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Wrecked: Knight Pack – Wolf Shifter Paranormal Romance (Knight Pack Series Book 1)

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by Elissa Daye

  “You’ve nothing to apologize for, Brina.” His voice was gentle as took her shoe from her. “It’s not like you conjured this storm.”

  “I didn’t, but I’m not entirely convinced someone else didn’t.”

  Killian held his hands up defensively. “Wasn’t me.”

  “Oh, I didn’t mean.... I wasn’t suggesting that.” She tried to find the right words, but none of them seemed to fit.

  “Relax, Brina. It was a joke.” His eyes held a merry glow to them.


  “So, how can I help you?”

  “Well, my car won’t start. I tried to get a tow truck....”

  “No signal?” He crossed his arms over his chest knowingly.

  “Yes...I had one earlier. It’s the strangest thing.” The more she thought about it, the sum of all the parts just didn’t add up. Something strange was definitely happening here.

  “It’s just as well, really. When the rains pick up like this, there’s no safe way out of here. Stay here.” He left the room, and this time Brina could tell that his jeans did in fact fit him to form. What a form it was, too. As he turned around the corner, he saw her looking at him and a knowing smile slid across his face.

  Brina lowered her head and started to rub her temples. What was wrong with her? She was here on a mission, not for...well, whatever her mind was trying to distract her with. She needed to get a grip, real fast.

  “Headache?” His voice came from the opposite side of the room.

  Brina nearly jumped out of her skin. Of course, there was a hallway that separated all the rooms. He had just come in from the other side, but she hadn’t heard his footsteps at all. “Goodness, you scared me there for a second.”

  “I’m harmless.” He gave her a grin as he walked over with two large towels. “I thought you might like to dry off a bit.”

  “Thank you. Sorry to be such a bother.”

  She wrapped the largest towel around her and the scent of lavender filtered up to her noise—one of her favorite smells. Closing her eyes, she shivered slightly as she remembered the cold of the forest. While she had defended herself without a second thought, it was still an unnerving experience every single time. But it came with the territory, unfortunately.

  From a long line of witches, Brina had very little choice in the path before her. Trained from an early age to track down the things that go bump in the night, she spent most of her time doing just that. The pay sucked, but that was okay. Money was never an issue. Her great grandmother had made sure her descendants would be financially set for life, so Brina had the freedom to continue the quest to fight against the things that threatened not only her way of life, but all the other light bearers that existed.

  “Never a bother.”

  Yes, he definitely had hazel eyes. She found them incredibly revealing, as if she could see the soul that lay deep inside him. Yet there was something else inside, something he was hiding. Brina was convinced he had a secret he was keeping, but at the same point she didn’t feel like it was something of grave importance to her at the moment.

  “And who is this, Killian?” A female voice called from behind her.

  Brina turned to see an older woman with long black hair. Even from here she could see the resemblance. This must be his....

  “Mother, meet Sabrina Moss.” Killian intercepted his mother. His eyes seemed to shoot her a secret message that only the two of them seemed to understand.

  “I’m sorry to intrude on you. My car stalled and the roads are already washing out. Do you have a room for the night?” Brina asked her.

  “I’ve got ten of them. Which one would you like? And I’m Amber Knight.” She walked over to Brina and held her hand out to greet her.

  Great. The best test of character was a handshake. Why did Brina feel like she was being sized up? She let the woman grab her hand and felt a small electric spark emit from her. Brina didn’t pull away from her. Instead, she held her hand steady and gave her a polite nod. When the woman released her hand, she felt like she had failed some kind of test. “Pleased to meet you, Mrs. Knight.”

  “Amber,” she corrected Brina. Her hazel eyes were still sizing her up. They were so much like Killian’s that it was uncanny.

  “Killian, have Karter help you with Ms. Moss’s bags.”

  “Brina,” she interjected as Killian held out his hand for her keys. Her eyes met his apologetically, but he gave her a nonchalant grin. He didn’t seem to mind being her errand boy at the moment. She watched him leave the room as he went to retrieve her things.

  “Yes, Brina. Do come have a hot cup of cocoa. You look half frozen.” Amber led her to a small fire in one of the other rooms.

  All the while, Brina was glad she had tried to dry her feet earlier. When Amber gestured for her to sit on one of the chairs before the fire, she hesitated. “Are you sure? I’d hate to get any of those wet.”

  “Hush now. They are just things. Now have a seat, Brina.”

  Brina had the feeling she was being dismissed slightly as she sat down on the small floral printed armchair. She had the distinct impression that Killian’s mother did not approve of her presence. Did she know who she was too? That could be the reason right there. While Killian seemed open about the paranormal, perhaps she was closed to it. She’d have to spend more time with her to figure that out. Time wasn’t something that was really on her side though. No, she’d spend one night here and then return to the next leg of her journey.

  Brina stared into the flames before her. Fire was her favorite element. She loved to watch the flames dance when they were full of life. Watching them could tell you many things. When they were slow and peaceful, the air around her was calm, resolute. When they skipped all over the place, especially where there wasn’t any wind to push against them, that meant something dangerous was nearby. The dark liked to manipulate the light, to bend it to its will.

  “Would you care for some marshmallows?” Amber asked as she returned with a steaming mug of cocoa.

  “No, plain’s fine. Thank you.” Brina accepted the drink and took a small sip. Hot and sweet, just the way it should be. “This is delicious.”

  “It’s a family recipe.” Amber sat down next to her. “So, what brings you to our neck of the woods? Were you trying to find Witch’s Hollow?”

  Well, she certainly didn’t mince words. Brina sighed and held the cocoa in front of her. “I was.”

  “It’s not safe for your kind here,” Amber cautioned her. “You should probably leave as soon as you’re able.”

  “Mother,” Killian’s voice came almost like a low growl.

  “Excuse me. Boys.” Amber stood up from the chair, watching her sons who were bringing Brina’s luggage inside. “Take them to the purple room.”

  Boys? Neither one of the men who were now standing inside the room could be considered boys. Karter was light, where Killian was dark. His golden boy looks had probably turned many heads from the time he could form his first sentence. His eyes seemed to be blue from here, which probably sparkled in the sunlight.

  Brina looked over at Killian, who seemed a little miffed at the moment. He didn’t seem to like her checking his brother out at all. She had the distinct feeling that he felt he had some claim over her, which was ridiculous. Brina was a free woman. She could make her own choices. Besides, it wasn’t like she planned on hooking up with either one of them. That simply wasn’t in the cards for her.

  She fought the sadness that usually filtered through her at the thought of sharing her life with anyone. At twenty-eight, she had nearly given up. Her work had taken her through many trials and tribulations, things that most men turned their noses up at. Even the magically inclined ones were not interested in cultivating a relationship with her. None of them could handle her dedication to her work, nor the chaos that seemed to follow her around. Two years ago, she had stopped dating altogether and thrown herself deeper into her work.

  “Evening,” a male voice welcomed her.
br />   Brina turned to find a younger version of Killian greeting her. He must be in his mid-twenties, and equally attractive. How many men were there in this house? And how in the world did they all have the right to be so handsome? “Evening.”

  “I’m Kyle.”

  “Brina.” She smiled and almost jumped when Killian’s voice cut across the room.

  “Kyle, aren’t you supposed to be working?”

  Kyle grinned at her. “Don’t worry. He’s really a pushover. Right, big brother?”

  “I’m no such—”

  “No need to scare the poor thing.” Kyle’s words seemed to hold more than humor.

  What was up with these men? This house? Maybe she should try to swim her way to town. She certainly didn’t want to be here if it was going to cause family drama. Brina wrapped the towel around her and stood up from the chair. She walked over to Killian and put a hand on his arm. “Could you show me where my room is?”

  He smirked slightly, but his eyes were still on his brother. When he finally looked down at her, his eyes were now gentler. “Of course, Brina. Follow me.”

  Brina turned to look back at his brother. “It was nice to meet you, Kyle.”

  “And you.” He grinned at her before he left the room.

  As they walked up the stairs, Brina gave in to her curiosity. “How many brothers do you have?”

  “Four. They’re as obnoxious as hell, too.” He grinned at her.

  “Must be nice.”

  “How’s that? You’ve only met two of them.”

  “I’m an only child,” Brina answered him softly.

  “That sounds lonely.” His voice was soft, as if he truly was thinking about how she must have felt as a child.

  “At times, but I was never alone. Not really.”

  Killian stopped outside the second door on the right. “Your room.”

  “Thank you. And if I—”

  “Bathroom is right across the hall. Unfortunately, you share it with the rest of the buffoons.”

  “And you too,” Brina corrected him. Crap. Why had she said that? His eyes flashed with something she hadn’t seen in quite some time. Desire. She would have to be careful with her words in the future. She didn’t want to lead him on. There was nothing she could give him.

  His voice was slightly gruff when he spoke again. “There are plenty of towels in the bathroom closet. Make yourself at home, Brina.”

  She watched him walk away from her, and saw the stiff way he carried himself. “Killian?”

  He turned around and his eyes met hers. Killian looked as if he were waiting for her to ask him inside. Her breath caught in her throat. Part of her wanted to, which caused a furious heat to fill her face. “Good night.”

  “Yes. I think it is. Sweet dreams, Brina.”

  This time she watched to see where he would walk to. When she saw him enter the last door on the right, she wondered if that was his room. Not that it meant anything. It wasn’t like she was going to throw herself at him. She couldn’t remember the last time she had been that impulsive. Try never. Brina sighed and turned back to her room, her mind still wandering.

  Chapter 3

  As Brina got herself organized for the night, she decided that maybe taking a warm shower would help remove the last of the cold dripping through her veins. It was barely October—the air shouldn’t be that cold. A natural phenomenon for sure. Gathering her clothes together, she set them on the bed. She undressed quickly and laid the wet clothes out over the back of the chair, hoping they would dry before the morning. If not, she’d just ask for a plastic bag to toss them in and dry them later.

  Brina slid into the bathrobe and tied the small belt around her waist. Running a brush through her hair quickly, she did a once over in the mirror. Her brown hair looked much darker when it was wet, which hid the natural red tints that had always been woven into it. Her green eyes were middle grade at best, not bright but not exactly olive colored even. Sometimes her eyes reminded her of a stormy sea, but those times were few and far between. She looked almost as she always did.

  Walking to the door, she peered around it cautiously. When she didn’t see another living soul—or dead, for that matter—Brina tiptoed quietly to the bathroom. Opening the door, she was surprised to see it was much larger inside than she’d thought it would be. Most bed and breakfast inns seemed to have a few smaller bathrooms which were shared among the occupants. Communal living at its best.

  Brina turned the shower on and waited for it to heat up. When she saw steam rising, she stepped into the tub and pulled the shower curtain around her. The hot water was bliss compared to the icy rain outside. Showering as quickly as she could, Brina reached for the towel to dry herself. She wrapped one over her head and slid the robe over her again. Her skin was dry enough for her to get dressed in her room. Brina had not brought her clothes in here with her because she wanted to spend the least amount of time hogging the bathroom. She actually had no idea how many bathrooms there were to share. Considering that the inn was fairly empty right now, chances were they had enough for the current guests. Nevertheless, now that she was done, Brina went to make her hasty exit.

  As she opened the door and stepped into the hallway, she was surprised to find Killian exiting his room. Had he heard her taking her shower and come out to check on her? Probably not, because the way he was staring at her was like a man who had not expected to find his favorite treat for dinner—surprise mingled with outright desire, something that he didn’t seem capable of hiding. What she found disturbing was that her own body seemed to respond. She pulled her robe away from her slightly.

  “Everything work for you?” His words seemed a little clumsy, as if he were searching for something better to say. The fact that he was staring at the small points that were almost standing at attention didn’t actually make the situation any better. If anything, it made her fever rise that much more.

  “Uhm...yeah. The water was hot.” Oh my, why had she used that word? Now a small flush was covering her face, and she knew she couldn’t turn that off any time soon. It was probably a good thing she was leaving in the morning. If she stayed, she might get in a lot of trouble.

  “Good. I was just going downstairs.”

  They both moved at the same time, as if they were scattering in too many directions at once. Which didn’t help matters, because the two of them collided into each other. Her hand pulled at the ties of her robe as she stumbled, and the front opened up, nearly exposing her naked body completely.

  In an alternate dimension, Killian wouldn’t have noticed the exposure, but that was definitely not this dimension. His eyes were now looking in places they should not be—not that she could blame him, for she had practically thrown herself at him. Brina tried to pull the tie closed, but she was transfixed in the spot. He was so close to her that she could almost feel his heat against her body. Her eyes met his and she saw a rawness inside them.

  She forced herself to step away, even though her brain had an entirely different idea. Her fingers quickly tied her robe shut and she mumbled something barely intelligible. “Sorry, excuse me.”

  His eyes shuttered as he tried to reign in something inside him. “Any time, Brina.”

  Brina slipped away from the hall into her room and closed the door behind her. She leaned against the door and slumped down to the ground. Laying her head on her knees, she took a deep breath. “That was a nightmare.”

  She groaned and shook her head. Way to go, Brina. She’d almost mauled the poor man. What was wrong with her? Every part of her seemed to throb with the pulse of her blood racing through her heart. Something inside her felt like it was waking up, something that had been long dormant. She couldn’t quite describe the feeling, but the moment she had found herself nearly in his arms, every inch of her started to throb with the rush of blood coursing through her veins. Brina did not understand the magnetic pull she was feeling.

  “Get a grip,” she chided herself.

  Brina jumped as a k
nock sounded on her door. She stood up and opened the door to find Killian standing outside. The words were caught in her throat when she saw the raw desire in his eyes. “Yes?”

  “I just wanted to say....”

  Brina waited with bated breath to hear what he could possibly have to say to her at this moment in time. His hand reached for hers and brought it to his mouth. His lips tickled her skin with their velvety smoothness, and a jolt of electricity shot through her body.

  “Good night, Brina,” his mouth whispered against her hand.

  Her skin tingled and something took over her. When he released her hand, Brina stepped closer to him, so that she was just a few inches away. She raised her head up and gazed into his eyes that now almost looked golden the closer she moved toward him. Her hands reached up to pull his face down to hers and she kissed him.

  Brina felt him stiffen against her before he pulled her closer to him. His lips were warm against hers, with a silky smoothness that made her want to melt like a stick of butter in his arms. A web of desire threaded its way inside her when he deepened the kiss. Oh, how easy it would be to fall into his arms, but reality started to trickle back into her mind. She was about to push away from him when a cough sounded in the hallway behind them.

  “Oh, excuse me. Didn’t see you there.” Kyle’s face held a half-contained grin.

  “Kyle,” Killian’s voice bit out angrily.

  “Yes, brother?” Kyle’s voice was filled with mischief.

  “Did you need something?”

  “I was just heading to bed.”

  “Then get there,” his voice gritted out. When Kyle didn’t move, Killian glared at him. “Anything else?”

  “Mother asked me to retrieve you.” Kyle relayed the summons before heading off down the hallway to climb the stairs to the third floor.

  “Damn it.”

  Killian’s hands released her and Brina was suddenly filled with a sense of loss. She could not explain the feelings that were coursing through her right now. Making sure she was completely covered, she started to retreat inside herself the minute his hands left her. Shame filled her for throwing herself at a complete stranger. She was about to step into her room when she heard Killian’s voice.


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