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Ray of Hope: The Cursed Elements Series Book 1

Page 9

by K. Mawhood

  At this point, I relax because obviously my body isn’t going to let me down. I continue driving, with my arms making all the decisions at each turn. Finally, my foot begins to slow on the gas and I turn into Travis Trails campground.

  My clock reads eleven p.m.. I get out and close the door quietly. Everyone seems to be in their tents asleep. I see two different campsites, and I can’t tell which one is calling to me. I end up standing behind a tree like a real-life stalker, watching the two sites. I don’t know what is wrong with me, but I need to find out what this feeling is.

  Control is my middle name. I always have to have control in every situation. It comes from my dad. If I'm not in control, I begin to feel and that makes me anxious. This is not having control. I don’t even have control of my fucking limbs. I feel like I’m about to have a full-on 2007 Britney Spears panic attack.

  Seconds turn into minutes, minutes turn into hours as I sit and watch tents. What has my life come to? I tried leaving and when I did, my feet basically planted where I was and wouldn’t move until I turned back to the campsite. Apparently, something is holding me here and I need to wait and see why.

  I did get to see a beautiful sunrise so there’s a positive point in this crazy ass night. Losing faith, I decide to try for the car again when I hear a zipper. I turn around and see the most tempting girl I’ve ever seen, walk from one campsite over to the other. All I want to do is flash her clothes off and fuck her right now. I’m so drawn to her but it’s more than just how beddable she is. Her auburn hair is luscious and wavy, which frames her oval face and brings out her sky blue eyes.

  She’s stirring her instant coffee and goes to sit down in a chair. She takes out her phone and sees something funny. She giggles and brings her hand up to cover her mouth. I feel myself get hard as granite at the sound of her laughing. I’m screwed.

  I continue to study her. She stands and comes a bit closer to grab something from a bag and then I see it. A slight glow around her.

  Then my phone lights up. Thank the Lord it’s on silent. It’s my father. I can’t talk to him right now.

  I’ve never been able to talk to him or relate to him and I don’t want to, to be honest. He’s a cold-hearted bastard.

  “Kelsey, can you help me pack? I want to make sure I have everything but I might have to borrow some stuff from you since I only packed for four days,” the woman shouts to her friend.

  “Girl, why take clothes? You’re gonna be with four hot guys. There’s no need for clothes,” she jokes.

  I instantly turn red with so much anger I’m about to explode. Who the fuck is she going with? No one else is around the campsite.

  “Brayleigh, are you almost ready to go?” someone asks. As I turn my head, I already know what I’m about to see. I sensed it the second he started speaking. A fucking dog.

  I hate them so much. Now I’m even angrier. There is no way in hell she is going to go with these mongrels. She’ll get fleas. But what can I do?

  My body finally relaxes and I immediately know I can move again. I flash back to my car and get in to ensure the wolves don’t hear me.

  I’m just going to have to follow her.

  Chapter Fifteen


  “Fuck, yes!” I shout. I can’t believe she actually agreed to come with us. I’m so fucking excited. I’m going to put all my moves on her and she’s going to love me in no time.

  We start loading our vehicles with all our camping gear. As she comes over to my car I stop her with my hands.

  “I have to introduce you first. Brayleigh, this is Vicky. She is the most powerful car in the world and you will probably have an orgasm just riding in her. I hope you are ready,” I state seriously.

  She begins to blush and smile. Her smile is so adorable and it warms my heart. I hope I can make her smile like that for the rest of my life.

  I escort her to the passenger side and open the door for her. She slides in and I buckle her seat belt. Not to be chivalrous, but just to get the chance to touch her. Shutting her door, I head to the driver’s side and adjust myself before hopping in. This car ride to Magnolia is going to give me a major case of blue balls. The car rattles and vibrates with all the horsepower as I start her up and Brayleigh jumps. Good, now we are in the same boat.

  As we get on the main road, I start up my road trip playlist as she fidgets in her seat.

  “I’m so happy you decided to join us,” I say.

  “Me too. I really hope I can figure out something about my past. But I should tell you now, I have my GPS on so Kelsey knows where I am at all times, should you decide to go all Ted Bundy on me.”

  Laughing, I say, “Don’t worry, there will be no murdering here, I just had sweet Vicky detailed. That would be a waste.”

  “Oh, very reassuring,” she replies sarcastically.

  “I wish we had more information on your past. It could point us in the right direction.”

  “Yeah, I wish I did too. I feel like I need to figure out exactly what happened, just for myself. It’s the not knowing,” she utters.

  I feel so bad for her. “I sort of know how you feel and know how empty it is not having that family around for support. My mother died when I was young and it broke my father. He fell into a deep depression and spending time with me was only a reminder of her. What energy he does have goes into the pack and I’ve become an afterthought.”

  “I’m so sorry. I couldn’t imagine actually having parents and then essentially losing them. Aren’t we just a pair?” she says, smiling sadly.

  I don’t know whether to feel good that we can relate or to feel bad that we actually do. I need to liven this conversation up so I decide to play the greatest road trip game of all time.

  “Let’s play, fuck, marry, and kill,” I say.

  “Okay, you go first,” she tells me.

  “George Clooney, Steve Carrell, and Morgan Freeman,” I say.

  “Do you think I’m forty?” she jokes, “But I’ll answer anyway. I would fuck George Clooney because he’s the hottest one. I would kill Steve Carrell, even though I loved The Office, and I would marry Morgan Freeman so he could narrate my life for eternity.”

  “You think George Clooney is hot?” I ask.

  “Doesn’t everyone?” she answers. “Okay, my turn. Scarlett Johannson, Dakota Johnson, and Emma Stone.”

  “That’s easy, I would fuck Scarlett Johannson, I would kill Dakota Johnson, and I would marry Emma Stone.”

  “Why Scarlett Johannson and not Emma Stone?” she asks.

  “Scarlett Johannson is sexy but Emma Stone is more wifey material. Plus, she’s hilarious.”

  We stop to get gas and get some snacks at Buc-ee’s. I get a Monster and some Cheetos while she’s in the restroom. I get her some chocolate because all women like chocolate.

  This place is huge. They have anything and everything you can think of, even clothes. When she finds me, I see she has two dresses in her hand.

  “Did you go shopping?” I ask her.

  “I need some non-camping clothes! Especially if I’m meeting a ton of new people. I don’t want to be in leggings and sweatshirts,” she says with a smile.

  I bet she’s going to look amazing in those. I ask her what she wants to drink and she says a Dr. Pepper. We check out and as we approach my car, she stops and asks me the most ridiculous question of all time.

  “Can I drive?” she asks while batting her eyelashes.

  I can’t believe she is putting me in this position. I mean, she’s my mate and I want to make her happy but this is Vicky we are talking about. She’s never been driven by anyone else. She’s my precious. Yes, I do say that in the Gollum voice. I’m amazing.

  “Yes….” I say hesitantly.

  She jumps up and down while clapping her hands excitedly. God, her tits look amazing. I could watch her jump up and down forever. Okay, now I have more adjusting to do. I toss her the keys and rush to the passenger's side before she sees. Once we are situated in the car, she
puts the key in. I’m regretting my decision.

  “You do know how to drive standard right?” I question.

  “Duh, of course I do.”

  Phew, that makes me feel so much better.

  The car starts so she must be telling the truth. She goes to shift the gear into first and drive off, but we jolt forward and my baby flatlines.

  I gasp like a girl and grab my chest.

  “So, did we tell a little lie?” I tease.

  She blushes with embarrassment. “I’m so sorry. I thought I could just mimic what you did earlier. Did I break it?” she asks quietly.

  “No, and don’t worry, sweetheart, I will teach you eventually. Trade seats with me and I’ll just explain it for now.” I say smiling.

  We trade seats and I explain how the clutch works and when you need to have it down. We drive and talk about music and food.

  The drive seems to fly by as I turn into the pack’s property around lunch time.

  Looking out the window, she says to herself, “It’s so secluded out here.”

  “Yeah, all the packs like to keep to themselves. We go for runs and out hunting and we don’t want other people seeing us and freaking the fuck out,” I say.

  We park in Cayden’s driveway and get out of the car. Everyone seems to already be here and talking amongst themselves. Cayden spots us and heads over.

  “How was the drive?” he asks.

  “Great, but I did learn she has a thing for Morgan Freeman so that’s a little weird,” I joke.

  She slaps my shoulder and laughs as she heads to go say hi to the other guys.

  “How did it go?” he asks once she is out of ear shot.

  “Good. We just talked about family shit and played games. Nothing happened if that’s what you’re asking.”

  “Ok, good. You never know with you,” he says while turning to walk away.

  “She does, however, think we brought her out here to kill her so we should try and squash that thought somehow,” I tell him as I start unloading our stuff. He groans at that comment and walks off.

  Chapter Sixteen


  Entering my house, I see that Barrett and Wyatt have shown her to my guest bedroom. She’s unpacking and getting situated. They leave to unpack their cars and head to the guest house. I go into the kitchen and start making some real coffee, instead of that instant shit. It’s weird to think of her in my house like this. No female has ever stayed here before, mostly because I’ve never let them.

  I get five cups out of the cabinet and begin to fill them up.

  She must be taking a shower because I smell apples. God, how I love her scent. I can’t help but imagine what would happen if I were to join her. Watching her wash her wet curves, her auburn hair clinging to her tits as soap trickles down her glowing skin, I’d look into her blue eyes and grab a hand full of hair and move it to the side to kiss her neck. Feeling her nipples harden against me as her breathing increases, my hands would trail up the sides of her body, teasing right underneath her plump breasts. Moving to kiss along her collarbone and mov—Burning! Ouch!

  I snap out of it to find that I’ve overpoured the coffee and burned my fucking hand. What an idiot!

  “What happened?” Barrett shouts as he comes to help clean up.

  “I was spaced out,” I growl as I head to the sink to rinse my hand with cold water.

  “I know what you were thinking about,” Wyatt chimes in.

  Barrett doesn’t understand but when the door opens to the bedroom and she exits with wet hair, he hits the back of my head and murmurs, “Not cool.”

  “Oh my gosh, that coffee smells amazing,” she says. She looks so amazing. She’s in a button-up black dress that almost touches the floor with a jean jacket over it. She comes over and grabs a cup, seeing the coffee covered towel.

  “What happened?” she asks.

  “Cayden got distracted and poured boiling coffee on his hand,” Liam says with a smirk.

  “Oh no,” she says as she rushes to the sink. “Are you okay?” She softly lifts my hand and inspects it, then she slowly brings it to her mouth and kisses it. My whole body goes still as I look at her mouth. I want to taste her so bad.

  “Sorry, I hope you don’t mind that I used your shower. I still don’t think I have all the lake smell off me,” she says as she backs away and goes to pour herself a cup.

  “Not a problem,” I say while turning my attention to the floor.

  I need to get a hold of myself and stop fantasizing about her. I don’t want this, I never have. I’m fine by myself and I always will be. My past has damaged me beyond repair. No one should have to endure my bullshit and I don’t want to endure someone else’s either.

  “We were thinking that a good way to introduce you to everyone would be to have a barbeque tomorrow. Does that sound good?” Wyatt asks.

  “That sounds awesome.”

  We head outside where I show her the porch and the amazing view. Our pack lives on fifty acres and we’ve built our houses more like cabins with wrap around porches. These were built for the summer days where a fan is needed, plus a shield from the demons that lurk in the hot summer days—I’m referring to wasps. My biggest rival, other than vampires and witches, of course.

  “I love this enclosure! It’s the perfect reading spot,” she says.

  “Yeah, I built it after spending the first summer here. The fan was a necessity.” I decide not to disclose my other completely manly reason for the enclosure.

  “I know what you mean. The heat can be unbearable. I love these cold fronts,” she says while breathing in the fresh air. “The air smells so much cleaner here. I’m so relaxed and clear headed,” she whispers, more to herself.

  “Yeah, I love it out here. Come on, let’s introduce you to the pack and see what we can find out.” I take her hand in mine without even thinking about it. They’re so soft and small compared to mine, but somehow fit perfectly.

  First, we begin to walk over to the Jackson’s house. They are the oldest family here.

  I knock on the door and Meredith answers. “Hey, Cayden, how was your camping trip?”

  “Great, Mrs. Jackson, thanks for asking. This is Brayleigh,” I point to her as she extends her hand with a smile.

  “Nice to meet you, Brayleigh,” she says as she takes her hand. I look at her face to see if she has a reaction when touching her but she doesn’t. She releases her hand and asks, “Is this the first time visiting a pack?”

  “Yes, I met the guys while camping and they informed me I’m a wolf,” Brayleigh answers.

  “It’s quite a shock, growing up human and then having some stranger tell you you’re a wolf, huh?” Meredith says.

  Complete relief floods Brayleigh’s face, probably knowing someone else has been in her position.

  “Yes! I’ve been feeling overwhelmed, but surprisingly comfortable as well. I just want to find out more about me. Did you know your parents?” Brayleigh asks.

  “No, I never found them. It’s normal for female wolves to not know who their parents are. We are given up in order to have a better chance at survival and finding our bond.”

  “Oh, I was hoping I would get information on this trip. That’s mostly why I came. Hoping someone would know something about my past. I just feel like I’m lost,” she says, filled with sadness.

  She takes both Brayleigh’s hands and says, “Oh, honey, it’s okay. You might not find out everything but you already have family here and we’ll be here for you no matter what. Once you’re mated, it will all change. You’ll be able to see how amazing it is to be a wolf. When will you both complete the mating ceremony?”

  What the fuck, did she really just ask that? I begin coughing awkwardly, hoping Meredith changes the subject.

  Brayleigh blushes, telling us she needs a moment as she rushes away.

  Once out of earshot, I ask the real question I am dying to find out. “That’s another question I have. This might be inappropriate to ask but I’ve never
heard of such a thing. It seems that Liam, Wyatt, Barrett, and I, we all sense a mate bond with her.”

  Her eyes widen as she calls Cody to come to the door. She repeats the question to him in his ear, and his eyes widen as well. Not like hers, more in admiration.

  “I’ve actually heard of people having two mates but it is not common. I don’t even know if these were true bonds or not. I do, however, know someone who might know more about this. There is an Elder living in Pennsylvania that I’ve met once before. He is close to five hundred years old and he should have more knowledge on the subject. His name is Cecil,” Cody says.

  “Thanks, Mr. Jackson. I appreciate your help and I would also appreciate your discretion on what we’ve talked about today.”

  He nods his head and replies, ”Understood.”

  I turn and see that Brayleigh has made her rounds introducing herself to all the families that were gathered around the central firepit. And now she is talking to my parents. Great.

  I walk up and nervously say, “Mom, Dad, I see you’ve met Brayleigh.”

  “Oh my goodness, sweetie, she’s so sweet!” she squeals, kissing my cheek while my dad stands there in silence. Surprise.

  Brayleigh, who is once again blushing while looking at me, says, “No, you’re so sweet. We’ve been talking about all your hilarious baby moments.”

  I roll my eyes, “Really, mother?”

  “I’m kidding!” Bray says. “I was telling her how much I love your enclosed porch and she told me how scared you are of wasps,” she says, giggling.

  Ugh!! “I’m going to go see what the guys are up to,” I growl while walking off. I knew she would meet my parents, but I didn’t know she would get along so well with my mother. That’s too close to home for me; I need to keep my distance.

  Chapter Seventeen


  I’m still giggling. I can’t believe such a strong, hot, manly man is scared of wasps. Brayleigh, stop staring at his ass. I turn back to his parents and completely go blank. They just saw me checking out their son, what do I say now?


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