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Nocturnal Revelations

Page 19

by Amanda S Green

  Jael’s lips twitched in a slight smile and she shook her head. As she did, she recalled the last discussion she had with Mac about the woman. They both felt sure she knew more about what was going on than she let on. It didn’t worry them because Marie was nothing if not loyal. She’d been loyal to King and she was loyal to Mac. Now Jael wondered if there wasn’t more to Marie than any of them suspected.

  “Thank you for understanding.” She thought for a moment. “I’ll work at your desk, if you don’t mind. You stay in here where you won’t be interrupted. Get me those emails and any other information you can pull out.”

  “I’ve already forwarded three emails to you.” Marie glanced down at the screen and her brows knit together for a moment. Then her expression eased. “I’ll check to make sure there aren’t any others. Then I’ll start checking into their IP addresses and see what I can pull out.”

  Jael left her to work. To make sure Marie wasn’t disturbed, she closed the door. Then she settled at Marie’s desk in the outer office. She wanted to check on her kids. She had sources to reach out to, informants to press for information. But before she did that, she had another call, perhaps two, to make. She needed to make sure she understood what Marie didn’t say.

  “Master Sergeant, I was about to call you,” General Flynn said.


  “I had an interesting discussion with Ellen Santos a few minutes ago.”

  Jael didn’t curse but it was a close thing. At least the general didn’t sound upset. That had to be a good thing, right?

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Your thoughts on what Ferguson told you?”

  “He told the truth, up to a point. I don’t think he ordered the hit on Captain Santos, but I have a feeling he knows more than he’s willing to admit.”

  “Should we pull him in?”

  “Not yet.” She leaned back and thought for a moment. “General, I believe our best bet right now is to keep eyes and ears on him and as many of the pack as we can, especially Jacob Branson. If anyone knows what’s going on in the pack, things Ferguson might not, it would be Branson.” The pack’s enforcer earned his reputation of doing everything it took to protect the pack and the pack leader. The question was if he was still satisfied being Ferguson’s second. If he decided to move against the pack leader, what better way than to cause trouble with the local pride? “If we snatch any of them up, we run the risk of them going to ground. That’s the last thing we need, at least until we know one way or the other if they were involved.”

  “All right.” Now it was his turn to fall silent for a moment. “Have you ordered your team on it yet?”

  “Negative, sir.”

  “Do so, at least until Major Santos’ squad is in place and operational.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  She went on to tell him about the emails. As she did, she opened her email program and forwarded them to him. He promised to have his best techs get on them immediately.

  “I assume you had something else to report.” It wasn’t a question, but it was the opening she needed.

  “Not so much to report but to ask, sir.” She glanced at the closed door and blew out a breath. Whether she was ready for what she might learn or not, she had to ask. “Sir, I just had a very interesting conversation with the captain’s admin.”

  Before she could continue, Flynn chuckled softly. Now it was her brows knitted in confusion. Something was definitely going on.

  “Sir?” She hoped he’d explain that chuckle without making her ask.

  “Marie is solid, Jael.” She relaxed at his use of her first name. “You’ve no reason to worry where she’s concerned.”

  “That’s good to know, sir.”

  “Captain King read her in years ago. She might not be exactly like you and John O’Hara, but she’s close. She is also as loyal to our people, and especially to Mac, as we could want. Tell her you’ve talked with me and then the two of you need to have a long discussion about what’s what. In the meantime, you can trust her.”

  “Thank you, sir.” She started to end the call but stopped. There was one question she had to ask. “Does Captain Santos know, sir?”

  “No. Tell her when you and Marie think it’s time.”

  “Yes, sir, thank you.”

  “Keep me informed, Master Guns.”

  She assured him she would and ended the call. Then she leaned back and punched in another number. After checking on her kids, she’d reach out to her informants. Someone had to know something about what happened to Mac. She prayed they did. Otherwise, the only reasonable explanation for what happened was the one she did not want to think about—that it was related to what Mac was. That was the last thing any of them needed.

  “Sergeant,” Marie said from the doorway to the inner office several hours later.

  Jael’s boots hit the floor with a thud as she sat up and turned to look at the woman. She knew without asking Marie discovered something. “What did you find?”

  “I’ve got the IP addresses and their physical locations for the emails. They come from different locations, all public Wi-Fi sites.”

  Jael cursed once and then nodded for her to continue.

  “Two were sent from the main branch of the Dallas Library. The third was sent from the McDonalds across the street from Baylor.”

  Jael inhaled sharply at that last bit. “You’re sure?”

  Marie nodded once.

  Motioning for her to wait, Jael reached for her phone. “It’s me,” she said the moment Pat answered. “We have locations for where the emails were sent from. One is the McDonald’s across from Baylor. I’m activating Mac’s team here and sending them to the hospital. Will you contact Patek and let him know?”

  “I will. Where are you?”

  “Still in Mac’s office. I’ll have Marie forward all the information to Zee with a supporting affidavit. He’ll get us search warrants for the locations. We might get lucky and will catch the perp on video.” Not that she believed it. Still, they were due a break.

  “Contact Nate and update him. Then get to the hospital. Jackson called a few minutes ago. Mac’s awake again.”

  “Will do.” She stood and motioned for Marie to follow her into Mac’s office. “Don’t you go anywhere without Tanaka or someone from the squad with you, LT.”

  Pat didn’t growl but Jael knew she was grinding her teeth. “You might take your own advice.”

  Jael chuckled. They both knew she wouldn’t

  “I’ll keep you updated, LT.” She shoved the phone into her hip pocket and paced the office several times. Then she smiled at Marie in apology. “Flynn’s getting his people on the emails and has ordered me to make sure Mac and her family are kept safe. I’m asking you to help.”

  “Of course. What do you want me to do?”

  “First, get the affidavits drawn up. I’ll sign them and then we’ll send them to Zee. I’ll let him know to expect them. Then gather your things up, anything you need to work. We’re going to the hospital. I’ll clear it with Culver. I want you in the room with Mac when I can’t be there. If she remembers anything, let me know. If you see or hear anything that doesn’t feel right, let me know.”

  “What else?” As she spoke, Marie once again settled behind Mac’s desk and got to work on the affidavits.

  “General Flynn suggested we have a talk, but that’s going to have to wait until this is over. In the meantime, I’m glad to have you onboard and hope you don’t mind but I’m pulling you in, at least temporarily, to Mac’s special unit.” She had a feeling she didn’t need to explain what unit she meant.

  “Just tell me what you want me to do.” She glanced over as the printer started spitting out page after page and then turned her attention back to Jael. “Captain King told me long ago what he was. After that, it wasn’t difficult to figure out what was going on with Captain Santos after she woke in the morgue. You can trust me, Jael.”

  “I know and I do.” More than that, she was trusting her with
the lives of so many she cared for. “Are you armed?”

  “I am.”

  “Stay that way.” In fact, they’d make a stop on their way to the hospital. She wanted to make sure Marie had all the firepower she might need. “I’ll let you finish up. We’ll leave as soon as we send the affidavits to Zee.”

  “They should be ready in half an hour or so.”

  Jael thanked her and returned to the outer office. Her phone buzzed before she could sit down. When she looked at the display, she didn’t know whether to laugh or shake her head. She’d been expecting to hear from him since leaving the hospital. Mateo Santos’ text was to the point.

  Back in the States. Squad and I will be in Dallas by nightfall. Keep Mac safe until I get there. Find a secure line and call me. I want a full update ASAP.

  She quickly texted back that she’d call within the hour. Then she went to find Norwood. It was time to fill him in and see what he’d learned from his discussion with the ADA prosecuting the case Mac had been scheduled to testify in.


  “Mac, don’t,” Jackson growled as she tossed back the sheet with her right hand.

  Her left arm rested in a sling. An IV tube snaked down from the bag above her bed, disappearing under gauze taped to the back of her right hand. The bandages at her neck made it look like she had a large goiter. Pain etched lines from the bridge of her nose to the corners of her mouth. None of which hid the flash of anger in her eyes as her husband tried to convince her to lie back down.

  “Don’t you don’t me,” she snapped. Then she closed her eyes and drew a calming breath. “Jackson, I’m not being foolish. But I’m going crazy in bed. All I want is to sit in the recliner for a few minutes. Please.”

  Except that wasn’t the whole truth. She wanted out of bed and she wanted her family to quit hovering. She wanted to know what was going on in the investigation into her shooting. She wanted to make sure her family and the pride were safe. But her husband refused to answer any but the most vague of her questions. It didn’t matter that Dr. Patek told them less than an hour earlier that she was going to be all right. It didn’t matter that he’d reminded them she wasn’t as badly injured as they let the rest of the world think. Jackson, her mother and grandmother still acted as if she was on death’s doorstep. If they didn’t back off, she was going to scream.

  “Mackenzie, the doctor said you weren’t to get out of bed,” her mother said.

  “Without help,” she corrected.

  Her right hand fisted in the sheet, the only indication she didn’t feel as good as she wanted them to believe. Hopefully, the room would stop spinning before one of them noticed. Otherwise, she didn’t have a hope in hell of getting out of bed, even to go to the bathroom.

  And, damn it, she hated bed pans.

  “I swear, I’ll call the nursing station if you won’t help me.”

  She ground out the words, grateful her jaguar agreed with her. Since waking this last time, Cait had been quiet, too quiet, for her peace of mind. Then she realized the jaguar was sulking because they weren’t allowed to shift. Not that Mac blamed her. Instinct told her she needed to shift to heal faster. But this was neither the time nor the place to do so, even if she’d been strong enough to.

  Then there was the little complication of being pregnant. She had no clue what shifting would do to her unborn child. A quick flicker of fear lit at the thought of doing anything that might hurt the baby. It was quickly followed by the truly terrifying thought of giving birth to a jaguar cub. Talk about letting the proverbial cat out of the bag.

  Damn but there was still so much she didn’t know about this life of hers.

  Seemingly unaware of the track her thoughts followed, Jackson glanced first at Elizabeth and then Ellen. When her grandmother reluctantly nodded once, Mac relaxed. That was a good sign, right?

  “You two go ahead. I’ll stay here,” he said as he slipped an arm around Mac’s waist and carefully helped her to her feet.

  “Wait, what?” She looked from one to the other, trying to figure out what he meant.

  “They’re going home and getting some rest. I’ll stay here.”

  Not only no, but hell no. She shook her head and sat back down. When she did, Jackson looked at her in surprise.

  “No.” She shook her head again. “All three of you will go home and get some rest. You haven’t left the hospital since I was shot.”

  “Mackenzie.” Her mother’s eyes narrowed in suspicion.

  “I promise I won’t get out of bed.” At least not much. “But only if you go home and rest.”

  “Mac.” Now it was Jackson who looked as if he didn’t believe her.

  “Jackson, you have the pride meeting tonight. All three of you need to be there. Hell, I need to be there, but I know that’s not going to happen.”

  They nodded.

  “Because I can’t be, the three of you need to look rested and confident that I’m going to be all right. More than that, you need to reassure our people that everything is going to be all right. And I do mean everything. We will find the person who shot me. If it had nothing to do with what we are, DPD will handle it. If it is related to who we are, the Tribunal will render judgment.”

  Jackson growled before lowering his head in reluctant agreement. Then he pinned her with a firm look, one that left no doubt he was an alpha. “You don’t move from this bed without a nurse helping you.”

  “And don’t think you’re going to be alone. The twins will be here shortly,” Elizabeth said.

  Mac promised to be good, mentally crossing her fingers as she did. At least she’d be able to manipulate the twins easier than these three—she hoped.

  “Pat or Jael will be in later as well. They’ve been very worried about you.” Ellen lightly kissed her cheek, her hand resting on Mac’s uninjured shoulder.

  “I’ve been pretty worried about me too,” Mac admitted.

  Jackson gently sat on the edge of the mattress at her side. When he slid an arm about her shoulders, careful of her wounds, she rested her head against his chest. The slow beat of his heart reassured her even as it reminded her of all she had to live for. He was the best thing to ever happen to her with one exception. A slight smile touched her lips and her right hand lightly rested against her still flat stomach. As she did, she realized neither he nor her mother or grandmother had said anything about the baby. Could she have imagined Jael telling her she was pregnant or did they not know? Either way, she needed to find out.

  Might as well add that to the long list of questions she had for her former training officer.

  “Go on, love. I’ll be good.” She lifted her face to lightly kiss the line of his jaw.

  “Call me if you need me.”

  “I will.” She let him settle her back against the mattress. Then she smiled at her mother in appreciation as Elizabeth adjusted the pillows for her. “Thanks, Mom.”

  Elizabeth ran a hand over her daughter’s hair. “Can we bring you anything?”

  “Real food?” she asked with a grin. She hated hospital food and her jaguar kept sending her images of rare steak. As if on cue, her stomach growled loudly.

  “We’ll see what Patek says.” Jackson gathered up his keys and wallet from where they rested on the bedside table. For a moment, he looked around, as if suddenly realizing something and not knowing what to do. “The cops have her phone and mine.”

  Mac nodded, a frown dragging at the corners of her mouth. Then she looked at her mother in question as Elizabeth produced her own cellphone. Mac watched as her mother did something with the phone before extending it to her.

  “I took the fingerprint lock off,” the woman explained. “We’ll stop and pick up new phones for you and Jackson on our way back.”

  “Thanks, Mom.”

  “Get some rest. Your brother and sister will be here soon.” Jackson waited next to the door for Elizabeth and Ellen. “We’ll be back in a couple of hours, love.”

  The moment the door closed behind them,
Mac blew out a relieved breath. She knew they meant well, just as she knew they worried about her. She worried about them as well. Not wanting to risk anything happening to them, she reached for her mother’s cellphone. She cursed softly as she fumbled one-handed to send Pat a text.

  Jackson and others going home to rest. Make sure eyes on them at all times.

  Done. Are you alone?

  Mac gritted her teeth as she read Pat’s response. She could almost feel the disapproval in her friend’s text.

  Not for long. Twins on their way.

  Hopefully, that would be enough to satisfy Pat. If not, Mac knew it would be only a matter of time before Pat had someone there to sit on her, literally if necessary, to keep her from doing anything foolish. Not that she planned on being stupid. All she wanted was to get out of bed for a few minutes. She needed to prove to herself she was getting stronger, healing. Then, maybe, she’d be able to convince Patek she was strong enough to shift.

  Good. We’ll do better shifted, Cait said in the back of her mind.

  Mac gave her jaguar-self a mental caress and nodded in agreement. Then she eyed the recliner across the room. She could walk that far on her own, couldn’t she? She could. She would. But not yet. She wanted to make sure the others had really left and weren’t going to suddenly appear in the doorway in an attempt to catch her breaking her promise.

  Except her bladder had other plans. Carefully, Mac swung her legs over the side of the bed and stood. For a moment, she stayed there, her uninjured hand resting on the mattress, steadying her as the room gave a spin. When it stopped, she reached for the IV bag where it hung over the bed. With it nestled in her sling, she carefully made her way the few steps across the room to the adjoining bathroom.


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