The Hidden History of Burma
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Living Color (magazine), 121
logging trade, 51
Lo Hsing-han, 50
Mabatha, 216–17
MacNamara, N. C., 21
Mahamuni image, 10
Malacca, Straits of, 117
Malinowski, Tom, 177
malnutrition, 60–61, 75
Mandalay, 15, 16, 69
Mandalay kung pao chicken incident, 164
Manipur kingdom, 13
Manningham-Buller, Eliza, 156
marriage, under British rule, 23–24
Marriage and Succession Act (1939), Buddhist Women’s Special, 29
Maubin, 198
Maugham, Somerset, 24, 28
Maung Aye, 69, 133
Maung Than, 72–73
McCain, John, 46, 137, 156
McConnell, Mitch, 66, 156
McKinsey (consulting firm), 195–96
Médecins Sans Frontières, 92, 239
Meiktila violence, 185, 186, 187
Metta Sutta (Buddhist discourse), 76–77
Michel, Louis, 94–95
military regimes. See Ne Win; Than Shwe
Min Aung Hlaing, General, 135, 214, 221, 222–23, 241–42
Mindon, King, 15, 16, 28
Min Ko Naing, 186
Min Zaw Oo, 124–25, 174
Mitchell, Derek, 149
Mizzima-desa, 11–12
Modi, Narendra, 242
Moe Moe Myint Aung
captivity and escape, 59–60
early life of, 56
employment, 56–57, 58
jailed as illegal immigrant, 57–58
Monetary Fund, International, 138
money and wealth, accumulating, 50–53
gambling operations, 52
heroin trade, 50–51
jade mines, 51, 198–99
timber trade, 51
two paths to, 52, 53
Mon people, 22
Moynihan, Daniel, 46
Mrauk-U kingdom, 10, 35–36
Mughal people, 10, 12
Mujahedeen, 232
Mujahid Party, 30, 36
multi-national races (taing-yintha), 107–8
Muslim-Buddhist conflict
complexity of, 187–88
renewed clashes, 183–84
resolving, 231
riots and resentments, 67
Thein Sein stance on, 182–83
Tin Hlaing recollections of, 180–81
violence, anti-Muslim, 184–87
violence erupting, 180–82
See also army-ARSA conflict
Muslim people
animosity toward, 185
in British colonial times, 25–27
Thein Sein on, 182–83
See also Muslim-Buddhist conflict; Rohingya people
Burma name changed to, x–xi, 43–44
newfound pride in, 205
New York Times op-ed, 119
See also Burma
Myanmar, United Nations Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on, 241
Myanma race, 9, 22
Myanmar Convention Centre, 130
Myanmar Development Research Institute, 154
“Myanmar: Let the Journey Begin” (film), 196
Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army, 112–13, 201
Myanmar Peace Center
dissolution of, 225, 226
establishment of, 167
talks at, 174
work of, 168
Myanmar Peace Fund, 167
Myint, U, 130, 136–37, 142
Myitkyina, 177
Myitsone dam, 145–47
Myo Yan Naing Thein, 233
Naf River, 14, 26
Naga-min army, 37
Nambiar, Vijay, 171
Nanavati, D. D., 24
narcotics trade, 50–51, 200
Nargis (2008 cyclone)
account of, first-hand, 83–87
aftermath of, 102
author, diplomatic efforts of, 94–95
Burmese NGOs, aid from, 99–100
days leading up to, 86
devastation of, 87–88, 89, 91–92
developing crisis, 87–88
diplomatic efforts following, 92–93
future aid restricted, 99
government referendum in wake of, 91
government response to, 88, 89–90
initial response to, 89
international response to, 90, 95–99
Noeleen Heyzer and, 100–101
political situation following, 99
post-Nargis recovery conference, 101
US response to, 90–91, 93–94, 97–99
Nasaka, 185
National Defense and Security Council, 235–36
National Democracy Alliance Army, 52
National Democratic Alliance Army, Myanmar, 112, 201
National Democratic Front, 126, 127
National Economic and Social Advisory Council, 154, 218
national identity, forging new, 255–56
Arakanese, tied to ethnic identity, 35–36
author on, 78
Buddhist nationalists, 209
under colonial rule, 28
of Kachin people, 113–14
revival of, by junta, 43–44
seeds of, 34–35
See also ethno-nationalism
National League for Democracy (NLD)
Aung San Suu Kyi role in, 39–40, 47–48, 63, 224
Condoleezza Rice support for, 74
constitutional convention and, 47–48
constitutional reform, exploring (2019), 253
constitution proposal rejected by, 107
decline of, 62–63
dissolution of, 126
election win (1990), 43, 221
election win (2012), 154–55
election win (2015), 218–19, 220–21
formation of, 39–40
imprisonment of members, 106
Martyrs Day participation, 141
name clarification, 209
paranoia of, 234–35
people supporting, 230–31
power strategy lacking, 223
regime change, arguing for, 61–62
unclear economic agenda of, 230
UN General Assembly and, 73
See also Ko Ni; National Democratic Front; Nyo Aye
National Unity Party, 126
National Workshop on the Reforms for National Economic Development, 142
Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement
proposal introduced, 172–73
signing of, 217
nativism, rise of, 43–44
See also nationalism
natural resources
China profiting from Burma’s, 117–18
colonial period exports of, 17–18
gas, exporting, 53–54
jade mines, 51
logging trade, 51
See also Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative; jade mines; logging trade
Naypyitaw (capital)
building of, 69–70, 79–80, 110
meeting of officials in, 80
Nay Win Maung
background of, 120–21
Egress think tank and, 122–23, 139–40, 165
frenzied life of, 123–24
loss and legacy of, 151–52
Min Zaw Oo meeting, 125
Nay Win Maung correspondence, 134
Tin Maung Thann and, 120–21
Ne Win
background of, 32–33
Chinese takeout incident, 164
education system and, 33
family of, arrested, 68
resignation of, 38
taking over, as president, 34
See also Burma Socialist Programme Party
NGO(s) (non-governmental organizations)
aiding cyclone victims, 99–100
Paungku as, 100
Proximity as, 97
Nilar Thein, 186
Nimitz (ship), 91
1988 Uprising, 39
Nippon Foundation, 177
Nishikawa, Ryoichi, 177
Nishikawa, Yohei, 177
NLD. See National League for Democracy
Nobel Peace Prize (1991), 43, 155
Non-Aligned Movement, 74
Nordgaard, Katja, 149
Nyo Aye, 211–12
Obama, Barack
Aung San Suu Kyi and, 156, 161
at East Asia Summit, 149
heritage protection meeting and, 193
visiting Burma, 159–61
Office of Strategic Studies, 68
Official Secrets Act, 243
Okkan, 185
Operation Flush (1947), 233
Operation Monsoon (1954), 232
Origin and Character of the British People (MacNamara), 21
Orwell, George, 19
British separation of, 29
Indo-Pakistani War, 37
Pakistani Taliban, 219
rejecting annexation of Arakan, 36, 232
terrorist group link, 235
See also Bangladesh
Panglong Conference (1947), 226
Panglong Conference, 21st-century (2016), 226–27, 228–29
Pariah (Paraiyar) people, 23
Pasang, Comrade, 175–76
Paungku (NGO), 100
peace-building mission, UN, 73
Peace Center, Myanmar, 167–68, 225
Peace Donor Support Group, 167
Peace Fund, Myanmar, 167
peace process
Beyond Ceasefires Initiative and, 175–76
as failure, 255
identity issues, addressing, 179
international involvement in, 177
legitimacy concerns, 178–79
Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (2015), 2, 217–18
roadblocks in, 176
United States involvement in, 177
Pe Myint, 234
Peng Jiasheng, 112–13, 178
A People at School (Hall), 47
Petrie, Charles, 71, 74–75, 77
Phayre, Sir Arthur, 22, 28
Phyu Phyu Thin, 71–72
Pillay, Navi, 210
Pitsuwan, Surin, 96
plural society, Burma as, 19
Political Affairs, United Nations Department of, 78
political change. See elections; specific political parties; specific politicians
political parties. See Arakan National Party; Burma Socialist Programme Party; Communist Party; Kachin State Progressive Party; Mujahid Party; National Democratic Front; National League for Democracy; National Unity Party; Rakhine Nationalities Development Party; Union Solidarity and Development Party
political party registration law, 147
politics, author analysis of
democracy related to politics, 257
present-day political landscape, 258
race and identity tied to politics, 255–56
Ponnanda, U, 186
Ponzi scheme, 202
Population Fund, United Nations, 209
poverty and inflation
Charles Petrie statement, 77
Rangoon protests linked to, 75–78
rural development conference, 137
sanctions and restrictions contributing to, 81
scope of, 60–61, 75, 198
Shwe Mann on, 136
Powell, Jonathan, 224
Power, Samantha, 177
Pradhan, Shiv Ram, 175–76
protests. See demonstrations and protests
Proximity (NGO), 97
Psychological Warfare Unit, 45
Qi Jianguo, 170–71
race and identity (colonial period)
Arakan population and, 26–27
Burma partition and racial identity, 29
census (2011) and, 23, 28
ethnic classification and, 25
interracial sex and marriage, 23–24
kala viewed as, 11, 19
labor division and, 19
martial and non-martial races, 28
mixed ancestry, 24–26
racial classification, 21–22
science of, 22–23
society division and, 20
race and identity (post-colonial)
author analysis of, 255–56
constitutional formula tied to, 108–9
constitution “Basic Principles” and, 107–8
future separation of, 255–56
135 national races concept, 108
race-based nation beliefs, 209
socialist idea of, 35
UN census and, 209–10
See also citizenship issues; indigenous races
racial identity. See race and identity
Rajapaksa, Mahinda, 112
Rakhine Nationalities Development Party, 128
Rakhine state
ARSA attacking villages of, 238
Kofi Annan on, 237
Narendra Modi on, 242
See also Arakan
Rambo IV, 70
author residing in, 189–91
British assault and annexation of, 14, 15
building preservation in (see Yangon Heritage Trust)
conservation and urban planning, 218
as cosmopolitan center, 18
founding of, 8
21st-century changes in, 54, 204
Rangoon University
Aung San Suu Kyi discussion at, 252
Barack Obama speech at, 160–61
U Thant burial conflict at, 33
accounts of Muslim, 233
Arakanese, 13
in Bangladesh camps, 240, 242–43
Chinese, 177
Refugees, UN High Commissioner for, 182
growing role of, 131–32
and race protection bills, 208–9, 216–17, 231
Rangoon religious sites, protecting, 191–92
See also Buddhism; Buddhist people; Christians; Hindu people; Islam; Muslim people
Religion (Mabatha), Association for the Protection of Race and, 208–9, 216–17
Restoration Council of Shan State, 166, 248
Revolution (2007), Saffron, 75–78, 146
Revolutionary Council, 31, 34
revolutionary groups. See All Burma Students’ Democratic Front; National League for Democracy
Rhodes, Ben, 149, 161, 193, 227–28
Rice, Condoleezza, 67, 74
Buddhist-Muslim, 67
Burmese-Indian, 29
following death of U Thant, 33
in Meiktila, 185, 186, 187
Rockefeller, David, 63
Rohingya people
attacks on, 210, 235, 239–40
census issue involving, 209–10
children suffering malnutrition, 236
citizenship status of, 182
crimes against, 245
demanding autonomous state, 36
discrimination against, 128
genocide accusations, 240, 245
human rights and humanitarian crisis of, 236
migrants’ plight, 213
name as identity-related, xii, 26–27, 109
as northern Arakan Muslims, 207
poverty existence of, 211
refugee crisis of, 1–2, 235, 242–43
refugee repatriation, 45
Reuters incident, 243
Rohingya Solidary Organization and, 37, 44
Thein Sein on, 182
2010 election and, 127
UN condemning attacks on, 245–46
voting rights issue, 211, 213
women, abuses toward, 211
See also Arakan
Rohingya Solidarity Organization, 37, 44, 232
Rudd, Kevin, 148, 192
Ruili (China), 170
Saffron Revolution (2007), 75–78, 146
on past and future, 258
author opposing, 78, 79
as counterproductive, 119
George W. Bush imposing, 65, 71, 77, 96
impacting economy, 53–54
Schmidt, Emil, 21
seafood trade (Thailand), 72–73
Sein Win, 64
Seven-Step Road Map to Democracy, 69
Seven Years of Devastation, 13
Shah Shuja, 183
Shan people, 17, 22, 226, 248
Shan State, Restoration Council of, 166, 248
Shan State Army North, 166, 248
Shelley, Mary, 13
Shelley, Percy, 13
Shwedagon Pagoda, 28, 160
Shwe Mann
Aung San Suu Kyi relationship, 161, 215, 216
background of, 133–34
denied presidency, 133–34
as head of parliamentary commission, 224
Hillary Clinton meeting, 150
Nargis disaster and, 97
as negotiator, 152
as parliamentary speaker, 134, 136, 214–15
party leadership resignation, 216
Sino-Burmese relations, 228, 254
See also China
Smithers, Lady, 38
Smithers, Sir Peter, 38
Smithuis, Frank, 75
Snipes, Wesley, 70
socialism, 31, 34, 35, 43, 45, 51–52
Socialism, Burmese Way to, 31, 43, 45, 51–52
Socialist Programme Party, Burma, 34, 126
Soe Thane
author meeting with, 138–41
background of, 157
Bono meeting with, 155–56
as economic czar, 153
as heritage protection advocate, 192
international travel of, 117–18
loss of political clout, 214
meeting with investors, 195
Nargis disaster and, 93–94
negotiating Western leader visits, 159
normalizing Western ties, 118–19
Western ways, imitating, 158–59
Solheim, Erik, 120, 148
Song Tao (China), 228
Soorti Mansions, 190–91, 194
Soros, George, 151, 154
state capitalism, 200, 249, 256
State Counsellor, 224
State Law and Order Restoration Council (SLORC), 39, 45
Steel Brothers, 17–18
St. Hugh’s College (Oxford), 241
Stiglitz, Joseph, 129–30
Støre, Jonas, 148
Suboi Jum, 114–15
Sumlut Gun Maw, 169, 171
Sundaravej, Samak, 94–95
Taang National Liberation Front, 248
Tagore, Rabindranath, 18
Taiping Rebellion, 17
Tambora, Mount, 12
Tamil people, 25, 112
Taylor, Jim, 97
Tayok people, 22
tayok term, 22, 108
telecommunications investment, 196
Aung San Suu Kyi in, 155
George and Laura Bush visiting, 97
junta timber deals with, 49
refugees fleeing to, 58, 66, 165
seafood trade, 72–73
Thai migrant smugglers, 231
Than Shwe
asserting power, 67–70
Aung San Suu Kyi meeting, 47–48