Wrecked: Knight Pack – Wolf Shifter Paranormal Romance (Knight Pack Series Book 1)

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Wrecked: Knight Pack – Wolf Shifter Paranormal Romance (Knight Pack Series Book 1) Page 7

by Elissa Daye

  “Come on, Bri. That’s it.”

  No one had ever called her that, except for herself when she was talking to herself. She liked the way it sounded, especially when he whispered it against her ear. Her stomach clenched tightly as a wave of pleasure and pain tried to send her to oblivion. The more his fingers moved, the harder it was to deny the craziness racing through her. When her body shook against his hand, Killian’s teeth sunk into her neck.

  “Oh!” she shouted as the combination of pleasure and pain rippled through her again. His fingers never stopped working their magic as his mouth tried to soothe the wound at her neck. Her eyelids felt heavy with desire as he wove his own spell around her. The magic of the moment wasn’t lost on her.

  He moved over her and held her face in front of his. “Are you all right, Bri?”

  “No,” she whispered.

  His eyes were filled with concern. “Did I hurt you?”

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  “Where does it hurt?” His mouth kissed her cheek.

  “I ache for you, Killian.” She pulled his mouth down to hers and drank him in. She felt the tension drain from his shoulders as his tongue dueled with her own.

  When he broke the kiss, his eyes were almost reckless. “I can’t wait much longer, Bri.”

  “Then don’t.” She gave him a sexy smile and waited for him to respond.

  He didn’t disappoint her. Killian spread her legs and slid his cock deep inside her. His heat filled her to the core. Brina met every thrust with her hips, the fire burning inside her. As he picked up the pace, she felt a small flutter inside her as her desire rose higher and higher. The faster he went, the more she wanted, until the world seemed to spin around her. White lights exploded behind her eyes as she came undone.

  He growled when she came against him, and the beast inside seemed to take over as his hips ground against hers. Faster he pushed, harder, until he stretched her to the core. Brina enjoyed every wicked moment as he came crashing into her. She saw his neck straining as he found his finish. Her insides pulled him in as they quivered around him one last time.

  When he was finished, he rolled away from her and tried to catch his breath. Killian pulled her against him and kissed the top of her head.

  Brina sighed against him. She liked the feel of his skin on hers. Her insides were still throbbing. Closing her eyes, she tried to still the racing of her heart.

  “Did I hurt you?” His voice was filled with concern.

  “What?” she blinked. What was he talking about?

  His hand moved over her neck and she flinched slightly. Had he bit her? His mouth kissed her neck, and his tongue moved over her wound. Her breath caught in her throat.


  “Sleep, Bri.”

  She yawned as if on command and snuggled against him. “I’m a lucky woman.”

  “Why’s that?” he asked her softly.

  “Because I get you both.”

  Killian growled as he pulled her closer to him. “Forget him. You’re all mine.”

  “Good, and don’t you forget it.”


  He kissed her softly one last time, then pulled her closer to him. His hand stroked her head as she fell asleep beside him, feeling safer than she had her entire life.

  Chapter 11

  When Brina awoke later, the room was filled with darkness. The moon’s glow barely filtered into the room through the window. She sighed as she stretched. Her muscles were a little sore, as if she’d run a marathon, but she didn’t care. It had been worth every delicious moment.

  “Killian?” she whispered. Turning over, she found the bed was completely empty.

  Where had he gone to? She slid out of the bed and retrieved the clothes she had worn earlier. As she walked down the stairs, she thought she’d find him sitting in the living room, but he wasn’t there either. After checking the entire house, it was clear Killian had left. She went to the hallway closet and found a warm coat inside it. Sliding it on, she zipped it up around her and sighed as his scent filtered through her nose. Closing her eyes, she imagined it was his arms wrapped around her right now, keeping her warm.

  She retrieved her shoes and slid them over her feet. When she was done, Brina opened the door and stepped out into the cold night air. Scanning the world around her, she felt something pulling her from across the woods. It wasn’t Killian, neither was it the voice that had transfixed her earlier.

  It was the magic of a light worker. She recognized the peaceful flow of energy that offered a calm to the world around it, perhaps building up to the full moon. Sometimes they held their rituals from days before until the moon was round in the sky. Then the witches would release their light into the world to heal the rift between time and space. They had their hands full with the vitriol that fueled the world these days.

  Brina sighed. She didn’t understand how some people lived their lives hating anything that wasn’t like them—race, religion, creed, nationality. There was a serious lack of love in the world. People didn’t seem to have a right to their beliefs. It was always the loudest voice that crammed the others down deep back into the earth.

  A lone howl sent a shiver down her spine, and it wasn’t fear that quivered through her. “Killian.”

  When a series of howls followed, she realized he was out with his pack. She wondered why they were out right now. Had they felt the magic too? Brina was drawn to it, but now that her brain seemed to be functioning properly, she decided to not let it overrun her thoughts. No more chasing after disembodied voices, not without having back up.

  The voice that had taken her over earlier, she could not place it. The phenomena wasn’t something she’d experienced before. Was it demonic? Sometimes demons would take over people, possess them to override the good inside them. Evil fed on the light, as it manipulated it. She wasn’t sure it wanted to manipulate her or steal her soul.

  But, what good would it do for a demon to send her to her death in the river? It would get far more power from her if it were able to use her soul as fuel while she was still alive. They would drain the light slowly until nothing remained, then they would cast their host aside. This had to be something or someone else. Someone with the ability to manipulate the unsuspecting. Brina wondered if that was why she had been sent here.

  How many witches had lost their lives in that river? That was something she would need to look into. Maybe Killian and his brothers would know. Did they prowl the woods nightly? If so, chances were they knew more about this area than she had first thought. Brina made a mental note to ask Killian in the morning. That was, if she weren’t distracted by his handsome face. She could gaze into his eyes for eternity and never get bored with the view.

  As Brina made her way through the woods, she bent some of the plants at her feet to mark her way home. This time she refused to get lost inside the forest. She walked until she saw a light glow breaking through the line of trees. Stopping before they broke, she peered around a large tree to see what the source was, and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw a lone witch beside a large fire.

  “Come on out,” the witched called to her.

  Brina stepped around the tree and held up a hand. “I come in peace.”

  “Only a friend may enter the circle, if you care to risk it.” The woman was several years older than her. Her long brown hair flowed down her shoulders, with faded strands of white marking her age.

  Brina nodded to her and said a small silent blessing before stepping into the circle that was clearly marked with the four small stones that were placed around the fire. The four corners, north, east, south, and west, represented the elements that breathed life into the world around them. “Merry meet,” Brina greeted her. “I’m—”

  “I know who you are, Ms. Moss.” Her eyes looked her up and down, sizing her up without a second thought. “I know why you are here.”

  “And you are?”

  “Marina. I protect these woods from him.” Her word
s were soft on the breeze.

  “Are there others?” Brina asked her.

  “They are afraid to come out at night. It’s no longer safe for us here.” Marina looked down to the ground sadly.

  “Who is he?” Brina wasn’t surprised to hear there was a male involved. Could it be the same man who had taken her over earlier?

  “We don’t know. We only feel his energy. He is angry at the world. And at us.” Marina threw some herbs into the fire and they shot up a few feet higher.

  “Can he be stopped?”

  “If his power source is removed. We don’t believe he is a man of magic, not a true one at least. There are many that think they can control the elements at their whim. They do not realize the elements work through us, not the other way around. We are at their mercy.”

  “Magic is often like that,” agreed Brina. “How many have been lost?”

  “Ten over the last two years. One a month for the past three. He grows hungrier, but for what, I just don’t know.” Marina looked at her and their eyes met. “They brought you here.”

  “Yes. Their spirits called to me.”

  “Then maybe you can help them find their final resting place.” Marina reached into the pocket of her robes. She held open her hand and revealed a crystal quartz. “For you, to keep you protected from his spell. I fear you may need it.”

  “He’s already targeted me.” Brina now understood that the man behind this was exceptionally dangerous. She would have to tread very carefully. Stepping closer to Marina, she accepted her gift. “Has the local law enforcement been helpful?”

  “Not really. When the bodies were retrieved from the water, they ruled it as accidental drowning. You and I both know there was nothing accidental about it.” Marina’s face contorted in disgust. “You’ve been marked,” the witch commented as she pointed to her neck.

  Brina touched her hand to her neck and felt the welts forming beneath her fingertips. “Oh. Yes. I—”

  “It’s about time he took a mate.” Marina smiled at her. “I think he’s chosen well.”

  “You know Killian?” Brina was almost surprised.

  “We know all of them. The Knight pack helps keep our woods safe, as much as they can. They have kept many of us from succumbing to the darkness here. We’re indebted to them.” Marina waved her hands and the fire changed color. Blue flames flickered among the yellow. “The magic is strong in those wolves. The light flows through their veins.”

  Brina didn’t really need her to tell her that. She could sense the good in him, no matter how cruel he had seemed to her before. Brina knew that he was trying to protect her even then. The only problem she had with it now was that he would have to learn she was capable of taking care of herself—most of the time. When she wasn’t distracted, that was. Today, that had been the first time any negative energy had been able to take over her thoughts. Brina would make sure it never happened again.

  “Do you live near here?” Brina asked her curiously.

  “On the outskirts of Witch’s Hollow in the small encampment there. There are several of us there. If you bring that necklace with you, all will recognize you as friend. Although, when some of them find out you have mated with Killian, they may not be too happy.”


  “Quite a few of them are smitten with him. There are at least two that had hoped he would make them his mate.”

  Two women? Had he known them intimately? Had he slept with them? Brina wasn’t sure she could face off with them, but even if she did, it wouldn’t change the outcome. No matter how much they fought against it, Killian was hers. This wasn’t something that could be reversed. That wasn’t how it worked. One mate for life. She would face them with her head held high, for he had chosen her.

  “Well, they can’t have him.” Her chin jutted out proudly before her.

  “Good girl. They won’t make it easy for you,” she cautioned her.

  “I’m not afraid of them.” Brina opened her hands and created a small ball of light. “I can protect myself.”

  Marina chuckled. “That you can. You are stronger than you know, even stronger now that you have mixed your soul with his. You’ll need his help if you’re going to put the darkness here to rest.”

  “Understood, but I’ll probably leave him home if I visit the camp.” Brina smiled ruefully.

  “Bring him. I could use a good laugh.” Marina’s eyes twinkled merrily.

  Brina had the distinct impression that Marina liked to stir the pot just a bit. She liked the old woman’s spunk.

  Brina heard the sound of movement around them. Turning to the sound, she saw the imp that had attacked her the night before. Her hands clenched in reflex and static electricity fluttered between her fingers.

  “Relax, he can’t attack you inside the circle,” reminded Marina. “Or do you not trust the power of the circle?”

  She lowered her hands. “Of course, I do. Who does that belong to?”

  “The dark casters. He’s harmless really. Just watches the night and reports back to them.”

  “Well, he sure had a story to tell last night,” Brina grinned.

  “He usually does.” Marina winked at her. “But for tonight, I think the news of your joining will be enough to keep his masters entertained.”

  Brina blushed. She hadn’t realized that their business would be broadcast all over the area. Some things should remain private. She looked down at the ground and closed her eyes.

  “Don’t worry. They won’t mind. They may stir up the darkness around us, but they don’t do anything to undo the balance. Too much light can never survive without its dark counterpart.”

  “So, the black magic isn’t something to fear here?”

  “Only fear black magic when that’s all there is, child. You should know that by now. Your mother taught you well, as did you grandmother,” Marina reminded her.

  “They did.” This wasn’t the first time a witch had recognized her lineage. Pedigree was often something that was easy to read, like an extra lining to her aura that reverberated around her. Brina could see the magic that circled around Marina as well, who was a Dianic witch if she wasn’t mistaken.

  “That will serve you well. Witches always make the best mates. That’s probably why their father chose Amber.” She smiled as she mentioned Killian’s mother.

  “She’s a witch?” How had she missed that earlier? That wasn’t like her. Had Brina been too pre-occupied with the spell Killian had already started to weave over her?

  “She is a solitary, and hides her energy well. Mark my words, though, she’s not one to push aside. Her love for her flock is strong.”

  “I can see that.” And she could. Amber Knight had a strong personality, one that had seemed at odds with her own. Brina hadn’t even thought about how their joining would affect the rest of his family. She knew she would have to face the music sooner rather than later.

  She turned to find the imp scampering off, feeling slightly awkward for having assumed he was a danger to her before. The dark of night could play tricks on people though. Maybe it was Killian that she had felt, the danger of being near him. Not that he was dangerous, but the feelings that had risen so close to the surface.

  A howl shattered the silence, and Brina’s breath caught in her throat as the hair stood on the back of her neck. She sighed as she heard the beauty in it.

  “He’s calling for you.” The witch waved her arms to the east.

  “I know.” She smiled at her. “Merry meet, and merry part, Marina. I promise to do my best to find this man who is decimating your ranks.”

  “I know you will. That’s why the spirits chose you. Now, run along. Can’t keep a beast waiting.” She winked at her.

  Brina tried to fight the blush rising to her face. She bowed her head and stepped back from the circle. Having learned all she could from Marina at the moment, she let her heart lead her through the forest, searching for the lonely howl that serenaded her soul.

  Chapter 12 />
  The lonely howls led her through the wilderness, deeper into the darkness, but Brina wasn’t afraid of it. She knew that Killian would keep her safe. When she got closer to him, she could sense his presence. It was like a calm wind that wrapped itself around her. When she saw him standing six feet ahead of her, the wolf nodded to her.

  Brina smiled at him and sat down on the ground. She waited for him to make his way over to her, and wasn’t disappointed when the wolf trotted over to her. He put his head on her shoulder and Brina wrapped her arms around him. She felt the gentle hum of energy flow between them. Closing her eyes, she sighed. “I missed you.”

  I missed you too.

  Brina blinked. Had she just heard his voice? Pulling back from him, she looked inside his eyes. “Killian?”

  Yes, Bri.

  “I didn’t know you could speak like this.” A smile lit up her face as she lowered her head to his. She rubbed her nose against his.

  After joining, my soul can communicate wherever you are.

  “So, if I call for you?”

  I will always hear you.

  Brina liked the sound of that. “Good.”

  His wolf form moved a few steps away. It contorted slightly as the fur was retracted. Brina watched in awe as the wolf shifted into the warm-blooded man she had come to know so well. The process looked painful, as his skin stretched over the length of him. When he was done, he lay crouching on the ground. Brina found it curious that he wasn’t completely naked—he was wearing a pair of jeans. How that worked she wasn’t entirely sure, but some things were beyond explanation.

  His hazel eyes watched her, to see if she would be disgusted by the mutation. When she didn’t speak, his voice whispered across the void between them. “Brina?”


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