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The Biker's Needs

Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  He glared at her. “You loved me.”

  “Delusional. I never loved you, Calum. Ever. You were … hard work.” She shrugged. “Now, I can move on and live my own life.”

  “You mean with that biker club?” he asked. “Yeah, I heard they’re leaving as well, but seeing as not one of them is here, I guess they don’t want your fat ass with them.”

  She smiled. His mean words weren’t exactly new to her. Calum liked to belittle her when he wasn’t getting his way. One moment she was beautiful, the next, an ugly fat cow. The guy needed some serious therapy. What did hurt was knowing Ape was leaving and he hadn’t told her.

  What they had wasn’t … special. They were having some fun, even if she had started to enjoy waking up to his kisses and being in his arms.

  It didn’t stop her plans. She was moving on, finally.

  “Are you done? You’ve got a wife at home who probably needs you to pet her some more.” She pulled her bag up her shoulder, grabbing her keys.

  “Baby, please,” Calum said. “I know I screwed up, but it’s you I’ve always wanted. Just you.”

  She rolled her eyes. “No, it’s not going to happen. You think I don’t see this game you’re playing?”

  Calum touched her arm and tried to pull her close, but she pushed him away. “Stop it.”

  Before she could knee him in the balls, someone pulled him back and she watched as Ape had Calum in a chokehold. “Who the fuck do you think you are trying to touch my woman?”

  “Ape, stop,” she said. The last thing she wanted was for Ape to get into trouble for hurting a guy who meant nothing. She grabbed his arm. “Please, he’s not worth it.”

  “He’s not worth it, but you are. The way he treated you and I heard what he said, Charlotte. You deserve so much more.” He glanced back at her. “You don’t deserve second best.”

  “I know, but you don’t deserve to go to prison for this asshole. Come on, Calum won’t tell a soul, will you?”

  Calum got redder with every passing second. This was getting way out of hand.

  “Come on, please,” she said.

  She was moving on with her life and the last thing she wanted was for it to be ruined because of Ape. That would just make Calum’s day if he could somehow trap her here. She finally saw the mistake she’d been making. She’d given him all the power by sticking around, playing into his need to control.

  No more. She was moving on. Leaving this town and not looking back. She was going to make the most of her life.

  Slowly, Ape let go of Calum and she breathed out a sigh of relief.

  Calum collapsed to the ground, his hand going to his neck. “I will sue you for this,” he said.

  “Go ahead. Sue him. I’d love to see how that wife of yours loves you when I tell the entire town that you like to fuck around on her. I wonder if she’d be happy to share her very rich life with you after that.”

  “You wouldn’t dare.”

  “Come after him and let’s see if I do dare.”

  Chapter Six

  Ape stared around Charlotte’s apartment, seeing the few boxes she’d already packed up. “What’s going on?”

  “I’m out of here. I’ve got another week, but I intend to be gone and I won’t look back. I want out of this town.” Charlotte had gone to the kitchen but she peeked her head around the door. “You want pizza?”

  “Sure. You’re wanting out of town?”

  “Like I told you before. It was never my intention to stay for so long.” She walked back into the room with a cell phone attached to her ear. He listened as she made the order for enough pizza to fill the entire club. She hung up. “I’m starving. I’m really sorry about Calum. He shouldn’t sue.”

  “You think he’s the first rich prick I’ve upset? I do it on a regular basis. It’s like a hobby.”

  “Still, it must not be nice being threatened.”

  “Would you do it?”

  “Tell the entire town?”

  He nodded.

  “Hell, yeah. I can’t stand him. He’s gotten on my nerves for the last time. I don’t want you to be hurt because of me. I’d have loved to see you choke him to death. That would have been a lot of fun.”

  He laughed and watched as she tucked some hair behind her ear. “So, er, he did mention that you guys were moving on.”

  “He did?”

  “Were you going to tell me?”

  “I only found out this morning.”

  She stared at him and he gritted his teeth.

  “I’m thirsty.” She turned her back and he watched her go.

  What the fuck are you doing? Just ask her to come with you.

  “What’s happening with your shop?” he asked.

  “The lease is nearly up. I’ve canceled all my clients before they have a chance to. I’m free. I’ve got nothing to take with me. Most of this is going either into storage, or I’m thinking of donating it. Then I’m done.” She smiled at him. “Where do you think you guys will go?”

  “I don’t know. The open road. Destination is always unknown.”

  “Sounds like fun.”

  He stepped up toward her and she tilted her head back. “It is a lot of fun. You don’t know when your next stop is going to be. No bathroom. Just rest stops if we’re lucky.”

  She smiled.

  Sinking his fingers into her hair, he tilted her head back. “It’s not a place for a woman.”

  “Piper deals.”

  “I know.”

  “What are you trying to say?” she asked.

  He slammed his lips down on hers. As he slid his tongue across her mouth, she opened up and he plunged inside. She tasted fucking exquisite. He couldn’t get enough of her. One taste was never going to be enough. The past week and a half weren’t enough.

  Going to her jeans, he opened the catch and slid the fabric down her thighs. After tearing off her panties, he picked her up off the floor and placed her on the counter, spreading her thighs.

  He slid his zipper down, pulled out his cock, grabbed a condom, and rolled it over his erection.

  Within seconds, he was inside her, filling her tight cunt.

  They both groaned, the sounds they made surrounding them.

  She wrapped her legs around his waist and he cupped her ass, fucking inside her hard and fast, taking her.

  “Fuck, you feel so good.” He growled the words next to her neck. He pulled out of her and slammed inside.

  The counter wasn’t good enough, so he held her in his arms and moved her toward her bedroom. Dropping her to the bed, he pushed her shirt up and cupped her heavy tits. The red nipples were already hard. He pinched them, and she cried out. The small bite of pain was what she needed.

  He dropped his hands down to her hips, holding them as he pounded inside her tight pussy, watching her open up beneath him. There wasn’t going to be another woman quite like her.

  So thirsty for his cock. Open to his sexual appetites. When he’d gone into her shop and saw Calum with his hands on her, he’d nearly lost it. There was no one else he wanted to see. Was this what Colonel was talking about? The possessive need that overtook all common sense? He wasn’t used to feeling this way about a woman.

  He’d never experienced love.

  The only feeling he had was on the open road and his club. Women had always come into his life and left so easily. They didn’t matter to him.

  Yet, he couldn’t think of a night without Charlotte. She’d gotten under his skin. Could he really invite her along? What if she hated it? What if this was just moments of passion because they both craved something they knew they couldn’t truly find with one another?

  He pulled out of her, flipped her over onto her knees, found his way inside her again, and wrapped his fingers around her neck, tilting her head back, and kissing her hard.

  The angle was odd but he delved between her thighs, stroking her clit, wanting to feel her come all over his dick.

  He was obsessed. This kind of feeling wasn’t heal

  There was no way he was going to ask her.

  “Please, Ape,” she said.

  He fingered her pussy, teasing her to the point of release and only when she couldn’t take another moment, he pushed her over the peak, following her into orgasm. All the while knowing the choice he had to make was one he found difficult.

  You’re a fucking coward.

  You could have Charlotte and keep her.

  Even still, as he pulled out, he knew he wasn’t going to ask her. Watching her walk away or her hating him, that was just too hard for him to bear.


  Ape was gone.

  Charlotte had no job. No home. No anything.

  She glanced up at the shop one final time and smiled. It was time for her to move on. Calum hadn’t sued Ape, which was a good thing, seeing as he wouldn’t have gotten very far.

  With her bag high up on her shoulder, she turned toward her car. She had no idea how long it was going to last, but so long as it got her out of town, she didn’t care.

  Throwing her bag into the back seat, she climbed into the front. Each second that passed, her heart broke a little more.

  Love was supposed to take a long time to develop. There was no possible way she could love a man she barely knew. Ape wasn’t hers to love. He wasn’t hers to do anything with.

  Now he was gone.

  Tears filled her eyes and she hated the feeling. Despised it more than anything in the world. She turned over her ignition, fired up her engine, and took off, heading right out of town without looking back. There was no sense of direction. She had nowhere else to go. No one waited for her. No one cared about her.

  She was free.

  Only, she didn’t feel free.

  She felt like she was dying inside.

  Why did Ape have to come out of nowhere and do this to her? She wiped the tears away, trying to pretend they never existed, but no matter what she did, she knew. In a short time, Ape had come into her world, and now she wanted him around. Loved him. It wasn’t just sex, but she could continue to kid herself it was all there was. It wasn’t. There was so much more between them.

  “Stupid!” She slammed her palm against the steering wheel, hating herself more than anything.

  She’d fucked up so much in her life, but this, this went beyond anything she’d experienced before.

  “I’ll get over him. I’ll find a new life, one far away from him. One where I don’t care at all. There are plenty of other men.”

  But the truth was, none of them were Ape.

  She’d given herself a few seconds to believe there was more between them, but there was nothing. Ape was gone. Riding off with his biker club without a single care in the world, but what did she have? Nothing.

  Nothing but heartbreak.

  The sound of a roaring bike pulled her out of her thoughts and she looked into her rearview mirror to see a bike coming toward her. The man on the bike slowed down and rode near her window.

  Winding it down, she glanced out to see Ape riding along beside her.

  “Pull over,” he said.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I said pull the fuck over. I’m not going to ask you again.”

  “Fucking asshole,” she said, screaming.

  She found a safe spot and pulled over, keeping the engine ticking over. Climbing out of the car, she glared at him, hating that he’d see her tear-stained eyes. “What the fuck are you doing?”

  “Me? What about you? Fuck.”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about, but I have nowhere to go. You knew I was heading out of town.”

  “Well, I didn’t expect you to go so freaking fast!” Ape glared at her. “Damn it, Charlotte. I was coming back for you.”

  She paused. “You were?”

  “Hell, yeah.”

  “I … oh.”

  “Yeah, oh. Imagine that. Me coming back for you. I want you to ride with me. Your place is on the back of my bike and you know it. This thing between us isn’t going to go away.”

  “And if it does?” she asked. She wasn’t going to play dumb with him.

  “It won’t. Love doesn’t disappear.”

  She gasped.

  “That’s right, babe, you heard me.”

  “Ape, I don’t…”

  He stepped up toward her. His hands cupped her face. “You do. You love me, which is why you’ve been crying. You didn’t think I was coming back for you, but I was. I will always come back for you. Always. I just, I needed to know I could do this. Your place is on that bike, wearing this.” He went back to his bike, lifting up a bag flap, and pulling out a leather cut.

  When he opened it up, she saw the wording that proclaimed she belonged to him. Property of Ape, Satan’s Beasts MC: Nomad Chapter.

  “Be my woman, Charlotte. I want you at my side, at my back, for the rest of our lives. This is what I’m offering you. I’m granting you the chance to have forever, with me.”

  She’d never felt so happy.

  She stared at Ape and rather than talk to him, she wrapped her arms around him and kissed him.

  In the distance, she heard more bikes, knowing his club had come to have his back.

  “You brought your calvary?” she asked.

  “I needed to make sure you knew you were wanted. The guys can’t wait for you to join and well, Piper told me to stop being a weak asshole and to just let you come with us. To admit we wanted you.” He stroked his fingers down her arm, teasing her. “And I do, I want you here.”

  “Good, because I love you too and I want to go with you.” She didn’t know how long this was going to last or where it would take them.

  She only knew that going her separate way wasn’t an option. Driving away had already made her miserable, and her feelings for Ape, they were new, exciting, and she wanted the chance to know where it was going to go.

  The only way to do that was to go with him.

  “We’re selling your car at the nearest place,” he said. “Then you’re riding on the back of my bike.”

  He gripped the back of her neck, drawing her in and kissing her.

  She was more than fine with that.


  One year later

  “Ape, we need to help,” Charlotte said.

  “They can do all of that crap. I haven’t been inside you in two days.”

  She giggled as her man, her husband, carried her further into the woods. The guys had rented out a tent and were setting up a barbeque pit.

  “I get to at least fuck my wife once before we head out on the road again,” Ape said, finding a tree.

  He pressed her up against it. Due to his pressing demands, she’d worn a skirt so he didn’t have to keep fighting layers upon layers of clothing. He liked it when she was easily accessible.

  “Touch yourself, baby.”

  They’d been married for one week. Their travels had taken them through the city of Vegas, and along with it, they had decided to make their feelings for one another official. She belonged to Ape in every single way.

  Reaching down her body, she touched her aching pussy as Ape groaned. “Fuck,” he said.

  With them constantly being on the road, she’d also started to take the pill regularly. They’d forgone condoms for a long time now. He pulled his cock out, and within seconds, he was deep inside her.

  She closed her eyes, feeling him. She wrapped her legs around him, holding on to him tighter but also touching herself, feeling her orgasm getting closer.

  “I love you, Charlotte, I fucking love you so much.”

  Her orgasm hit her hard and unexpectedly.

  Ape took hold of her hips and pounded inside her, hard and fast. She moaned his name. The moment he came, she felt the pull of his cock inside her. He collapsed against her, his hands all over her.

  “I love you,” he said.

  They were words she never got tired of hearing.

  Their life was on the road, and to many, it wasn’t ideal, but for her
, she loved it. There was nothing better than holding him close for hours at a time, curling up against him, even if they slept in an open field or the side of the road.

  They were living an adventure. One she enjoyed every second of every day.

  “Fuckers, come help and stop screwing. Some of us need to take a piss at some point,” Skull said.

  Ape laughed. “Are you hungry?”


  “Good, we get food, then we go for round two.”

  It sounded perfect to her.

  The End

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  Other Books by Sam Crescent:

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  Breeding Season, 5

  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2020

  Sample Chapter

  Pierce Casey, or Forge as most of his club called him, took a long, deep draw on his cigarette and waited for Peterson to arrive. His crew, Hell’s Slaves MC, were behind him, waiting for the son of a bitch to turn up. He didn’t like to be kept waiting.


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