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Mountain Man Taken

Page 2

by Turner, Olivia T.

  It was roaring when she returned and she threw her arms up in the air and squealed in delight when she saw the flames.

  My fingers were aching with the need to touch her as I watched her open a can of soup and cook it directly over the fire.

  She slurped it up right out of the can and I cursed as the last of the sun disappeared, plunging the entire area into darkness.

  Right now, I’m lying in a tree, watching her face as the warm orange glow of the fire lights it up. The shadows dance on her young cheeks and make her eyes sparkle in a way that hurts my heart.

  This girl is a survivor, I can tell. I wonder what she’s survived through that made her come all the way out here by herself.

  My fists clench and my body tightens when I fantasize about sliding a knife into the stomach of any man who’s ever made her unhappy.

  No one is ever going to make her unhappy again. Not while I’m looking out for her.

  But it’s not other men that I’m worried about out here.

  There are animals on the prowl, looking for soft supple flesh to sink their teeth into.

  But they’re not going to get her. She’s all mine.

  I wait until the fire is out and she’s sleeping in her tent, then I quietly climb down from my tree and creep over to her camp.

  The soft peaceful sound of her breathing takes some of the tightness out of my chest, but it makes my cock even harder to know that she’s so damn close. So damn vulnerable.

  I could just open this tent, spread her legs, and sink my cock into her wet cunt and there’s nobody to stop me.

  But I don’t. I want her to want me, and it won’t be like this.

  This girl is still mine however and I have to mark my territory for any of the other predators creeping around tonight.

  I pull my hard cock out and stroke my length as I listen to her sexy breathing. It doesn’t take long before I’m cumming hard and shooting my seed all over the ground, marking her as my own.

  Any bears or wolves will think twice before fucking with my territory.

  And if they don’t? Well, they’re going to regret it.

  Because there’s nothing I won’t do to protect what’s mine.

  Chapter Three


  If I have to eat another can of cold beans, I’m going to throw myself off of this mountain. I’d rather eat tree bark or dirt, which I might have to resort to if I keep going through my dwindling supplies as fast as I am.

  I’m starting to think that wandering off into the mountains with no experience and no idea what I needed for supplies was a bad idea. Nobody even knows that I’m here. I could just disappear and no one would ever know.

  And the sad part is, no one would even care.

  My mother would probably just return home with Rick and continue on living without me. She’d probably think that I just ran away and knowing her, she’d probably be relieved.

  I choke down the last of my beans and put the empty can back in my backpack. It’s a pain to carry, but it’s so beautiful out here and I don’t want to litter.

  After struggling to take down my tent, I roll it up and get on my way.

  It’s a sunny day and so far it’s not too hot. A little bit of heat would be nice after the cold night, but I’ll take this over pouring rain any day.

  It gets warmer as the day goes on and I start to feel better. The birds are out in full force, singing to me as I hike past the mossy rocks and breathtaking views.

  I still have the feeling of being watched, but I know it’s ridiculous so I don’t pay it any mind. It’s probably just nerves from being out in the wilderness by myself. And anyway, it’s more of a soothing feeling than anything else. It feels like someone is watching over me and making sure that I’m safe.

  By lunchtime the sun is at its hottest and the back of my shirt is drenched. It’s sticky wet and stuck to my back. What’s even worse is that my sweat seems to have attracted the mosquitos and I’m slapping them off my skin every few seconds.

  So when I see a slow-moving river snaking its way beside the trail, I’m thrilled. The water is a little bit cold, but I could go for some refreshing right about now.

  I drop my pack on the ground and peel off my wet shirt. I hear a low groan rumble out from somewhere behind me and I jump around, startled. My hand drops to the pocket knife in my pocket as I scan the trees for a grizzly bear. That’s what it sounded like, but after looking for a while, I realize that it was probably just a squirrel or something.

  I start to relax once again as I dip my shirt into the river and clean it. I spread it out on a huge boulder that’s laying in the sun and then strip the rest of the way to my birthday suit.

  It feels strangely erotic to be naked in the wilderness, even though there’s no one around for miles. But still, my pussy tingles with warmth and my nipples harden as I fantasize about someone watching me.

  I dip my toes into the cool water as I pull the elastic out of my hair and let my big curls fall down my back. I’ve always had the biggest thickest curls that become an absolute mess in situations like this.

  The ground is hard sand and smooth pebbles below the river that’s lazily drifting through the forest. It’s a beautiful spot and it’s a shame to have no one to share it with.

  Still, it’s fun to fantasize that there are human eyes watching me even though I know that it’s only the birds and squirrels who don’t really care if I’m naked or not.

  I sway my hips from side to side as I slowly walk into the water, cringing as the cold water creeps up my thighs one inch at a time. When it hits my warm pussy, I dive in. The cold water on my hot skin sends a thrill surging through my body and I pop my head out with an excited squeal.

  It feels like every cell in my body is on full alert. It feels good.

  I swim around and float on my back, closing my eyes against the hot sun as the river slowly drags me along its lazy current.

  This is much better than staying with Rick and his drunk horny friends. Yeah. I could get used to this.

  I drop back under the water and wash my face and armpits with my hands before popping back up. I’m in the middle of the narrow river and the water is waist deep. It’s perfect for a mid-day cooling off.

  When my toes are cold and my nipples are as hard as the pebbles under my feet, I turn and start to make my way back to the shore.

  I see movement out of the corner of my eye and my eyes dart through the trees.


  My skin goes even colder when I see a man walking out of the forest as he approaches me.

  He peels off his shirt, showing his sweaty muscular chest and arms. My mouth drops and my heart stops as his dark eyes fixate on me.

  I’m completely naked and the water is only up to the middle of my thighs. He can see everything.

  I quickly drop down into the water, hiding whatever I can as he walks to the edge of the river.

  My eyes dart to my shorts which are laying on the rock. My pocket knife is in there, but it’s totally out of reach. It’s closer to him than it is to me.

  “Stop right there!” I shout, hoping that someone will hear me, but I know there’s no one for miles.

  My arms and legs feel all shaky as I hide my privates as best I can. My heart is racing and feels like it’s going to explode. I’ve never been more scared in my life.

  “What do you want?” I shout. Tears prickle my eyes as he watches me.

  “I want you.”

  I gulp as my eyes roam down his hard abs to the huge outline of his hard cock that’s pressed against the inside of his shorts. He definitely wants me all right. That’s plainly visible to see.

  Then, without another word, he takes off his shorts and steps into the water to take me.

  Chapter Four


  He’s beautiful and eerily familiar to the man I was fantasizing about watching me, but this guy is real. He’s no fantasy and I don’t want him anywhere near me.

  “Stand up,” he
commands as he stares at me.

  He’s only wearing his boxers and there’s a large wet spot on the tip of his dick from all of the cum dripping out. My heart starts beating a little harder and my mouth begins to water as I look at it. This mountain man’s cock looks huge.

  I’m still a virgin and if he forces himself on me… I shiver at the thought, but it’s a warm shiver of excitement and wonder, not of fear.

  “Stand up,” he repeats in his deep growly voice. “I want to see your body up close.”

  His dark eyes are locked on mine and it feels like they’re hypnotizing me because I do what he says. I rise out of the water, covering my tingling pussy with my hands.

  I can feel my skin that’s cold from the river start to warm up really fast as his heated eyes roam all over me. My nipples tighten and ache under his hungry gaze.

  Strange feelings start to ripple through me. Desire. Want. Need. Excitement.

  My body betrays me. It seems to like this stranger’s eyes on me. I don’t want any part of it, but my body has a mind of its own.

  Swirling waves of heat rush to my core and pool between my legs. My pussy starts tingling with the need to get touched and then turns into a dull ache with each second that passes.

  “Your hands,” he says as his eyes drop down to my throbbing pussy. “Move your hands.”

  I do as he says and drop my hands to my sides. My feet step further apart, giving him a better view of my pussy even though he didn’t command me to.

  I examine his face as his eyes are locked on my privates. He’s older than me. Thirties or forties maybe, but he’s absolutely gorgeous. He’s got a rugged look to him, which makes sense since he lives here in the mountains. His messy brown hair is pushed back and could use a cut, but it looks good on him. Especially, with his long beard.

  I don’t understand. I’m in danger, but my mind keeps going to dirty places, like wondering what his beard feels like in a kiss and if it would tickle the inside of my thighs while he was eating me out.

  This is a mountain of a man. He’s tall and I’d be surprised if I could reach his mouth while standing on my toes. He’s so big and thick that it looks like we could have sex standing up. He could just pluck me into the air with those big strong hands and slide me down on his dick.

  The thought gets me lightheaded and my body starts to crave it.

  “Who are you?” My voice is racing and higher pitched than normal.

  “Hunter. Hunter Wright. What’s your name?”

  I hesitate for a second, but his voice is so commanding that I can’t not answer. “Savannah. Foster.”

  He smiles when he repeats it under his breath. “Savannah.”

  “What are you doing here?” I ask. “Have you been following me?”

  He nods.


  “These mountains are mine. What’s in them is mine.”

  I gulp as he stares at me with a heated possessive gaze.

  “And that includes me?”

  “Yes. That includes you.”

  “And what if I say no?”

  “Why would you say no, Savannah? No one is ever going to love you like I would. No one would treat that pussy better.”

  I want to believe him, but this is too weird. I’m naked right now and I can see the outline of his aroused cock.

  “Okay,” I say as my adrenaline spikes. It surges through my veins as I walk toward the shore. “I won’t say no.”

  He starts to stroke his hard cock through his boxer briefs and the wet spot at the tip gets even bigger. My mouth waters as I watch it, wondering how his cream would taste if I sucked his cock dry.

  I walk up to him like I’m going to submit to his every demand, and then suddenly dart to the side and grab my shorts.

  He reaches for me, but I leap back and pull out my pocket knife.

  “I told you to get back!” I shout as I pull out the blade. It’s small and not very sharp, but it will definitely sink through his flesh if he comes any closer. “I mean it!”

  His mouth curls up into an amused grin as he watches me back away with the knife between us.

  “You want to get cut, you fucking psycho?” I scream as I grab my backpack with one hand. I quickly grab my shoes and stuff them under my arm as I walk back toward the trail. My shirt is still drying on the rock behind him so that’s out of the question. I guess I’m just going to have to do the rest of the hike with my tits hanging out. No biggie.

  He makes no move to grab me as I quickly slip on my shoes. For once I’m happy that I don’t have hiking boots. They would take forever to tie up the laces.

  “Stop following me,” I say as I slip the backpack on. My hand is shaking as I hold the knife between us. “Or, I’ll fucking kill you!”

  I turn and run down the trail back toward the town as fast as I can. I’m butt naked except for the running shoes on my feet, but I don’t care. I can’t get out of there fast enough.

  I run and run and fucking run some more. My lungs burn and my legs are searing like battery acid is flowing through my veins, but I don’t stop.

  There’s an old rotten log on the trail and I leap over it without slowing down. A low hanging tree branch whips me in the face and I feel warm blood trickling down my cheek but I don’t stop. I never stop.

  After about thirty minutes of full-on sprinting, I turn back for the first time to see if he’s following me. He’s not from what I can see, but I keep on running… straight into a grizzly bear.

  He comes out of nowhere and I slam right into his backside when my head is turned behind me.

  I bounce off his furry ass and fly backward, not knowing what happened until my bare ass lands on the rough ground. It scratches up my skin, but that’s the least of my worries now.

  My eyes bulge and a primal scream rips from my throat as terror consumes me. The grizzly bear is enormous and my eyes start to water as it turns around on its huge paws. He’s looking at me like he’s just been served dinner. I even come conveniently accessible with no packaging since I’m buck naked except for my shoes.

  He lets out a series of low grunts as he smells the air between us. I hope he’s not in the mood for poor young virgins.

  I start to scoot back away from him, but my backpack gets caught on a root and traps me in place as he walks toward me.

  He’s so big that I can feel the vibrations of each step through the ground as he comes. His head comes in close and I feel his hot breath wash over the goosebumps on my skin.

  I can’t die like this!

  What’s worse than being eaten alive? I’d rather die any other way.

  I thought I was in danger with the rugged mountain man back at the river, but this is way worse. Hunter had the same hungry look in his eyes, but I’d much rather be with him. I thought he was going to take me and a small part of me wanted him too.

  I don’t want any part of this.

  It finally registers that I have a pocketknife in my clenched hand. I quickly open the tiny blade and hold it up to the bear. It looks ridiculous, like holding up a toothpick to a giant.

  The bear opens his mouth and lets out a deep rumbling growl that has every hair on my body standing up. My pulse is racing as I hold the knife up with my shaking hand. It’s not going to do a damn thing to this bear. He has thick skin and a mouth full of knives that are even sharper than mine. All it would do is piss him off.

  He steps over me and licks the air before lowering his nose and sniffing my neck. I get chills and tickles at the same time as I squeeze my eyes shut and scream.

  The bear suddenly jerks back and raises its head. I open my eyes just in time to see a baseball-sized rock bounce off its head hard. The bear leaps back with a roar as he stares at something behind me with a look of fury on his face.

  Another rock comes hurtling at him and hits him in the shoulder. He steps back even farther and then Hunter rushes in and stands between me and the beast.

  “Get on!” he shouts as he waves a thick stick at the bear. His v
oice is deep and full of authority and dominance. “Get out of here!”

  The two alpha males stare each other down as they fight over who gets to keep me. Hunter ultimately wins when the bear turns his head with a huff and runs off.

  I’m staring up at Hunter’s broad muscular back that’s all jacked and flexed and ready for a fight, wondering what’s going to happen now.

  The shirtless mountain man turns and looks at me as I lie on the trail, helpless. Once again I’m naked in front of him, only this time I’m spread eagle on the ground and in the position to be taken.

  His hungry eyes roam over my body until they lock on my spread pussy. I start to get wet under his gaze and wonder if he’s going to have his way with me.

  Because this time, I might let him.

  Chapter Five


  I try to get to my feet, but my backpack is still hooked on the root and it’s pinning me to the ground.

  Hunter is still enjoying the sight of my spread pussy which is getting wetter with every second that he stares at it. I should close my legs, but for some reason, I don’t.

  “You’re going to get yourself killed out here,” he says in a gruff tone that has my legs shutting fast.

  I hold my knife up to him in warning, but it’s trembling in my shaking hand.

  “Oh, please,” he says as his hand darts out and grabs my wrist. He easily pries the knife out of my clenched fingers and looks it over. “If you couldn’t stop that bear from getting your honey, then you’ll never be able to stop me.”

  He drops to a knee beside me and I squeeze my eyes shut and scream as he brings the knife forward, about to cut me.

  Instead, he cuts the root and my backpack falls free. I slowly open my eyes and see him looking at me with an amused look on his face. He folds the blade of my pocketknife and hands it back to me.


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