Book Read Free

Presence- The Marked

Page 24

by L J Branch

  “I can see. What happened!?” Abbie’s voice came through their earpieces “Guys, stay calm. I don’t know what he just did but it knocked something loose in the server room,” Abbie said as Kat crawled onto her hands and feet. “It distracted Athena and my sister long enough to sneak back in. I need to be discreet or they’ll kick me out. I need three minutes, hold on for that long and I can pry that door open. Please, just give me three minutes.”

  As Kat climbed to her feet, she glanced down at the frozen shivering form of Jack, she realized that he was currently incapacitated, his body simply could not longer handle the cold. Kat watched as Diamond forced herself to her feet. Diamond’s body trembled as she struggled to drink some nectar from her flask. Though the outside of her body was fine, Kat shuddered at the internal damage that Diamond probably sustained after being hit by that powerful spell. “Stay back,” Kat told Diamond as she moved toward August and pulled out her treasure. Kat and August stared each other down for a brief moment as she held her treasure. This was the single most important gamble she had made with her treasure to date. When her pendant spun Kat shook her head, a horrified expression on her face when its green section landed on top with a small click.

  “No,” Kat whispered before she held her head in pain as she collapsed to her knees. A storm of green presence ripped from her body and surrounded everyone around her. Kat screamed as her mind felt as though it were being split apart. The pupils of her eyes became slits while her hair darkened from brown to black. Diamond and Jack watched as green sparks danced across their bodies. Everyone but August looked down in confusion at the presence that surrounded them. The feeling of despair it produced felt as though it were eating at their very souls.

  “What’s goin’ on!?”

  “Katarina!” Diamond shouted, confused by the sight before her.

  “I knew it, this feeling of helplessness, pain,” August said impassively. “It really is you, Umbra,” August said as Kat’s screams stopped. Slowly, the hooded woman climbed to her feet and to her band it was as if Kat were replaced with an entirely different person.

  “Where am I?” Umbra asked with a frown as she glanced around. Umbra’s green cat-like eyes shifted a bit as they scanned the individuals around her. “What am I wearing?” Umbra muttered before she tore the tattered garment from her body and assessed the situation. “One Arch-Mage…they’re…recognized as hostiles now?” Umbra asked as her eyes narrowed. Soon her mind was filled with new data about the current world state. “Two thieves…my…band?” Umbra wondered. Umbra frowned when she glanced down at Diamond and took note of her golden eyes. “Royal Blood, I see,” Umbra said to herself as she strode toward August. “You’ve grown,” Umbra told August. Umbra shot at August at speeds that made her appears as nothing more than a bolt of green lightning. August transformed his staff into a spear of light and stabbed toward her as she threw a card at him which sailed past his head and stabbed into the wall behind him. Umbra jumped and flipped over him and his attack as the cards pulsed once before they formed a handle that flew toward Umbra. Umbra grabbed it and pulled her whip free, unlike Kat’s her whip appeared to be a pitch-black chain that was covered in spikes. “Just not in any way that mattered. Mod-suit, limit bypass, code: Umbra.” Umbra spoke before a golden light emitted from her chest, beneath her treasure, while green circuits appeared across her badge and suit.

  “Drawing power from that apple of yours won’t help you, I’ve damaged it far too much in our last fight!” August declared before conjuring massive fireballs that took the form of roaring lion heads. To Diamond and Jack, the spells shot at Umbra at blinding speeds, but to Umbra they appeared to move in slow motion. Umbra swung her whip at them before they could get too close which made the fireballs explode upon contact. “You’re just making my job easier! You’ll break down before you make a difference.”

  “The Royal Blood must be protected, anything else is expendable. Any means to ensure this? Permitted,” Umbra stated matter-of-factly as she pushed her body to its limit and swung her whip through any and all of August’s spells. August threw a spear of light at her but before it could travel even half way, Umbra had already made it behind him, leaving a trail of presence in her wake. Diamond moved to help only for a card to stab into the ground in front of her. Startled, Diamond looked up toward Umbra. “Don’t interfere! Don’t move or even hope for my victory. If I am out then anything you do will be turned against you!” Umbra warned before she swung her whip at August and wrapped it around his body.

  “So, you bring misfortunate even upon your allies?” August forced out as the chain around him tightened while Umbra tried to pull him toward her.

  “The only misfortune you need to worry about is yours!” Umbra hissed out. The light in her chest shone brighter before she threw four more cards at him that exploded upon impact. Despite the force of her attacks, she knew they hadn’t harmed August, no, what she wanted was to keep all of his attention. When August flew up high above the room and released a barrage of spells of varying elements and sizes at her, Umbra knew she succeeded. Though a few stray spells managed to hit her, Diamond was able to fight through the pain as she helped Jack drink from his flask.

  “You will pay for what you’ve done,” August said as he transformed his staff into a spear of light. August raised it high into the air only for it to get stuck into the ceiling. August cursed his luck and Umbra used his moment of distraction to leap up toward him. Umbra wrapped her whips around his leg and flipped forward before she slammed him into the ground. August recovered quickly and glared at Umbra. A dark expression crossed his face when he noticed her body tremble. August raised his staff once more and grinned as hundreds of small orbs of light appeared behind him, each the size of a marble. “I wonder, just how damaged are you? Let’s perform a little stress test,” August said before the orbs began to shoot at her rapidly. Immediately, Umbra dodged the barrage of attacks, and though she held out for an impressive amount of time, the onslaught eventually became too much for her. Each projectile clipped her body as a burning sensation could be felt in her chest. It felt as though her insides were on fire, and her vision became clouded and unfocused while her joints began to feel stiffer and stiffer. Eventually, when the barrage ended, she fell to her knees. Umbra’s body smoked as she felt it overheat. Smoke came from her mouth as warnings of a critical malfunction appeared in her eyes.

  “Is this my limit?” Umbra wondered to herself. So weak, she couldn’t even attempt to use her treasure again as she desperately tried to regain some control over her limbs. The green presence that covered the others as a result of her treasure quickly dissipated as its effects ran out.

  “Oh, how the mighty have fallen, over twenty years, that’s how long I’ve waited for this moment,” August said as he descended upon the weakened Umbra but before he could begin to cast another spell, Jack tackled him from the side. “Down, boy!” August snapped before he slammed the younger man down onto the ground. “Fine I’ll deal with you first,” August said with a near growl. Once more August turned his staff into a spear of pure light. As August raised the spear menacingly, the door to the vault finally opened which shattered the enchantments in the process. Abbie screamed herself hoarse for the thieves to find a way out of the room. Bullet after bullet slammed into August’s back as Diamond desperately tried to get him to move but thanks to his shield, he didn’t even pay her any mind. “Goodbye,” August said before he brought his spear down upon Jack.

  “No!” Abbie screamed as Jack looked up in horror. Cracks formed on his icy heart as Diamond dropped her gun. August was surprised for a moment before he released a booming laugh as his spear found itself lodged into Umbra’s chest. Umbra’s body hung off it limply after she took the mortal blow for Jack.

  “Why…why did I move? How…did I move?” Umbra wondered to herself as she grabbed at the spear weakly while her mask dissolved. Her mod-suit struggled to maintain its form as a golden liquid poured from her wound and onto Jack lik
e blood. Umbra’s very skin began to burn due to the heat she was releasing which revealed a fleshy black substance beneath it. “Leave,” Umbra ordered Jack weakly as August lifted the spear up, with her still on it as she continued to grab at the spear in her chest. With a laugh, August flung her to the side of the vault. August stalked over toward her and completely forgot about Jack, as he saw the object of his hate grab weakly at the hole in her chest. To her credit, Umbra didn’t scream even once as he continued to repeatedly stab down at her with his spear. With each attack, August vented decades worth of anger and frustration. The sight was horrific, and for a moment neither of the thieves could even move. Eventually, Jack remembered what Umbra said and quickly got up and made his way toward Diamond quietly. Jack did his best to block out the sickening noise August’s spear made when it tore its way into Umbra. Jack attempted to drag the frozen form of Diamond out of the room. A biting mist escaped not just his mouth but every wound on his body as he willed his curse to help him block out what was happening.

  * * *

  Santa Monica, Midas Tower

  A mortified Abbie, sobbed loudly when she saw her lover destroyed before her very eyes. Those sobs, however, turned into screams of pain as her mark began to burn, making it feel as though lava had been poured on her shoulder.

  * * *

  Prosperity Industries, Vault

  “Where do you think you’re going, child?” August asked coldly as he saw Jack make his way out of the vault. With a sigh Jack stopped and placed Diamond down on the ground before he cracked his neck.

  “Can’t blame me for trying,” Jack mused. “Leave, Diamond,” Jack told Diamond who managed to snap out of her stupor.

  “I won’t leave you-”

  “You have no choice!” Jack shouted. “The Guild must live on. He doesn’t want you, so do your job as heir to the throne and leave! Do your duty and I’ll do mine as both a man and your enforcer,” Jack said as he slammed his right fist into his palm, not once looking back at his boss.

  “I’m almost moved,” August said sarcastically. “Let me help you,” August said before he aimed his staff at Diamond. Diamond immediately found herself engulfed by a blue light.

  “What are you doing to her!?” Jack asked angrily as August simply waved off his concerns.

  “Like I said, I need your Guild to stay around a bit longer. So, I’m teleporting her away,” August explained. “Who knows, maybe now that she’s truly alone she will see reason. Consider it an act of mercy, I am a man of honor and virtue after all. She doesn’t need to see what I’m going to do to you,” August stated which made Jack close his eyes as he resigned himself to his fate. For better or worse, Jack realized that this was his final fight. There was so much he still wanted to do that he would be unable to accomplish but he knew one thing.

  “I’m going to take you out with me,” Jack swore as Diamond disappeared just after she screamed Jack’s name. “Don’t laugh, thanks to you, I don’t have to worry about collateral damage. Alright Abbie, time to test a theory,” Jack said which made August’s eyes widen as a pillar of blinding light erupted from the inside of a circle of ice that surrounded both of them. The temperature plummeted drastically as Jack raised his right fist high into the air. Arondight shone brightly and presence crackled along the brand as a torrent of blue presence ripped free from Jack’s body. In an instant, Arondight released a powerful explosion as Jack’s ice-cold presence quickly filled the room and threatened to freeze everything in sight. “Huh, so this is what happens when you overload it,” Jack said quietly. Jack’s tears froze on his face as his vision darkened. Soon, Jack’s body succumbed to the freezing power of the beautiful yet terrifying blizzard he left in his wake. The last thing he heard was the sound of Abbie’s cries.

  CHAPTER 15: Alice

  Hollywood, Crimson Rose Cemetery

  Vivi’s shoulders shook as she looked down at the graves of Kat and Jack. The rain that poured down around her wasn’t enough to extinguish the flame of anger that burned inside of her. As she stood there, she didn’t even look back when Heathcliff stepped up next to her.

  “What do you want Heathcliff?”

  “Look, Violet, it’s no secret we dislike each other,” Heathcliff began. “You will always be a failure that was unfit to take over the Ardent Family, no matter how much praise you get from the Guild.”

  “And you’ll always be a failure of a father, a relic of the past that should have been lost years ago,” Vivi said, not even fazed by his comments which made his lips quirk upward a bit. “A jealous little man that will never accomplish the things I have. You and the council blocked Roderick and me at every turn as if we weren’t all on the same side. It’s your fault I’m even here right now, so it better be good or I’ll end you myself,” Vivi said and it wasn’t anger that filled her voice, but a deathly resolve. “Why are you here?”

  “To tell you this. I saw the way you looked at these kids, they were your own. They might as well had been your own flesh and blood,” Heathcliff said as he gestured toward the graves. “Despite our relationship, know that this is something I would have never wished upon you ever, lass,” Heathcliff said as his daughter looked up at him. “It was never meant to go this far. The Circle will pay for this slight against you.”

  “Of course, I’m just waiting for the order from Roderick. I will burn the Mage’s Circle to the ground,” Vivi swore as a black smoke spilled from her lips while her eyes burned an electric orange.

  “I had a feeling you’d say that. Just know this, you’ve been a stubborn thorn in my side for decades, lass,” Heathcliff said as he turned away from Vivi. “After everything you’ve put me through? No one gets to extinguish your flame, but me.”

  “As if you could,” Vivi scoffed as her father left. “Old fool,” Vivi said as she shook her head. A small, nearly unnoticeable smile on her face as she looked down at the graves. “Don’t worry brats, mom will avenge you. If it’s the last thing I do,” Vivi said as she looked up at the cloudy sky and allowed the rain to wash away her tears.

  * * *

  France, Paris

  Dominique found herself alone at the top of the Eiffel tower. Even the beauty that was the city of lights could not stop the pain in her heart.

  “So, this is where you’ve been hiding!” a loud voice declared dramatically. Dominique turned to find her teacher behind her. He was a proud man known only as the Phantom Thief by the Guild. Many knew him as the single best infiltrator the Guild had to offer. Though from his fashion sense one would find that hard to believe. The Phantom Thief could always be found garbed in a bright white suit that had a matching porcelain mask and large top hat. “You’ve missed our lesson again, you know? Were you attempting to practice on your stealth today? Good attempt, but alas it was no use against me, the Phantom Thief!” the man said with a dramatic bow.

  “Not, now Monsieur Phantom,” Dominique said quietly as she brought her knees to her chest. “I am not in the mood.”

  “Oh?” the Phantom Thief asked curiously as he twirled his cane. “And why is that?” the masked man questioned only for Dominique to look at him as if he had asked one of the dumbest questions she had ever heard. “It has been a month and what happened to young Katarina and her band was a tragic occurrence. That said, you all knew this life was dangerous when you agreed to be a part of it.”

  “Of course, I know it’s dangerous but does that mean I am not allowed to grieve!?”

  “Of course not! Do you think I am not saddened by the loss of one of my two favorite pupils?” Phantom questioned. “Just because you can’t see them behind this mask, my tears are as real as yours I assure you. Every day for the past month, I’ve questioned every decision I have made. Wondering where I went wrong, what I didn’t teach her to give her the advantage she must have so sorely needed in her final hour. The thing is, that while I do this, my body is still moving forward. I am still living life,” Phantom said as he raised his hands dramatically and gestured to the world aroun
d them. “This rain will eventually subside, these lights will turn off, and the sun will rise once more in the horizon as it always does. Time will always move forward no matter who lives or who dies despite how much we would prefer it didn’t. The loss of Katarina’s life should not stop you from living yours. You must continue to learn, to improve, so that you can be the best thief you can be! The Guild is moving forward and a decision has been made by the council. The decision was made that the next family to sit on that throne will be the Victoire Family.”

  “What!?” Dominique asked as she climbed to her feet. “No! That seat belongs to Diamond and her only, I refuse to sit upon that throne!” Dominique said angrily.

  “I’m afraid you have no choice. With the destruction of Band 13, Diamond cannot ascend.”

  “Why not? Her mother ruled for years after her band fell!”

  “Yes, but Isabelle also had the entire council’s unwavering support, Diamond does not. I am sure you are aware of this, given how divided the council has been since her father took over,” Phantom said patiently. “He will keep the seat until you finish your training, after which he will step down and you will be our next Bandit Queen.”


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