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Coming For Christmas: A Sexy Romantic Holiday Standalone

Page 4

by Krystyna Allyn

  He looks at me pleading, and I must admit that his pouty face is cute. I almost cave because of it.

  “Go with Helga,” I coax him. “I can come in and hold your hand if you like.” He glares at me, but I return with a grin. A beat goes by, and Cooper lets out a defeated sigh. “Fine,” he mutters.

  Helga beckons him to follow her. He rolls his eyes in response, but continues in the direction of his appointment, mumbling, “Whoever came up with the idea of a Brazilian wax should be beaten to death with a stick.”

  With Cooper out of the room, Jared takes a seat next to me, his soft robe rubbing against my leg.

  “You ready for Friday?”

  “Sure,” I say a little too loud. It’s not that I’m nervous. I’m more excited if anything, and I feel good about sharing my body with these two men. I have no doubt Jared won't make things complicated, and Cooper also knows I don’t want a relationship.

  “I mean, sure.” I smile, my tone more even. “I’m all waxed and ready to go.”

  Jared turns his head to the side and studies me briefly as if assessing something. His perusal makes me nervous, so I blurt out, “Why are you staring at me?”

  “Well,” he replies inquisitively, “I’m wondering why you don’t date.”

  I give him a mind-your-business look, and he crosses his arms in front of his chest, his returning gaze indicating that he expects a response.

  “Listen, Jared—”

  “Don’t try to change the topic. I am generally interested, and I’ll tell you why after you spill.” He leans back in the chair and waits for me to divulge another one of my secrets.

  “Fine,” I let out a sigh, “but can you keep this between us?” He gives a quick nod, and I continue. “I have no problems with getting a boyfriend, but they've always been sexually … boring.” I really don't want to retell my relationship woes to this man because it's none of his business, but what the hell, I'm intrigued. “You already know about my fetish for porn, so it's understandable that I would want to try every dirty thing that I've already seen. I dated a bunch of losers who weren't sexually compatible with me. It got to the point where I had to give myself orgasms after my partner fell asleep just to satisfy myself. I decided at that point I was better off alone. Why deal with the drama anyway? Sex is what I crave. The emotional attachments tend to be messy.”

  “Hmm.” Jared taps his chin with his index finger. “What if you found someone with an equal appetite to yourself? Would you consider a relationship then?”

  I think on his question for a moment, wondering if I actually would take the leap again. My first thought is no, but what if I find someone who wants it as bad as I do? Would I disregard them because of my past experiences? “Are you asking for someone in particular?” I narrow my eyes at him. “Because you are definitely not my type. From what the office girls tell me, you're everyone else’s flavor.”

  Jared shrugs his shoulders. “Don’t disagree with you there, but nope, I’m not remotely interested in making you my girlfriend. Now, fucking you is another story.” His face splits into a naughty grin. “I do know of someone who might be your perfect match, but I’m thinking you may already know that.”

  What the? A look of shock and confusion crosses my face. “I have no idea who or what you’re talking about.” And I really didn’t.

  “Come on, Beth. You can't be that dense.” Jared makes a tsk-tsk sound with his tongue. “Obviously, you and Cooper are a match.”

  “Umm. Not sure where you’re getting that idea from, but I have no interest in him other than physical.” Jared rolls his eyes at me. “And I don’t appreciate you making this more than what it is.”

  Holding his hands up in retreat he tells me, “Fine. Just remember this conversation in a few days.”

  “Ouch.” Both of our heads shoot in the direction of the back toward the piercing scream.

  “Oh shit,” Jared laughs, “I so don’t envy him.”

  “You are a beast,” Cooper yells so loud that the whole Upper East Side probably hears him.

  “Should we go back there?” My wide eyes stare at Jared, who is still watching the back room entrance. “Nah. He’s been through worse before, and he survived it. He’ll be fine.”

  Raising an eyebrow, I inquire, “What else has he been through?”

  Slowly turning his head to face me, Jared shakes his head. “Nope. You made it clear this is completely physical. If you want to know anything about Cooper, ask him.”

  “Whatever,” I mumble as another shout comes from the room. “Could you at least tell me how it is you know Cooper? Though the back and forth banter between you two is hilarious, I feel like the odd woman out. Maybe I want to be in on the joke as well?”

  Jared shrugs. “We've been friends for a while.” And he ends it at that, the slight lip twitch telling me he isn't going to divulge any more.

  Before I get a chance to needle at Jared for being so cagey, Cooper storms in the room. With his face beet red, he glares at both Jared and me. Pointing at both of us he spits, “That was cruel and unusual punishment. Do you know how painful that was? The woman with man hands touched me.” I try not to laugh, but Cooper makes it really hard.

  “Stop acting like a woman and deal with it.” Jared chuckles. Standing, he continues, “I’m going to get dressed, and I’ll meet you two in a few hours for dinner.”

  “Screw you,” Cooper protests, his fists already clenched at his sides. Jared gives him a three-finger salute and walks to the changing room.

  Cooper turns to me with a look of irritation. “Don’t ever make me do anything like that again. I’ve wanted you forever, so I was willing this one time, but no more.”

  His expression shifts from annoyance to surprise, as if he didn’t mean to say the last sentence.

  I study him for a beat to see if I can pick up on his mood. “What are you talking about?” I ask him, as I rise from the seat. Backing away he replies, “Nothing. I’ll see you at dinner.”

  I attempt to grab his arm, but Cooper stalks past me so fast that I don’t even get close to catching him. I’m starting to think it wasn’t such a good idea to put him through that. I got so fixated on what I wanted, that I didn’t think about how it might upset him. Then I remember that he and Jared agreed to this, and I wipe the doubt from my mind. I even forget about Cooper’s weird statement.

  Finally arriving home, I plop onto my couch, and put my feet up on the table. I have a couple of hours before dinner. I'm looking forward to having a meal with the guys in an intimate setting. I think it will add to the foreplay and make us more relaxed for our rendezvous on Friday. Hopefully, by then, Cooper will have calmed down.

  Having this downtime is great because it will give me a chance to check in with Carrie. She is a doll, covering for me at work today and the rest of the week. Reaching into my purse, I grab my phone and dial her direct line.

  “Hey, bitch,” she greets loudly.

  “Hey, aren’t you in the office?” I ask, knowing that our boss hates the usage of what he calls ‘foul language’.

  “Yup, but Carl the douche is on a call in the conference room, so I can shout as loud as I want and say as many expletives as I like.”

  Groaning, I ask, “Is Janet there?” She likes to report on us.

  “Yes, she is, but she and I have come to an understanding. I get to say cocksucker, fuck, shit, and cunt as much as I want, and I won't tell the boss about her stealing office supplies.”

  “Wait,” I gasp, placing a hand over my mouth. “She steals supplies? But she seems so straight-laced. How the heck did I not see this?”

  “Who knows, but I caught her shoving a box of paper into her hatchback during lunch.”

  “Awesome.” I pump my fist to an empty room. “I've been trying to get something on her for months. Do you know that bitch told Carl that I logged onto Facebook too much, and now he monitors my internet usage closely?”

  “Yikes, forgot about that. Well, now we have something on her. I h
ave to figure out how to use it to our advantage. Anyway, how goes the threesome prep?”

  “It’s going really good.” I lean against the pillow on the couch and rub the back of my neck with my hand. “We went to the spa today and got primped and pampered. Cooper didn’t take well to the waxing, but he’ll get over it.”

  “That hilarious. What about the other one? Jared, right?”

  “Yeah.” I laugh as I think about how at ease he is with everything. “He’s apparently a pro at being taken care of by women.”

  “I bet, but let’s go back to Cooper for a sec. The blond cutie freaked? That surprises me. From how you described him, he doesn’t seem the type.”

  Letting out a sigh I tell her, “I think there's more than meets the eye to him. And listen to this; Jared thinks that I should try to date him. Crazy right?”

  “Really …”

  The way she says the word gives me pause. “What the hell is that tone for?”

  “Tone. Me?” Her voice mocks surprise, and her indifference is annoying.

  “Stop being an ass and tell me what you meant.”

  Carrie chuckles, decreeing, “I think Jared is onto something. You haven’t been dating much. If he’s not interested, then why not Cooper?”

  “Seriously? There are too many reasons to count. First off, I barely know him.”

  “Yet you plan on sleeping with him, and his friend I might add.”

  “Yeah, so?” I murmur like a child unable to prove a point. “He likes to sleep around. He even told me so.”

  “Hmm ... someone with the same sexual appetite as yourself. I don’t see a problem there.”

  Rolling my eyes, I try to come up with some other excuse, but nothing materializes in my mind. I respond the only way I know how when I lose an argument. “Whatever, Carrie.” I twirl my finger around a lock of my hair, frustration making me tug it a bit too hard.

  “Just what I thought.” She laughs. “So when are you going to make a move on him, and I’m not just talking about the sex?”

  “Don’t know if that’s a good idea.” I sigh. “Things are already complicated with Jared involved, and they’ve been friends for a while. I don’t want to mess with that.”

  “Wait, what?” she says, her tone filled with surprise. “Did they apply for the ad at the same time? That would be the only way you’d get them both.”

  “That's probably what happened,” I answer, still pissed at myself for not telling her about the agency. “Anyway, I asked Jared about it, but he's being cagey. And you know what else?” I bite my bottom lip before continuing. “Something about them both seems familiar. I knew of Jared but never saw him up close until the coffee shop. In the case of Cooper, I've never met him before. Nothing in his file says I should even know the guy.”

  “Yeah, that is weird,” Carrie, agrees. “We’ll come back to that later though. What’s important is the dress that you’re wearing today. You have to drive both of them wild.”

  “I love how you gloss over important issues to talk about clothing.”

  “It’s a gift. Now tell me the outfit.”

  “Fine,” I groan. “I found this amazing Bardot dress at Bloomingdale's with matching strappy heels for a steal. Gimme a sec, and I’ll send you a picture.” I scroll through my phone, searching for the screenshot I took the other day and text it to Carrie.

  “Holy shit, girl, that is hot. Put your hair up and no heavy makeup.”

  “All right,” I agree, standing. “I have to get dressed, chica. I’ll call you after dinner and let you know how things go.”

  “You better,” she demands. “See ya.”

  After hanging up, I walk into my room, the entire time thinking about Cooper. There is something about him I can't put my finger on. Maybe at tonight's dinner, I'll figure it out.

  I smile at the thought of sharing a meal with both of them, knowing it will only add to the pleasure of what’s to come. Soon, I tell myself. I’ll get to experience something that I’ve wanted forever, and I know these men will make it awesome.

  Chapter 5

  Don’t Play with Your Food


  Jared: You alive?

  I receive Jared's text an hour after I get back to my apartment. My body hurts like a motherfucker. Especially the spots where that she-devil of a man-beast tore away my hair. My dick still shrivels up at the thought of that warm liquid she spread near it. A normal person would have said no to waxing, especially if, like me, they've never done it before, but I could never deny Beth what she wanted.

  For a long time, I ignored the part of me that cared for her, shutting my mind off to those feelings. It was the only way I knew how to survive. Perhaps that's the real reason I fell for my ex. My mind was completely filled with everything about her, allowing me to forget all about Beth. Now that she's here in my life again, I can't even remember how I lasted so long without her.

  Me: Barely.

  I search the fridge for a beer, finding it immediately. I need to relax before our dinner tonight. I'm not sure why she wanted to eat with us in the first place, but I go with it. Beth mentioned earlier that she'd be taking us to a swanky Asian fusion restaurant called Buddakan, located on the west side near Fourteenth Street. The only places I usually visit on that side of town are the Highline Elevated Park and the Apple Store. This will be the first time I go to a restaurant in that area, and I'm looking forward to it. I've heard good things about this place, and the menu looks appetizing.

  The soothing sounds of my opening beer relax me as I take a seat on my couch. Due to the sensitivity after waxing, I groan as my ass hits the seat. My phone buzzes in my hand, notifying me of another incoming text.

  Jared: So I did something …

  I let out a sigh and take a sip of my beer.

  Me: What

  Jared: I merely mentioned to Beth that you two should date.

  Damn near spitting my drink out, I dial Jared, setting my beer on the table at the same time. It rings twice and then his carefree voice comes through.

  “Can you explain to me the reason behind your outing me?” I ask, resting my face in my hand. “Because I distinctly remember us having a shut the fuck up conversation.”

  “You really need to relax, Coop. She shot me down anyway.”

  “She did?” My response sounds pained, so I clear my throat to cover it up. “I mean, good. I’m not interested in her either.”

  Jared laughs at the other end of the line. “That reply was about as subtle as a freight train.”

  “Fuck you,” I spit, not really angry with him, just pissed that she wouldn't even consider being with me. In reality, it makes sense. To her, I’m a stranger who was matched with her via a dating agency, but to me she is everything. I can’t blame her for being skittish.

  “That was harsh,” Jared says, his mirth still prevalent. “But I wasn’t finished.”

  “She said no, so what more is there to say?”

  “God, you really suck at women.” He laughs again. “This is why I succeed in all my endeavors, business and extracurricular. I’m an expert at reading people, women especially, and most importantly, I know how to please them. If I remember correctly, I gave you a few pointers back in the day.”

  “Yeah, whatever,” I reply, putting my feet up on the couch. He never lets me forget about the times he had to show me what to do in the bedroom. Not with each other, of course, because we are both into women. Before Brittany, Jared and I often ended up sharing the same girl from time to time. He was a great teacher and would instruct me on ways to make the woman's experience with us memorable. He was the one who made me feel comfortable with myself, and probably the cause of my constant appetite. “So, you were saying?” I ask, remembering some of those crazy sex-fueled times, silently hoping that Beth and I can make our own.

  “Before you bite my head off,” Jared starts again, “I’ll let you in on a few things. Women are a contradiction of feelings. Many deny themselves, choosing instead to ignore their
inner wants and needs. This is where I come in. I give anyone who shares my bed the tools necessary to release their invisible restraints, and the results are always spectacular.”

  “You sound like a yoga guru,” I mutter, reaching for my beer and taking another swig.

  “Maybe I am. I find when I’m able to tap into the part of a woman, she voluntarily cages, I’m freeing her from a drab life.”

  “What does this have to do with Beth?” I ask him, generally curious about the philosophical connection Jared is trying to make.

  “Beth is like foil.”

  “Foil?” I chuckle. “I think she’d take offense to that.”

  “Maybe,” he laughs, “but hear me out.”

  “Go on, guru.”

  “When you tear off a sheet, it’s flat and smooth with no real dimension. If you ball that same piece of foil up, it becomes a hard, impenetrable mass that can only be separated without tearing by delicate hands. Beth is that ball right now, and as soon as she opens up, new grooves and intricacies that weren't on the original sheet will be prominent, allowing her to be who she really wants to be. Consider me the first set of hands peeling back her layers. By planting the idea of you in her head, she’ll be forced to think about the what ifs with you only. I’ve made it clear that I don’t want her in that way. And let’s be honest, if you told me not to take part in sleeping with her, I’d honor that request. My dick might get mad at me, but I always have other options.”

  I think about what Jared just said to me. He has an interesting way of explaining things, but in the end, they always make sense. I’m hoping this plan of his works because I want her bad.

  “Uhh. Am I supposed to say thank you then?”

  “Nah. Like I always tell you, I owe you my life. Anything I can do to get you two together, I will, though we will have to eventually tell her who we really are. I don’t think she’ll be pissed … much.”

  “I hope not.”


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