Leisl Leighton - [Pack Bound 01]

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Leisl Leighton - [Pack Bound 01] Page 16

by Pack Bound (epub)

  His cock was so hard now he was afraid it was going to be cut in two if he didn’t do something about his jeans. Still sucking on her toes, he managed to shed the rest of his clothes.

  His lips moved up her legs, licking, nipping, sucking, following the path of his hands. Her muscles trembling, she tossed her head back and forth, muttering gasped pleas for mercy. He smiled. He wasn’t ready to give her mercy yet.

  Pushing her legs a little wider, he slicked his thumb over her cleft. She trembled and cried out, grasping his head, stopping him from putting his mouth to her most delicate flesh. But that suited him. Holding her gaze, he slid his thumb into her cleft again. ‘So wet,’ he murmured, sliding his thumb into her, before circling it around her clitoris.

  ‘Oh, God,’ she sobbed.

  He repeated the motion before lifting his thumb and sucking it into his mouth. ‘So sweet. I want to taste more.’

  She shook her head, eyes bright with need. ‘If you don’t come inside me right now, I might die.’

  All his good intentions were blown to cinders by her words. He reared up, tore her panties from her and buried himself deep inside with one swift stroke.

  She came immediately, the orgasm clenching around him, urging him to his own release. But he held back. Bending his head, he took her mouth with his as he pulled slowly out, her muscles clenching, trying to pull him back in.

  He obliged by pulling her close to the edge of the bench and impaling her on his length all the way to her core. She cried out, but he caught her cry with his mouth, sucking her tongue into his as he repeated the action again and again.

  She clung to him, her breasts crushed against his chest as he buried one hand deep into her hair to hold her head in place as he plundered her mouth while his cock thrust inside her.

  He could feel her building towards another orgasm, smell the sweet musk of her desire sinking into his skin again where it belonged.

  Oh, by the Moon. He’d missed this. He never wanted to stop.

  And that determination had him continuing even as she orgasmed again.

  When her spasms stopped, he picked her up, still buried deep inside her and whispered into her mouth, ‘Where’s your bed? I want to finish this in your bed.’

  ‘Opposite door,’ she said, her voice a bare husk of sound as his lips skimmed over her throat.

  He turned with her in his arms, her legs clinging to his waist, each step acting as a thrust that made her whimper. They made it across the bathroom and the hall. He kicked the bedroom door closed behind him and then they fell on her bed, the fall pushing him deeper inside her.

  She arched up into him, her legs wrapped around his waist. He bent to take her nipple in his mouth. She cried out, hands chasing over him, pulling him closer. He drove into her, faster and faster, his tongue working first on one breast, then the other before returning to her mouth.

  He loved her mouth. He wanted to see it wrapped around his cock—the thought was enough to make him finally lose his control.

  He gripped her hands, holding them against the sheets next to her head as he moved with her, their mouths clashing as she built to another orgasm. Unable to hold back, he spilled himself into her. His wolf howled its pleasure in his mind and he felt the second link of the mating click into place.

  Ecstasy thrilled through him as this important thread of the bond resonated through every fibre of his being. He longed to shout his joy to the world for the strengthening of something he never expected to happen to him. The intensity of it swept through him but the last thing he wanted was to frighten her away at this moment. Instead, he gathered her to him, face buried in her neck, breathing in the scent of her. Hands splayed on her back and hip, he rolled her over so his weight didn’t crush her and just held her close.

  They lay like that for a long time, her head on his shoulder, hair spread across her back and his chest, her limbs lax against him.

  A lazy smile spread on his lips as he began to stroke her hair away from her face, kissing her temple when he’d bared it.

  ‘So much for starting over and having our date first. This kind of went the way of the first time we met,’ he whispered finally.

  She laughed, but then the laugh choked on a sob and she began to cry.

  ‘Hey, hey.’ He tried to take her face in his hands, but she buried it in his shoulder and all he could do was hold her, stroke the wild, silken mass of her hair as she sobbed into his shoulder, her tears hot on his skin. ‘What’s the matter? I’ve never made a woman burst into tears after sex before. Did I do something wrong?’

  She reeled back, her eyes sparkling with her tears, and punched him in the chest. ‘No, goddamn you. I wish you had. Then this wouldn’t have happened.’

  ‘I’m rather glad it did. Aren’t you?’

  ‘Yes,’ she said, her lip trembling again.

  ‘You don’t seem happy about it.’

  ‘I’m not. This isn’t at all what I planned.’

  ‘You had a plan?’

  ‘Yes. And now it’s going to be so much harder to make you see.’

  ‘Make me see what?’

  ‘Why we can’t be together.’

  ‘It’s too late for that. We are together.’

  ‘Don’t say that.’ A tear traced down her cheek.

  He brushed it away. ‘Please don’t cry.’

  ‘Oh, God.’ She closed her eyes. ‘How can I feel so close to you when I barely know you? And it gets worse every time I see you.’

  ‘I feel the same way,’ he said cautiously. ‘It’s like we’re connected.’

  ‘I don’t want to be connected.’

  He almost gasped at her words. They were a slash at his heart. ‘You don’t want to?’

  ‘I can’t. I wasn’t going to give in to it, to you, but then you turned up and I just can’t seem to say no. And yet I should have. I’ve been so selfish. I shouldn’t have let this happen. When I tell you about me—’ She stopped, her lips trembling.

  His heart clenched in his chest, the tenuous new threads of the bond vibrating dangerously, close to snapping. Carefully, he cupped her face, brushing her tears away. ‘Shh. Give me a chance to recover from what we just did and then we can talk about it.’ He kissed the tears from her cheeks, kissed the tremble from her lips. ‘I’m sure it can’t be as bad as you think.’ He pulled her back down to his chest.

  He could feel resistance in every line of her body but he couldn’t have this conversation with her now. If she denied him at this moment, the fine thread that was the second step of the mating bond would snap—and he couldn’t bear to lose that now when he’d just felt its joy.

  So he kept stroking her hair and her back and eventually she relaxed beside him and fell asleep, her soft breath puffing over his chest.

  The thread of the mating bond stopped vibrating so violently, and finally, feeling a little more secure, he reluctantly pulled out of her and settled her next to him.

  She didn’t stir.

  He looked down at her, fear clutching at his chest for just a moment, but her eyes were closed and she was breathing normally, unlike the time she’d flamed out. She hadn’t used any power while they’d made love this time; her eyes had remained their usual gold-flecked green throughout.

  Cordy had been right. As had his wolf. He grinned as he pressed his lips against the top of her head. The strength in the fledgling mating bond meant his wolf knew he wouldn’t hurt her this time.

  He yawned and closed his eyes again. He just hoped he could make her see.


  Jason was woken by a knock on the door.

  ‘Have you two finished making wild monkey love, yet? Shelley and I are making pancakes. We figure you need sustenance. Don’t be long.’

  Jason blinked and rubbed his eyes. Skye stirred beside him.

  ‘Pancakes?’ She yawned, stretched. ‘What time is it?’

  Light outlined the curtains. She’d slept the night in his arms. The mating bond was still tenuous, but far stronger because
of that act of trust. He couldn’t help smiling as he said, ‘Morning, by the look of it.’

  She sat up abruptly, pulling the sheet against her breasts to cover them. ‘Morning! We slept through the night?’ She dropped her face in her hands. ‘I can’t believe this is happening.’ She looked up at him. ‘You shouldn’t be here. I was supposed to tell you last night this wouldn’t happen again. It can’t happen again.’

  He couldn’t help it. He chuckled. ‘But it did happen again. And I can’t say I regret it. Do you?’

  ‘Regret it? Of course I regret it.’

  ‘You didn’t enjoy yourself?’

  ‘I—you— It was the best sex of my life. Even better than the first time. But that’s not the point.’

  ‘It isn’t? Can you tell me what is?’

  She glared at him for a moment and then threw the sheet back with a sound of frustration. ‘God! You don’t understand,’ she fumed and stormed across the room, showing everything she had tried to hide from him a moment before.

  She was so beautiful. His perfect mate. Perhaps he should tell her that. But as she turned and saw him watching her, green eyes sparking with annoyance, he realised that might not go over too well now.

  She pulled open the top dresser drawer with a jerk, grabbed some underwear, shoved the drawer closed with a bang and then pulled the underwear on with quick, jerky movements. ‘I want you to go. I’m too mad at myself and you at the moment to talk to you.’

  He pulled back the doona and stood up. Her gaze darted over him, catching on his enlarged cock before darting back up to his face again. He smiled and shrugged.

  ‘What do you expect when you march around in front of me naked? It doesn’t mean I’m going to jump you.’

  ‘You did last night.’

  ‘I gave you fair warning. If you’d told me no, I would have backed off. It was your choice. But you know that.’

  She cursed under her breath and he had to stop himself from laughing at her delightful combination of faux swear words.

  She glanced back over at him after she’d pulled on a top she’d picked up from the armchair in the corner that was covered with clothes. ‘Can you please get dressed? It’s really difficult trying to talk to you when you’re naked.’ She grabbed a pair of tracksuit pants and pulled them on.

  ‘My clothes are still in the bathroom. I’m happy to go and get them as long as you understand we are going to talk. I’m not leaving this house until we have.’

  She sat down on the armchair with a plonk. ‘I know. I suppose it’s best we get this over with rather than putting it off again.’

  He raised his brow at her tone. She sounded resigned, and not a little depressed. Whatever had her tied up in knots thinking that she couldn’t be with him, it was real to her, he could see that now. And it wasn’t going to be easily smoothed over with a few words from him about her destiny. Perhaps if he showed her, she would understand.

  He walked over to her, knelt down and took her hand in his. She didn’t pull away, but she didn’t look at him either.


  Her mouth twisted as if she was fighting tears. The fact that she was so upset tore at his insides.

  ‘Skye. I know you think we can’t be together and I think I might know why you think that.’

  Her gaze flared up to meet his. ‘How could you know? Who told you?’

  He shook his head. ‘Nobody told me. They didn’t have to. It’s instinctive, what you’re feeling. The bond between a witch and the Alpha is strong and overwhelming without other complications.’ Confusion clouded her eyes. ‘By the Moon, I’m not explaining this right.’ He stood, ran his hand through his hair and paced back and forth before looking down at her, his gaze seeking hers. ‘I am a Were. I’m not wholly human, as you are not wholly human.’

  ‘I am human—’

  ‘You are a witch. There’s a difference.’

  She gasped. ‘How do you know that?’

  ‘Because I’m Were. And not only that, I’m your Alpha and you are bonded to me through the Alpha–Pack Witch bond.’

  ‘I have no idea what you’re talking about.’

  He ran his hand through his hair and knelt before her again. ‘I know you can’t remember your early childhood, otherwise you would have known what I was just by looking at me. And I know you’re not oblivious to your power. You know you’re a witch. But something is stopping you from tapping into those powers that are essential to who you are.’

  ‘You can’t know about that.’

  ‘But I do know about it—which goes to prove what I’m saying is true.’ He grabbed her hand, held it, even when she tried to pull away. ‘I know it’s confusing to you because you can’t remember. All I’m asking is that you look deep inside yourself. If you do, you’ll see I’m telling you the truth.’

  Her eyes glittered with fear as she took a shuddering breath and shook her head. ‘I can’t.’

  ‘Whoever murdered your parents and stole you away from us to bring on the Curse took so much from you. I’d kill them for that alone if I hadn’t already sworn my revenge.’

  ‘Murder?’ She paled. ‘My parents weren’t murdered. And I wasn’t stolen.’ She pulled her hand out of his, rubbing at her fingertips. ‘I want you to leave. Now.’

  He stood, but he wasn’t going. ‘If you won’t listen to the truth, I’ll have to show you. And thanks to you, I can.’

  He pulled the power she’d given him and wrapped it around himself. His skin tingled, a glorious rush of pleasure-pain swept through him as the world shifted and glowed with the golden-rainbow light of his change. He fell to all fours before her and for a moment lost sight of her in the vibrant light of the change.

  When he could see her again he saw the surprise at what she’d just witnessed, as he’d expected. He waited for recognition to follow—she’d seen this change many times when she was young.

  Terror swept through her eyes—the emerald green turned to swirling, inky black as she pulled her legs onto the armchair and scooted to the back of it.

  Then she began to scream.

  Chapter 11

  Skye’s screams pealed through the air. She knew she was screaming, knew it wouldn’t keep the wolf from attacking, but she couldn’t seem to stop. She also couldn’t seem to move.

  Jason had turned into a wolf. Right in front of her.

  A great big motherfucking silver and gold wolf.

  Fear, deeply ingrained, swept through her. An electric burn surged down her arms, into her hands. Before she could think what that meant, fire leapt from her fingertips towards the large wolf.

  The wolf managed to twist out of the way of the flames, but she knew she’d singed it. Could smell the scent of burned fur.

  She stopped screaming, the fear of her magic even greater than the fear of the wolf standing before her.

  Fire leapt from her fingertips again.

  The wolf whimpered and stepped closer. Blue flames lashed out at him, just missing him and singeing the carpet.

  Skye, stop.

  ‘Skye, stop.’

  She heard the two voices intertwining, Jason’s inside her head and Grandpa’s coming from right beside her.

  Blue fire arced out of her fingers now in response. ‘I can’t. I can’t,’ she cried as the heat of the fire ran up her arms, expanding in her chest.

  Breathe through it. Push it back.

  She tried to listen to her grandpa’s words but it was so hard to hear past the roaring in her ears.

  Oh God! She couldn’t make it stop.

  Her eyes were burning now with the heat of the flame inside her and seeing the wolf whimpering in front of her, looking at her with Jason’s eyes, didn’t help. She knew it was him, didn’t want to hurt him, but he was a wolf, so like the large dog that had attacked her when she was younger, so much like River when he—

  She clutched at her head as sharp, slicing pain stabbed into her mind. Something warm trickled from her nose as the pain intensified. Her vision went dark. S
omeone was screaming.

  Her eyes rolled up in her head and she fell.

  Jason caught her as she went down, having made the change the moment she stopped shooting blue fire at him and clutched at her head.

  The door behind him burst open.

  ‘What the hell happened?’

  ‘Can someone get a cool cloth?’ he snapped, carrying her to the bed. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Shelley and Bron at the door looking at the smouldering carnage, Adam standing behind them.

  Shelley’s gaze darted to him and then to Skye as he laid her on the bed. ‘I’ll get my things. But when I come back, you’ve got some questions to answer.’ She turned, edging past Adam, careful not to touch him.

  ‘What are you doing here?’ Jason asked his brother as he wiped the hair from Skye’s sweat-soaked brow.

  ‘Bron called. Said you might need some back-up.’ He stepped into the room. ‘Whoa, I can see she was right. What the hell happened in here, Jase? Did she flame out again?’

  ‘No. She didn’t. Everything was fine. In fact, the second part of the mating ritual kicked in, even though I never intended it to.’

  ‘Shit. Well, congratulations?’

  If he hadn’t been so worried about Skye, Jason would have laughed at his brother’s tone. But any comment he was going to make was cut off by Bron as she walked over and hit him across the head.

  ‘You’re mating to her and you haven’t told her what you are?’

  Jason’s gaze darted accusingly to Adam, but Adam held up his hands in surrender and said, ‘I never told her. She guessed. She reads auras, among other things. Apparently ours were so animalistic she could almost see the outline of our wolves in them.’

  ‘And you don’t have a problem with this?’

  Bron snorted. ‘I’m from an ancient Wiccan family who have links back to the covens who tied themselves to the Weres for protection. I’ve read the family grimoires—although, until I met you and Adam, I always thought they were an allegory of some kind. But after getting to know Adam, it was hard not to believe what was right in front of my eyes.’ Her attention focused on her friend once again. ‘I had no idea Skye was a Pack Witch. Although it does explain a lot.’


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