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Stay With Me

Page 9

by Grayson, Alivia

  I take a seat next to her on the edge of the bed. “I don’t hate you, Ricky.”

  She turns her head to look at me. So much sadness in her eyes, no one should ever be plagued with such sorrow.

  I take her hand in mine, entwining our fingers. “I have loved you my entire life. There hasn’t been a day where I haven’t loved you. Yes, I’m hurt that you didn’t tell me before now about Ryan, but I’ll get over it. I can’t stop loving you, Ricky.”

  “You still love me?”

  “Of course, I do. How could I not?” I tuck her hair behind her ear while stroking my thumb across her cheek. “Whatever kept us apart all these years can’t keep us apart now, baby. All of the pain you have suffered to protect me; I want you to let go of it all.”

  “I don’t know how, Bry. All of this with Ray doesn’t mean anything, but Ryan...”

  “I know.” Wrapping my arm around her shoulder, I pull her to me. She comes willingly and lays her head on my shoulder. “We can talk about him. When you’re ready, of course.”

  “I’ve never spoken about him with anyone.”

  “Then, who better than his father?”

  “Oh, Bryan, I am so sorry.” I hold her to me as she cries. She needs to cry. Ricky has been through an ordeal no one should ever have to go through, but she’s home now. Home with me. “Can you ever forgive me?”

  “I love you, Ricky. There’s nothing to forgive. However, I need you to trust me.”

  “I love you so much, Bry. I have always loved you. I trust you with my life.”

  “Is that right, Dr. Spencer?” She lifts to look at me and the smirk on my face. “How long have you been using my name?”

  “I legally changed my name as soon as I turned eighteen.”

  “Dr. Spencer. Now that is hot.” She giggles against my mouth right before I kiss her, but she winces. “Shit, I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay,” She smiles. “It will heal soon enough.”

  Chapter 18


  I had tried to protest about Bryan bringing me back to his house, but he insisted, even stopped at the hotel to collect my things and check me out. I had wanted to stay with my grandfather. I needed to make sure he was safe. Of course, Bob refused to drag me away from Bryan and insisted he could take care of himself. He was just so happy that Bryan and I are together again.

  I don’t know if he and I are together, but I sure wish we were.

  I don’t feel worthy of him, not after everything that’s happened. Bryan told me that he’d make damn sure I feel worthy soon enough. I hadn’t told him how I felt, but he just knew. It’s always been that way with us. We know what each other is feeling without us having to say anything at all. Nine years apart hasn’t changed that.

  Bryan has been so good to me since bringing me here, he ran me a hot bubble bath, gave me some painkillers and then sent me off to relax. As I sink into the bubbles and let the warm water relax my aching body, I finally let myself believe that things could be okay.

  He loves me, he told me so. I don’t know how he can forgive me so easily for what I’ve done, but I’m grateful for the fact that he has.

  Bryan is a good man. They don’t make men like him anymore; I’m a fortunate girl.

  “Hey, you,” I open my eyes and smile sleepily. Bryan is sitting on the edge of the bathtub looking down at me. “You’re falling asleep.”

  “Sorry. I guess today took a lot out of me.”

  “Let’s go to bed, Ricky. Let me hold you close to me.”

  I still don’t understand how Bryan can be so forgiving. I’m not sure many men would be. However, he understands why I did what I did. He knows I had to protect him from Ray. I had to protect our son from him too. Yes, I stayed away for nine years, but we can put that behind us now. Right?

  As I stand to change into clean pajamas, because I don’t intend to do anything but sleep, I notice Bryan’s eyes traveling over the bruises on my back and rib cage. Yeah, Ray really gave me a good kicking. I’m beyond lucky that he didn’t damage me more than he did.

  “It looks worse than it is,” I say with a smile while tugging my pajama top-down and turning away from the mirror.

  “Still doesn’t alter the fact I’m gonna kill him.”

  “Don’t say things like that.” I chastise while climbing into Bryan’s bed and lying down next to him. “I don’t want you doing anything, Bryan. I love you for wanting to protect me, but leave it to the police.” He huffs while lying down beside me, turning on his right side to face me, as I lie on my left side. “Don’t be mad, Bry, I just don’t want you to do anything you’ll regret, you have a little girl to think about.”

  I’m curious as to why he’s squinting his eyes at me. “Damn!” He curses under his breath, making me chuckle. “Oh, baby,”

  “What?” I sit up. “What’s wrong, Bry?” He pulls himself up with his back against the headboard. “Bryan?”

  “With everything that’s happened today, I forgot that Kristin asked me to take care of Faye.”

  “Faye is your daughter?”

  He nods. “She lives over four hundred miles away.”

  “Do you have to collect her?”

  “No,” He shakes his head. “Kristin will be dropping her off tomorrow.”

  “Oh.” He’s not going to want me around while his daughter is here. Moreover, it’s not like I’m good with kids. I don’t even like the little monsters, or at least, I don’t allow myself to close enough to them to care. It was too hard after Ryan. “How long do you have her for?”

  “Three months.” Wow. “This is a first, believe me. Kristin hardly ever lets me have Faye for more than two days. However, she’s off to Paris to some fashion thing with her partner. Being here will be good for Faye. It will be good for me.”

  “Of course. I understand.” I smile while stroking his face. I do understand how he feels. Faye is his daughter, and he loves her, wants to spend time with her, and he has every right to do so. I am so proud of him for putting his daughter first. “If you let me know around what time she’ll be arriving, I can get out of your hair.”

  “What?” He grabs my hand from his face and holds it against his chest. “I don’t want you to go anywhere, Ricky. God,” He exhales loudly while looking up at his ceiling for a moment before looking at me once again. “I have spent far too long without you, without Faye. You are the two most important people in my life. I want you both here with me; together. Stay with me. Please, Ricky?”

  I smile and nod.

  There’s nowhere else I’d rather be than here with him. I don’t know if his little girl will like me or not, but I’ll do my best where she’s concerned.

  He pulls me into his arms while sliding down the bed a little so that we’re lying down flat. I suddenly feel sick; this is a bad idea; his daughter will hate me. I’m not good with children, and this little girl is Bryan’s daughter. My Bryan. I should have been the one to bear his children, no one else.

  Grow up, Ricky. What did you think that he’d wait for you forever? Get a grip.

  Yes, it’s time for me to grow up.

  However, meeting his daughter and staying here with them both, how will I handle that?

  * * *

  Bryan has been practically giddy all morning. He’s so excited to see his little girl, and I’m happy for him, really happy. Yes, a bit jealous that I don’t have Ryan with me, but I would never act like a brat over the fact that Bryan has a daughter, and I don’t have our son. She’s his world, and that’s how it should be.

  It makes me proud to know him, to love him. I can already tell he’s a wonderful father. My heart bursts with love and pride for him.

  Kristin should be arriving in just under two hours. I imagine Faye will be super tired after driving for almost six hours. However, Bryan told me that he collects her once a month for the weekend, so she ends up making the trip twice in as many days. She’s used to it.

  I’ve made sure the place is clean. Not that it was dirty, but t
he dust has a habit of settling after just minutes, and I don’t want it getting on Faye’s chest. I’ve dusted and hovered Faye’s beautiful little princess bedroom; I want it to be perfect for her. It’s such a beautiful room. I’ve never seen anything like it.

  The walls and carpet are lilac-colored, and there are pretty butterflies all over the walls and her white curtains. Faye’s closet is filled with clothes; they’re so small it’s beyond cute. She has a chest full of toys, shelves full of books. Bryan really takes care of his little girl. Is there anything more perfect?

  She has the most amazing, small four-poster princess bed I’ve ever seen. The bed I’m putting fresh linen on. I’ve opened the window a little to air out the room, I’ll close it in an hour, so it’s not cold when Faye arrives.

  Bryan told me that he could do all of this, but I wanted to. I want him to see that I’m trying.

  Just as I’m placing a stuffed bear against the freshly covered pillows, hands slide around my waist. I giggle as Bryan presses his hard cock against my ass, pushing me forward so much that my hands slip on the bed.

  “Stop that.” I’m only half-heartedly telling him to stop.

  “I can’t,” He mumbles against my hair, his hands moving over my stomach. I can feel the coiling in my core, I’m wet for him, so very wet. “I want you, baby,”



  I twist in his arms. I want him just as much, but there’s no way I’m doing anything in Faye’s room. Not that I believe Bryan would do anything of the sort.

  He grabs my ass in his hands and pulls me closer, so close I can feel his hard-on pressing against my stomach, and I want nothing more than to grind shamelessly against him.

  Our lips crash together, tongues entwining, my hands in his hair. God, I want him so badly it hurts.

  “Take me to bed,” I mumble against his gorgeous lips.

  He hoists me up, my legs locking around his waist, and we kiss me all the way to his bedroom. By the time we get there, I’ve already taken everything off but my panties. Bryan pins me against the wall beside the door, holding me there with his waist while he rips his t-shirt over his head. The body on this man...

  “I’m gonna fuck you so hard.” He doesn’t let me answer, he grabs my face, his lips hitting mine with a ferocity I didn’t know he possessed. I moan when Bryan bites my bottom lip, it stings, but I love it.

  “Fuck me, Bryan, and don’t be nice about it.” He smirks, fists my panties in his hand, and tears them from my body. My pussy gushes in pleasure; no one has ever been this hungry for me before. “Oh, god...” My eyes roll as he pinches my clit before shoving two fingers deep inside of me.

  “Look at me!” I whimper, I’m so close to coming, my body is tightening. “I wanna see you come for me, Ricky. Do it, baby. Come for me, now!”

  I scream and cry as my orgasm rocks through my whole body, right from head to my curling toes.

  Bryan doesn’t wait for my orgasm to subside before slamming into me. I clutch at his shoulders, trying to force my body to adjust to this massive invasion. My pussy is stretched to the limit!

  He grabs the back of my head, forcing me to look down. “Look, Ricky. Watch my cock slide in and out of your perfect pussy.” It’s the most fantastic thing I’ve ever seen, we’re one, right where we belong.

  I force my head up. I want to look into his eyes as he fucks me into the wall. “Bryan,” He pushes my legs higher, my knees by my breasts, his hands under my thighs, and he’s so deep like this that I swear I can see the outline of his massive cock pushing against my stomach wall every time he thrusts into me.

  I grab the back of his neck and close my eyes. It’s like they have a life of their own, and the muscles in them won’t work to keep them open. I’m so fucking high that I’m scared to crash down.

  However, hearing Bryan yell how he can’t hold back anymore, that he needs to come, I throw my head back, scream and come so hard everything fades from my vision and hearing. My bones are soft, and I feel like I’m floating through the air. The next thing I know, I’m lying on Bryan’s bed, my head on his chest and his arms around me, holding me.

  “You fucked me unconscious.” I groan and then laugh. Bryan kisses my head and strokes the back of my hair, but he doesn’t say anything. I lift and rest my head on my hand and stroke his jaw with my fingertips. “Is something wrong?”

  He looks right into my eyes and smiles. “Not a thing, baby. I have a very good feeling that things are going to be just fine.” I smile and let him kiss me.

  I hope he’s right. I really do.

  Chapter 19


  Ricky and I showered together, showering away what we’d done against the bedroom wall, but it didn’t stop my cock getting hard, and it certainly didn’t stop me from taking her in the shower. I can’t keep my hands off her. It seems she can’t keep her hands off me either.

  Just the way I like it.

  Ricky spent ages doing her hair and makeup, trying to cover those bruises that asshole gave her so that Faye doesn’t see them. She doesn’t want to scare my daughter, nor have her mother thinking I beat her. Trust me, Kristin would soon throw that out there and stop me keeping Faye. I don’t want to risk it and nor does Ricky.

  I still want to kill Ray, but I made a promise to Ricky that I wouldn’t go near him. I don’t have murder in me, but I have powerful fists that I want to pound down on his face!

  Now we’re sitting at the kitchen table drinking coffee while we wait for Kristin to arrive with Faye. The trouble is, Ricky looks like she’s about to throw up.

  “What’s wrong, Peach?”

  She chuckles at my name for her. It’s something I called her when we were kids. Ricky went through a phase of only eating peaches. For some reason, she believed it would help her lose weight, not that she needed to lose weight; she was perfect. However, it didn’t help her any. Ricky lasted a week before she told me if she ever saw another peach again, she’d kill someone. I took to calling her Peach as a joke. It stuck for a while.

  “What if she hates me, Bryan?”

  I take her hand in mine. “Faye will love you, Ricky. She’s a very loving child. God knows how with a mother like Kristin, but she is.”

  “But what if I’m no good for her, Bryan? I don’t want to upset her in any way.”

  “Ricky,” I smile and kiss the back of her hand. “Don’t doubt yourself. You are amazing. There is nothing you could do to upset Faye. You’re perfect,” I stroke her cheek.

  “I’m far from perfect, Bryan.”

  “You’re perfect to me.” I pull her toward me and kiss her hard just as the door knocks. “Showtime,” I wink. I swear, I see a little fear flash through Ricky’s beautiful eyes. She has nothing to be scared of.

  “Daddy!” My baby girl screams excitedly the second the door is open. I crouch down to catch her, pulling her close to my big body. God, I’ve missed her. I kiss her head over and over, making her laugh loudly. “I’m going to stay with you, Daddy.”

  “I know, my princess. We’re going to have so much fun!”

  “Thank you for doing this.” I merely nod in Kristin’s direction while moving aside so she can come in. I note the boyfriend stayed in the car. Good. He and I do not see eye to eye on many things. I hardly want him in my house, soiling it with his damn presence.

  “I haven’t brought much because I know you have everything already. Oh. Who’s this?” Her eyes slide up and down my girl’s body. They linger on the bruises on her face. She tried so damn hard to cover them with makeup. She did pretty well, but the one on the side of her face wasn’t wholly coverable.

  Please don’t let this witch make comments and rush Faye away from me.

  “I’m Ricky.” She says while holding her hand out to Kristin, who shakes it curiously.

  Kristin looks to me with a sudden smile on her face. “Thee, Ricky?” I nod. “Oh my god,” She turns back to Ricky. “I’ve heard so much about you!”

, she isn’t mentioning the bruises.

  Ricky looks at me as if to say, You told her about me?

  Of course, I told Kristin about Ricky. She’s seen me drunk out of my mind and out of head over Ricky once or twice. She doesn’t know everything, just that I was in love with Ricky and she walked away from me.

  “I take it you two are back together?” Kristin asks me.

  “We are.”

  “And she’s living here?” Here we go. Her eyes are narrowed, she’s going to make a scene, this is what she does.

  Not in front of my daughter, she won’t!

  Ricky looks so uncomfortable; this is what she was afraid of. We haven’t even discussed her moving in yet, but I want her to. I don’t want her to go back to Charlotte. I want her to come home.

  “Is that a problem?” I adjust Faye in my arms. She’s really quiet all of a sudden. She’s always like this when her mother starts. Not that Kristin should start things with me in front of Faye, but the bitch never seems to care. It doesn’t matter how hard I try to defuse the situation in front of my little girl; her mother will just get louder.

  “You never mentioned you’d have another woman around my daughter.”

  “The way you never told me you’d have another man around her, either?”

  She squints her eyes in anger. It’s almost laughable. “Maybe I should just take her with me...”

  “Over my dead body will I allow you to take her out of the country! Don’t do this when you’re about to leave her for three months.”


  “I’m really not that bad.” Ricky interrupts. She folds her arms around herself, her way of protecting herself from hurt. “I’m not going to be around all that much. I’m a doctor, so I’m usually quite busy. However, I promise, the times that I am here, Faye will come first. Just as she always does with Bryan. He talks so fondly of her. She’s his number one priority. That I can promise you.”


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