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Just One More (Just Us Series Book 2)

Page 4

by Roxanne Riley

  Prepped and ready, I take my place between her legs. She spreads her trembling thighs for me and I pause to admire the soaking wet mess we’ve made of her, her thighs slick with her own cum. I give her a questioning look and she answers with an eager little nod, and I plunge inside her.

  I have to take in a deep, shuddering breath. She’s so fucking tight, and so fucking hot. As drenched as she is, my dick slides in with ease, but her pussy walls contract around my shaft with every thrust.

  I catch Darren’s eye and he smirks at me, and I can tell he’s feeling pretty fucking proud of himself for finding this girl and making this happen. My smug asshole. But I can’t blame him.

  I shift my gaze to Myles, but he’s preoccupied, circling Jessie’s nipple delicately with the tip of his tongue.

  When I look down at Jessie, her eyes are closed and she’s lost in pleasure, her head thrown back and her body quaking. And I’m overcome with the sudden need to make her shake in climax again. I quicken my thrusts and slide a hand between us, using my thumb to massage her clit.

  Her eyes fly open in surprise. “Holy shit,” she gasps, “Oh, fuck, that feels so good, don’t stop!”

  “I wasn’t planning to,” I say with a dark chuckle, ratcheting the pace even faster.

  Myles wraps his lips around her nipple and sinks his teeth in lightly and Darren mirrors him on the other side. The light shock of pain as the release crests over her makes her shudder and let out a feral scream of pleasure, and her walls tighten around my cock in a way that makes me see fucking stars.

  With a rough, shuddering thrust, the release pours out of me, sudden and violent like the breaking of a dam.

  Fortunately, that’s as far as the metaphor goes, and when I pull out and dispose of the condom, it’s still intact.

  “I think I need a fucking Gatorade,” Myles says as I’m heading back to lay in the bed with them.

  Jessie laughs hoarsely. “No kidding,” she rasps.

  “I’ll be right back,” Myles says, getting to his feet. Before he leaves, he bends to kiss Jessie, and as he leaves the room, he pauses to grab me roughly by the chin and plant one on me, too, making me grin like a lovesick idiot.

  I settle onto the bed next to Jessie, who seems to have finally caught her breath, but remains immobile. “I don’t think my brain’s connected to my limbs anymore,” she murmurs.

  I laugh. “I don’t think we fucked you hard enough to cause brain damage,” I tease, “I think we’re just too much for you to handle.”

  She cracks one eye open and scoffs. “Puh-lease,” she drawls, “If anything, you boys are the ones with too much to handle.”

  “I think she’s right,” Darren says, chuckling.

  “We’ll see about that,” I say as Myles returns with an armful of bottles, “Next time, you won’t walk for a week, baby girl,” I reach around her hip and swat her ass, making her squeak.

  She makes a scrunched-up face at me, but underneath it is a smile. “Yeah, yeah, you’re all talk,” she replies, sitting up and taking a long drink of the bright blue liquid Myles offers, “You’ll have to prove it with actions.”

  “Oh, I plan to, Jessie girl,” I reply, taking a bright red bottle from Myles’ offerings.

  I plan to.

  Chapter Seven


  When I wake and stretch the next morning, I feel that sweet soreness in my muscles from a good workout. Or, in this case, an incredible lay. I look at the bed beside me and involuntarily, a smile spreads across my face.

  Darren apparently woke up before I did, so I have no idea where he might be. But Jessie is curled on her side, facing me, with Ivan’s arms around her as he holds her against his chest in sleep. It’s a sweet sight, and it stirs feelings in me I don’t expect.

  All three of us have had our flings through the years we’ve been together, but somehow we’d never thought to share. And as I stare at one of my partners, holding this beautiful woman, I can’t help but think that maybe there was a reason for that. We were waiting, all these years, for her.

  It’s a crazy thought. We hardly know her, but clearly we all hit it off with her, and the way she’d seamlessly slipped in with the three of us seemed too perfect to ignore.

  We’ll see what happens, I guess, I think to myself as I get out of bed, careful not to disturb the sweet, sleeping pair.

  I throw on boxers and plod downstairs. I hear movement in the kitchen and follow the sound. Darren’s sitting at the breakfast bar with a cup of coffee and his work tablet in front of him. I grin to myself. While for the most part, Darren’s kind of hard to predict, his morning routine is always the same.

  “Morning,” I greet him, pulling the fridge open and pulling out the orange juice.

  He looks up at me over his reading glasses. I’ve always liked the glasses on him, they give him that “sexy professor” vibe, but he wears contacts most of the time. “You’re up early,” he muses.

  I’m normally the last one to rise, it’s true, but I can’t blame Ivan for being worn out after last night. “I’ve gotten so used to your snoring, I can’t sleep without it,” I quip, teasing him.

  “I don’t snore,” he argues.

  “Well, of course you think that. But you don’t hear yourself,” I continue, “It’s like a buzz saw.”

  The muscles in my face twitch as I fight a smile, trying not to betray the game.

  But Darren still doesn’t buy it. “Ivan definitely would have bitched,” he says, shaking his head.

  It’s true. Ivan’s a light sleeper, and he’s been known to gather up his pillow in a huff and sleep on the couch if one of us is too noisy or fidgety. When it comes to sleep, he starts acting like a cranky old woman, and honestly, I think it’s hilarious. Sometimes I’ll give an extra, unnecessary throat clear just to watch him huff a little.

  I break and laugh. “All right, fine, you don’t snore,” I admit.

  “So what’s up?” he asks, “Just couldn’t sleep?”

  “Kind of,” I sigh, putting the juice away after pouring myself a glass.

  I take a sip, watching Darren for a moment. He’s absorbed in something he’s reading on the tablet screen, his expression completely lost in focus.

  Or is it focus? I notice the reflection of the tablet screen in his glasses and realize that the screen has gone dark from inactivity. Darren’s zoning out, staring at the blank screen.

  “So last night was interesting,” I say, wondering if the words will actually register with him while he’s so absorbed.

  It takes a second, almost like he’s on a delay, but Darren eventually looks up. I can’t quite read the expression on his face. “Yeah, it was,” he agrees.

  “Fucking amazing, though,” I add.

  A grin spreads instantly across Darren’s face. “Yeah, it was,” he repeats.

  “Hard to believe we’ve never done that before,” I add, taking another sip.

  He nods. “Yeah, I was thinking about that last night.”

  “What would you think about doing it again?” I hedge, testing the waters for my real question.

  “I mean, how could I say no?” he laughs.

  “With Jessie?” I add.

  His laughter fades and his expression turns more serious. “Yeah,” he admits, “I want to.”

  I feel a trickle of excitement and hope. “Look, I mean, obviously we’ll have to talk to Ivan, too,” I add, although I’m remembering Ivan’s comment from last night about a next time, “But maybe we could try…dating her,” I offer.

  A smile creeps back onto Darren’s face. “Yeah, because we really need to make things more complicated,” he jokes, “Why not bring one more stray into the fold?”

  I laugh. “Hey, what we have is weird, but it works for us.”

  “Yeah,” affection creeps into his gaze and his voice, “It does.”

  “But seriously, are you interested in maybe adding a girlfriend to our weird little club?” I ask, taking another long drink.

  He nods
. “I really am,” he says, “You know I’ve always kind of felt like something was missing. Maybe…maybe Jessie’s it.”

  The look on his face tells me that he wants it to be her, and I’m amazed. It’s like seeing my own feelings reflected in his face. He’s falling for this girl, hard and fast, just like I am, and I sense that he’s sharing the same thrills and terrors going through my own head.

  “I think you might be right,” I confess, “So if Ivan’s on board, maybe we can pursue this.”

  Darren nods in agreement and returns his attention to his work, but I notice that he can’t stop smiling.

  Chapter Eight


  I tug the hem of my skirt down again. It was long enough when I was standing, but seated in this desk chair, it keeps riding up, and I’m determined to make a good first impression to everyone at this meeting today.

  At my interview, I’d only met Kate’s friend Audrey, the head of my new department. Unsurprisingly, she and I had immediately hit it off, and when she’d told me I had the job, I was excited and hopeful that maybe I’d made another friend in the process.

  Beyond fussing with my skirt, it’s taking all of my willpower not to let my mind drift to Saturday night. I’d never expected the night to turn into what it did, but I couldn’t stop thinking about it.

  And I was desperate to do it again.

  I’d never felt like this before, this bone-deep craving for a person, and to have it for three different men all at once? It’s overwhelming.

  I quickly push the thoughts aside as moisture seeps into my panties. Definitely can’t think about that right now.

  Audrey joins me in the conference room. “Morning, Jessie,” she says cheerfully.

  “Morning,” I smile at her.

  “So I’m actually glad you got here early,” she says, sliding a stuffed manila envelope across the table to me, “I’ve got some paperwork for you to fill out.”

  “On a scale of one to carpal tunnel, how much of this am I actually signing?” I ask her, opening the envelope and pulling out the thick stack of papers.

  She shakes her hand side-to-side in a “somewhere in between” type gesture. “Maybe carpal tunnel adjacent?” she offers.

  I laugh. “I think I can handle adjacent.”

  “Good to hear,” Audrey settles into her seat.

  “So, what should I be expecting at this meeting?” I ask her as I start filling out one of the forms.

  “Well, obviously we’ll introduce you as our new hire, but other than that, this is just kind of a standard meeting, so it’ll be good for you to just kind of observe. You won’t have to come to all of the meetings, since we’ll need you on the phones, but we have a full staff meeting once a month,” she explains, “The three owners will be here, you’ll get to meet them, and you’ll meet everyone else, including your direct supervisor.”

  I nod, listening carefully even as I write. “Oh, speaking of the owners, here come two of them,” Audrey says, and I hear the door opening.

  My nerves flare and I take a deep breath to steel myself before I look up, smiling.

  The faces I see in the doorway makes all the blood drain out of my face and my ears start to ring. Holy shit.

  Ivan looks just as stunned to see me sitting here, his jaw dropping for a moment before he clears his throat and composes himself. “Good morning, Mr. Adler,” Audrey says brightly, “This is our new administrative assistant, Jessie Barnes.”

  I’m frozen and I don’t know how to respond. Am I supposed to pretend I’m introducing myself for the first time? Oh, fuck, I think I’m gonna faint.

  But I retain consciousness and Ivan makes the decision for me, offering me his hand. “A pleasure to meet you, Miss Barnes,” he says, the barest hint of a smirk at the edge of his lips.

  I shake his hand, and my voice comes out tremulous and soft when I reply: “You, too.”

  I search his face, questioning, and he seems to understand, giving me the tiniest of nods. I swallow nervously. If our little nonverbal exchange was accurate…

  “Morning, everyone!” Myles bursts into the room, his face bright and happy until he catches sight of me.

  His eyebrows lift in surprise and he, unlike Ivan, makes no attempt to keep up the ruse. “Jessie?”

  “Oh, Myles, you know Miss Barnes? Our new admin?” Ivan jumps in quickly, giving Myles a tense smile.

  The look on his face screams “Shut up, you moron!”

  Myles catches on. “Oh, yeah, um, we met at the-uh, the…” he fumbles for an explanation and I jump in.

  “I’m friends with his sister,” I say quickly.

  He nods, grabbing onto my lifeline. Audrey gives all three of us sort of a strange look, clearly sensing the weird, nervous energy in the air, but she chooses to pretend to buy into our ruse. “Small world,” she muses.

  “Sure is,” I say with a forced laugh.

  The door opens again and Darren’s shocked face appears in the doorway. His gaze flits quickly from me to Ivan, and the two seem to share a brief telepathic conversation. He enters casually, clearing any trace of emotion from his face, and I’m impressed.

  He could make some serious money playing poker with that kind of face.

  “Mr. Barlow,” Audrey says cheerfully, “This is our new admin, Jessie Barnes.”

  Darren offers me a nod, polite but disinterested. I can’t help but feel a little stung, even though I know his behavior is meant to be a shield protecting us all and not a snub.

  “Nice to meet you,” I choke out, before returning all of my focus to the stack of paperwork in front of me.

  My hands are shaking as I sign page after page and listen to the quiet murmuring as other employees file in. I can’t believe it. I managed to sleep with all three of my bosses before I even started my new job! If word gets out, I’ll become the office slut overnight.

  I’m introduced to my other coworkers, but unfortunately most of their names aren’t sticking. Mentally, I’m already preparing to hit the pavement again and see if any of the other job prospects Max had mentioned were promising.

  My eyes sting with unshed tears threatening to spill at any moment and I blink as quickly as I can to force them back. No, I’m not giving up yet. I haven’t done anything wrong. We’re all consenting adults, and it’s not like any of us knew I’d be working for them. We can just pretend it never happened, right?

  Not that I could ever forget. Despite being mortified at the circumstances, just being in the same room with them, catching whiffs of their cologne is making me crazy. My toes curl inside my shoes and I press my thighs together tight.

  I would have thought that Saturday night was enough to keep me sated for a lifetime, but all it’s done is make me crave them more. But now, they’re a hundred percent off-limits.

  Which, of course, only makes them that much more alluring.

  Fuck me.

  I should have just stayed away from Trouble.

  Chapter Nine


  The second the meeting is over, all three of us beeline for Myles’ office and lock the door behind us, closing blinds and making sure no one can see or hear inside.

  “Did you fucking know?” Darren hisses at me.

  “Of course not, do you think I’m an idiot?” I snap back.

  “Fuck, dude, is this going to bite us in the ass?” he paces, gnawing on his thumbnail.

  It’s a habit I’ve watched him break and then fall back into over and over again since we were kids, and oddly, it makes the sight almost soothing. It brings with it a flood of memories, dozens of scrapes the three of us got ourselves into and then out of.

  And it reassures me that this will be no different.

  I take a deep breath, feeling steadier by the moment. “It’s going to be fine,” I say firmly, “We didn’t do anything wrong.”

  “We’re her bosses, we’re in a position of power over her,” Myles says worriedly, “That’s gonna get people up in arms.”

  “We wer
en’t on Saturday,” I say in the same firm, even voice, “So it doesn’t matter.”

  “So what, that means we have to stay away from her now?” Darren says, sounding distressed by the prospect.

  I have to admit, the idea doesn’t thrill me, either. Which surprises me. I’d never really thought about adding another party to our funny little herd, but somehow Jessie seemed to fit in a way I hadn’t anticipated.

  I’d thought we were bringing her home for a night of fun, but when I’d woken up with that beautiful woman in my arms, I hadn’t wanted to let her go.

  And when the three of us had sat down and Darren and Myles had confessed their own feelings for her, it had been a welcome relief. I didn’t feel so crazy, knowing that they were falling fast, too.

  But the worry is understandable. If word got out about this, the power dynamic alone would cause a scandal unlike any we’ve ever seen.

  At the same time, however, we’ve managed to keep our own relationship private all these years. While our faces have been splashed all over the internet for a number of reasons, somehow the vultures have never gotten so much as a whiff of what goes on between us three behind closed doors.

  And it’s not like we’ve got paparazzi following us around all the time. Our success has pulled in a certain amount of attention, and we've done a few interviews here and there for a magazine or two, but it’s not like we’re famous or anything.

  Maybe we don’t have to give her up.

  When I voice this to the others, they both stare at me in shock.

  “I mean, I don’t want to give up any more than I do,” Darren says, “But do you really think we could pull that off? It’s one thing when it’s the three of us, you really think we can just bring a new person into all this and still manage to keep it a secret?”

  “Yeah,” Myles agrees, “When the three of us are seen out in public together, we just look like a trio of business partners hanging out. But if we start getting spotted with our admin girl all of a sudden? It’s going to raise some suspicion.”


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