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If You Let Me Go: A Sweet Romance (First Love Billionaire Romance novel)

Page 5

by Sonia Rao

  “You don’t mean the Narco country, do you?”

  “Columbia Business School. And Narco is Colombia. And also Gaby’s country. One Hundred Years of Solitude. Have you guys read that book?”

  The other two quickly turned their attention to the menu and pretended to do some deep reading and then TJ said, “Okay, you bookworm. Tell us more about Misha. Are you in love with her?”

  Was he? Then why did Shivalika’s image flash into his mind when TJ said love. Why was he so drawn to her? From the day he saw her at the restaurant, when she’d bumped into him, he’d been thinking about her. It was like a sign from the Universe when he got a glimpse of her at the Christmas party at La Piazza. When he was introduced to Nate, that was when he was sure she was the same girl. He’d been so awkward when he finally met her face to face after thinking about her for so long, his words had come out all wrong.

  When VK didn’t reply, both Girish and TJ looked at each other.

  “Is there someone else?” Girish asked.

  “Of course not,” VK said, immediately. Both of them gave knowing smiles.

  “It’s someone at work, right? At your new venture?” TJ set off the first salvo.

  “No. No, there’s no one,” VK said.

  The duo decided to let him off the hook, temporarily. They beckoned the waiter and then spent a good twenty minutes deciding what to order.

  “So, tell us about your new venture,” Girish said, as another waiter served them another round of the cold-pressed drinks.

  “This is a retail interior design business called La Piazza. I’m keen to turn this into a franchise. That will take care of the offline business aspect my dad was harping on.”

  Taking a sip of his juice, he continued, “They’ve got a good set-up here. But of course, we’ll have to begin consolidating all the processes so it can be replicated. There is a lot of work. But Shivalika is a great designer and has come up with a fabulous design forecast…”

  His voice petered off when he heard the two sniggering.

  “Shivalika?” they both said, in unison.


  “Who is this Shivalika?” TJ said.

  But before he could reply, he was surprised to see Misha walking towards their table. Signalling to the others, he stood up and walked up to her.

  “Hey, wassup? How come you’re here?”

  “I called up your place and Ramu kaka said I would find you here.”

  He led her to their table and said, “Meet my guys from Stanford. This is Girish Sanghvi. He runs an interior design agency, just like La Piazza, but bigger. He’d have been our competition except that they only do corporate offices.”

  Girish stuck out his hand and Misha shook it with a thin smile on her face.

  “And this is TJ, a “dot com” billionaire. But he makes sure he dedicates a part of his software business to helping the underprivileged. Recently he has been working with the National School for the Blind, am I right, TJ?”

  TJ nodded and smiled, and then shaking hands with Misha welcomed her to join them.

  “Oh, no. I would have loved to but I came here to fetch VK. I have to show him to my girl group. Come, let’s go, VK,” she said, turning to VK.

  VK’s brows furrowed. “Now?” he said.

  “Yes, come on,” she said, linking her hand around his arm and pulling him to follow her.

  Very precisely VK picked up her arm and delinked it from his. “I’m sorry, Misha, but perhaps it is not obvious to you that I am with my friends. And we plan to be here for a few hours more. I suggest you go ahead and meet your friends. I’ll catch up with you when we’re finished here. And if you want to join us, you are most welcome to do that too.”

  Her face twisted into an ugly scowl at being thwarted and she flounced off without bidding them a goodbye.

  VK pretended to wipe sweat off his forehead and did an eye roll.

  TJ and Girish just put out their hands to shake his, saying, “We wish you all the best, VK.”

  “Don’t worry, guys, I can take care of myself,” he said. “So, what’s with the Blind school, TJ?”

  And so the evening rolled on, as the old friends caught up with each other, but VK wondered if it was wise getting married to Misha. She had come to Mumbai not just to be with him but also as an investor. Having her on board would make a big difference to his business.

  “VK, you never told us who Shivalika is and what she means to you?” Girish said, with a wink at TJ.

  “Do you remember how much fun we used to have in college? Gosh, it feels like so long ago, doesn’t it?” he said, steering the topic away from Shivalika. What did she mean to him? He had a niggling feeling that she meant a lot more to him than he was ready to admit to himself at this point in time.


  It had now become a habit with Shivalika to make sure her alarm was set before she went to bed. This meant she always reached work in good time. Today was no different. Dumping her bags on her table she went towards the kitchen to get herself a cup of coffee—her kickstart beverage.

  She passed Nate’s desk. He was already engrossed in his work and barely gave her a look. He had gone terribly quiet after VK took over the company. She missed the Nate of old but was really thankful she would not be receiving any further proposals from him. He had dropped her like a hot potato at the first sign of aggression from VK. She would have felt gratified if he had stood up for her and taken his accusation on his chin, bravely and faced up to his misdemeanors like a man. But, he had just crawled away like a pussycat with his tail between his legs with barely a glance at her. She would miss him like a friend but now she wondered if he had ever even been a friend.

  Shivalika walked into the kitchen and bumped into VK who was just leaving from there. He swiftly put out his hand to hold her and move her to the side so his coffee would not splatter on her with the impact.

  “On time today?” he said, his eyes twinkling.

  She was flustered but she also couldn’t let him get away with this wrong impression of her.

  “Hey, that was the only one time…” she began, but he was already out of the kitchen and walking towards his cabin.

  “Damn that man…” Shivalika poured herself a coffee from the machine but before she could leave, Nate entered the kitchen.

  Oh, no! Did I celebrate too soon? she thought.

  “Shivalika, Rajesh carpenter just called. He wants to speak to you. Just call him back and see what he wants. I suggest we sack him. He has been unreachable for over two months,” he said.

  Shivalika nodded and hurried away before Nate decided to propose to her.

  The carpenter reached the office just after lunch time, in accordance with Shivalika’s instructions.

  “Why have you called him here? I told you to fire him over the phone,” Nate said to Shivalika, taking her aside.

  “No, I suggest we keep him on,” she replied. They were so engrossed in their dispute, they didn’t notice VK who had entered their office area and was watching them intently. He gestured to them to come into his office.

  “Lovers’ spat? I suggest you both keep your personal disputes at home. I don’t believe it is good for the working environment we are seeking to maintain here.”

  The colour rose in her cheeks and her eyes sparked with anger. “We were not having a lovers’ spat,” she said, making air quotes at lovers’ spat.

  “Then what was that heated discussion about? No one I know could get so heated about anything except love,” VK said.

  “Then you might not be knowing a lot of people or perhaps the right kind of people,” she retorted. Nate stood by watching the to and fro between them.

  “So, tell me what was happening.”

  “Nate wants me to fire Rajesh carpenter and I don’t agree with his decision.”

  VK turned to look at Nate.

  Nate shook his head. “I don’t think we should retain him. He has been very irregular in the past two months. We can’t accep
t such an attitude.”

  “But that was because the slum where he lived was burned down. He had to search for a new place for his family and him. He’d fought with his father and come to the city so he did not want to ask his family for support. He’s been running from pillar to post to get a new place and also to get a new ration card and Aadhar card since everything got burnt in the fire.” Shivalika shook with anger at the injustice meted out to the carpenter.

  “Feeling empathy for anyone is very good, but you’ve got to think with a clear mind too, Shivalika. Does the quality of his work warrant that we support him?” VK said.

  “I can totally vouch for the quality, VK. The furniture he’s made stands apart and it benefits us too, as a company. In fact, I was hoping to get a couple of our new carpenters to apprentice under him.”

  VK half-shut his eyes and steepled the forefingers of his hands, deep in thought.

  “Okay,” he said, suddenly. “Send him in, let me talk to him before we decide.”

  30 minutes later, Rajesh was a much-relieved man. Not only had VK assured him of continued employment but had also forwarded him a chunk of money as advance.

  “Thank you, madam,” he said, with folded hands, to Shivalika.

  So VK did have a heart, she thought. She was so glad that a good workman like Rajesh would not have to sacrifice his talent in order to provide for his family.

  And later, when VK walked out of his room, his eyes met Shivalika’s across the office. She mouthed “Thank You” and gave him a happy smile. He only raised his brow in response but Shivalika’s heart continued to beat fast for quite some time after he left.


  “So, what does VK mean to you?” said Aloka.

  “What do you mean?” Shivalika sputtered.

  “In the last two hours you have mentioned him at least 20 times.”

  “I did not.”

  “You did! What’s happening, Shivalika? Are you falling in love with your boss?”

  “Are you off your mind, Aloka? You know my feelings about love and marriage.”

  “Yes, I do. But I also know it is time to move on. Love can happen to the best of people with the worst of people. Can one control who one loves? No, one cannot.”

  “But she—”

  “Give your mom a break. It’s been so long. Perhaps she was in such a situation.”

  Aloka and she were on their late-night, monthly catch-up call. Aloka’s words ignited many questions within her.

  “I don’t know...anyway, I better get to bed if I don’t want VK breathing down my neck if I reach late at work tomorrow.”

  After saying goodnight, Shivalika got ready for bed. It was true she had lost the ability to sleep as soon as her head hit the pillow ever since she’d bumped into VK at the restaurant. Those deep grey eyes haunted her everywhere.

  But the crazier thing was that though she had lost faith in love long ago, she seemed to be getting less cynical about it. Was it possible for people to remain faithful in love? Seeing Aloka and Moksh so deeply and truly in love with each other made her believe it was possible. Shivalika crossed her fingers, wishing for their relationship to be able to withstand all pressures which all relationships inevitably faced.

  On her part, she would continue to pursue her dream: which was to have her own design studio. She would travel, see the world and enjoy a fun life without getting into the intricacies of relationships.


  “You have reached your destination.” The message from the cab company popped up in Shivalika’s phone even as the driver swiftly turned the cab and parked it in front of the building.

  Shivalika stepped out and looked up at the imposing structure. Her aviators protected her from the glare of the mid-morning sun that was also giving her hair a sleek glow. Her pant-suit fitted her perfectly. If asked, she would have admitted that she took a bit more care over her dress and appearance today.

  This building was of a limited-edition type, having been designed by an international celebrity. She’d heard of it and was thrilled to be getting an opportunity to check it out. Thanks to VK.

  That reminded her to wonder if her colleagues had already reached. A message from VK had gone out to the team instructing them to meet at his place for their weekly meeting. According to him, change of setting would help in boosting team spirit and also jogging everyone’s creativity.

  The plan was to meet at VK’s place at 11am. Shivalika looked at her watch. She was right on time.

  She entered the lobby of the building and was overcome by its luxuriousness. Her eyes goggled at the Chihuly chandelier that held pride of place in the lobby. It beautifully complimented the huge fountain made with a skillful combination of stone and mirrors—everything hinted at a subtle elegance and affluence. The state-of-the-art intercom system, the smartly-dressed young woman at the reception and two sharply-uniformed security guards stationed at the elevators completed the picture.

  She looked at VK’s address again on her phone. 5th floor. She began walking towards the lifts but before she could go further, the security guard stopped her.

  “Which floor, Ma’am?”


  “Do you have the key?”

  “Key?” How would she have the key? She wasn’t the owner. She shook her head.

  “Okay. Please wait. What did you say your name was?”

  “Shivalika...Shivalika Kelkar.”

  The receptionist picked up the intercom and dialled a number. “Miss Shivalika Kelkar is here. Shall I send her up?”

  There was silence on the other end and then the voice came back and said, “Bhej do.”

  The security guard guided her to the lift. The outer wall was made of glass. The security guard punched in the floor number and moved out before the doors slid shut. As the lift ascended, Shivalika saw the sea, almost touching the back walls of the building. The tide rising, the waves breaking and then leaving the shore— it was a mesmerizing sight.

  Shivalika was still staring at it when the lift came to a stop and the doors opened. Instinctively she stepped out.

  But instead of finding herself outside VK’s door, she was already inside his penthouse. Nice. But her heart went thud-thud as she thought about meeting VK face to face, though he was nowhere to be seen.

  Suddenly an old man with salt and pepper hair and wearing a white kurta pyjama and a gamcha around his neck, looking like Ramu Kaka of old Bollywood films, stood before her.

  “I’m Ramu Kaka,” he said. Shivalika barely managed to stop her smile from turning into laughter. But she needn’t have worried much about it because the next moment the very thought of laughter had fled far away.

  A Greek God—at least that is what VK looked like—came out from one of the rooms, a fleecy towel wrapped low around his waist, rubbing his wet hair with another, a gold medallion hanging on a gold chain on his hairy—but not Anil Kapoor hairy—chest.

  “Kaun hain, Ramu Kaka? Who’s there?”

  She could only stare till VK suddenly saw her and said, “Hey!”

  The spell was broken but her heart had perhaps not got the memo because it kept on with its pounding. She just hoped VK and Ramu Kaka could not hear it.

  “You’re early.

  “The others...from the office...they’ve not reached yet?”

  “I sent another message for the team to come just before lunchtime. For better bonding.” His eyes twinkled.

  Shivalika pulled out her phone, confused. And saw Rati’s message about the time change. How had she missed seeing it?

  “Oops. Sorry. I’ll wait downstairs,” she said, moving towards the lift.

  “Don’t go.” She turned around at his words and almost bumped into him, or rather his chest, eye-to-eye with the medallion. She took a deep breath to steady herself but the aroma of his fresh-from-the-bath, musky fragrance made her senses swim. She looked up and saw his eyes glittering. Imagine. He’s almost undressed and still has more chutzpah than herself. She shook her head t
o get rid of the wooziness.

  Perhaps aware of the effect he was having on her, VK grabbed her hand and ushered her into the living room.

  “Wait here. Or better yet, take a tour of the house while I throw on some clothes. I’ll join you in a jiffy.” Throwing an amused glance at her blushing face, he left the room.

  Immediately Ramu Kaka came into the room to inquire about her choice of beverage. Holding the cup of coffee he brought her, Shivalika ambled around the room, admiring the view and the creative use of the building materials.

  By the time VK joined her, coffee was drunk and she was devouring the scenic view of the beach and the sea from the balcony. She eyed him sideways and sighed. Even fully clothed, the guy exuded an attraction that, despite her best efforts, drew her to him like a magnet. Like a moth to the flame. Well, there was never a good ending for the moth in that story. Would it be any different for hers?

  VK’s voice dragged her out of her reveries. “Isn’t the sea so majestic?”


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