulders. "I probably wouldn't have made a very good activist anyway. I managed to mess things up beautifully for Naldona the only time I tried to do something constructive for Tamrovia." She crossed the room to the paneled wall of bookshelves. "The entrance to the secret passage is right here. This candelabra beside the fifth shelf." She turned the sconce to the left and the entire bookcase swiveled slowly away from the wall, revealing a dark opening only a few feet wide. There it is."

  "It's practically noiseless," Zack said as he peered warily into the darkness. "You must keep the mechanism very well oiled."

  She grinned as she turned on the flashlight to reveal a curving flight of narrow stone steps. "Oh yes, sort of a sacred duty passed on to me by Lance."

  "Sacred duty?"

  "Well, perhaps sacred isn't precisely the right word. This apartment used to belong to my brother Lance." She entered the passage and waited until Zack joined her before turning a sconce on the wall that was identical to the one in the suite. This time she turned it to the right. The bookcase swung -lowly shut, imprisoning them in the narrow con­es of the passageway. "You've probably heard Lance was slightly wild before he married."

  "Slightly?" Zack asked dryly. "I believe the tab­loids referred to him as Lusty Lance."

  She nodded as she began to lead the way care­fully down the staircase. "Well, Lance discovered this passageway when he was a teenager and used it to slip in and out of the palace when he wanted to keep a rendezvous with one of his ladies. He told me about it when I visited him in Sedikhan. When I came back I pestered Stefan to let me change suites. It made things much easier for Marna and me, when we couldn't stand it here any longer and needed to get away from all this stifling protocol." "Is this the only secret passage in the palace?" "As far as Marna and I could discover, and this one was apparently unused and forgotten for dec­ades until Lance found it." She had reached the bottom of the staircase and turned to him with a finger to her lips. "We'll have to be quiet now. This passage runs alongside the ballroom, down some stairs to the dungeon, and under the grounds to the woods across from the main gate. I don't know how thick the walls are in this part of the passage, but we'd better not take a chance."


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