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Soldiers of the Heavens

Page 26

by Stephen L. Nowland

  “Most of our new acquisitions had been stored away against the time until they were needed. Sayana's augment, Nellise's ascendance and Terinus' patient study of our enemy, it's all coming together for this moment. The weight of generations of sacrifice lies on our shoulders.”

  “Far from being overwhelmed by this responsibility, we should be uplifted by it. When we fight, the spirits of hundreds of thousands of victims crying out for justice stand with us. Though the people of Aielund may never know of this fight or the impending destruction hovering unseen over their heads, we will liberate them anyway. This is the moment when we finally throw off the shackles binding humanity's past and present. This is when we stake our claim to the future.”

  Aiden hadn't planned to make a speech. It just sort of... happened. The others regarded him in silence, with not a mocking word or gaze among them. Aiden reached behind him and grasped the hilt of the alien sabre and raised it before him.

  “Aielund forever,” he said with quiet reverence, glancing at each of them respectively. They each drew their weapons and raised them in kind, touching the points together and somberly repeating the stirring phrase.

  “For the memory of Acadia,” Terinus rasped, adding his staff to the salute, a vow to do their utmost to save the land around them one more time. “Open the portal,” Aiden instructed. The wizard responded by turning and activating the portal with a stroke of his hand, and once the curtain of crimson light appeared, they walked through it one by one to meet their fate.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Sayana hovered above a cracked and blighted landscape, as the others followed her through the portal. The remains of decaying stone walls bordered the immediate area surrounding them, but beyond this artificial boundary there was little else to see. She had rarely experienced desolation, as was spread out before her as far as she could see. Distant mountains covered in grey ash were visible and a hot wind ruffled her hair. The air smelled of parched earth and decay.

  It reminds me of Hocarum, she remarked sadly, recalling the time she spent living alone in the middle of that forsaken desert. It too had been dotted with the remnants of past civilisation, a forlorn reminder of the destruction wrought by the sa'quaarin upon lands formerly known for their abundance. It had been a dark time in Sayana's life, but a necessary one.

  Solitude had given her time to think and process the terrible things she had done to both allies and friends at the Battle of Highmarch. Still, it wasn't something she ever wanted to relive, and the memories stirred by the familiar scene around them put her in a melancholy mood.

  “Does that mean this place was struck by the orbital lance, just as Sohcareb was?” Aiden asked after glancing around at the desolation.

  “It is entirely possible,” Terinus replied, “though I have no knowledge of the affair. Abraxas fell long before my time. I did expect a fight upon breaching the portal however. I find this quite disturbing.”

  “Don't waste time wondering why we're not up to our necks in blood,” Robert growled, gripping his weapon nervously as he spoke. “Do whatever it is you need to get us where we need to go.”

  “Just so,” Terinus answered as he and Aiden turned to examine the portal behind them.

  “Does this place look familiar to you, Nel?” Pacian asked.

  “I have been here before, if that's what you mean,” she replied. “There were dozens of the monsters here at the time, delighting in Criosa's torment. I consider it a miracle we made it back alive. I also find this silence troubling, however.”

  “I believe this may have something to do with it,” Terinus responded, gesturing to the control panel of the portal. It was a twisted mess of wires and broken metal.

  “Do you think this a recent development?” Nellise inquired.

  “It is difficult to say. The connection between here and Acadia was stable for centuries, but this world was at the receiving end. It seems likely this device was damaged long ago, for the creatures here have never reached any other world to my knowledge.”

  Benedictum failed to mention this small obstacle, Sayana remarked to Nellise. She nodded but remained silent, her brow furrowed slightly at the omission.

  “Can you fix it?” Aiden asked of Terinus.

  “I anticipated the possibility the device would require maintenance, though not to this extent. I may need to utilise components from other sa'quaarin relics to restore function. There is also the matter of ensuring the portal is rendered inoperable after our departure, for we cannot risk allowing these creatures to traverse the worlds of the cosmos, unleashing destruction in their wake.” He withdrew a small, shiny box from one of his many pouches and touched its surface with one of his gloved hands. A ghostly book appeared above it, which the wizard began leafing through as if it were real.

  As they began to work on restoring the portal, Sayana felt a painful itching along her arms. The energy she was holding in from Assumption was beginning to fray her nerves. She wanted nothing more than to unleash the power contained within her small body, but she took a deep breath and held it in.

  We do not even know if any of these creatures still dwell here, she pointed out using her mind-voice. Perhaps, with the loss of the portal, they have withdrawn to a far continent?

  “There's one way to find out,” Robert said, glancing suggestively at the sky. “Just be discreet, y'know?” Sayana nodded her assent and altered the way light flowed around her, obscuring her from sight. She then effortlessly levitated further above the ground until she was effectively flying through the sky. The ruined building receded below, allowing her to see more of the vista beyond the confines of this remnant of civilisation.

  Higher and higher she soared, feeling the hot wind increase with intensity as she ascended into the deep blue skies. No clouds obscured the view as the horizon spread out before her, though the shimmering air rising from the surface distorted the vista somewhat. Sayana was momentarily distracted by the freedom she felt, drifting high above the cracked earth with ease. The rippling air in the distance shifted and warped the surroundings, but with a gentle focus of will, she was able to see through the heat and make out a shifting mass.

  It was most likely an old forest covering the landscape along the horizon. Other than that, there seemed to be little else of interest. Whatever had struck this land had obliterated just about everything, leaving only the dusty earth to remember what was once here. Only when she increased the focus of her vision did Sayana realise there was something wrong with the scene before her.

  After a moment of incomprehension, she gasped as the true nature of the forest became clear. It was, in fact, a horde of the demonic monsters they had faced in Acadia.

  Thousands of them.

  They prowled the shattered landscape, occasionally fighting each other as power struggles played out within their midst, but always were they moving, slowly but inexorably towards the portal area. Sayana was unable to calculate how long it would take them to arrive, but as soon as they noticed their blighted world had visitors, they were sure to accelerate their progress. Sayana dismissed the idea of charging forward to engage them at a distance, lest she alert them prematurely.

  We are not alone here, she reported, reaching out to touch the minds of her companions.

  “How many?” Robert asked, audible to Sayana even at this distance.

  They are beyond counting. I... think they heard me! Their behaviour changed the moment I started communicating.

  “Get back here,” Robert growled. “I'm setting up a defensive line. That bloody portal is going to take a while to fix.” The joy of flying vanished, replaced with dread as Sayana dove down to rejoin the others. In the distance, the monstrous horde had begun moving towards the ruins. Despite taking care to make sure her inner voice was only heard by her friends, they had clearly sensed their presence.

  Berating herself for the slip, she dismissed her invisibility and alighted on a high outcrop of a stone wall above the area surrounding the portal.

ood, just stay up there and keep an eye out for them,” Robert advised in his “professional” voice. “They can come at us from any direction so we're going to have to stay mobile.”

  “No, you stick to one place and hold it,” Pacian responded. “I can be anywhere I need in a moment's notice.”

  “Okay, Sy, you're on overwatch. If someone screams, that's where you need to focus. Nel, do you want to get some altitude for using that arbalest?”

  “I was just thinking that,” Nellise remarked. To Sayana's sight, the energies within Nellise began to expand, spreading radiant light around her physical form. Just like the other angelic beings, she sprouted wings of light and ascended above the ruins of the building, not far from Sayana. The others paused in their respective activities and looked upon the cleric in awe.

  “Well... things are looking up,” the ever-pragmatic Robert stated.

  “That's my girl,” Sayana heard Pacian whisper to himself, though she was certain no one else could hear him.

  “Aiden, hand me your left gauntlet,” Terinus rasped, snapping him out of his wide-eyed trance. Aiden began unclasping it but paused as he came to a realisation.

  “Wait, are you going to use this for spare parts?” he exclaimed.

  “Of course,” Terinus responded absently. “The conduits within the device have been severed and must be replaced. That gauntlet is a weapon of remarkable power and thus, most likely contains the parts I require. I can also rig it to detonate after we have gone through, ensuring this doorway is forever sealed.”

  “Are you certain you can't use something else?” Aiden said, clearly reluctant to hand over the weapon. “We might need its power to defend the area while you work.”

  “Without its components, we will never leave this world alive,” Terinus answered, levelling a stare at Aiden until he relented.

  “Don't worry mate,” Pacian reassured him. “I think Sy has us covered for explosions.” Both men looked up at Sayana expectantly. Their attention was disrupted as Terinus slammed his staff into the parched earth and a sphere of shimmering energies surrounded himself and the portal.

  “This will keep me relatively safe while I work,” Terinus informed them. “It is not indestructible, however, so do try to stop any attempt to assault the energy field.” He then turned his full attention to his task, ripping apart the sa'quaarin gauntlet with a curious, pronged tool.

  “I'd feel better about this if I was on the other side of that sphere,” Aiden lamented, looking down at his exposed claw where the powerful weapon had once been. Sayana was about to reply when she felt an approaching surge of energy. She whirled around and searched the skies for a moment before spotting the phenomenon, a ball of intense light with the coherent energy of a living being.

  “Fear not, my friends,” Nellise offered to placate them as the light rapidly approached, “I have been expecting additional aid from Assumption.”

  A choir of noise erupted from the light, causing all but Nellise to cover their ears at the piercing sound as the ball approached. She closed her eyes and smiled as recognition passed between the two celestial entities. Sayana recalled such beings could not truly manifest upon the real world or “Materium” as the angel had termed it, without bonding with a vessel. Clearly, Nellise had been expecting such an event, but she was mistaken.

  The light hovered near her for a moment longer, then darted over to Pacian. The sound of distant whispering could be heard and shortly thereafter the light vanished, at least to the visible eye. Sayana's vision could still see the swirling brilliance of Benedictum's energy beneath the surface of Pacian's body. He stood taller and with pride, a noticeable change after the celestial spirit took over. He conducted a quick examination of his new form, which was like a coat he hadn't worn in a very long time.

  “Such an odd sensation,” Benedictum remarked with Pacian's voice as he flexed his fingers. “It will suffice. I am Benedictum, blessed disciple of Holy Kylaris. Know that the powers of Assumption stand with thee in this pivotal hour. Gird thyselves, for the scourge approaches.” While the others were too surprised by this sudden development to speak, Nellise expressed her thoughts on the matter.

  “I was expecting to be your vessel,” she said quietly. “Pacian...”

  “Carries within a legacy of pious devotion to higher powers from his ancestors,” the archangel finished for her as he hefted Pacian's scythe. “He will act as my vessel for a time. In fact, he welcomed the chance to serve. Though his path hath been tortuous and misguided, he yearns for redemption. Here, today, he will have it.” He raised his hood to obscure his face, and began to glow with a golden radiance.

  Further conversation was stifled by an ominous rumbling tremor beneath their feet as the movement of thousands of oncoming demons shook the very earth. Sayana felt her pulse quicken at the prospect of facing off against such a vast number of opponents, and judging by the nervous looks of her companions, they were all feeling the tension.

  Recalling how open spaces made her task easier back in Placidus, Sayana steeled herself and soared into the air, ignoring Robert's shouted orders to hold position. He was an accomplished military commander but lacked a true understanding of her capabilities. She was about to educate them on her true potential.

  Once she had gained sufficient altitude, Sayana surveyed the howling throng below, noting the several dozen winged demons who had taken flight and were rapidly approaching. Her body tingled with barely contained power and with a simple gesture, she finally unleashed it. The sound of the air being torn apart thundered across the plains as she sent a visible shockwave of force, over a hundred yards wide rippling towards them.

  The winged demons — warped caricatures of humanity — were simultaneously battered and torn apart by the forces surging around them, plummeting back to earth to be crushed under the hooves of their brethren. It did little to slow their advance, but gave Sayana another idea. She reached out with invisible tendrils of energy which plunged deep into the earth. With a surge of power, she heaved the strata of rock and dirt, underestimating her own strength.

  The surface rippled with explosive force across the entire front, shaking the ground violently and toppling the forerunners of the approaching horde. Some were hurled bodily into the air, while others simply fell and were trampled to death. A cascade of tumbling monsters was set in motion with devastating results, slowing their advance and buying time for Terinus to complete his work.

  Another flock of winged creatures rose from the pack, this time numbering in their hundreds. Sayana unleashed another shockwave, dropping nearly a dozen in one sweep, but those remaining in the air plunged onward with hunger in their glinting eyes. Not wishing to press her luck, Sayana dove for the ruins, narrowly avoiding a flock of monsters clawing at her heels.

  Flashes of white light shot out from the ruins, striking Sayana's pursuers and enveloping each one in golden flames. Nellise was putting Jenovia's repeater to work, firing off bolts in rapid succession and evidently blessing each one in flight. The demons shrieked as they fell from the sky — tendrils of dark green smoke boiling from their flesh.

  It wasn't enough. Sayana was forced to create a protective layer of spectral armour to protect against the assault of others, all clamouring single-mindedly for her flesh. Flames erupted around her body as some of the larger demons focused their attacks upon her, forcing the sorceress to roll and twist through the air to avoid the fire.

  She pulled up just short of the ground and swept over the landscape with fifty or more demons still keeping up with her. It was possible Sayana could go much faster than this, but she sensed the additional energies she had been harbouring since Assumption were rapidly depleting and she would need everything left to survive the next few hours.

  The host below had finally reached the ruins, where Robert and Aiden stood to meet them. The first waves consisted of the smaller, faster demons which proved to be no match for the defenders. Despite his earlier concerns of a two-pronged attack, the horde had com
e in from one direction only, making the task of protecting the portal easier. Robert fought comfortably against the towering horrors, fully trusting in his superior equipment and skill to protect him from the assault. Each sweep of Aeon Invictus severed limbs or simply split a foe in half.

  Aiden kept out of the mercenary's immediate area, focusing on keeping their northern flank clear. Although he lacked the repurposed energy weapon, he was still a formidable presence on the field. The sabre he wielded was shrouded in spiritual energies which themselves did more harm to the demons than the blade itself.

  To her sight, the ghosts of a dozen warriors fought alongside Aiden, striking in unison to compliment his cuts. Each hit was reinforced by the incredible strength provided by the sa'quaarin gauntlet, smashing through bone and scaled flesh with ease, and the edge of the blade left the sizzle of burning acid in its wake.

  Focusing on keeping as many of their enemies occupied as she could, Sayana swerved in mid-air and shot up through the sky once more. Her pursuers followed, but lacked the power to ascend as fast as she. Raising a hand, she sent out a bolt of crackling green energy to strike the nearest demons, vaporising them instantly. She had paused in the air for a moment to achieve this and failed to see the incoming danger.

  A heavy object slammed into her side, sending her tumbling through the air. Her spectral armour had absorbed most of the impact, though her head was reeling. Turning to see what had hit her, a towering demon almost five metres in height had thrown a large chunk of masonry in her direction with immense force.

  It wasn't alone — there were dozens of the hulking behemoths gathering to assault the portal. Robert and the others were fighting hard to keep them at bay, but already the host was beginning to swarm around the edges of the ruins, seeking an unobstructed route to the portal. Nellise was already focusing her salvos on these developing fronts, but there were simply too many.


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