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Monster Girl Islands 6

Page 5

by Logan Jacobs

  “Very well.” The leader mimicked my nod, then turned to bark commands at her people.

  The racoon women quickly dispersed about various tasks and hopped across the sand with their tails wagging behind them. It was incredible how innocent and childlike they could seem one minute, and then the next they were bloodthirsty savages chewing through bone.

  I watched them scamper away for a moment, and then I returned to the bonfire and plopped down in the sand between Jemma and Mira with an exhausted sigh.

  “Those women are going to be the death of me,” I groaned.

  “They sounded very excited,” Jemma observed in a playful voice. “They said yes?”

  “Yep.” I grinned. “Every single one of them is coming back with us.”

  “That must be a very overwhelming concept,” Jonas mused. “I do not think it was an easy decision.”

  “It was not at first,” Jemma supplied. “But once I thought about what Ben had done for my people, and what he was capable of giving us for our future, the choice was clear. I would follow him anywhere.”

  “I couldn’t have said it better myself,” Mira sighed. “No matter what obstacles we face, I just know we can handle it as long as we have Ben.”

  “I do my best,” I laughed. “I’m sure the threat of facing an orc attack alone helped convince them, not to mention the possibility of Tirian’s mom coming back looking for him.”

  “Do you think she will come looking for him?” Jemma gasped, and her chartreuse eyes filled with fear. “She did not seem to be friendly.”

  “It is possible,” Jonas noted. “She would likely come back to this island first, so the sooner we leave, the better.”

  “Wouldn’t she be able to track us down?” I asked, and I shot Tirian a questioning glance. He was the fire dragon in our group, after all. If anyone knew the inner workings of their minds and what motivated them, it would be him.

  I am uncertain if I will ever see my mother again, Tirian said in a thoughtful voice. I get the feeling I am supposed to find my own way through life.

  “George was pretty much abandoned,” I said as I thought back to my first meeting with the water dragon. He’d looked sickly, his scales were dim and lackluster, and he’d been close to starving. After only a short while with me and the serpent women, however, he had perked right up and started doubling in size almost every day.

  “Nixie has stayed with her young their whole lives so far, though,” Mira added. “It’s not like dragons aren’t motherly at all. Maybe something just gets in the way.”

  “Like the orcs?” I suggested with a frown. “They seem pretty determined to get a dragon of their own.”

  “We cannot let that happen, Ben,” Jemma gasped and covered her mouth with her hands. “Those poor baby dragons! They would end up like the wargs!”

  Her chartreuse eyes filled with tears that nearly broke my heart, and I wrapped my arm around her slender shoulders so I could pull her against my side. Her auburn hair splayed against my torso as she buried her face into my chest, and I held her in my arms until her shoulders ceased their shaking.

  Then I lifted her chin with gentle fingers until she was looking into my eyes.

  “I won’t let that happen,” I promised with every fiber of my being.

  “Thank you, Ben.” Jemma nodded, and a small smile tugged against her soft pink lips.

  “Those fuckers of mothers don’t know what’s coming to them,” Mira muttered in a voice full of rage. “We’ll burn their entire kingdom to the ground with dragon fire now that we have Tirian on our side.”

  “Right.” Jemma’s eyes brightened, and she straightened her shoulders.

  “You know what would be awesome?” I mused out loud as an image took hold of my mind. “If we had an entire army of fire breathing dragons bonded to our people. Can you imagine? Even two dragons the size of Tirian’s mom could stop anything in its tracks…”

  “That would be an incredible sight to behold,” Jonas breathed as his eyes turned dreamy and unfocused.

  “Do you think there are more dragons out there?” I asked as my heart pounded with excitement over the possibility.

  “It is possible,” the soothsayer replied, and he pursed his lips as he thought this over. “After all, it takes two dragons to make an egg…”

  “Tirian must have a mother and a father!” Jemma bounced up and down as she caught on to our line of thinking. “So, there could be other dragons out there, too!”

  “That’s both terrifying and amazing to think about,” Mira said in a dry voice. “Having a fire breathing dragon on our side is one thing, but chasing after a full-grown orc ship annihilating beast is another. Tirian’s mom almost cooked us alive, remember?”

  I would love to see my mother someday, Tirian commented in a wistful voice. I want to thank her for keeping me safe until I was hatched into this world.

  “She really was a wonderful mother,” Jemma informed him in a loving tone, and she stroked her fingers softly against his silver head.

  Tirian hummed in pleasure as the deer woman caressed his scalp, and the vibrations ran up my legs even though I was several paces away from him.

  “If we could find more eggs, we could raise the dragons from babies,” I suggested. “Then, once they were fully grown, we would have an army of flying, fire breathers to ride across the ocean to the orcs’ base.”

  “That would be amazing,” Mira said with an excited grin.

  “You would be unstoppable,” Jonas informed me with a proud look in his eyes. “A powerful force to rule over all the islands.”

  I… I remember something, Tirian suddenly interjected, and he had an unfocused look on his face as he tilted his head to the side and stared off toward the ocean. It was obvious he was seeing something beyond what was there, like he was looking within himself.

  “What is it?” Jemma asked with wide, excited eyes.

  I traveled along my memory from before I was hatched, the silver dragon informed us. I remember being inside my egg, and moving through the air… and…

  “And what?” I pressed as my heartbeat thudded in my ears.

  I remember an island, different from this place, Tirian said vaguely.

  We all waited anxiously for him to say something else, and just when I couldn’t take it anymore, the silver dragon shook his head as though to dispel a vision.

  I think I might remember where my egg was conceived, he finally informed us with a decisive nod of his dragon head.

  “Where your egg was conceived…” I repeated as I processed what this meant. Then it clicked. “That’s where your dad would have been. Or other dragons.”

  Yes, was all Tirian said.

  My mind spun as I thought about what this could mean for my people. We could turn the tide of the war, take the fight to the orcs instead of waiting for them to attack.

  Anything was possible.

  And I had to choose which way to go.

  Chapter Three

  “Wow,” Mira gasped as her gold eyes widened in amazement. “I wonder if there are any more fire dragons.”

  My head swam through the possibilities as my breath quickened. I was so lost in thought, the entire camp faded from existence around me, and my mind's eye was filled with images of war and dragon riding warrior women.

  With an army of fire dragons, the orcs wouldn’t stand a chance.

  We could take the fight straight to them and rain down hellfire on their heads while they squirmed and ran for cover, and the thought of their grotesque faces shriveled up in fear as they faced down a fleet of flying creatures spraying flames over every inch of their island warmed my stomach.

  If more of my people bonded to newly hatched dragons, we’d be an unstoppable force.

  The serpent women were born with the ability to bond to the water dragons, which made me wonder if there were other people out there already connected to different species in the same way.

  Who had the fire dragons bonded to three thousand years ago?<
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  If Jemma was right, and she needed my offspring in her womb in order to bond with Tirian, then I needed to impregnate as many women as I could, and fast. It would also mean she was indeed pregnant already, which meant I had two half deer people, half dragonkin babies on the way.

  I pictured the auburn-haired beauty riding the silver dragon through the air as he blasted the orcs with his fire breath, and my blood boiled with excitement and more than a little arousal.

  I would make the orcs regret ever touching a single woman on these islands, and send them running with their tails between their legs. I wouldn’t stop there, though. I’d hunt them down until I’d killed every single one of them. Then I would hunt down every last warg and make sure they would never hurt another innocent again. Only then would I be able to relax.

  Would the racoon women be open to the idea of dragon bonds?

  With the image of Nadir straddling the alligator monster’s neck as she bashed her stone axe into its head still fresh in my memory, it was easy to picture her riding on the back of a massive dragon. In my mind’s eye, I saw her with the wind blowing in her dark hair, and she appeared majestic and powerful as she plowed through our enemies.

  Plus, I bet all the racoon women would be crazy happy if I got them all a bunch of shiny dragon eggs.

  “What are you thinking about?” Mira asked.

  “Huh?” I muttered as I shook my head to clear away my thoughts. I came back to reality and realized it had gotten much darker while I was lost in my fantasies of orc annihilation.

  “You had a faraway look in your eyes,” Jemma offered with a sweet smile. “I did not wish to disturb you, but you were staring at nothing for a very long time.”

  “I was picturing what it would be like to take an army of fire dragons to the orcs’ base of operations.” I smirked. “Just indulging in a little fantasy, that’s all.”

  “It may not be mere fantasy,” Jonas said in his wise voice.

  “Still, can’t do much about it tonight,” I chuckled. “We need to get everyone home first, and then we can talk to Nerissa and Ainsley about going in search of the other dragons.”

  “Good idea,” the soothsayer agreed with a nod. “There is still much to do.”

  “Even if we find these other dragons,” Mira mused, “how are we going to convince them to help us? Tirian’s mother didn’t seem like the talkative type.”

  Perhaps Tirian could communicate with them, George suggested.

  I have the ancient memories, the silver dragon piped up, but they are confusing and jumbled. I think with time I will learn more.

  “Do you think you could talk to the other fire dragons?” I asked in a hopeful voice.

  Perhaps. Tirian tilted his head to the side as he thought about this. I might not be welcomed, though, since I have bonded to Jemma.

  We should wait until Tirian is bigger, George said with a slow nod of his dragon head. I would not want to put him in any danger.

  “We have some time,” I decided. “I don’t think the orcs are going to be coming after us any time soon. They have to find out what happened to the ships they sent first.”

  “Let’s make sure we are long gone by then,” Mira laughed. “I’ve had my fill of adventures on this island.”

  “You can say that again.” I smirked. “The alligator monster was my limit.”

  “You are so weird,” Mira snorted. “Did you not hear me the first time?”

  I rolled my eyes and bumped my shoulder against her playfully, since we both knew she was fully aware of all my figures of speech by this point.

  “It’s getting late,” Jonas interjected. “I would like to rest my weary bones. It sounds like tomorrow will be a busy day, and I need to gather my energy.”

  “Goodnight, Jonas,” I said as the old soothsayer heaved himself up to his feet and waved at us.

  “I’m going to go check on the clucker birds one more time before I go to bed,” Mira announced, and she pressed a quick kiss against my cheek before she headed toward the small row boat on the shoreline.

  “Would you like some company this evening, Ben?” Jemma asked as she blinked her thick eyelashes at me. Her chartreuse eyes spoke the silent invitation, and she placed a soft hand on my thigh as she leaned forward to whisper into my ear. “I would understand if you needed to rest, but I am not ready to sleep just yet.”

  “Absolutely,” I said with an enthusiastic nod.

  All other thoughts left my mind as my dick hardened at the thought of making love to the beautiful auburn-haired woman.

  “That is what I hoped you would say,” Jemma giggled and stood gracefully to her feet. The fine grains of white sand clung to her thighs, and I reached up to lightly brush it away. Goosebumps erupted across her pale skin, and she shivered in the cool ocean breeze.

  “Come on,” I said as I stood up quickly, gently took her hand in mine, and led her over to my tent.

  She didn’t argue, and by the time I closed the tent flap and turned back to face her, her chartreuse eyes were hooded with desire. I licked my suddenly dry lips, and a lump rose up into my throat.

  She was perfect, and I wanted to enjoy every inch of her.

  Then she was in my arms, and her fingers curled into my thick hair as her lips met mine. Her perky breasts were firmly pressed against my chest, and I could feel her heart pounding. Jemma’s mouth was cool and refreshing as she slid her tongue against mine, like a gulp of lemonade on a blisteringly hot fourth of July, and I sighed against her lips.

  My hands trailed down her back, under the curve of her perfect ass, and then I pulled her against me so she could feel the way my body responded to her. She moaned against my mouth and ground her hips toward the sensation, and the need to be inside her almost overpowered me.

  I backed her further into the tent slowly without releasing her mouth from my kiss, and I reached up to cup her cheeks with my hands as I urged her backward.

  When I had her laid down on my sleeping cot, I slowly pulled off her shirt and shorts to reveal her smooth, supple skin in all its glory. Jemma shivered with delight, and her nipples hardened as she arched her back. Then she spread her legs to reveal the damp, perfectly pink folds of her inner treasure.

  I traced teasing kisses and soft caresses over every rise and crevice of her body as I drifted tantalizingly close to her center of pleasure. I fluttered my lips against her thighs, and when she shivered, I pulled away to dart a tongue across her stiff, pink nipples, and in mere moments, the auburn-haired beauty was gasping and clenching the blanket beneath her.

  “Please, Ben,” she panted. Her skin was flushed, and sweat had started to dapple the valley between her perky breasts.

  “What do you want?” I murmured against the skin of her lower stomach. Goosebumps erupted across her toned midsection, and I slowly rubbed my lips across the bumpy texture.

  “I-I,” she stammered, and her chartreuse eyes were unfocused with desire. “I need release! Please, Ben…”

  “You want to cum?” I asked as I moved my lips over the soft skin where her pelvic bone met her thighs.

  “Is that what it is called?” she asked as her hands leapt to my hair once more.

  “That’s one thing they call it,” I chuckled, and the motion sent vibrations across the soft mound of fuzz right above her wet slit.

  “Ohh… Goddess…” Jemma moaned, and she pressed against my head to urge me lower. Her insistence was a pleasant surprise after her typical submissive energy, and I obliged her command happily.

  I lapped up the honey sweet juices gushing out from her pink pussy, but I made sure to take my time. I licked along one side and then the other, and the string of sounds erupting from Jemma’s mouth were like music to my ears.

  I played her pussy like a violin, and each motion and movement elicited gasps, moans, and soft screams. When her noises became more and more animalistic, and she began to groan with need, I couldn’t withhold her climax any longer in good conscience.

  So, I latched o
nto her swollen clit with my lips and sucked fiercely while simultaneously pumping two of my fingers inside her wet tunnel. Her muscles clamped down on my digits, and her hips ground into my face as her orgasm exploded through her.

  “Ohhhh, yes, Bennnnnnn!” she cried out as she bucked beneath me.

  I rode out the waves of her bliss while keeping a tight hold of her, and I only came up for air once her grip on my hair relaxed.

  My face was drenched with her love juices, and I licked the deliciousness from my lips as I crawled up her body.

  “You taste amazing,” I murmured in a husky voice.

  Jemma immediately grabbed the sides of my face and pulled my lips to hers. She didn’t seem to care about her flavor being all over my face, and her lustful abandon only increased the urge to bury my cock deep inside her.

  “I want you inside me,” Jemma breathed against my lips. Her eyes were half closed, and her body was warm beneath my touch.

  She was ready, and so was I.

  I didn’t waste any more time shoving my pants off my hips enough to free my throbbing cock, and it pulsed against Jemma’s crevice in search of her depths. Jemma spread her thighs to open herself even more, and she pressed her hips upward to meet me.

  I started slow as I pressed just my tip inside her tight entrance, and then I pulled back out again. Next, I leaned back on my hips and held onto her legs beneath the knees so I could get a good look at my cock sliding in and out of her eager body. The outer lips of her dripping pussy bulged around my girth, and her muscles clenched against me like she was trying to pull me in deeper.

  “You feel so good…” the auburn-haired beauty moaned as she wiggled her hips.

  “You look amazing,” I grunted, and I thrust slowly inside her until I was buried to the hilt.

  “More,” Jemma gasped. “Please!”

  “As you wish,” I murmured as I pulled out until only my head was dipped inside her well of pleasure, and then I slammed into her without warning. Then I thrusted hard and fast over and over again while her cries of bliss filled my ears.


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