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A Picture Perfect Christmas

Page 4

by J. P. Uvalle

  “Well, I'm just yesterday’s news, so…” I gripped the notepad tightly to my chest as if I was shielding everyone's view of my broken heart.

  Suzanna blew out a breath. “You know what. You guys look busy here. I think we will get our lattes to go.” She offered me a small smile.

  “Um, okay. Four lattes to go coming right up,” I said with a half-smile. She pitied me as much as I pitied her at that moment. The only person close enough to being a real friend to her was her ex's former best friend.

  Chapter Six

  Two weeks later…


  A knock on the door interrupted my reading. “Mom, can you get that, please?”

  “Sorry, honey. I’m elbow-deep in turkey. Can you get it?” she yelled back from the kitchen.

  I mumbled curses as I stomped toward the door and looked through the peephole. A lump got caught in my throat, and I froze like a statue. I blinked a few times. Maybe I was imaging things? I looked again. Nope, what I saw was real.

  Darren Hayes, my once best friend, was standing outside my door, looking even more handsome than I remembered. Talk about old haunts. Part of me was flattered by the thought that he was here to rekindle our friendship, but the other part of me wanted nothing to do with him because my heart would forever be scarred by the guy who’d never loved me as much as I’d loved him. I gave him my all back then, and he broke me. I promised myself I would never allow myself to fall for someone like that again. Now the question was, did I open the door, or let him walk away and out of my life for good?

  “I know you’re there. Your mom said you were home.” His deep voice traveling through the door broke my trance. I looked over my shoulder to find my mom peeking nervously around the corner.

  I mouthed, “Seriously?” Pulling my face into a frown.

  She waved, her smile all teeth, and ran back into the kitchen.

  “Unbelievable,” I mumbled and swung open the door. “What the fuck do you want?”

  “Hello, to you too.” He raked his hand through his windblown hair, and the urge to pull him to me bloomed within my core. I had missed him, yet I hated how he still had this effect on me after all this time. “I wanted to talk to you about an opportunity.”

  I raised my left eyebrow. “Opportunity? There’s absolutely nothing you have that I want.” I was impressed by how confident I sounded.

  “Umm…okay. Just hear me out. Please.”

  I answered with an eye roll. “Fine. What?”

  “I have a job in New York City—”

  “Fabulous. You’re leaving again.” My blood boiled as I went to shut the door in his face, but annoyingly my efforts were interrupted by a voice coming from behind me.

  “Dear, just hear him out.” Jesus. Creepy much.

  “Hi, mom.”

  “Darren, dear.”

  “Ugh, you two make me sick. And for the last time, she is not your mom.” I slammed the door and pivoted on my heel. My ascent up the stairs came to a halt when I looked back to see my mom opening the door to Mr. Persistent. I threw my hands in the air. “Oh, my God. You’re never on my side when Darren is involved. He has everyone brainwashed in this fucking town.” I stomped my way upstairs and into my room to close the door, but his large hand got in the way. I growled. “Ugh, just accept the fact that I hate you and move on.”

  Darren reached out to touch me. “Melody, please. I’m sorry. Let me make it up to you.”

  I smacked his hand away. “Don’t touch me.”

  He nodded slightly, taking a step back. His head tossed his gaze this way and that way like he had a lot to say but not enough time to say it. “Come to New York with me.”

  I shook my head, brows furrowed. “What? Why?”

  A nervous smile played along his lips. “Because you’re my ride or die, remember?”

  I could feel the anger churning in my chest. I scoffed. “Don’t come at with me with that high school bullshit. We are not friends anymore.”

  “That’s just it. I want us to be friends. We were inseparable. I miss that. I miss you, Melody.”

  I closed my eyes as his words sliced through me, ripping open old wounds. I had missed him too, but I couldn’t bring myself to tell him that. My pride wouldn’t let me. My heart had incurred too much damage already.

  “You’re all I ever think about. That’s why I came back. I want my best friend back. I want you back.”

  Just stop talking. The push and pull of emotions overtook me, and I sat down on my bed and shoved my hands through my hair. The tension between us crackled and popped, filling the space with silence. The good times raced through my brain. We were so happy before that night when things went too far. When he left me behind and shattered my heart into a zillion pieces, and he thought he could come back years later and dangle a trip to New York in my face, and everything would be okay? This prick has got me twisted. I clasped my hands together in front of me. “Doesn’t instill me with much confidence.”

  “I can see why you would be hesitant. Yesterday, I was offered a sweet gig. One that would set me up for a couple of months until I get my business up and running. But that’s beside the point. I just know you always dreamt of going to the big apple when we were kids. So, I thought this would be the perfect way to make it up to you. Cross something off your bucket list.” His smile was infused with such hope.

  Fucking slay me, why don’t you. He was right. Going to New York had always been a dream of mine. I often felt like a city girl stuck inside a small-town girl's body. I wanted to go so badly, but deep down, I wasn’t sure I was ready to forgive him. I rested my face inside my palms, and tears leaked from my eyes.

  Next thing I knew, he was kneeling in front of me. “Hey, look at me, please.” Darren's hand grazed my arm, and in an instant reaction, I peeled my hands from my face. He gently swiped away a fallen tear with his thumb, worry lingering in his eyes. “You have every right to hate me, to not trust me. How I went about things was fucked up. If you never want to speak to me again, I will understand. All I’m asking for is a chance to make it right. I truly am sorry, Melody.”

  “You really were a jerk face.” I laughed through the tears and rubbed the rest away with my sleeve.

  “The worst.” A smile quirked his lips. “I promise you won’t regret it.”

  “Like I regret giving you my V card?” I folded my arms over my chest.

  “Awe, c'mon. Don’t do that.” His smile faded, and his shoulders drooped.

  I punched him in the shoulder. I regretted that too. “Just jerking your chain.”

  “Ha, I see what you did there.”

  I made a face, giggling. It felt good to laugh, like old times when we hung out in my room watching movies and dishing gossip from the day.

  We bumped knuckles. “Good to have you back, my friend.”

  “Don’t get used to it yet.”

  He glared, wrestling me to the bed and feathered his fingers across my sides, tickling me. Then he pinned my hands above my head and kissed me, awakening my desire for him. No, no. I can’t do this. “Darren, stop. What are you doing?”

  “Kissing my friend?”

  “Friends don’t kiss.”

  “Friends with benefits do.” He went to kiss me again, but I turned away. He sat up.

  “Is that what we are?” I sat up next to him.

  “Sure. Why not? We changed the rules a long time ago. Kinda hard to go back now.”

  I let his words marinate in my mind for a second. Maybe he was right. However, I wasn’t ready to dive back into whatever the hell we were. “Whatever. You should go. I need to pack.”

  He nodded reluctantly and walked toward the door. He stalled, turning the knob. “You look beautiful today, by the way.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Darren, get out of my room.”

  “Geez, I’m going. I’m going.”

  Chapter Seven


  After Melody ice-skated circles around me at the rink, we decided to take a stroll i
n Central Park. Coffee in hand, Melody was beaming from ear to ear, skipping along the snow-dusted sidewalk. Watching her reminded me of Friday nights back when were kids, and my mom would give us money to go to the arcade. It was the highlight of our week, and she skipped the entire way, not missing a beat. The sight of her in a constant state of glee brought lightness to my heart. From this day forward, I lived to make her happy and vowed to make all her wildest dreams come true. I had to capture the moment on camera. I snuck the phone out of my pocket when she wasn’t looking and snapped a shot for my collection. A classic beauty. I grinned, slipping the phone back into my pocket.

  “It’s so magical here. I now understand why you decided to leave Hudson Heights.”

  “It is amazing, huh. I guess I just missed the quiet, my family, my friends…you.”

  Her skipping came to a sudden halt, and she pivoted around on her heel. “Do you miss me enough to move back?”

  “Yes. But do you know what I missed the most?”


  “Kissing you.” The back of my hand caressed her cheek, and she inhaled deeply, fluttering her eyes closed. I moved my hands over the back of her neck, then kissed her lightly on her lips.

  “Darren.” She broke away, and her gaze fell to the ground. “I don’t think we should.”

  My lungs collapsed on themselves, her words piercing my heart. Had the damage been done? Was there no coming back from this? I didn’t care what it took; I wasn’t going to give up making her mine that easily. However, right now, I just needed to play it cool. “Okay.”

  She cleared her throat. “Um, I’m getting kind of hungry. Wanna get some food?”

  “Sure. Whatever your heart desires. It’s your day. Live your best life.” I forced a smile, although it felt like my soul was being smothered in rejection.

  “You’re too kind.” She bit her lip. “Surprise me.”

  I was hoping you’d say that. “I know just the place.” I winked and pulled out my phone to get us an Uber, then shot Gail a text: Headed to the restaurant. Everything a go?

  Gail: Aye, aye, captain.

  In Brooklyn, the Uber dropped us off in front of Milk and Roses, an intimate venue with a library and courtyard. It was the perfect choice for Melody—her head was always in a book.

  Relief washed over me when we stepped inside, and her brown eyes lit up brighter than the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree. “Oh, my gosh. This place is lovely. Thank you.” Her arms cinched tighter around my waist.

  “Anything for my bestie.”

  The waitress seated us by the library on a wooden booth with red cushions. We were the only people in the restaurant. Just like I wanted. Thanks, Gail.

  The waitress took our order and brought a bottle of their best wine.

  “For such a gorgeous place, I figured it would be crazy-packed in here.”

  “Lucky us. We have it all to ourselves.”

  Melody lifted an accusing eyebrow. “What are you up to, Darren Hayes?”

  Melody was a smart cookie. I wouldn’t be able to keep up this charade much longer. I took a swig of my wine. “Nothing.” I smirked.

  Her eyes narrowed. “Uh, huh.”

  Live music echoed throughout the dimly lit space—a provocative rendition of Santa Baby.

  “Yeah, we are only ones in the restaurant, and she happens to be singing one of my favorite Christmas songs. Are you sure nothing’s happening?”

  “I’m sure.” I stood up, holding out my hand for her to take. “Humor me with a dance?”

  “Fine,” She twisted her face into a teasing snarl.

  So far so good. Gail deserves a raise.


  My hand in his, Darren led me through the restaurant garden to a secluded area of the courtyard. The live music played over the speakers, and it was just us out there. He cradled me in his arms as a slow love song began to play. Him snaking his hand down my body jolted me through time—satin sheets, our longing bodies intertwined underneath in a sweet surrender: a seductive dance of passion. He possessed me in a way no one else ever could, caressing me tenderly then, yet so fiendishly now. His teeth tugged on my ear, his hands on my ass. Since our eyes had linked together again, I’d sensed Darren was craving another hit, another taste, but could I be his enabler?

  The change in tempo brought me back to reality, and I unglued his possessive hands from my ass. “Stop.” My answer was no. I couldn’t allow him to use me only to throw me aside as if I meant nothing to him. I didn’t know what game he was playing, but I had to forfeit. “I’m leaving.” I headed toward the door.

  He seized my wrist in his grasp. “Melody, wait.”

  “What are we doing here? Did you just bring me out here to seduce me?”

  “No, my intentions are pure.”

  “Yeah, they always are.” I broke his hold and went to open the door. It was locked. I spun around, fists clenched at my sides. “Let. Me. Go.”

  He put his hands up. “Melody, please. Since the day I left our hometown, I haven’t been able to get you and what we shared off my mind.”

  “A fucking phone call would’ve been nice.”

  He slowly stepped closer, and I stepped back. “I realize it may take you a while to forgive me, but you have to know that night changed my life. It gave me back a piece of me that had been missing. You made me feel whole.”

  “Whole?” I gritted through my teeth. “You took a piece of me I can never get back and then left.” No matter how hard I forced them back, the tears came pouring down my cheeks. “You left me behind. How in the hell am I ever supposed to forgive you for that?”

  “I know. I fucked it all up. I hate myself for what I did to you. I still don’t understand how I could hurt the only person I ever loved. That I still love.” His eyes began to water.


  He pressed his forehead against mine in that way I had missed. “Melody, you are the remedy to my broken soul. You’ve. Got. Me. I love you so fucking much.”

  His words hit me like a punch to the chest and knocked the air out of me. “You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting to hear you say that. I fucking love you too, jerk face.”

  Our lips crashed together with insatiable need. Lifting me up by my thighs, he pressed me against the brick wall, exploring every inch of my mouth with his tongue. A tidal wave of warmth rapidly surged through my veins. I melted into his touch, giving him complete control. “Give it to me, Darren.”

  His lips broke into a smirk. “There’s my naughty girl.” Forgetting we were in a public place, the clothes came off, and he moved my panties to the side. His cock pulsed into me, and the Christmas lights around us began to blur together as his hips rocked into me at a steady rhythm. I moaned his name with every deep thrust. He drove in to the hilt, pumping into me like his life depended on it. “Fuck, marry me.”

  “Oh, yes. Yes. Yes!” I sang as my orgasm rocketed through me.

  Christmas Day


  “This was not how I pictured our wedding, but I told you I was down for whatever, baby girl.” Chase gave me a goofy smile.

  I giggled, wrapping my arm around his. This was exactly how I pictured my wedding, except Chase was walking me down the aisle. Kudos to Darren and his assistant for planning a surprise wedding. If that wasn’t love, I didn’t know what was.

  “Ready? There is still time to change your mind. Run away to Vegas?” Chase wiggled his eyebrows in that special way I loved, and my laugh doubled me over. I caught my breath and fixed the red chiffon of my dress. “No, I’ve been ready for this day since I was ten.”

  Why was I always so set on a Christmas wedding? Christmas day was when Darren and I first met…

  “Darren, give it to me!” I screamed. I didn’t know who this boy thought he was, but he should have known better than to ever take candy from a girl, especially the limited-edition kind. I had been waiting for months to eat my chocolate reindeer, and no one was going to stop me.

keepers.” He yanked back and pulled the red-foiled reindeer straight from my hand.

  “Mom!” I yelled at the top of my lungs.

  The door swung open. “What is going on in here?”

  “Darren stole my reindeer and won’t give it back.”

  “I’m no thief.”

  He even copied the way I pouted. I’d known him all of five minutes, and already he was ruining my life. Why did my mom have to invite our new neighbors over for dinner on Christmas?

  “Okay, Melody. I understand you’ve been saving this for a special occasion, but do you think that sharing with your new friend would make the moment even more special? Help you two get to know each other?”

  “No,” we said at the same time, crossing our arms over our chests.

  My mom giggled. “I think you two have more in common than you think.” She winked, then closed the door behind her.

  I blew out a sigh. We stood there side by side, not saying a word, then I heard a snap. “Hey,” I snarled.

  “Well, I think your mom is cool. So, if she says we should share…maybe we should listen.”

  “Okay, but you get Rudolph's butt.”

  “Fine.” He handed me the other half.

  The band started to play, cueing us to walk to where my best friend, my first and last love, stood waiting. When we appeared, our moms were already hugging each other, crying tears of joy. I inhaled a deep breath to fight back the wetness pooling under my eyelids. Although all our friends and family stood on each side of us, all I could see was Darren staring back at me with the whole world in his eyes. The pictures he’d taken of me and us that had led to this moment hung on the walls surrounding us. Our happily ever after was A Picture Perfect Christmas.

  That’s a wrap. Happy Holidays!

  Follow Darren and Melody's story as they celebrate marital bliss.

  A Picture Perfect Honeymoon

  Author Bio


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