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You Belong to Me

Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  Her hands on his jeans pulled him back.

  Quinn watched as she began to work his jeans open. He didn’t give her long before he took over. “Take your jeans off. I want you naked.” He dealt with his jeans, sliding them off.

  The boxer briefs that he wore did little to hide the evidence of his arousal. When he was around Kaley, he was always fucking hard.

  He noticed her hands were shaking as she removed her jeans. Her body was so full and curvy. The size of her tits was a dream. She was a big woman. Quinn liked that a hell of a lot. She was the kind of woman who could take his hard fucking. The first time, he’d have to be careful, the second time not so much. Once he’d taken her several times, he wouldn’t need to hold back.

  Patience was his virtue, and he had a lot left inside him.


  She’d wake up from her dream in a moment. There was no way this was happening. Kaley stared at the outline of Quinn’s cock. It was huge. She’d seen plenty of images of men’s penises. None of them looked like that. And she hadn’t even seen his cock properly, as he was covered by the boxer briefs he wore.

  This is completely crazy, insane.

  Kaley wriggled out of her jeans, leaving her panties on like Quinn had left his briefs on. She folded her arms over her breasts, trying to hide from him. Unlike a lot of women, she loved her food and hated exercise. Her figure had never been a problem for her. Standing in front of Quinn, she couldn’t help but doubt her body. He was a handsome man and she didn’t believe for a second that he lived like a monk. There was no way he was a virgin like her.

  “Don’t hide from me. Put your arms down. I want to see all of you.”

  She dropped her arms to her side, wishing for some sense to come to her. Nothing happened. Quinn stepped closer without removing his boxer briefs. Did she even want to see his naked cock sprung out, waiting for her touch?

  All thought left her mind as Quinn picked her up and lowered her to the center of the bed. He joined her, lying beside her.

  “You’ve never been with a man?”


  This was embarrassing.

  “I’ve got no problem with you being all mine, Kaley. I just want to know why. You’re a beautiful woman. How have you remained a virgin this long?”

  Dorothy had lost her virginity on prom night. Kaley hadn’t been able to relax with any boy long enough. She’d kissed boys, nothing else.

  “I’ve never wanted anyone else.”

  “You want me?”

  She nodded, unable to voice her thoughts.

  “You’re going to have to actually say it, baby.”

  “Yes, I want you. I’ve never wanted anyone else the way I want you.” She stopped to lick her lips. “There were guys I dated. None of them made me comfortable enough to go further.”

  “Kaley, you don’t have to justify yourself to me. You’re mine. I’m going to take good care of you.” One of his hands landed on her thigh, sliding up. He traced a path around her panties, not rushing or going any farther. Her heart raced at his touch. “I’m not some schoolboy. When you’ve had enough, tell me and I’ll stop. I’ll never force you to go farther than you want.” He moved on the bed, going between her thighs.

  Quinn spread her legs open. She truly thought she’d have stopped him by now. But her pussy was soaking wet and she didn’t want to stop. Both of his hands caressed up and down the outside of her thighs. Slowly, he drew his hands toward the inside of her thighs, taking his time to stroke her.

  His touch drove her insane. It was too much and yet not enough. She needed more than his hands. He moved to the waistband of her panties. There was no turning back for her when he got her panties off.

  This is what you wanted.

  She licked her dry lips once again, watching him. Kaley wished she knew what to do to make him feel this way. Every part of her was on fire, begging for his touch.

  With one tug, Quinn tore the panties from her body. “I’ll buy you a new pair.”

  Kaley didn’t care so long as he found some way to relieve the ache building inside her.

  “There’s my pretty pussy,” he said.

  She glanced down as he ran his fingers over the lips of her sex. His fingers spread open her pussy lips, revealing her slit. “You’re so wet and juicy.” He moved down the bed until his head lay above her mound.

  “What are you doing?” she asked. She’d watched enough videos, read plenty of books to know what he was going to do, yet she was worried. Men really licked a woman’s vagina? God, she sounded so immature, even her thoughts were immature.

  “I’m going to taste this pussy and then I’m going to fuck you.”

  Before she said another word, his lips were on her, sucking on her clit. She cried out from the instant shot of pleasure his touch created. Quinn didn’t stop. He held her thighs open as he teased her clit, sucking and nibbling down on the nub. Kaley held on to the sheet beneath her, unable to find any focus as he tilted her world upside down. He slid his tongue down to circle her entrance, licking around her hole before going back up to her clit.

  “I’m going to take your virginity with my dick. I’m going to own every inch of you.”

  She sobbed as he wreaked havoc on her body, which was no longer her own.

  “My sweet little virgin is going to come all over my tongue.”

  “Quinn.” She screamed his name, not knowing what else to say. Not once had she ever been through this. Nothing would ever be the same. Quinn had seen to that. They were both crossing a line she never thought possible.

  This came straight out of one of her romance books, the man who took what he wanted without asking for permission. Her fantasies were coming true and it was all because of Quinn.

  Growing up, she’d fallen in love with Quinn. He’d been her best friend’s big brother. Every time she’d been around him, she’d worried he’d notice her crush. How many women fell for a man older than her? Quinn had been the man in her dreams, the man she wrote about. This was completely strange, having Quinn licking out her pussy. At any moment she truly believed she’d wake up.

  The sound of Quinn’s teasing tongue let her know that wasn’t going to happen any time soon.

  Chapter Six

  Flicking Kaley’s clit, Quinn held her in place as he thrust her over the edge into ecstasy. She thrashed on the bed and he did everything he could to keep her steady as he made sure she got everything from the orgasm.

  “Please, Quinn.”

  Pulling away, he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, licking the excess cream off his fingers. He left the bed, removing his boxer briefs. His cock sprang forward, and he groaned at finally being released. In the back pocket of his jeans, he held a condom.

  “You’re huge!”

  He turned to the bed to see Kaley sitting up with her arms wrapped around her knees that she’d drawn up to her chest.

  “I’ll fit, baby.”

  Her gaze stayed on his cock.

  Quinn tore into the condom wrapper and slid the latex over his shaft. Once he was covered with the condom, he approached the bed. With each step he took, she shuffled up the bed more.

  “Come here, Kaley.” He stood at the end of the bed, gripping his cock. She slowly worked her way down to the bed where he stood. Quinn saw her nerves. “Give me your hand.”

  She held her hand up for him to take.

  He wrapped her fingers around his cock. “Feel me. I’m not going to hurt you. When I’m inside you, I’m going to take my time.”

  “It’s going to hurt.”

  “Your first time will always hurt.” He’d heard that a lot of women experienced pain the first time. Quinn intended to make sure her first time was memorable. “Do you trust me?”

  “Yes.” She didn’t hesitate in her answer.

  “Then trust me with this. I promise you, I’ll make it good.”

  She licked her lips again. He noticed she tended to do that when she was nervous.

  “I’m going to t
ake good care of you.”

  Kaley didn’t release his cock. He glanced down at her hand where she held the base of his dick.

  Slowly, she drew her hand up then down. Her touch was light so that she didn’t move the condom off his shaft. Seconds later, she let him go, moving up the bed.

  “I trust you and I’m ready.”

  He followed her up the bed. Gripping her ankle, he spread her thighs so that she was open for him. Quinn slid over her body, running his hand up her sides.

  He took possession of her lips, moaning as she licked his. Opening his mouth, he deepened the kiss, sliding his tongue inside her mouth. They both moaned together, the sound echoing off the walls.

  When she relaxed beneath him, he reached between them to grip his cock. He caressed through her wet slit, getting his covered cock nice and slick with her cream. Only when he was sure she was turned on enough did he proceed. Quinn moved the tip of his cock down to her entrance and pulled away from the kiss to look into her eyes. He was going to stare into her eyes when he penetrated her virgin pussy.

  Slowly, he pressed inside her. Her eyes went wide as with one thrust, he went to the hilt inside her, taking her virginity with him. Something primal came over him at the look of pain in her eyes. It wasn’t because he caused her pain, it was because he owned her completely. This woman who owned his heart and soul, he now owned her. There was no other man in this woman’s life. He would bring her nothing but pleasure. Show her how good it could be between the two of them.

  He slammed his lips down on hers, claiming a kiss. She melted against him. Quinn didn’t move, taking his time for her to grow accustomed to the width and length of his cock. He made love to her mouth instead, waiting for her to start moving.

  “Please.” She broke away from his lips to beg him. Cupping her hips, he reared back to stare down at her.

  Quinn took his time sliding out of her tight cunt, watching his latex-covered cock appear. He saw her cum on the latex, turning him on even more. Mixed in with her cum were small dots of red from her virginity. Kaley was his woman now.

  “We’re together now, baby. I’m never letting you go.”

  Sliding back inside her, he groaned at the way her pussy tightened around him. He was finally taking his woman. Soon, he’d be taking her without the condom between them. Quinn made love to her, taking his time to get her used to the feel of him inside her. He didn’t intend to give her a chance to forget him. This was what had kept him going all those years of being a SEAL, when danger faced him at every turn. Not once did he turn away from danger no matter how much he was scared to never see her again. His biggest nightmare of being unable to see her smiling face, to know what real love means.

  The only things to keep him going were the letters his parents and Dorothy sent, along with the pictures of the love of his life.

  Kissing her lips, he made love to her, bringing her to multiple orgasms before he reached his own. Quinn thrust inside her one final time, staring deep into her eyes as he came, filling the condom.

  He made a vow in his mind. Quinn was going to make sure to always keep Kaley happy, to give her everything her heart desired, and that she never was left alone again.

  Taking her lips, he moaned as she responded to him once again. He stayed inside her tight warmth, never wanting to go. Locking their hands together, he made sure they were close like they would be in the future. Nothing was ever going to tear them apart. He thought about his invasion of her privacy in reading her books. Maybe he should tell her, but he decided against it. What Kaley didn’t know wouldn’t hurt her.


  Kaley moved around the kitchen while Quinn made her favorite stir-fry. She loved the smell of garlic, ginger, and chicken together. She was aware of the ache between her thighs as she set the table. They’d spent all of last night and this morning making love. For the first time in her life, she didn’t go to the library on her day off. She spent the whole day with Quinn. Her books were still in her bag, waiting for her to read.

  “You can study tomorrow at work,” Quinn said.

  She eyed her bag but couldn’t find the excitement to actually study. Being around Quinn was a lot of fun. Neither of them had spoken words of love to each other yet she felt it. She’d been in love with Quinn for a long time, longer than she liked to remember. Over the years, she had compared all the men who’d asked her on a date with this man. All of them failed to compete.

  “Okay.” She sat at the table, watching him work. Quinn only wore a pair of sweatpants and stood at the stove, flicking the wok. His muscles were defined from his work. She pressed her thighs together as she recalled the feel of his lips on her tender flesh. Each memory was burned into her brain. She didn’t want to forget a moment of their time together. “What are we going to tell Dorothy?”

  “My sister knows how I feel about you. She helped to arrange for me to be here so you wouldn’t scamper away.”

  She figured as much. Her friend had cooked her favorite meal as an apology. It made sense, seeing as Dorothy rarely cooked. “Are you sure our parents will be okay with all of this?”

  “I’ve already spoken to them, Kaley. They think it’s good news we’re getting together.” He served up their food, moving toward her. She took the bowl and fork. Chopsticks were always a challenge for her to use.

  Taking her first bite, she thought about their parents. “You told everyone about me but me.”

  “I couldn’t even get you to stay in the same room as me, baby. I figured I’d take my time and get to know you before making my move.”

  She frowned. Quinn had been in their apartment for a week before he made his move. “How did you know I’d respond? I mean, I’ve never shown any sign of wanting you.” Her cheeks were getting warmer by the second. His intense gaze wasn’t helping any.

  “Do you not want me?”

  “You know I do.”

  “Then nothing else matters. I wanted you, and I was going to make sure you wanted me.”

  “A seduction?”

  “Of sorts.” He took a large mouthful and she couldn’t help but remember those lips on more delicate parts of her body. She was losing her mind.

  “Are you remembering the feel of my lips on your body?”

  She jerked toward him, surprised at how easily he could read her. He reached out to slide his hand along the inside of her thighs. Kaley shook at the feel of his hands there, getting closer to her core. Quinn moved up until he stroked the naked lips of her pussy. She only wore the shirt he’d given her, nothing else all day.

  “Your pussy is really nice and wet for me, baby.”


  He put his bowl down and she copied him. He pushed his chair back then removed his sweatpants. She couldn’t look away as he quickly covered his thick cock with a condom, which he’d taken out of the pocket of his sweatpants. Were all men in a constant state of arousal? She didn’t know the answer. Looking at Quinn, she believed so.

  “Come here.”

  There was no use in denying him. She wanted him as much as he wanted her.

  “Straddle me.”

  She stood with her thighs either side of his legs.

  “Now lower yourself over my cock.”

  Putting her hands onto his shoulders, she lowered her body over his until the tip of his cock pressed to her entrance.

  “Now, take me inside that pretty little pussy.”

  Kaley couldn’t look away from where they were about to be joined. Quinn gathered his shirt out of the way so she could see him disappearing inside her. Not only did she get to see them joined, but she also got to feel him deep inside her. She sat on his lap, crying out as he went deep from the angle.

  “Your pussy is so fucking tight. You’re squeezing me, baby. You love having my cock inside you?”

  “Yes.” She gasped as he jerked his hips, making his cock go a little deeper.

  Quinn pulled his shirt off as she sat on his cock in the kitchen. There was no way she’d ever be able
to look Dorothy in the face, knowing what they’d done at this table. His hands went to her hips.

  “You’re going to stop worrying about everything.” He lifted her off his cock. His superior strength startled her. She’d never had a man who was able to lift her. Admittedly, she’d never fucked a man on a chair.

  He started up a pace that was fast and wild.

  “Yes, baby. Let your tits bounce. Love it. Love my cock inside your beautiful, tight pussy. Give me everything.”

  She gripped his shoulders tightly. After several seconds, she suddenly realized his hands were no longer on her waist but cupping her breasts. She had been fucking him hard.

  “Don’t stop, Kaley. I’m going to come.”

  He licked her nipples, cupping her breasts together, stroking over the buds. Quinn didn’t stop touching her. He caressed his hands down to cup her ass. She didn’t lose her pace, loving his touch more than anything. He drove her to take him harder. Kaley wanted him as badly as he wanted her.

  There was nowhere for either of them to go.

  “Fuck, yeah, baby. Take my whole cock. Ride me. Show me you want me.”

  Kaley fucked him harder, sinking her nails into his flesh.

  His hands moved once again, this time going to her pussy. Quinn stroked her flesh, teasing her clit. All it took was a few strokes before she came apart. Screaming, crying, and whimpering, she rode her orgasm out on his cock, taking him with her.

  When it was over, he held her tightly.

  “I love you, Kaley.”

  She froze. The words she’d been thinking were spoken aloud, only they came from Quinn.

  Looking up at him, she saw the love reflected in his eyes. “Do you mean that?”

  “You’ve got no idea how much I love you. The only time I could cope with the shit I was doing was thinking about you.” He let out a breath. “This is a dream come true to me.”

  He shook as he touched her.

  “I love you too, Quinn.” She cupped his face, smiling at him. For the first time in her life, she wasn’t afraid to be herself. Maybe in time, she’d be able to share everything with him, her own desires and passion.


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