If You Let Me Go: A Sweet Romance (First Love Billionaire Romance novel)

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If You Let Me Go: A Sweet Romance (First Love Billionaire Romance novel) Page 12

by Sonia Rao

  Shivalika just nodded. Then changing the subject, she said, “Tennis coach said my backhand has improved a lot.”

  “But why go for tennis in the morning? You’ve taken leave from work?”

  “No, Gramma. I was going to tell you earlier but…” her voice hitched with emotion.

  “But what, babu?”

  “I’m sending in my resignation tomorrow.”

  “But I thought you loved this job.”

  “I do...I mean I did. But I feel it’s time to move on...to better opportunities.”

  Vashu felt the slight tremor that ran along Shivalika’s entire body as she spoke. This bit of news came as a shock to her. Then a thought struck her.

  “Is it VK? Has he done or said something?”

  At hearing VK’s name, Shivalika became absolutely still. This was for just a moment, but Vashu noticed it. But before she could say anything, Shivalika gave a short laugh. “Gramma, you are letting your imagination run wild. No, of course not, it has nothing to do with VK.”

  “Okay. And you are right. It is time for you to spread your wings wider. You were talking about that fellow you met in Paris? What about his job offer?”

  “Yes, that was a good one. But I want to take it a bit slow. Perhaps I should take a break?”

  Shivalika talking about taking a break from work! This was definitely serious. Vashu hugged her tight. “Perhaps to begin with, look at jobs in Mumbai itself? Take up a part-time job if you want.”

  Shivalika nodded. “That sounds like a plan.” Any enthusiasm she’d always displayed for her job earlier was sorely missing.

  “Goodnight, Gramma. Sleep tight,” she said, suddenly, kissing her grandmother on the cheek and jumping out of bed.

  Sleep had completely fled for Vashu now. She lay back on her pillow, trying to explore what could have caused this situation. All this strange behaviour by Shivalika had begun from the day after the office party. She’d ask VK in the morning. He had remained in touch with her ever since the Paris trip. She was sure he would know.


  VK picked up the phone and dialled Shivalika’s grandmother’s number. He had been waiting for over a week to hear from Shivalika. She had disappeared, as if from the face of the Earth, after the day he dropped her home.

  She seemed to have either shut down her phone or then blocked everyone in the office. Even his. Where had she gotten to? They needed to talk to her. He did not want to trouble Vashu for this but she seemed to be his last resort.

  “The number you are trying to reach is busy on another call.” This message persisted for the next three tries. He wondered who Vashu was talking to for so long. He almost smashed his phone in frustration but stopped himself in time. The staff was beginning to troop into his office for the weekly meeting. He had no desire to go through it but he would do it anyway. After all, he had to keep his personal life separate from his professional life. That they were both entwined so deeply in his case was just the kind of joke life loved to play on people.

  “Shall we begin?”

  Rati’s words brought VK back to the present. Nodding, he opened the files in front of him.

  “Who would like to take the first topic on today’s agenda?” Nate put up his hand and VK gave him the go-ahead. He wondered if Nate had heard from Shivalika. Should he ask him about it? He shook his head to clear his thinking. He was beginning to behave like a Devdas. That would not do, even if the office staff did not suspect it. He had sworn Rati and Jayesh to secrecy as he deputed them to keep on calling Shivalika and try to get in touch with her.

  Just then, his watch buzzed. It was a notification about an email from Shivalika. Finally. It was a bit strange getting an email from her, rather than a message, but then beggars can’t be choosers.

  “Something’s come up. I’m sorry, we’ll have to reschedule the meeting.” VK cut into the speech that Nate had begun spouting, not caring at the moment about anything except the urge to check his email.

  Once the room was empty, he opened his inbox and read.

  “Dear Mr. Vikramarya Kumar,

  I have been associated with La Piazza since the last six years and in those years, I have done my job with utmost sincerity, loyalty and integrity.

  It is now time for me to explore other avenues which I think you will have no argument with and hence I forward to you this, my resignation letter.

  I shall be unable to complete my notice period and according to the rules I am agreeable to having one month’s salary deducted.

  Thank you.

  Yours truly,

  Shivalika Kelkar

  Head Designer, La Piazza

  VK read the resignation letter over and over again. Somehow, he wasn’t too surprised to get it and he was also not too surprised to note that the piercing pain he felt in his heart had become a regular occurrence, almost like a friend. He gave a wry smile and then picked up the phone.

  “Hey, what’s up?” Girish, on the other end, sounded cheerful and enthusiastic. VK would be imposing on their friendship but he was sure he would do the same if the need arose.

  “I’m messaging you the email id of a superlative designer. Make her an offer she can’t refuse. Don’t let her go. If she does not reply to the email, call her up. But you have to be very careful that my name does not figure anywhere in that picture. Will you do that for me?”

  “Are you crazy? Of course, I’ll do it. But what’s the story behind this?”

  “I’ll tell you soon enough but for now I just want to know you’ve got my back.”

  “Goes without saying. Who is this designer?”

  “Her name’s Shivalika Kelkar.”

  “Shivalika…wait, isn’t she the same girl you mentioned at our dinner…”

  “Yes...yes...but for now let’s get this done. We’ll catch up soon about this. Yes, even TJ and Sam who I know you are going to call immediately after this call.”

  “Send me the email id.” Girish’s words accompanied with a teasing, infectious laugh came down the airwaves making VK smile too. He was glad that Shivalika would be in a good place.

  Once this call was over, VK tried Vashu’s number too. He heaved a sigh of relief when he heard her voice on the other end. Now he’d finally get to know what was really happening with Shivalika.


  “OH MY GOD! What happened, Shivalika?” Aloka screeched through the video screen, her face, looking like thunder, covering it completely. It was their catch-up call, their first since the office party.

  Shivalika, who was huddled inside her sheet, scrunched herself even more inwards at her words and then placing her finger on her lips gestured to her to quieten down. It was past midnight and everyone was asleep at home. Even a little bit of loud noise would have the whole household rushing into her room.

  “What happened, babe?” Aloka whispered loudly. “Please tell me, Shivalika. You’re looking like...sick! Does Gramma know?”

  Shivalika nodded slowly and raised her head out from her cocoon. “I’m okay,” she mouthed.

  This seemed to pacify Aloka who continued to stare at her from all angles to make sure she was okay. Then perhaps aiming at making Shivalika laugh, she said, “What will VK say if he sees you like this, all dark circles under your eyes, sallow skin and droopy mouth?”

  Aloka almost fell back in shock when Shivalika sat up. Her sheet thrown off, she covered her face with her palms. Her shoulders shook as her body rocked back and forth.

  “Babe, are you laughing or sobbing?” Aloka queried quietly, not sure what was happening on the other side of the screen.

  Shivalika looked up, her eyes red and swollen.

  “I’ll kill that bastard. Give me his number right now!” Aloka almost shrieked, still mindful to keep her volume low. “I’ll kill him.”

  “Who? Which number?” For a moment, Shivalika forgot her pain and looked confused.

  “VK, who else. He did this to you, didn’t he? I won’t leave him.” Aloka was fuming, eyes bla
zing. He had made a mess of her dear friend. Whatever he had done to her was not good. “Don’t tell me anything. Just give me his number. Or better still, give me his address. I’ll send Moksh to fight him—billionaire to billionaire—to make him pay for hurting you.”

  Shivalika was still, speechless for a moment and then burst out laughing. “OMG! Billionaire to billionaire! Oh gosh! That is so hilarious!” Looking at Shivalika laugh, Aloka gave a sheepish smile. Her face still stuck to the screen, she said, “Then who did this to you, babe. Never ever seen you this way before. What’s it?”

  Shivalika sobered down. “All my grand plans of focussing only on my career are coming true, except that I am not at all excited about them now.” Shivalika opened out her heart to Aloka.

  “They say time heals all wounds. But why wait? Put the bandage on, right now. Why don’t you call up VK and ask him right out about his engagement?”

  “NO! He shouldn’t have kissed me if he was engaged to that...witch Misha.”

  “Are you sure he’s engaged?”

  “If not then, he would be by now. They were going to have their engagement party soon. She’d got the rings, she said.” Shivalika's voice broke as a sob escaped her. “I made paneer chilli the other day. And it came out so well...can you imagine. It is VK’s fave dish too...you know...” Shivalika’s voice petered off, her lips trembling as thoughts of VK crammed her head again.

  “Listen to me, baby. Stop beating yourself up. I don’t know what kind of a guy VK is but from what you have told me about him, I still think there might have been a misunderstanding.”

  Shivalika drew the sheet around herself again, tears perched on her lids. “I now realise he was never interested in me. It was just me imagining he loved me. It was all fake. I have been such a fool.”

  “Come over and stay with me for some days,” Aloka said.

  “Wish I was a polar bear who could go into a cave to hibernate and only come back when the hurt has healed. Every time I go out I see people who look just like him. I miss him so much. But I hate him.”

  “What do you need most now, darling? Words or hugs?”

  “Hugs! Hold me tight.” Shivalika’s forlorn face made tears spring up in Aloka’s eyes too. But she brushed them aside. She couldn’t allow Shivalika to fall into this pit of despair and depression.

  “Sending you lots and lots of tight virtual hugs.” Aloka put out her arms and pursed her lips sending flying kisses to her through the screen. “Hug me back, Shivalika, I’m waiting.”

  Shivalika put out her hands and lips for virtual hugs and kisses and soon they were both smiling at the funny picture they made.

  “Attagirl. Now go wash your face and tell me your future plans.”

  “Back to the grind, I guess. No guarantee when the tears will spring up, though,” Shivalika said, with a wry smile. “Gramma has been pushing me to get a new job. So, I sent a bunch of resumes out yesterday. I know I’ll hate working under another boss now but atleast I won’t go falling in love with them.”

  Aloka was quiet. The hurt was deep and would take a long time to heal. But she’d be there for her friend every step of the way.

  “Death to all the asshole bosses of the world!” Aloka declared raising her hand in a high salute. This made Shivalika giggle. They chatted some more.

  It was almost dawn by the time they signed off. Today, after many days, Shivalika dozed off without crying herself to sleep.


  Shivalika entwined her fingers with her father’s and then pulled his hand forward to stretch the muscles. From the corner of her eye, she could see Gramma hovering around. Once the hand exercises were done, it was time for walking. She walked with her father along the perimeter of their living room. His halting steps troubled her, reminding her of the tragedy but also grateful that at least he got out alive.

  “What gives, Gramma?” Shivalika said, cocking an eyebrow as her grandmother continued to rub a vase made of brass with some powder.

  Her grandmother had the grace to look sheepish. “You know Malati, my friend from the walking group? She said this new powder shines the brass artefacts very easily. Less effort needed. I got it yesterday from the store and was just checking it out,” she said, holding out her hand that held a pinkish powder.

  “Apparently it’s not doing its job— this is the third time you’re polishing the same vase.”

  Her father snorted with laughter while Gramma pretended she hadn’t heard it. She kept the vase away now that her game was up.

  “Have you checked your email yet? Some new job offers must have come in.”

  “I did as soon as I woke up. There are a few but nothing worth getting out of bed for.”

  Her grandmother frowned, confused. “Getting out of bed for?”

  “Oh gosh, Gramma, have you not heard of that supermodel who would not get out of bed if she was not paid what she demanded? We girls have a lot of catching up to do.”

  “Okay...that is a good explanation. But…” She pointed to Shivalika’s laptop. Shivalika shook her head and moved her thumb to and fro to indicate she had not received anything new.

  Just then, her phone pinged with a notification. Gramma almost jumped up in excitement. Her face broke into a huge smile and she said, “I’m sure this will be a great offer.” Shivalika just shook her head at her Gramma’s antics. The subtle goading her grandmother indulged in had its effect because as soon as she’d settled down her father in his favourite armchair, she went to her desk and opened her laptop.

  An email jumped out at her.

  “Dear Shivalika Kelkar,

  Sub: Offer to join Neo Design Company

  We are starting a new section on Modern Interiors and are looking for an experienced person to head it. Our interest is to get someone with fresh ideas which are modern and easily implementable and your name is at the top of our shortlist.

  We know you are already engaged in employment but we are ready to offer you a better package that includes perks and higher pay.

  If you are interested, please get back to us at the earliest to discuss this further.

  Thanking you,

  Yours sincerely,

  Girish Sanghvi

  CEO, Neo Design Company

  Shivalika read it again and again, twice over, her forehead scrunched into a scowl. Sensing something was amiss, Gramma quickly reached next to Shivalika and started reading the email.

  “Your name is at the top of their shortlist, Shivalika. Congratulations.” Gramma’s voice was full of the pride she felt for her grand-daughter.

  “But the shortlist of what? I have never entered any competition from this company as far as I can remember,” Shivalika said.

  Gramma quickly did a search of the company online. Their website was beautiful and they’d received glowing reviews for their services. Digging deeper, she found VK’s name connected to the founder. After her telephone conversation with VK the other day, her mind was at rest.

  She trusted VK. She remembered how he had gone out of his way to help out with Shivalika’s mother’s funeral and other rituals. He’d even called his sister to help out. She liked him. VK had kept in touch with Gramma though he always said it was not as much as he would have liked, because of the workload that was never ending. He was not just a quality-driven workmaster but he considered the human element to be equally important in all his professional work and dealings. Gramma gave a sigh. She wished there would be a future in which Shivalika and VK are together. She had felt the vibes between them.

  “You had sent out so many resumes, you might have got some interviews mixed up. So, my advice is, give up skepticism and embrace the life of the believer. Go for the interview and slay it, as your brothers would say.”


  Neo Design Company seemed a nice place to be in. She’d met the CEO, Girish Sanghavi, who she later discovered was also the co-founder.

  He had seemed suitably impressed with her resume and the interview went very well. Only
at one point when he’d asked about her experience at her previous job, she thought she would flounder but all that practice in front of the mirror for this moment had been worthwhile. She’d sailed through without a glitch.

  For a moment when he was talking about the salary and other perks, her attention had wavered. Then he had shown her the room she would be working in. She loved that it was spacious and had huge windows with a view of the sea. A big plus in favour of Neo Design Company.

  “And please don’t call me Sir. Call me by my name. Everyone does that here.” Girish Sanghvi had surprised her. A New Age boss? She smiled. Things were going to be interesting here.

  At the first introductory meeting, she’d hit it off well with the team. No, nothing like back slapping terms but they were smart and when they got together to discuss the design agenda for the season, she felt the thrill return. At least work did not cheat you and leave you with unrequited love. It always gave back more than you gave it.

  But one carryover from her previous job was, surprisingly, Nate. Only here, his name was Rahul and she was not sure why and how but he always seemed to be around her, complimenting her, making flowery speeches and once he even brought her a red rose. She did what she thought was best: she found a discarded coffee container from the kitchen, plonked the rose inside it and kept it on the reception desk near the entrance. Did every workplace have a Nate? Life was always tough for a working girl. Sigh.


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