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Melanie Milburne Bestseller Collection 201209/The Marcolini Blackmail Marriage/Bound by the Marcolini Diamonds

Page 29


  He brought one hand up to her face, cupping her cheek as he brushed the pad of his thumb over her lips in a caress that was as gentle as it was potent. She felt every sensitive nerve snap to attention, each one buzzing with expectation.

  When he touched her like this it was all too easy to put aside her hopes and dreams to have another moment of magic in his arms. But Sabrina wondered how long it would be before she began to resent him, to hate him for holding her back, for not allowing her to access his heart. He was not willing to give up his freedom. That hurt, so too did the fact that he would never commit to her emotionally. Why else would he refuse to blend his blood with hers and have a child together? That was the biggest slap in the face of all— he didn’t want any permanent reminders of their liaison. Molly was enough responsibility for him; dear, little motherless Molly, who would very likely be the one to get hurt in the long run when her guardians were eventually torn apart with bitterness and recrimination.

  Sabrina pulled out of his hold, rubbing at her arms as if her skin was itchy from a rash. ‘Don’t do this, Mario,’ she said. ‘This is not how normal people behave.’

  ‘What is normal about our situation?’ he asked. ‘We have been thrown together by circumstances beyond our control. I think it is up to us to make the best of the hand we have been dealt.’

  ‘I don’t know about how you live your life, but mine is not and never has been a game,’ Sabrina shot back with a glare.

  He let out a breath as he raked his fingers through his hair. ‘I am not suggesting we treat this lightly. I am sorry if I have given you that impression. Having a child is a big step. It is too big a step for me. I watched my brother and his wife go through a painful separation after the loss of their first baby. I am the first to admit there are no guarantees, but I want this to work, Sabrina. I want it to work for Molly, but also for Ric and Laura. They chose us for a reason. Think about it for a moment—they must have been confident we could make a go of it as a couple, otherwise they would never have nominated us.’

  She threw her hands in the air. ‘I’ve thought about it, Mario, and I still can’t believe they did what they did. We are polar opposites. If we had met under any other circumstances, you wouldn’t have given me a second glance.’

  ‘You underestimate yourself, cara,’ he said. ‘You are one of the most beautiful women I have ever met. But unlike a lot of other women I know you don’t choose to display it at every opportunity.’

  She rolled her eyes and swung away again. ‘You only want me because of my inexperience. It’s a primal thing; it has nothing to do with emotion, but everything to do with evolution.’

  ‘I admit that I find your innocence refreshing,’ he said. ‘But it is not just about that. There are many things I like about you.’

  Sabrina pursed her lips as she waited for him to continue.

  ‘I like the fact that you let the public think what they wanted over the Roebourne affair in order to protect the children,’ he said. ‘I also like the fact that you agreed to marry me even though you disliked me intensely. Once again, you put your feelings aside for the sake of a small child. Those are very admirable qualities, cara.’

  She let out a small sigh. ‘I don’t really dislike you intensely—at least, not now.’

  His expression contained a hint of wryness. ‘I kind of figured that.’

  Sabrina wondered what else he had figured out. Did he know how much she loved him? Was he laughing at her naivety for falling for a man who had no intention of returning that love? Although he said he wanted their marriage to continue indefinitely, he had spoken of liking her—not loving her. There was a very big difference, and it mattered to her. It mattered a great deal. How could she settle for second best when all her life she had dreamed of having it all—a man who adored her, a child or two to cement that love? Bringing up their little family as a solid unit, the sort of unit she had been denied during her childhood.

  The loneliness of her upbringing had always tormented her. That was why she had married Mario; to protect Molly from experiencing the same—or at least it had been one of the reasons. He could have looked like the proverbial bell-ringer at Notre Dame and she still would have married him to protect her little god-daughter—although it was rather a bonus that he didn’t, she thought as her eyes went to his again. He was the most amazingly good-looking man; her heart f luttered every time she looked at him. Would she still feel this way in two, ten or even twenty years? Or would she end up hating him for locking her into a loveless marriage that existed only for the sake of Molly?

  She shifted her weight, forcing her eyes to make the full distance to his penetrating gaze. ‘Just because we … had sex doesn’t mean I am in love with you.’

  ‘It would be hypocritical of me to expect you to be,’ he returned. ‘I have had sex with many women without once falling in love.’

  Sabrina tried to ignore the spike of jealousy that jabbed at her at his statement. ‘Women you will continue to sleep with?’ she asked.

  His eyes never once moved away from hers. ‘I told you before, I expect our marriage to be an exclusive arrangement.’

  She cocked a finely arched brow at him. ‘You mean you won’t keep a mistress on the side?’

  ‘Why would I want a mistress when I have you to warm my bed?’ he asked with a look that smouldered like hot coals.

  Sabrina felt her breath catch inside her chest. ‘So … so you want our marriage to be a normal one, but without actually falling in love with each other?’

  He studied her for a pregnant pause, not speaking, barely even moving.

  Sabrina supposed that was his answer: no answer. He was not prepared to commit himself emotionally. He had never been in love with any of his lovers, why should she be any different? Why torture herself with foolish hopes that would only break her heart in the end?

  ‘Signore and Signora Marcolini?’ Giovanna’s voice sounded from the doorway. ‘La cena è pronta.’

  ‘Grazie, Giovanna,’ Mario answered. ‘Dinner is ready,’ he translated for Sabrina.

  She followed him to the elegantly laid-out table, sitting down on the chair he pulled out for her. ‘Thank you.’

  ‘My brother and sister-in-law are keen to meet you,’ he said once he had taken the seat opposite. ‘Remember the business dinner I mentioned?’

  ‘The one tomorrow evening?’

  ‘Yes,’ he said, spreading his napkin across his lap. ‘As joint heirs to our father’s estate, Antonio tries to attend most of the bigger functions, although he leaves most of the business end of things to me due to his surgical commitments. He and Claire will be there tomorrow. They have just returned from abroad. He called me while you were having a shower.’

  Sabrina toyed with the rings on her finger before meeting his gaze. ‘What sort of business is it that you do?’

  ‘Corporate lending and fund management,’ he answered. ‘I also have a commercial-property portfolio that I run on the side. Lots of eggs in lots of baskets.’

  ‘It sounds very demanding.’

  ‘It is, but then I have always liked a challenge.’

  Sabrina shifted her gaze from his glinting eyes, her fingers moving from her ring to fiddle with her soup spoon instead. ‘I suppose you treat everything in life, including women like me, as a challenge to be conquered.’

  He reached across the table to capture her hand, bringing it up to his mouth, his eyes holding hers as he pressed a ghost of a kiss to her bent knuckles. ‘You, tesore mio, have been a delightful challenge,’ he said. ‘I have enjoyed every minute of it.’

  Sabrina pulled her hand out of his and tucked it away from temptation in her lap. ‘I need some time to think about the no-children issue.’ She took an uneven breath and continued, ‘It’s a big step to take, and I don’t want to do anything I will later regret.’

  Mario poured some wine into both of their glasses. ‘Take all the time you need,’ he said. ‘I will have Giovanna move your things into my room after dinner.�

  Her eyes flared. ‘You want me to move into your room straight away?’

  ‘That is what husbands and wives do, is it not?’ he asked. ‘Sharing a room and a bed are pretty standard, I would have thought.’

  She swallowed and reached for one of the bread rolls Giovanna had left earlier, systematically crumbling it in her fingers without actually eating any of it.

  ‘Would you like some butter or olive oil with your crumbs?’ he asked drily.

  She looked down at her plate and grimaced. ‘Sorry …’

  He smiled as he picked up his wine glass. ‘I am not sure why I make you so nervous, cara—especially now that we have consummated our relationship. Believe me, it will only get better from now on.’

  Sabrina knew she was blushing again but there was little she could do about it. He made her feel hot all over just by looking at her. The thought of experiencing more of his sensual expertise made her stomach dip and dive in excitement. When she squeezed her legs together she could feel where he had been earlier.

  Giovanna came in with their entrée, and Mario instructed her to transfer Sabrina’s things into his room before she left for the evening. The housekeeper gave Sabrina a twinkling look as she moved past to leave, making Sabrina’s cheeks flame all over again.

  ‘Now that is one very happy housekeeper,’ Mario commented.

  ‘Yes, well, one room is easier for her to clean than two,’ Sabrina said.

  ‘She has taken rather a shine to you, has she not?’

  ‘No thanks to you,’ she said with a sour set to her mouth. ‘She was absolutely awful to me when I first arrived.’

  A frown appeared between his eyes. ‘You think I deliberately set her against you?’

  She gave him an arch look. ‘Didn’t you?’

  ‘Of course not,’ he said, still frowning. ‘Perhaps she read something in the press. I will have a word with her about it.’

  ‘There’s no need to do that,’ Sabrina inserted quickly. ‘Whatever she heard or read, she has obviously disregarded. She is lovely towards me now, and she adores Molly.’

  ‘Giovanna has been in the service of my family for a long time,’ he said. ‘I know for a fact she is delighted I have finally settled down.’

  ‘You don’t strike me as the tameable, settling-down type,’ Sabrina said as she picked up her spoon.

  The smile fell away from his face as he reached for his glass. ‘Perhaps I will change,’ he said, swirling the red wine for a moment. He met her eyes once more and added, ‘But don’t hold your breath.’

  She gave him an ‘I wouldn’t be so foolish’ look. ‘Believe me, I wasn’t going to.’

  Once the meal was over, Mario led her into the salon for a liqueur. He turned on the sound system; the strains of a mellow-sounding ballad made Sabrina’s nervous tension gradually fade away. She laid her head back on the cushioned sofa, closing her eyes as the sweet cadences floated over her.

  She felt the depression on the seat next to her as Mario joined her. The strong band of his arm lay on the back of the sofa, his fingers idly playing with her hair at the nape of her neck. She suppressed a tiny shiver of delight as he loosened the clip holding her hair up, the tresses falling down over his hand.

  ‘You have beautiful hair,’ he said in a throaty tone. ‘Promise me you won’t cut it.’

  Sabrina turned her head to look at him. She felt ready to promise him just about anything when he looked at her like that. His eyes were dark and intense, his mouth so close she could see every pinpoint of stubble around its sensual curve. Almost without realising she was doing it, she raised her hand and gently traced over the sculptured contours of his lips, her belly giving a little, punching-fist-like movement as his tongue came out and brushed over her fingertip.

  ‘Kiss me, Sabrina.’

  She leaned towards him, her eyelids going down as she felt the gentle breeze of his breath caress her lips. She pressed her mouth to his, softly, hesitantly, tasting him, feeling the simmer of sexual heat spring fervently to boiling life.

  He took over the kiss with a sweep of his tongue across the seam of her mouth, taking possession of her moist warmth, calling her tongue into a Latino salsa that was smoulderingly sexy. Sparks of reaction raced up and down her spine as his hands brought her nearer, one hand splayed at the back of her head, the other cupping the swell of her breast. She pressed herself closer as his thumb found her nipple, teasing it until it ached for the intimate caress of his mouth.

  Her body throbbed with an insistent pulse, an on-off rhythm that resounded deep in her womb. Moisture pooled between her thighs, the humidity of need that would not be denied now it had been awakened. She felt the raw ache consume her as she strained to get closer to him; she ached to feel the power of him under her touch.

  She groped blindly for his shirt buttons as his mouth continued its passionate command of hers, undoing each one until her hands found his warm, hard flesh. She moved lower, undoing his belt and unhooking his waistband, rolling down his zip until she took him in her hand.

  He broke the kiss to watch her caress him, his breathing becoming deep and uneven. ‘Harder, cara—don’t be frightened to use more pressure. I like it that way.’

  Sabrina made a circle with her fingers and massaged him, taking her cue from his reaction. He sucked in a breath, his jaw clenched as he fought to keep his head, pleasure written all over his features. He beaded with moisture, and she bent her head and tasted him, delighting in the way he quivered against her mouth. She licked him again, using her tongue to tantalise him, to string out the pleasure. She could feel the tension building in him with every smooth stroke of her tongue.

  ‘Enough,’ he groaned as he pulled away. He took a couple of deep breaths and then began to work on her clothes. ‘Let’s even the score, shall we?’

  Sabrina tried to control her frantic breathing as he slowly undressed her. Each item of clothing was taken from her body with a series of burning kisses that branded her flesh, sending an electric current of need to her inner core. She lay back on the sofa as he came over her, his mouth sucking on her breast as his fingers explored the moist heart of her. The stroking motion stirred her senses into a frenzy; she arched her back, striving for the ultimate moment, hovering precariously on the edge, not quite there, but so close she could feel every nerve tensing and twitching.

  His mouth left her breast to kiss its way down her body, lingering over the tiny bowl of her belly button before going lower. Sabrina snatched in a sharp breath as his lips nibbled at the sensitive curve of each of her hips, a tiny, teasing nip that made every nerve beneath the skin leap in awareness.

  ‘You have such silky, creamy skin,’ he said as he began to trace her inner thighs with his fingers in a lazy ‘I’ve got all the time in the world’ motion that made her nearly scream out loud in frustration. ‘It is like satin; so smooth and warm. I want to taste every inch of you.’

  Her heart rate soared as his fingers moved closer, millimetre by millimetre, the tight coil of tension in her body threatening to snap. She gasped when he separated her, the gentle caress making her quiver all over in pleasure.

  ‘You are so slick and warm, so ready for me,’ he said as he continued stroking her.

  ‘I want you inside …’ she said in a breathy whisper.

  ‘It’s probably too soon after the last time,’ he said. ‘You are new to this, cara. Your body will be tender. Let me pleasure you this way.’

  Sabrina grasped his hand, her eyes pleading. ‘No, please, Mario. I want you to make love to me. I want to feel you again.’

  He held her gaze for a moment before he lowered his mouth to hers, kissing her until she was writhing with longing.

  He reached for where he had thrown his trousers, and, taking out his wallet, retrieved a tiny square that contained a condom. He quickly applied it before coming down over her, positioning himself so she wasn’t taking all of his weight.

  His first thrust was gentle, making Sabrina’s skin leap in exci
tement, a rush of feeling so intense it took her breath away.

  ‘Am I hurting you?’ Mario asked, tensing.

  She let out a sigh of bliss. ‘No, it’s perfect. You are perfect.’

  Mario gradually increased his pace, becoming lost in the sensations flooding his system. She was such a generous lover, so willing to give as well as receive. He was blown away by the power her body had over him. Making love with her was so different from his other experiences. She somehow lifted him to another sphere, a place where mind, body and soul were inextricably linked, where feelings he had not thought possible began to unfurl inside him like a tight bud blossoming under the first rays of warm spring sun.

  He loved the way her body fit his as if it had been made especially for him. Her slim limbs wrapped around him so naturally; her soft mouth received his with such warmth, and her feminine heart gripped him as if she never wanted to let him go.

  Mario felt her shudder as he drove a little harder, her body starting to convulse around his as she came. He felt a powerful surge of emotion as she gasped and whimpered his name, her slender arms holding him tightly as the tumult of her orgasm ricocheted through her. His own release was just as powerful; it bulleted through him like a pump-action rifle, sending him tumbling in a vortex of sensation that was totally earth-shattering.

  Mario lay with her encircled in his arms as their heart rates gradually returned to normal, his fingers idly playing a rhythmic tune on the silky skin of her arm as if on a keyboard. It wasn’t a song he recognised—it had no words—but he knew he didn’t want it to end.

  Not yet.


  THE baby monitor sounded and Sabrina moved out of Mario’s arms, retrieving her clothes from the flaoor, trying not to feel embarrassed at her nakedness. ‘I’d better go and see if she needs changing or something,’ she said as she dressed with as much dignity as she could.


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