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Bound (Wolverine MC Book 1)

Page 5

by Alexi Ferreira

  My mind is so focused on Hunter that I didn’t realize we had come to a stop just inside the door. Before us is a group of men. If I thought Hunter radiated danger, then the man standing before the group of men is positively danger personified. His midnight-black hair, unlike most of the other men, is shorter and just touches his neck. His green eyes seem to penetrate my soul as he looks at me. I know without being introduced that I’m about to meet King.

  “King, this is my mate, Dakota,” Hunter introduces. He lets go of my hand and places his on the small of my back. I feel his thumb start to stroke soothingly.

  “Dakota, do you know what we are?” His voice is low, a quality of authority there. I don’t think anyone would dare not follow this man’s command.


  “As Hunter’s mate, you will abide by our rules. You will live here with us, and you will never disclose anything about us to anyone. Do you understand?”

  I look up at Hunter and see that he is looking over at me. When our eyes meet, he nods, his thumb still stroking soothingly, a soft look in his eyes. I know that Hunter and I will fight throughout this strange relationship of ours, but no matter how I fight it, I know that what he says is true. There is a bond between us that I can’t ignore. I have a need to be close to him. When he doesn’t touch me, I crave his touch. Whatever this bond is that he talks about between us, it’s real.

  “Yes,” I answer, and King nods, and then his whole demeanour changes as he smiles. Damn, the man is hot. Looking behind him, I realize that what that client said about them all being to die for is true. They radiate an aura of danger as they stand here looking at me, tough men, fighting men. Some with clear signs that they are fighters and not just lovers, because one thing I’m sure of as I look at these men is that they are lovers, and if anything like Hunter, good lovers at that.

  I can feel myself blush as I’m scrutinized by all these men, but then King takes a step towards me and I freeze. He might look more relaxed and not as foreboding as earlier, but I still feel wary in his presence. “Welcome to the Wolverine MC and to our pack, Dakota. You are now one of us.” The way he states those words, it sounds like a decree.

  “Thank you,” I say, and then jump in surprise when he leans down and kisses my forehead. What a strange thing for a biker to do. Kissing someone’s forehead is a sign of respect, something that I would never have expected a dangerous-looking biker like King to do.

  He steps to my side and then punches Hunter in the arm. “You did well,” he states, which has Hunter smiling like a loon and nodding.

  “She’s a bomb, isn’t she?” he says.

  “I’m right here,” I mutter, which has the men laughing, and then a big mountain of a man steps before me.

  “That’s right, Hunter,” King says as he pushes him playfully. “Have some manners.” And then he looks at me and smiles disarmingly. “Let’s ignore Hunter for a minute now, shall we, darling? I’ll introduce you to the rest of the men.” I hear Hunter mutter good-naturedly, which has me smiling at their camaraderie.

  “Standing before you is Goliath. Don’t be overwhelmed by his size. He’s a softy.” At King’s presentation, the men start chuckling. One of them starts to purr, which has me grinning as I see Goliath’s scowl.

  “Wow, thanks, King. Make me sound like a fucking pussy,” he grunts, but there is a twinkle in his hazel eyes that tells me he is enjoying the teasing. His long brown hair is tied back in a man bun, which enhances his masculine features. Goliath definitely fits his name; the man is a giant. Not only is he taller than all the men here besides King, but he’s brawnier than all of them. His biceps are enhanced by the way his arms are crossed over his chest.

  “Don’t worry, no one would ever mistake you for a softy,” I state, which has his eyes returning to mine, and then he grins. These men definitely have sex appeal. I’ll vouch for that. Darn, it’s like I fell into every woman’s dream.

  “Well, honey, it looks like you are definitely the diplomat in your bond. One thing about Hunter is that he doesn’t think before he speaks.” At Goliath’s comment, the other men agree.

  “Wow, thanks,” Hunter mumbles behind me, which has me grinning.

  “Next we have Dash over there.” I look towards where King is pointing and find a green-eyed devil smiling at me. His copper-coloured hair is windblown, his light-green eyes roving over my body as if I’m dinner. His grin is as mischievous as he is as he looks behind me.

  “I think it was a mistake when you were paired, dude. She is way too much for you. I think she is way better suited for me,” he quips, which has Hunter stepping next to me. Looking up, I see a scowl on his face, The cheerful-go-lucky Hunter gone, and in his place, the dangerous Hunter I know is under that easy façade.

  “Easy, asshole, just checking that your balls are still in place, as I couldn’t see you hiding there behind your mate,” Dash quips, his smile still in place.

  “Fuck you,” Hunter mutters, but I clearly see him relaxing. “There is no problem here.” His arm slides around my waist, and he draws me closer to his side.

  “Now that that is out of the way, let’s introduce you to Frost,” King states as he points at the guy standing next to Dash. There is a scowl on this one’s face, as if a dark cloud is hanging over him. A scar is evident from across his forehead and down to his eyebrow. If it weren’t for his mean demeanour, he would be very handsome, but his angry image has me wanting to stay away from him. His dark-brown eyes seem to look right through me, his dark-brown hair not as long as most of the men’s here, but still slightly longer than King’s.

  “Hi,” I say to see if he will smile, but he just nods. I wonder what it would take for him to crack a smile.

  “Don’t mind him. He’s always cranky,” another guy says from just behind Frost, which has Frost lifting his hand and showing him the finger. The others grin.

  “And that there is Fang and the Wolverine MC enforcer.”

  “Welcome to the pack, darling. If anyone messes with you, just let me know and I’ll sort them out.” He then points towards Hunter, winking as he quips, “That goes for Hunter too.”

  “I’ll remember that,” I say, which has the others teasing Hunter.

  “You can try,” Hunter answers with a grin. By the bantering that has been present since arriving, I can tell that these men are close. It’s good to know that they stand up for each other, as I have a feeling that if Jason ever finds me here, they might need to be strong, as he can be sneaky. The last thing I want is for anyone to get hurt because of me.

  “Then over there is Gunner.” Looking to the far end of the room slightly in darkness, I see a man leaning against the wall. I can only see some of his features, but I can tell he’s just as impressive as the others, but this one has light hair. Because of the poor light where he is standing, I can’t see properly, but I would say he’s bordering between light-brown and blond hair, and from here, his skin looks tanned, which makes his light-blue eyes seem like they are shining in the dark. He doesn’t comment but inclines his head in greeting.

  “Dixon here I believe you have met, and the distracted one over there is Hawk.” At his name, Hawk looks up from his phone and winks at me before going back to his phone. “The only one missing is Blue, but he’s not here at the moment.”

  “Oh, I know Blue. I love his music.” I feel Hunter tense beside me and grunt.

  “Looks like you have competition, brother,” Dash states as he wiggles his brows at Hunter.

  “Fuck off, Dash,” Hunter mutters before looking down at me. “Let me show you around.”

  “Hunter, tonight is your Initiation,” King states as Hunter starts guiding me towards a door on the far side. I look up at Hunter to see him grimace, but he doesn’t respond or show any other outward sign that he heard King.

  “What Initiation are you doing?” I ask as we enter a short corridor that leads towards a huge sitting area with all the latest technology. There is a seventy-inch flat screen against one of the
walls. Below is a shelf with various games and consoles. Whatever they do, it must be paying them well, because my surroundings are lavished with expensive furniture.

  “There is an Initiation that we have to go through once we find our mate. You see, when we are fortunate to bond with our true mate, our wolf and our human side is finally bonded as one too. Before that happens, we go through life struggling constantly with our wolf trying to dominate us and our human side trying to control our wild side.” There is so much I must learn about this man and everyone here if I am to fit in. This is so completely different from anything I could ever imagine.

  “Is it painful?” I ask. Just as we’re about to walk through another door, a woman wearing very little approaches us. Her long blonde hair is tied back in a ponytail, and her tight, very short shorts show off more than they conceal. Her tank top does little to conceal the fact that she isn’t wearing a bra.

  “Who’s this?” she asks with a frown.

  “Cherry, this is Dakota,” Hunter introduces as he places his arm around my shoulders, slightly appeasing the anger rising at the realization that this woman seems way too familiar with Hunter as she places her hand on his chest. In his defence, he takes hold of her wrist and pulls it away as he takes a step around her, guiding me towards a stairwell that I can see from the door. I’m not a violent person, but I swear I feel like punching her for putting her hands on him.

  Where did that come from? I have never been a possessive person, but the idea of Hunter with another woman has me wanting to commit violence.

  “What is she doing here?” Cherry calls out after us. Without turning or stopping, Hunter replies just before we start to ascend, “She lives here with me.”

  I hear Cherry’s gasp and wonder if this is an abnormal occurrence. Thinking about all the men, I wonder if there will be any other women, as it’s clear they aren’t monks, but if Hunter thinks that he will be visiting Cherry when he professes that I’m his, then he has another thing coming.

  “Are you planning on sleeping with other women?”

  Hunter stops just as he was about to take the last step, his head snapping around to look down at me. “What?” he asks with a frown.

  “You heard me,” I reply as I pull away from him and go stand at the top of the stairs. I’m still not at eye level, but at least he’s not looming over me.

  “Why would I want to sleep with other women when I have found you?” he asks, a perplexed look on his face.

  “You don’t even know me, and I don’t know how this wolfy thing works,” I state as I cross my arms over my chest.

  “Dakota, you are my mate. That means that you are everything I could ever want. Why would I want to go for rabbit if I can have steak?”

  I huff in irritation. That’s what they all say. Time will tell, but if I even dream that he’s being unfaithful, I am out of here. “I will not stand for cheating, no matter if you’re a biker or not. If you want me to stay, then I expect you to be true to me, or I will leave.”

  His hand shoots out. He takes hold of my arm before I can step back, a scowl on his face. “You are mine! There will be no leaving.”


  The thought of my woman leaving has my wolf wanting to break free and go on a rampage. I know she has no concept of what our bond means, but one thing she needs to realize is that there will be no leaving. After showing her where our room is, I leave her to unpack her belongings and get comfortable.

  I need to speak to the three women who live here—Cherry, Sam, and Didi. I want them to know that I won’t be needing them anymore, and I don’t want problems. I should have thought about this before bringing Dakota here. Fuck, I know how mates can be possessive of each other. Therefore, when Cherry placed her hand on my chest, I realized that it may become a problem now that Dakota is here, and fuck me if it didn’t.

  I could sense her anger the minute she saw Cherry. In a way, it’s assuring to know that my woman wants me, but in another, I know that it can create problems, especially with the three Blossoms in the house, as they can become clingy when not attended to.

  “Didn’t think I would be seeing you until later,” Dash says from the far side where he is sitting with his laptop. Hawk and Fang are also sitting on the couches, playing on the PlayStation. They don’t pay any attention to me as they continue their game.

  “I need to speak to the Blossoms,” I state. “You know where they are?”

  “Problems?” he asks.

  “Yeah, I need to let them know that I’m not going to need them any longer. Dakota did not like the idea of Cherry touching me.” Shit, even though I only used them sometimes, as I have women I hooked up with in town, one of them being Gloria, I know that they are still going to try their whims on me. I hate upsetting women, but if I must choose, I would rather upset them than my mate. I can feel myself hardening when I think of how her nostrils flared slightly at her anger, how her breasts moved with each breath she took.

  All I wanted to do was grab her and take her hard up against the wall, but I know she wouldn’t be too excited with the idea, and by the time we got to our room, she wasn’t in a very sharing mood, so I decided to leave her for a little while to get her bearings before I go back up and make love to my mate before I have the Initiation, which I’m not looking forward to.

  “Don’t worry about it. I will talk to them for you. Besides, you don’t want to go back to your mate and tell her that you were with the Blossoms.”

  I realize that I was just about to make another mistake. Yep, one thing I don’t want to do is lie to Dakota, so I’d rather avoid the situation. “Thanks, dude,” I mutter, and am about to leave again, when King walks in, a scowl on his face.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask, and wish I didn’t when his eyes turn to me. The fury there tells me that I’m not going to like the answer.

  “Those fuckers Hades are responsible for the disappearance of that girl Hawk has been after,” he states. Hades MC is always dabbling in fucking drugs and trafficking of women. We try to stop them at every turn, but there is always those who slip past. For King to be this angry, it means that the girl is either gone over the border, which is virtually impossible to track, or dead.

  “Did you get feedback from that contact I gave you?” Hawk asks from where he has just stood up from the couch where he was entertaining himself with Fang’s uselessness on the PlayStation. No matter how much Fang tries to master a game, he just doesn’t have the patience for it.

  “Yeah, and he says that she was taken across last week.”

  “Fuck,” Hawk says angrily as he storms out of the room.

  “We need to stop those motherfuckers,” I state angrily. It seems like the more we try to prevent, the more ways they find to deceive us. We’re no saints, but preventing drugs from infiltrating the community and stopping young women from being taken are some of our priorities. We make it our business to keep those around us safe. The people in town know who to contact when they are having problems. Contrary to the cops, we don’t have to stick by any rules. We are the law, but we are our own law.

  We help the authorities and some businesses, like the postal services, maintaining their companies crime free, but we do it our way or we don’t do it at all.

  “Seriously, King, you should just let us go in there and finish the fuckers,” Fang states angrily from where he is still sitting.

  “We are not assassins; we kill if we are threatened. Do you think I don’t want them dead too?” He lifts his hands, passing them through his hair in frustration. “All we can do is figure out what they are up to and stop them. If someone dies while we’re doing it, so be it, but we will not go in on purpose with a death plan.”

  “What are we going to do about this girl?” I ask, which has King’s eyes landing on me.

  “Why the fuck are you here? Where is your mate?” King asks with a raised brow.

  “She’s unpacking.”

  “What he means is that she’s upset with him,” Dash stat

  “What did you do?” King asks as he places his hands low on his waist and turns fully to look at me.

  “Nothing.” At that, he raises a brow. “Really, it’s just that she met Cherry and now thinks that I might be sleeping with other women besides her. I told her that I wouldn’t be interested in other women if I have my mate, but she doesn’t understand that.”

  King frowns at my explanation and then shakes his head. “You don’t leave your mate when she’s upset. It just makes her angrier. Go and fucking make it right, and we will sort out the Blossoms. They won’t approach you again.”

  I grunt in irritation; I love having my brothers around me, but they always think they know better. Turning, I leave to make my way back upstairs. I was pissed off when she spoke about leaving, but I understand where she’s coming from. Just the idea of my woman being touched by another man has me seeing red. I will assure her that she’s the only one I want, and I know just how to do it.

  Opening our bedroom door, I freeze in my tracks as I find Dakota bent over her bag only in underwear. Darn, my woman has the best ass I have ever seen. When she hears me, she snaps up in surprise. Oh, shit, and no bra. I kick the door closed with my heel and approach her; I can see her eyes widen when she realizes what my intentions are.

  “Hunter, don’t you—” Before she can finish her sentence, I have my hand behind her neck and am kissing the words out of her. My other hand on her bum cheek squeezes. She has every thought leaving my head when she’s around me. Her hands are now pulling off my kutte. When that is done, her hands slide under my T-shirt, her fingers stroking over my abs, then my chest. Shit, I can’t wait. I feel like a teenager with her. Maybe one day, I will take it slow, but for now, I need to be deep inside her body, feeling her heat surrounding me.

  Pulling back, I turn her around, her back to me, and then push down on her shoulder until her bum is flush against my loins. I pull down her panties just enough to bare her to me. Unbuttoning my jeans, I let them drop, my cock springing out to attention, lying between her bum cheeks. “You’re so fucking sexy, baby,” I mutter just before I lean down slightly and plunge into her.


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