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Mind (the) Game

Page 10

by Kelly Shade

  “Which is when?” asked Vidal.

  “Good acting, Vidal! Yesterday, between 5 and 6 am.” Ryan joined in with a sarcasm and added the time of death.

  “I was home. Sleeping.” Simply said Vidal, ignoring the comment.

  “Is there someone who can confirm?” asked Nick impatiently.

  “I have security cameras in every room at my house. If I went out I would be on tape. Ask my security guard to give you the tapes.” Said Silvio.

  “We will.” Said Nick, stood up and turned to Jane and Ryan “I’ll sent Evans to get the tapes.”

  Gray and Blake nodded and Lee went out of the room leaving them to finish the interrogation.

  “How would you explain the fact we found the murder weapon with your DNA on it? And we have photos of you in front of the law firm Mr. Nelson worked.” Said Ryan arrogantly. It was obvious he didn’t like Vidal and he definitely didn’t treat him like any other suspect.

  “I don’t know how that happened.” Silvio lifted his eyebrows in surprise. “Maybe I’m being set up.”

  “Yeah, right.” Ryan frowned “I guess you think we are that stupid?”

  “I don’t know about you, Mr. Gray, you don’t look very bright but I know Blake is way smarter than both of us.” Silvio said with irritation.

  “Nice observation.” Jane joined in “So you think you were set up? Why?”

  Ryan glanced at Jane with anger but didn’t say a thing.

  “I have a theory but I would like to share it only with you, Blake.” Said Vidal while staring at Ryan.

  “Yeah, that’s not happening. You can’t make a detective leave just because you want to, it is not how it works.” Chirped Ryan.

  “Actually, Gray, I would like a word with Mr. Vidal … alone.” Jane said, giving him a look that clearly meant ‘go out now’.

  Ryan hesitated for a moment but when Jane crossed her hands waiting for him to leave he decided it was best to walk out without further discussion.

  After the door closed behind Ryan, Jane turned to Vidal questioningly.

  “I prefer not to talk when I’m on camera so would you, please?” said Vidal and pointed at the video camera which recorded all interrogations.

  Jane lifted her shoulders, looked around, reached, pushed a button on the side of it and then, with a hair pin she removed Vidal’s handcuffs.

  “I guess now should be much better.” She said calmly and leaned back in her chair.

  “Thank you!” Vidal said while rubbing his wrists “So about the murder...”

  “I hope you’re not playing with me, because you will regret it.” Jane spoke quietly.

  “No, I swear, I’m not messing around. I’m not that dumb, Blake.” Silvio hurried to explain.

  Blake could see he wanted to earn her trust but she had no idea why.

  “Then tell me who would want to set you up and why?” Jane asked.

  “I don’t know who in particular but I know why.” Silvio breathed in and out slowly “I believe you remember who told you about Michael Morse’s location?”

  “I don’t really know. It was a phone call.” Jane said and wrinkled her eyebrows.

  “I told the location to a man who claimed he wanted to help you catch Morse. I thought you know him.” Silvio was surprised. “I think Michael Morse knows it was me and wants to punish me. And it is better to put me in prison than kill me himself.”

  “Why is that?” asked Jane.

  “Because when you cracked his organization I cooperated with the FBI. We made a deal- I give out the locations of most of Morse’s associates and they forget about the fact that a long time ago I laundered his money through my business.” Said Vidal ashamed. “If I get thrown in jail, I’ll last no more than five minutes!”

  Blake didn’t say anything to that statement but it made sense to her. She stood up, headed to the door, reached for the handle but Silvio Vidal stopped her when he said “Do you believe me?”

  “It depends.” Answered Jane and walked out.

  In the office Ryan and Nick were having a heated conversation which stopped at the moment Blake walked in. Ryan was too offended to look at her but Nick joined her at her desk and started asking what happened. Jane explained calmly hoping he would consider investigating more on the case but unfortunately he didn’t.

  “Jane, he is just trying to save his ass, that’s it. I don’t buy his story.” Said Lee and returned to his desk.

  “Well, I do.” Jane said quietly, then cleared her throat and almost shouted “Long time ago that would be enough.”

  “You are deluded!” Ryan couldn’t contain himself anymore. “He made you a compliment and it was enough for your ego to trust him. You are arrogant and you think you know everything, but let me tell you something,” Gray took a deep breath, “you can’t go against hard evidence! He killed Silvester Nelson and that’s it, got it?”

  Jane was stunned. There was a lot she could say but preferred not to open her mouth. Ryan was hurt and it wasn’t because of Vidal. This was his way to hurt her, to make her feel as bad as he felt yesterday morning. But unfortunately it didn’t work as he wanted, Jane was only angry at him because of the way he talked to her.

  Evans walked in the office and broke the awkward silence when she said

  “These are the records!” and gave it to Ryan to play it on his laptop.

  Blake didn’t go to see it with the other two, who were behind Ryan’s chair waiting for him to turn on the video.

  Several minutes later Jane noticed that Nick, Victoria and Ryan wore puzzled expressions and Gray was typing something looking up and down from the monitor to the keyboard. Obviously it wasn’t working, whatever he was trying to do, because everyone went back at their desks.

  “It was replaced. An hour around the time of the murder was replaced by another footage.” Announced Nick.

  “What kind of footage?” asked Jane.

  “Well, nothing special, just him sleeping. But it was unprofessionally made, even I could see something was wrong!” explained Lee.

  Blake knew that this meant Vidal was on his way to the prison in no time. With the smoking gun, his clear motive and no alibi he didn’t stand a chance no matter how good the lawyer he hires is.

  Victoria Evans left, after all it was almost three in the morning, Ryan also went home without saying a word and only Nick stayed a little longer to finish with all the paperwork. After half an hour he also headed home to get some rest, leaving Blake alone in the office. She knew Vidal had to spend the night in a cell and in the morning the DA would charge him with a first degree murder.

  Jane leaned back in her chair, lifted her feet on the desk and closed her eyes again, thinking. Is it possible Vidal is innocent? Something told her she should believe he wasn’t the killer but Blake wasn’t sure in her senses. At least not after Chile.

  An idea formed in her head, a stupid thought that made her open her eyes again. Maybe that was the answer, maybe this was the way she would start believing in herself again. Blake decided to go for it, stood up and headed to the holding cells. A young policeman was guarding and when he saw her he let her in without asking why she was there.

  Vidal was alone, sitting in the bed with his head in his hands, swinging back and forth. Blake walked to the bars quietly but Silvio heard her steps and lifted his head up.

  “What are you doing here? They told me they have all the evidence to put me in jail.” Said Silvio sadly.

  “I wanna try something but you need to come closer.” Said Jane mysteriously which made Vidal froze.

  “What do you mean you wanna try something?” he asked with fear.

  “Trust me.” She said firmly and looked straight in his eyes.

  Vidal stood up and walked to her. Now only the cell bars were separating them, he was as close as he could to her. Jane reached, grabbed his wrist and squeezed it gently. Silvio looked like he wanted to move back but he couldn’t, he has to stay even if it was against his will.

  “What i
s your name?” Jane asked when his eye pupils became as small as a pinhead.

  “Silvio Vidal.” He answered.

  “Now I want you to listen to my voice very carefully. You are in a safe place and I am your friend. You can tell me everything, I will protect you.” Jane spoke calmly and quietly “You need to remember what did you do yesterday?” She continued gently, Silvio was in trans “Tell me how was your day?”

  “I was at the pool in the morning, then at the gym, doing my usual routine. I ate lunch with a friend, then I went home. I had an argument with the manager of my stores and all the afternoon I spend reading CVs, I had to hire another one and get rid of that stealing bastard. Then I had a dinner at home, watched some TV and went to bed.” Vidal sang it like a bird.

  “Okay, Silvio.” Jane said kindly “Tell me when did you wake up and what did you do after?”

  “I woke up at ten something. I went to the pool for my morning lap and then to the gym.” Vidal said calmly.

  “I want you to tell me honestly did you kill Silvester Nelson?” Blake asked.

  “I’ve killed the son of a bitch million times in my head.” Said Vidal and moved a little. It looked like he hated the man so much that he was almost out of the trans. The feelings provoked by the name of the victim would have cost Jane to lose Vidal.

  “Did you do it?” Blake hurried to ask before he returned in his right mind again.

  “No. I didn’t kill him. I preferred his wife, my ex, to destroy him and I knew she would do it at some point.” Vidal answered honestly.

  Blake reached for his hand again but before she touched it she added quietly.

  “You will not remember we had this conversation.”

  Vidal nodded and she squeezed his wrist. He looked around as if he was just waking up.

  “What are you doing here? They told me they have all the evidence to put me in jail.” Said Silvio with the same sad expression he had five minutes ago when he asked the same question.

  “I wanted to make sure if we have the right guy.” Said Jane and asked as if for the first time that night “Did you kill Silvester Nelson?”

  “No. I told you I was set up.” Vidal moved back to the bed.

  “Okay.” Said Jane and turned around.

  “Do you believe me?” Silvio asked, his voice full of hope.

  “Yes.” Jane looked at him.

  “Can you fix it?” he asked.

  “I can try. But I can’t promise anything.” Answered Jane and walked out.

  There were several hours until the team and more importantly Hunt, came to work. Blake returned to her previous position in her office chair hoping she can sleep for a while. She felt into a light sleep half an hour before Nick and Victoria walked in with laughter and woke her up.

  Blake tried to make Lee wait with charging Vidal, but he wouldn’t listen to her. Victoria was firmly behind Nick saying that Vidal was a hundred percent guilty. Blake knew when a battle is lost so she headed to Hunt’s office hoping he would be more reasonable.

  “Morning!” Jane said when she walked in.

  “Hey, Blake, what’s up?” Hunt welcomed her and added with a smile “Congrats on the closed case! Nice work!”

  “About that, Connor,” Jane started with hesitation, “I think Vidal isn’t the killer.”

  “Come on, Jane, we can’t go against the evidence!” Hunt’s good mood disappeared.

  “Do you trust me?” Jane asked but she knew the answer. Everyone, including Hunt, weren’t the same as before, they didn’t take her as seriously as they did last year.

  “Blake, I’m sorry but we are charging him and that’s it. The case is closed.” Hunt said firmly.

  “Just give me 24 hours, that’s all I’m asking.” Jane asked as politely as she could.

  “I…” started Hunt with frustration “I have to talk to the DA but I guess I can get like half a day at the most.”

  “I can do it. Just keep Vidal here okay?” said Jane.

  Hunt nodded and Blake hurried out of his office before he could change his mind and went back to the team. She knew they may not want to help her but if Hunt was giving her a chance at least Lee would be on her side.

  Blake walked in and Ryan, Nick and Victoria were already on their desks with coffees in their hands. Everyone froze when they saw Jane’s smile, they knew she persuaded Hunt.

  “So you made him believe you, huh?” said Ryan with a nasty grin.

  Jane ignored him and went straight to Lee with the words “You can be part of capturing the real killer or you can leave me do it on my own. Your decision.”

  “If Hunt is okay with that, we are all in.” puffed Lee and the other two nodded. It was apparent for Jane that he didn’t want to help her or to be involved but he had to, especially now when he was in charge of the team.

  “Okay.” Said Jane firmly and went to the white board, took a marker and started writing the information they already had. She wrote the most suspicious clients the lawyer had, the wife and several friends they had questioned through the investigation.

  Jane made Ryan check all of them once more while Lee was digging in the wife’s finances and Victoria was going through the victim’s personal affects again.

  Hours were passing by with no success and Jane was getting annoyed of the fact someone would get away with a murder and Vidal was going to pay with his life for that. There was something about Silvio that Jane found fascinating, an unreasonable connection that she couldn’t explain to herself but she wanted to help him because of it.

  Blake got so irritated that she wanted a smoke, the bad habit was coming back every time she felt nervous. With great effort she decided not to do it and instead of walk to the park she went to see Barbara Bradley in the morgue.

  “Hey!” Bradley welcomed her with a smile but the good mood was soon replaced with an anxious expression after Jane explained why she was there. Barbara, like the others, didn’t believe her.

  “Just check the weapon one more time, the bullets, the clip, everything. Please!” Blake asked with a smile.

  “Okay, girl, but I’m telling you I found his fingerprints everywhere. I triple checked before I sent the info to your team.” Barbara said, fixed her curly hair, put the working gloves and murmured to herself “nicotine, propylene glycol, glycerin, vanilla essence, I have to test it again…”

  Jane froze for a second and then almost shouted “That’s it!”

  Barbara jumped and spoke with high pitch voice “Girl, you gonna give me a heart attack!”

  “Sorry!” Jane said and hurried out of the morgue leaving Barbara speechless.

  Blake ran to the office, slammed the door open and yelled to her sleepy colleagues. “I know who the killer is!”

  Nick and Victoria, who put a mug of coffee in Jane’s hand, asked in one voice “Who?”

  Even Ryan looked interested in Jane’s theory.

  “Where we can find nicotine, propylene glycol, glycerin and vanilla essence?” Blake asked eagerly.

  “Cigarettes with flavor?” suggested Ryan.

  “Close but not exactly.” Jane turned to Nick hoping he would have the right answer.

  “Umm, I don’t know,” he mumbled, “e-cigarettes?”

  “Exactly!” Jane chirped “And who smoked e-cigarettes?”

  Victoria, Nick and Ryan looked at each other puzzled but Gray gave it a try “The PI guy?”

  Jane smiled at him which seemed that mellowed him down and he also changed the firm expression with one of his charming smiles.

  “How can we be sure?” asked Victoria.

  “We are not, but it’s a good shot.” Jane said, drank almost all the coffee in one sip and added “Just let me do the talking, okay?”

  The team agreed silently and all of the headed to the parking lot. Blake got the car keys, she wanted to go to the PI’s address as fast as possible because she wasn’t sure if he would be there. Blake started the car and drove off furiously which made Evans go crazy scared. Victoria hadn’t had
the pleasure to be in a car when Jane was driving till now.

  They were almost at Harold Maloney’s house, there was just one turn which Jane decided to take with a drift. At first it was going okay but Jane’s eyes made a nasty trick on her, her vision blurred and she almost crashed the back of the car into an electricity pole. Ryan pressed his feet to ‘hit the breaks’ on the passenger seat, at the back seat Nick and Victoria yelled and grabbed the handles. Blake blinked several times, her vision got better and she missed the pole by inches. Then she slowed down and parked in front of Maloney’s house.

  Victoria and Nick got out of the car quickly without saying a word but Ryan sat inside, looking at Jane with concern.

  “What happened?” he asked quietly hoping she wouldn’t get mad.

  “I don’t know, everything got blurry for a second and my head was kind of…” Jane wasn’t angry at him, she also got scared from the stunt.

  Blake noticed, that Ryan was worried but he didn’t want to push it so he simply said “You need to get some quality sleep, Jane, the office chair is not the place.” Ryan walked out and joined the other two.

  Blake took a deep breath and went out of the car too, headed to the front door of Maloney’s home and by the time she was there she felt way better.

  Jane knocked several times but no one answered. She looked at Nick and Victoria and made a gesture that they should go to the back door. Ryan and Jane looked through the windows but no one was there. It looked like Maloney ran after their first visit.

  “What…” started Ryan but was interrupted by shouts from behind the house.

  “Don’t move!” Nick’s voice made Jane and Ryan run to the backyard.

  Maloney was running from Nick and Victoria trough the yard, they were right behind him. Ryan and Jane followed them with their weapons in their hands. A bullet flew by Blake and they all realized Maloney was armed. He hid behind a tree after he jumped over the small white fence of his garden. The team split up and slowly approached him.

  “Come on, Harold, it’s over! We know you killed Silvester Nelson and we can prove it.” Jane, also behind a tree on the street, spoke loud and calm.

  “I knew you were smart, Blake, but I’m not going to jail.” Shouted the PI with trembling voice.


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