Leisl Leighton - [Pack Bound 01]

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Leisl Leighton - [Pack Bound 01] Page 15

by Pack Bound (epub)

  She was sick and tired of her life being at the mercy and whims of other people. She couldn’t remember her parents—her time with them had been lost to her in the trauma of the accident—but from what her grandpa had told her, they’d tried to mould her into something dangerous. After their deaths, her grandparents had tried to reshape her with varying degrees of success and now her brother and her friends, with the best of intentions, wanted her to rethink and change what had been done to her. Now Jason wanted something from her she just couldn’t give.

  She was Skye Morghanna Cantrae and she wasn’t going to be pushed and shoved around by anyone any more.

  She would head over to Cantrae House to give her grandmother a serve. Morrigan would be there on a Saturday. Her grandmother always spent the afternoon with River before getting ready to go out to the ballet or a concert. Skye would also find some time today to tell her friends to back off. And then she would finish off the day by telling Jason McVale to leave her alone.


  Morrigan wasn’t home when Skye arrived. She wasn’t the only one surprised by this. Ferris admitted, after she questioned him, that Morrigan hadn’t been acting herself lately; that she seemed worried about something and had been making an awful lot of secretive phone calls and disappearing for hours on end.

  ‘I’m worried it has something to do with Master River.’ Ferris frowned as he confided this to her. ‘He seems to be getting worse, lost in that fugue state more and more, and the times in between, he’s been talking about things that make no sense at all. I’m afraid he’s going to have a terrible blow-up soon and I think maybe madame is trying to find someone to help him. I overheard her say something about that on the phone earlier when I walked into the study to tell her you had called and were coming over.’

  ‘She knew I was coming? What did she say?’

  He nodded. ‘She just thanked me and waved me out. A little while later I heard her leave—she didn’t tell me where she was going or how long she would be gone for. I am rather worried, miss. Do you know what this is about?’

  Skye shook her head, unwilling to say what she suspected. It was no coincidence that Morrigan had left when she knew Skye was coming over. Her grandmother was avoiding her.

  Thanking Ferris, she wandered up to River’s room. Her twin was in a strange mood, jumping at shadows and talking about things that made no sense and then sitting there, staring at nothing for ages, not moving or even blinking.

  The storm had passed so she took him out to the garden again, but even the new contemplation glade he’d created didn’t bring him out of his mood. He kept looking past her and talking as if someone was there with them. When she couldn’t stand it any more, she asked, ‘Who are you talking to, River?’

  ‘Grandpa. You could hear him too if only you’d open yourself to him like you did at the cemetery.’

  A shiver chased down her spine as he looked at her, his hazel eyes bright and clear. She wanted to deny what he said, but couldn’t.

  ‘Grandpa says you need to use your eye.’ He touched her forehead with a very warm finger.

  Skye gasped. ‘River! You’re boiling hot.’ She took his hand. ‘If you weren’t feeling well, you should have said something. I wouldn’t have brought you out into the cold.’

  ‘I’m fine,’ he said, walking alongside her. ‘I like the cold. But Skye, you’re not listening.’ He stopped, pulling her to a halt with him. ‘Grandpa says you need to listen and see like Papa taught you.’

  ‘Papa didn’t teach me anything I wish to remember. And you can’t talk to Grandpa, River. It’s not safe. Please promise me you won’t do it again.’

  ‘I will stop talking to him when you start to listen. You should be able to hear him. You heard him the other day. Why aren’t you hearing him now?’

  Skye shook her head, not knowing what to say to that. She didn’t want to talk about this. Talking about her powers would only make them push to the fore. So she took his hand and lied. ‘I promise I’ll try to listen, River. But come on. We have to get you inside before you get sicker than you already are.’

  She got him up to his room, where he soon fell asleep. Before she left, though, she asked Ferris to tell Morrigan she needed to speak to her and to please give her a call. She told him it was about River, hoping that would make a difference.

  Troubled thoughts filled her mind as she drove home. Still caught up in the darkness of them, she let herself into the house, dumped her keys in the bowl on the front hall stand and began to take off her coat.

  ‘Jason called.’

  Skye jumped at the voice close behind her and swung to face Bron, her arms still caught in her coat sleeves. ‘Oh, Bron, it’s you.’

  ‘Who else would it be?’

  ‘Nobody.’ She pulled her arms out of her coat. ‘Sorry, I was lost in thought. What did you say?’

  ‘Jason called. He said he would be here at seven.’

  Skye swore as she saw all the questions in her friend’s eyes, but rather than answering any of them, she moved past Bron and down the hall. ‘I’m going to have a shower.’

  ‘Shells and I are going out to see a movie, but now we might just catch a later one.’

  ‘Great,’ Skye said, waving behind her. She swore again. Her friends staying to greet Jason was just one more way the universe had chosen today to show her that despite her decision to take back control of her life, she really didn’t have control over much of anything.

  Even though it was only five, she decided to run a bath, have a soak, wash her hair and give it an extra conditioning treatment.

  At six-thirty she ran out of things to do to get ready and realised she’d have to walk out into the family room. She sighed, knowing she couldn’t escape forever the million and one questions Bron and Shelley would have about Jason and what was going on between them.

  Bron, of course, ran a critical eye over Skye when she emerged from her bedroom and said, ‘You’re not putting on something nicer than your jeans?’

  At the same time, Shelley said, ‘So, you’re going out with Adam’s brother. The same brother you met up at the snow and had a one-night stand with.’

  ‘That’s right.’ Skye looked daggers at Bron, who had the grace to look chagrined.

  ‘Is that a good idea?’

  Skye almost growled. ‘I don’t need you judging me,’ she said. ‘Either of you. I’m only going on the date so I can tell him that we can’t go out.’

  ‘You should have just told him to stop harassing you this morning when you called him.’

  ‘It’s not harassment if she likes it,’ Bron said with a smirk.

  Skye lost her temper. ‘That’s it!’ She pointed her finger first at Bron and then at Shelley. ‘This is my decision and my life and I want you to butt out. You know why I can’t get into a relationship. End of discussion.’

  Absolute silence followed her outburst and she turned away, unable to stand their hurt expressions. ‘I want to make my own decisions. Everyone keeps trying to make them for me and I don’t like it. Is it so wrong or surprising that I feel that way?’

  ‘No,’ Bron said, coming up behind her and slipping her arms around her to give her a hug. ‘I’m sorry if I upset you.’

  Skye nodded, returning the hug, but then stepped out of Bron’s hold.

  Shelley said, ‘Well, if this Jason is as annoying as his brother, I think you’re making the right decision.’

  ‘Thanks,’ Skye murmured, glad for a return to the original topic. However, she didn’t feel as buoyed by Shelley’s approval as she should. A man that gorgeous, charming and sexy could never be truly annoying. Besides, he’d only been trying to persuade her to go on a date with him in the most romantic way possible, something that you’d see in a movie.

  God! Was she defending him to herself?

  ‘It’s not seven yet, Skye. Come and sit down. You’re making me feel edgy, pacing around like that.’

  Skye tried to do what Shelley suggested, but a moment later she
was pacing again, this time behind the couch where they were sitting so they could continue to watch whatever they’d been watching when she’d emerged from her bedroom.

  She caught her reflection in the mirror by the front door. She’d put jeans on as she’d decided to do this morning, but hadn’t been able to resist wearing the pretty scoop-necked cashmere top she’d bought at the snow. It was in a shade of green that brought out the flaming colour of her hair and the jewel sparkle of her green eyes.

  However, she looked pale against all that colour. Almost like she was sick. Or afraid. She didn’t want to look afraid. A little bit of make-up might fix that.

  Marching off to the bathroom, she put on some mascara, a little blush and a light green eye-shadow that enhanced the gold flecks in the green of her eyes. She brushed some pink gloss on her lips and smacked them together, eyeing herself critically in the mirror. ‘That’s better.’ Although it still wasn’t right. With her hair pulled back like that she looked too young. Vulnerable.

  Pulling her hair out of the ponytail, she grabbed some of Bron’s mousse and bent over to scrunch it through.

  The door opened behind her and, thinking it was either Shelley or Bron, she stood up, flipping her hair back, and turned to face the door. ‘How do I loo—’ The words died on her lips.

  Jason stood in the doorway, his eyes piercing her with a look that was so hot she was surprised she didn’t go up in flames.

  ‘You look good enough to eat,’ he murmured after a long pause.

  Skye laughed nervously. ‘You sound like the Big Bad Wolf.’

  His gaze swept down her length and then back up again before meeting hers. ‘Are you going to be my Little Red Riding Hood and get the better of me?’

  Skye swallowed hard. ‘I’m going to try.’

  He grinned, that lopsided grin that tugged at her heart. ‘I’m going to enjoy that.’

  They stared at each other, desire pulsing in the air between them. Skye gritted her teeth, trying her best to ignore it, but it was impossible.

  ‘What are you doing here?’ she asked when she managed to get her mouth working again.

  His wolfish grin widened, eyes sparkling. ‘You asked me on a date.’

  Her mouth dropped open. ‘I did no such thing. You asked me two weeks ago. I just finally said yes.’

  ‘I love it when you get all pissy. Your eyes flash like green fire.’

  The compliment streaked right to her core; her muscles clenched, her nipples puckered.

  His nostrils flared and he shook his head, seeming to almost vibrate on the spot before taking a step into the room. He turned and closed the door.

  ‘What are you doing?’ Panic and desire shot through her as he turned back to face her. Her eyes darted to the closed door at his back. ‘Where are Bron and Shelley? Why did you come in here rather than wait out there for me?’

  He stepped towards her, like some kind of wildcat marking its prey. No. He wasn’t feline enough for that. There was too much power, too much hungry intensity. He was more like a wolf on the hunt.

  She shivered.

  His nostrils flared again as he answered her question. ‘They went to the movies. Bron said you were in the bathroom. She told me to come on through.’

  ‘Did she just.’ Skye swore under her breath.

  ‘Yes. And I have to say, I’m not sorry they’re gone.’

  He took another step towards her. She didn’t move. She refused to back up.

  Then he was there, in front of her, his warmth wrapping around her. He lifted his hand, brushed her hair away from her face.

  ‘I wasn’t going to do this until after the date, but you’re making it harder than I thought possible to put it off any longer.’

  ‘Do what?’

  It was a stupid question. She could see it in his eyes. She knew she should stop him when he cupped her face, but his long, strong fingers, incredibly gentle, were a brand against her skin, and any words of protest that might have been in her head died in the flame of his touch.

  ‘Skye.’ The sound of her name brushed across her face with his breath and then his lips were on hers.

  The contact made her jerk with the flash of desire that pulsed through her. She gasped. He took advantage of her open mouth, stroking her tongue with his, the kiss hot and wet and wild. She leaned in to him just as she had at the snow, but knew she couldn’t give herself over to what he made her feel. She didn’t want to lead him on. She had to tell him now, before this got out of hand.

  ‘Jason,’ she said as his lips left hers to kiss a line of fire across her jaw. God, it was so hard to say anything when his lips marked her with the possession that seemed inherent in his desire, but she made herself form the words. ‘Jason, you have to stop.’

  ‘Do you really want me to?’

  She groaned as he suckled at her pulse point, his hands dipping to her waist, pulling her against the firm length of him. ‘No … but we have to talk.’

  He reared up, hands cupping her face once again and looked down into her eyes, the blue of his intense and bright; they pierced her soul like lightning in the night sky.

  ‘I want you more than I want to breathe. Please, don’t ask me to stop. It will hurt more than you know.

  ‘Jason,’ she whispered. ‘I don’t want to hurt you, but—’

  ‘Then don’t say a word. What you’ve got to say will surely keep until later.’

  ‘But it will change your mind about me.’

  ‘Believe me when I tell you, nothing can do that. The question is, will it change what you feel about me right now?’


  ‘Then live in this moment. That’s all I ask.’

  She stared at him. He didn’t move, didn’t even seem to breathe as he waited for her response.

  She couldn’t breathe either. Couldn’t think. All she could do was give in.

  Without another word, she twined her arms around his neck, threaded her fingers into the silky warmth of his hair and sucked his full lower lip into her mouth.

  He groaned, hands racing down her back, coming up to brush the sides of her breasts. As he deepened the kiss, he pulled her closer to him, so she could feel the rigid heat of him against her stomach. His other hand came around to cup her breast, an intimate possession she leaned into.

  His thumb swept across her nipple in response.

  She whimpered.

  He did it again.

  She jerked and pressed closer to him.

  ‘Where’s your bedroom?’

  ‘What?’ She looked up at him, eyes dazed.

  Damn it! He couldn’t wait, even for a second longer, not with her looking at him like that. ‘Never mind,’ Jason growled, his wolf in his throat as he kissed along her chin and down her neck. ‘The bench will do.’

  ‘Do for wha—’ She gasped as he sucked on her pulse point again.

  He lifted the soft, clingy top over her head in one sweep. She barely seemed to notice as her lips sought his again. He had her bra off a few seconds later, her beautiful breasts cupped in his hands. Her nipples pebbled in his palms, tight and hot as he brushed across them once, twice.

  Taking her mouth with his, he kissed her in a deep, drugging tangle of tongue and lips.


  He wasn’t sure if the thought was his, his wolf’s or Skye’s, heard through the mating bond, but he smiled at the knowledge that it was true.

  She didn’t smile as she undid the buttons of his shirt, just looked at him with that hot, intense gaze and then brushed the shirt from his shoulders, her touch creating a blaze of flame on his skin. He let go of her long enough to allow her to slip it from his arms and then pulled her close again, breasts crushed against his chest.

  By the Moon! That felt so good. So right.

  She whimpered and pushed closer.

  He slid one hand into her hair and the other between them to find her breast. He cupped it, brushed his knuckles across the pink flush of her nipple. She closed her eyes, a breath shudderi
ng out of her mouth, her teeth catching on her plump bottom lip, cutting in when he pinched her nipple, making her jerk again.

  He brushed his thumb across the abused lip before bending to lick the little drop of blood away. Tracing her beautiful lips with his tongue, he swept across the seam as his fingers stroked and caressed her.

  She sighed again, opening to him. He kissed her, long and deep, her breath a hot enticement as he moved from her mouth, kissing, licking and nipping her jaw and down her throat to the hard pebbles he caressed with his hands.

  He took one of her nipples into his mouth, sucking it deep, soothing it with his tongue.

  She cried out, vibrating against him, pushing her pelvis against his engorged cock.

  Damn jeans! They were strangling him. But he couldn’t undo them without letting her go. And he didn’t want to take his hands from her. Or his mouth. But he could take care of her jeans and keep touching her.

  Kneeling, he peeled her jeans down her legs, his lips caressing the skin he bared inch by slow inch.

  She trembled and gasped, her knees shaking.

  He lifted her onto the bench, removed her boots and socks and pulled her jeans off the rest of the way, his lips following in the denim’s wake, the scent of her desire teasing him. Looking up at her, sitting on the bench, wearing nothing but a little scrap of lime green silk with black lace edgings that matched the bra he’d tossed aside, he grinned then sucked her toe into his mouth.

  She moaned.

  He twirled his tongue around her big toe and looked up the length of her leg. She leaned back on her palms, eyes closed, plump lips open slightly, begging to be kissed. Her nipples thrust out from pert breasts. She was an enticement he could barely deny. But first, he had to finish with her feet. He sucked another toe into his mouth, his tongue swirling around the soft, fragrant skin.

  She smelled so good.

  He ran his hands up her silky smooth legs, enjoying the trembles in her muscles, and turned his attention to her other foot. She moaned again.


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