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Bound (Wolverine MC Book 1)

Page 3

by Alexi Ferreira

  “As fit as a fiddle, my boy,” she says as she looks over at Dakota. “Ooh, you are a pretty one, aren’t you?” And then she points her finger at me and lowers her voice in a conspiring way. “Now Hunter over here is a real decent young man. Don’t mistake his roughness for trouble, because I can tell you now if it weren’t for this man over here, I wouldn’t be here right now.”

  “But you are and I’m happy you are. After all, who else would look after me as you do?”

  She scowls at me playfully. “And don’t pay attention to his gibe. He can talk the birds off the trees, this one can.” Dakota laughs. The sound of her laughter has every fibre in my body at attention. All I want to do is pick her up from her chair and make her mine right here and now on top of this table.

  “I’ve noticed that,” she quips with a grin at Julie, and then shrugs. “But don’t worry, sugared words won’t get anywhere with me.”

  “You hear that, boy? I think you have just met your match,” Julie jokes as she pats Dakota’s hand playfully. “Well, enough talk. Let’s get your order in, as I’m sure you’re hungry.”

  When Julie leaves, I see that Dakota is still holding a smile on her face as she looks at me. “You keep surprising me,” she says with a shake of her head. “You have this whole bad boy persona going, but then you chat up older ladies, you pull out chairs like a gentleman, and you order enough food to feed a regiment.”

  “I’m hungry, okay? I haven’t eaten the whole day,” I say teasingly, but it’s the truth, as I didn’t want to leave Dakota during the day where I didn’t have an eye on her. I thought about texting one of the others to bring me something, but the minute I had the thought, I decided against it, as my anger immediately rose to the front when I thought of one of them near Dakota.

  “Well, you’re going to eat now for a whole week,” she teases, which has me as hard as iron, looking at her twinkling eyes and her voluptuous lips.

  “Nah, you think that’s a lot, you have to see Goliath eat,” I say, and she raises her eyebrow.

  “Goliath? Is that your dog?”

  I throw back my head and roar with laughter. How appropriate. I must remember to tell the guys. “No, that’s one of my brothers,” I say when I’m able to talk through my laughter. I haven’t laughed like this in a very long time. It looks like my woman brings me happiness.

  “Oh, I’m sorry,” she says, raising her hand to her flushed cheeks. “Maybe you should tell me their names so I don’t make a fool of myself again.”

  “Well, let’s see, there is Goliath, who is a real Goliath, big in every way. He has the biggest heart.”

  She smiles at that comment. “Is his name really Goliath, or do you guys call him that because of his size?”

  “Nope, that was the name given to him when he was born,” I state. “There is Blue, who is away now, as he’s a musician, and a good one at that. Blue is the entertainer among us. There is never a dull moment when he’s close.”

  Her eyes widen, and then her hand is over her mouth. “Do you mean Blue Strada?”

  At her excited question, I frown. “Yes, why?”

  “Oh, I love his music. I actually went to see him play once,” she says excitedly, which has me wanting to tear Blue asunder. Motherfucker better not come anywhere near her or I’ll have his head for lunch. Just then, our food arrives. Dakota gasps when she sees the mountain before me.

  “It’s even more than I thought. Are you really going to eat all of that?” she asks, surprised. I nod. “Where do you put it all?” I smile, as there isn’t an ounce of fat on my body. Because of our constitution, we burn calories faster than the normal human.

  “Careful or I might just eat you.” Her cheeks burn as hot as the sun, only now realizing what I just said. My cock is so hard that I must move slightly on my chair to try to relieve some of the pressure. Shit, if I’m not careful, I’ll burst a vein in the poor bugger. Trying to relieve some of the sexual tension between us, I continue to present my brothers.

  “There is Frost. When you meet him, just ignore his sullenness. If you ever see Frost smile, then you know there is something wrong with him. Ever since we were kids, Frost has been a moody bastard, but he will have your back every time.” Dakota smiles as she takes a bite of her steak.

  “Hawk is our man when it comes to finding things. I swear he can find a pin in a pile of nails.”

  “You all have very unique names,” she says with a frown.

  “Yep, but those were the names given to us when we were born. Let’s see, there is Gunner, and you will never meet anyone who can just chill as he does. Sometimes you forget he’s around, with his stillness, but don’t take him for granted. He sees everything.”

  “I like the way you talk about them,” she says with a wistful tone in her voice that has me again wondering about her life.

  “Family for me is everything, and they are all my family. I would die for any of them.” That isn’t just a statement. We will live together, but we will also die together if need be. “This one you will definitely find strange,” I tease. “Fang.”

  She bursts out laughing. “Sureeee,” she quips. “Now I know you’re teasing me, and here I was believing what you were telling me.” She shakes her head in amusement, which has her sweet fragrance wafting around me.

  “I’m not teasing. Fang is real.” Fang is a mean son of a bitch. He doesn’t take prisoners. If anyone threatens our pack, he is the first one there to put an end to them. “And he is as loyal as you will find. Then we have Dixon. He can get information out of people that sometimes no one else can. People just open up with him.”

  She frowns. “How many are you?” She pushes her empty plate away. That is something I like—she ate everything on her plate. It looks like my woman has a healthy appetite, which pleases me. I don’t want my woman to starve herself because of looks.

  “We are ten in total. There is still Dash, who can fix anything, and I mean anything.” Dash looks at problems in ways no one else does and comes up with the most amazing solutions. “Finally, we have King. King is the Wolverine MC president and a just leader. He goes over and beyond for his club and his men. You will meet King first; he can be intimidating, but don’t worry, he doesn’t bite.” Only when provoked, but I won’t tell her that.

  “You’re very presumptuous, aren’t you? Who said I want to meet them?” I frown. Of course she will meet them. We will live with my brothers. There is no way she won’t be meeting them.

  “You will like them.”

  She sighs and shakes her head.

  “Well, thank you for telling me about them. They all sound interesting, and if they’re anything like you, they’re real sweet talkers with the ladies.”

  I grin. I confess that I like to compliment ladies, but now that I’ve found my mate, my flirting will only be for her. “You have no idea, but if any of them sweet talk you, just let me know and I will sort them out,” I tease, but am surprised at her reaction. Instead of laughing, she tenses, and her whole energy changes. Why would she change at a comment like that?


  Hunter has surprised me. The passion and loyalty he showed when he spoke about his brothers, as he calls them, has me thinking that maybe he’s not such a bad sort after all. I wish I could just let my guard down and take him at his word, but unfortunately, I’m too wary of men since Jason to be able to let myself be vulnerable with a man again.

  I actually feel very at ease with Hunter, but I still hold my suspicions close to heart and a part of me closed, as I can’t let myself get hurt again or, if I have to leave in a rush, somehow hurt him if what he says is genuine and he does come to feel something for me.

  We sat and chatted about the MC most of the night until Tony started to clean up and we had to leave. Hunter insisted on walking me to the bed and breakfast, which was just a five-minute walk from the steakhouse. When he realized where I was staying, I could see he was more suspicious than ever. He tried during the evening to get information from me on
my past, but I’m not sure if I should confide in him.

  I remember what Gloria said, and I’m so tempted, but what if I put Hunter in danger? I know Jason. He will attempt to hurt Hunter if he finds me again, but Hunter seems capable of handling himself when it comes to danger. He has an air of danger around him, and even though I saw a sensitive and playful side to him, I’m nearly one hundred percent certain that there is much more to Hunter than meets the eye.

  He talks about the MC and how they stand by each other and protect each other. Would they be able to keep Hunter safe if Jason came wanting to do him harm? Should I confide in him? My thoughts are running around in my head like a freight train. Hunter walked me to the door of the bed and breakfast, a scowl on his face when I said goodnight, thanking him for dinner and quickly entering before he could kiss me, which was obvious he would have done if I had just stayed an extra minute.

  Turning in bed again, I sigh. It doesn’t look like I’m going to get any sleep, because as soon as I think of Hunter’s lips anywhere near my body, I start having crazy thoughts of where I want his lips, and then all I want to do is let him have his wild, smouldering way with me. Shaking my head, I try to think of what he said earlier.

  It was so nice to hear him talk about the others like he did. It is clear they deliver parcels, but there is something else going on. He didn’t say so, but the way he explained each of the guys and what they do, it was obvious that as an MC, they are dealing in something more than just being your friendly couriers.

  He said he wanted to see me again. Will he? After all, I practically ran away from his kiss tonight, and he will know that. Will he give up, or will he persevere after me? When he was talking about the men, a feeling of loneliness and homesickness surrounded me. I haven’t seen or spoken to my mother or my brother in over two years. I tried to keep in touch, but Jason was hacking the calls and managed to find me the first time through the communication.

  Not knowing how my family is doing is heart-wrenching, but it must be done. Jason can’t hurt them if he realizes that I haven’t been in touch. I feel a tear streak down my cheek, and I huff in anger. I will not cry because of him. Maybe I should confide in Hunter; maybe him and his MC will be able to keep me safe and I will be able to see my family again.

  My brother and I are twins. Once upon a time, he was best friends with Jason. That was before Jason started hitting me. That relationship soured quickly after my brother suspected that Jason was abusing me. He tried to get me away from him, but he was no match for Jason’s skills. When I left, Jason threatened my mother and my brother. They had a restraining order raised against him, but that would never stop him.

  The first time he found me, I got away by luck. I was working at a little café in a small town where everyone knew everyone. I was in the kitchen when I saw him walking into the café. I didn’t wait around. I grabbed my purse that luckily was in the locker in the kitchen and left through the back door where staff parked their cars.

  I left everything behind that day except for my purse and the clothes I was wearing. I got into the car I bought when I ran away and left town, heading to nowhere in particular. It was just three months later that he found me again. This time I saw him coming and had enough time to get my meagre belongings and leave. I realized that he tracked me by the car I had, as someone must have told him what I was driving when he found me at that café.

  At the first opportunity I found, I sold the car, caught a bus to the city, and bought another second-hand car. I stayed in the city until a week ago when I started feeling like someone was watching me. Once again, I grabbed my meagre belongings and made my way here. At twenty-four, I’m lucky to have beautician training, and it’s something that I enjoy doing, allowing me to quickly find a job at the salon.

  Maybe if I confide in Hunter, he will be able to somehow keep me safe. All I want is to not have to run, and to be able to talk to my family again. Suddenly, I hear a noise just outside my door. My heart starts racing. Did he find me again so soon? Sliding out of bed, I tiptoe towards the door, my hands now clammy as I fear what I might find on the other side of the door. Placing my hand on the door handle, I take a deep breath. I’m most probably being paranoid, but I must check.

  Yanking the door open, I freeze. Lying on the floor right in front of my door is the biggest dog I have ever seen. When he raises his head and looks around at me, I take a step back. Umm, he isn’t a dog. He’s a darn wolf. He continues to lie there, just staring at me. The fear that I felt slowly dissipates when I realize that he’s tame. “You scared me,” I whisper, which has him inclining his head as if listening to my words.

  “What are you doing outside my door?” I want to pat him, but I’m still not sure he won’t turn around and take a chunk out of my hand. He has the gentlest eyes, his eyes betraying the feral beast that I’m sure he can be. Suddenly, an image of Hunter comes to mind, and I shake my head. That man seems to be taking over my every thought.

  “Are you standing guard at my door, boy?” Slowly, I approach. If he shows his teeth, I’m so running and locking myself in the bathroom. I keep a close eye, but he doesn’t move. I lean down, my hand moving ever so slowly until my fingers are touching his silky fur. “Oh, you’re so nice and soft,” I murmur as I start stroking his beautiful shiny brown fur. His eyes close in pleasure, a grunt coming out of him.

  “You like that, don’t you, boy?” For some reason, knowing that he’s here outside my door gives me peace. He lowers his head to his paws as I start to stroke his head. I sit on the carpeted floor and lean against him as I continue to stroke him. He’s so comforting that I feel like I could do this the whole night, but soon, I will have to get up and go try to sleep. “You’re such a good boy,” I murmur as I lean my head against his big furry body. Closing my eyes, I feel his body rise and fall as he breathes, hearing his heartbeat lulling a calmness over me.

  The next thing I know, I am waking up in bed, the sun shining in through the window. How did I get into bed? Did I dream about the wolf last night? No, it was too real to be a dream, but how did I get into bed? I don’t remember coming to bed. Looking around, I look for any vestige of anyone having been in the room, but there is none. Strange. Sitting up in bed, I shake my head. I must have gotten up and come to bed sometime during the night and don’t remember. Thank goodness I closed the door. Standing, I walk towards the door and open it quietly, but my wolf has gone. There is nothing there, no sign that he was even there last night.

  Closing the door again, I walk towards my bag and take out my clothes for the day. I will ask Mrs. Pic at breakfast about him. After dressing in a low-cut pair of jeans and a black tank top, I head downstairs.

  “Good morning, dear.”


  “How did you sleep? I heard you coming in late last night,” she says with a smile. Mrs. Pic seems like that person in town who knows everything about everyone.

  “I slept quite well, thank you. I also met your wolf.”

  She frowns. “My wolf? What wolf are you talking about, dear?”

  “I’m sure there was a wolf outside my bedroom door last night.”

  She raises her eyebrows and shakes her head. “I don’t allow pets; you know, carpets and all.” She looks at me with a curious look in her eyes. “Maybe you were dreaming.” By her tone, I can see that she thinks that maybe I was drunk, but I’m sure there was a wolf outside my room.

  “It seemed so real, but you’re right, Mrs. Pic. I must have been dreaming.”

  She smiles and points towards the table by the window. “Why don’t you take a seat, dear, and I will get you some breakfast. You need to eat to get through the day at Gloria’s.” She turns and makes her way towards the kitchen.

  Today is Saturday, and as such, we will only be working half the day, as Gloria closes at one on Saturday, but apparently it’s really busy, so I need to get a move on, as I like to be in and prepared before the first customer arrives.

  After breakfast, I make my way tow
ards the salon, finding Gloria already there. “Morning. How did you sleep?” she asks when I walk in. I find myself telling her about the wolf and how strange it is, as Mrs. Pic knows nothing about it.

  “It is strange, but there are a lot of wolf sightings in the area. Who knows, maybe one made his way inside.” I know he couldn’t be a wolf from the wild, or he would have bitten my head off. No, he has to belong to someone. Just then, the first customer arrives. From then, the morning is a rush from one customer to another. When finally the last one leaves, I am quite relieved to see her go. My feet are hurting, and I could do with a cup of coffee.

  “I need coffee. Would you like one?” I ask Gloria as she cashes up.

  “Sure, thanks.”

  Walking towards the back, I fill up the kettle and put it on before taking off my tunic. Once the coffees are ready, I take the two mugs and make my way to the front of the salon. I stop when I see Hunter sitting on one of the chairs, talking to Gloria. “If you want to know, ask her,” I hear Gloria say just before she sees me. “Look who’s here.”

  “Hunter,” I greet, my heart racing when his eyes travel over my body in that slow way of his, as if he owns every inch of my body. He told me yesterday that he’s twenty-eight. I think that in his twenty-eight years, he has broken lots of hearts. I can just hope that mine isn’t one of them.

  I hand the mug to Gloria. “Would you like coffee?” I offer, but he shakes his head in denial.

  “Hunter was asking what I meant yesterday when I said that he could help you with your situation.”

  I freeze, the mug halfway to my mouth. Do I want to tell him? I have a feeling that if I don’t, he will somehow find out anyway, and maybe it will be worse if he goes poking around. What if he gets hurt because of me?

  “I don’t know,” I say.

  “Trust me, he’s your best bet, no matter how much it pains me to say it.” I frown at her comment. I must really ask her what the issue is between her and Hunter. Hunter is just sitting there, looking intently at me, his eyes taking everything in.


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