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The Flowing Light of the Godhead

Page 28

by Mechtild of Magdeburg

  How should we love God in a holy manner? We should love everything that the Holy Trinity commands us to love. God did not create sin. This is why he hates it in us. God loves goodness in us, which is he himself.

  How should we know Jesus Christ? By his works we should know him and should love him more than ourselves.

  How should we follow his teaching? Just as he taught us to and as his followers still teach us. As long as we do this, our blessedness shall increase.

  55. How a Friend Writes to a Friend

  Because you love God beyond your human power, because you hold God dear with all the strength of your soul, because you know God with all the wisdom of your soul, and because you have received God's favor with much holy thankfulness, I am sending you this letter.

  The great outflow of divine love that never ceases flows on and on unceasingly and effortlessly in such a sweet course unfailingly that our tiny vessel becomes full and brims over. If we do not block it with self-will, our small vessel is always overflowing with God's favor.

  Lord, you are full and you fill us as well with your favor. You are great and we are small. How are we to become like you? Lord, you have given us much and we should pass it on in turn. Though we are a small vessel, still you have made it full. One can pour a small full container into a larger container so often that the large container becomes full from the small container. The large container is the satisfaction that God receives from our works. We are, alas, so tiny that a single little word from God or from Holy Scripture fills us so completely that for the moment we can take in no more. Then we pour the gift back again into the large container that is God. How are we to do this? In holy longing we should pour it over sinners that they be cleansed. If it again becomes full, we should then pour it over the imperfection of religious people that they fight on and become perfect and remain so. If it again becomes full, we should pour it over the distress of poor souls who are in torment in purgatory, that God in his goodness might relieve them of their many sufferings. If it again becomes full, we should then in holy mercy pour it over the distress of Holy Christianity that is afflicted with many sins. Our Lord God loved us first of all. He also toiled for us first and foremost. And he also suffered most of all on our behalf. We should give him the same in return if we want to be like him.

  Thus did our Lord speak to a person: "Give me everything that is yours, and I shall give you everything that is mine." The recompense of love that we return to God is sweet indeed. The recompense of the toil is very often, alas, burdensome, for a person must sometimes outwardly do without what love has inwardly consumed. Someone asked me how difficult that is. I could not in the least make it clear through merely human concepts. Our Lord suffered much for us, even death. But, alas, a small suffering seems to us great indeed. Because of this I have to feel contempt even for myself and complain to God that I have so little virtue. Love makes suffering sweet, more than one can say. And if we wish to become like God, we have to overcome in many a conflict. The mind of God and of the loving soul come together in the same manner as the sun and the air join together through the majestic energy of God in a sweet, vibrant mixture in which the sun overcomes the coldness and darkness of the air, so that one notices only that it is all one sun. That comes from divine bliss.

  May God give us all this love and preserve it for us! Amen.

  56. How God Touches His Friends with Suffering

  57. A Bit About Paradise

  This was revealed and I saw how paradise was constituted. Of its breadth and length I could find no end. I first approached it between this world and the beginning of paradise. There I saw trees, foliage, and a little grass but no weeds. Some trees bore apples but most of them had only leaves with a refined fragrance. Swift waters flow through there and the wind blows from south to north. There in the waters earthly sweetness is found mixed with heavenly bliss. The breeze was sweeter than I can say. Neither beast nor bird was there, for God had entrusted it to man alone, that he might live there in comfort.

  I saw there two men, Enoch and Elijah." Enoch was sitting and Elijah was lying on the ground in great fervor. Then I spoke to Enoch. I asked him whether they were living as humans do. He said: "We eat a bit from the apples and drink a little of the water to keep the body alive. But most important is God's power."

  I asked him: "How did you get here?"

  "I came here in such a manner that I don't know how I got here or what I was doing before sitting down here."

  I asked him what his prayer was like.

  "Faith and hope are the basis of our prayer."

  I asked him how he felt, whether he found it at all irksome to be there.

  He replied: "I am perfectly fine and suffer no discomfort."

  "Do you have fears about the conflict that is yet to take place in the world?"59

  "God shall arm me with his strength so that I can hold my own in the struggle."

  "Do you pray at all for Christianity?"

  "I pray that God free them from sin and bring his kingdom to them."

  Elijah sat up and his countenance was fair, fiery, the color of heaven. His hair resembled white wool. They were attired like poor men who seek their bread with a staff in their hand. I asked Elijah how he prayed for Christianity.

  "I pray with mercy, humility, faithfulness and obedience."

  "Do you pray for souls?""

  "Yes, when I entreat, their suffering is decreased. When I ask, the suffering even disappears."

  "Are they ever redeemed?"

  "Yes, many of them."

  "Why did God bring you here?"

  "That we might be helpers of Christianity and of God until the last day."

  I saw a twofold paradise. I have described the earthly part. The heavenly part is up above and covers the earthly part against all storms. In the highest part are those souls who have no need of purgatory but have not yet come into God's kingdom. They hover in bliss as does the air in the sun. Power and honor, reward and crown are not yet theirs until they enter God's kingdom.

  58. St. Gabriel`

  59. How the Message Came Before God

  60. How the Child Was Seen

  In the night when the Son of God was born, the Child was seen wrapped in poor pieces of cloth and tied with string. The Child lay alone on the hard straw in front of two animals. Then I spoke to the mother: "0 dear Lady, how long shall your dear Child lie there alone like that? When will you take it on your lap?"

  Our Lady replied that she never let the Child out of her sight. She held out her hand to him and said: "It shall lie on this straw for seven hours by day and by night. Its heavenly Father wants it that way."

  I then realized that the heavenly Father was especially happy with this. I prayed to the Child for those who had commended themselves to me. Then a voice spoke out of the Child, though its mouth did not move at all: "If they want to keep me in their minds, I shall keep them in my favor. I have nothing to give them but myself and eternal life."

  61. How One Should Prepare Oneself for God

  If a bird remains on the ground for a long time, its wings deteriorate and its feathers become heavy. Then it raises itself aloft beating its feathers and drawing itself far upward until it catches the air. Then it takes flight yet higher. The longer it flies, the more it soars in exhilaration, scarcely returning to earth to refresh itself. Thus did the wings of love take from it earthly pleasure. In this same way we should prepare ourselves when we are to approach God. We should raise the feathers of our longing to God. We should elevate our virtue and our good works with love. If we do not give up on this, we shall become conscious of God.

  62. How the Maidens Serve Their Lady the Queen

  This conversation was revealed to a person in her spirit as follows: I saw a path that went from the east where the sun rises to the west where it sets. All those who have good will toward God traveled this path. They all passed through the valley but traveled at different speeds. They journeyed as pilgrims who had left what was dear to
them and wanted to seek what is best of all: God. Some turned back to the sensual pleasure they had left and did not complete the journey. Some rested in the grass of various pleasures and among the flowers of vanity. They remained a very long time on the journey. Thereafter, they shall experience the stern rod of bitter purgatory, even if they live free of mortal sin. Concerning this our Lord said: "Some people journey with good intentions in their holy works yet have about them such bad habits and are so repulsive in their vehemence that one can hardly put up with them. In the case of such people I withhold my judgment. They should seek mercy from me in humble fear. Then they would not lose their good works, and the bitterness in their hearts would disappear. Then they would be able to become themselves again. Whoever seeks my mercy cannot endure the darkness."

  One person went alone along the path. This was because earthly pleasure was not able to give his soul consolation. Then the person saw two persons going along before him. One went on the left side of the path, the other on the right. He asked them who they were and what they were doing. The one on the left said: "I am God'sjustice. God's judgment was entrusted to me and is mine since Adam sinned in paradise. My judgment has long-lasting and serious consequences. Now this maiden has come along and stands beside me. She has become my equal. Her name is mercy. All who seek her and constantly call out to her overcome all their inner anguish. She is utterly perfect. She has taken from me what was rightfully mine. Whatever troubles a person has, if he then flees to me in penitence, she lays her soft hand on what is crooked. Then I stand there like an idiot and can do nothing about it. All of this came about through the true Son of God, who robbed me of my strictest justice with his mercy. She consoles the downcast; she heals wounds; she brings joy to all who come to her. She wrested great power from me. I am dear to her and she to me. We shall always be together until the last day. Then judgment is mine."

  God's judgment and God's justice are not completely one and the same. Judgment portions out guilt for what comes before it unrepented. Justice is a holy life God has given to all his dear friends. He practiced it in his own life. For he was just in all he did. Hence he knows when we practice it. Thus can we become pure with him.

  This mercy of God and the holy justice of his Son, to which he held during his life on earth, and the favor of the Holy Spirit of them both were followed on the path by a worthy throng. They all resembled virgins. When I saw them, I recognized all of them easily. And yet I made inquiries of them because I was interested in their replies. I asked who they were and what their duties were. They said: "We are noble and well-bred maidens and serve to God's praise his most beloved queen, whom God has chosen above all things; that is the human soul. We serve our lady the queen so that she might accomplish her Lord's will with all zeal and with her full attention in all things, always according to the Christian dispensation. Then she shall never be found guilty."

  "Lady Wisdom, what service can you render together with your sister Discernment?"

  "We teach my lady the queen to distinguish between evil and good in divine wisdom with the holy power of discernment, so that she can imagine how things are now and might be later. Thus she gains a practical advantage in all things."

  "Lady Truth, what service can you render at court with your sister Sanctity?"

  "I serve my Lord and my lady the queen in total devotion, that she might always be true to her Lord in all trials. Thus shall she ever remain secure and free and be ever inwardly holy, subject to her Lord in all things. This shall keep her outwardly worthy of praise."

  "Lady Humility, what service can you render together with your sister Gentleness?"

  "I teach my lady the queen to love from the heart the will of my Lord and all his gifts. Thus can she rest in holy gentleness, driving out with cheerfulness all her interior suffering."

  "Lady Generosity, what service can you render together with your sister Obedience?"

  "I teach my lady the queen, with her longing love of God, always in her prayers to be generous to the wicked and the good, to the living and the dead. The treasure is manifold and large; it all returns to her lap. If she carries out her Lord's will, she shall practice holy obedience in all her works. Thus shall she remain God's queen."

  "Lady Strength, what service can you render together with your sister Constancy?"

  "I teach my lady to be strong in all conflict. Thus can she remain in her kingdom being ever constant. Then she shall remain ever free before her Lord."

  The number of these maidens is beyond human reckoning. For everything that a good person does in God, inwardly and outwardly, requires virtue.

  Together on the path with these maidens there j ourneyed a great lord who resembled a very holy and mighty bishop. This was our Christian faith. He was fiery within and was completely aflame with divine love. Together with all these virtues he served this queen.

  High overhead hovered a maiden resembling a golden eagle. She was surrounded by a heavenly radiance. She illumined and taught and put all these maidens in the proper order for serving their lady the queen. This love dwells in Christian faith; she rests in the palace of her lady the queen. It is her task to force love to love, God to the soul, and the soul to God. That is why she is in the first commandments'

  63. God's Will Is a Sovereign Lord in All Being

  For two days and two nights I was so seriously ill that I had hope that my end had come. I thanked God as best I could for his favors. And I urged God to take me to him if that were his dearest will. "And yet, Lord, if your praise can at all be increased thereby, I shall gladly remain in this miserable body for love of you. Lord, I have so lived for many a day that, Lord, I never offered you such a difficult sacrifice as this. Lord, thy will be done and not mine. I do not have dominion over myself. You do in all things."

  Then I saw high up in the distance how the saints were making preparations as though they were about to come to my end. I could not distinguish the individual persons among them. For such a powerful light was shining in their midst that it seemed to me that I was one with them. This was high in the west where the sun sets. From the north came evil spirits who stood close by. They had to witness my judgment. They were all tangled together and tied up like whipped dogs. Choking at the collar, they tried to get at me. I was not afraid of them. I was glad. I realized that their presence would have to bring honor to God because God has relieved his friends of all harassment from them and they, in their wickedness, return to hell.

  In the midst of all this a change took place in my condition, so that I had to remain in this bitter, wretched life. I had been so secure and free, without fear or suffering. Woe, woe, woe! If only I could have remained in this death! If it were not for God's goodness, I would now be utterly disheartened. If I now had normal human strength and divine love, then I would really start serving God. I would try to bring things to a good end, just as I always wanted to and still do.

  64. How God Serves Man

  Thus does a beggar woman speak to God in her prayer:

  "Lord, I thank you because in your love you have stripped me of all earthly riches and now clothe and feed me from the resources belonging to others. For everything that clings to me in possessiveness, causing pleasure in my heart, has to become completely alien to me.

  "Lord, I thank you for taking from me my eyesight and for now serving me with the eyes of others.

  "Lord, I thank you for taking from me the use of my hands and for now serving me with the hands of others.

  "Lord, I thank you for taking from me the strength of my heart and for now serving me with the hearts of others.

  "Lord, on their behalf, I beg you to reward them on earth with your divine love, that they might entreat you and serve you with all virtues until they achieve a holy end."

  All who for love of God leave all things with a pure heart-they are all archbeggars. On the last day they shall sit in judgment with Jesus our Redeemer.

  "Lord, may you change in me and in all sinners everything I complain
of to you.

  "Lord, for your own honor may you grant me and all imperfect religious people everything I ask for.

  "Lord, whatever I do, fail to do, or suffer, may praise of you never grow silent in my heart. Amen."

  65. How God Adorns the Soul with Suffering

  Whenever virgins in all ages are clothed according to the will of their Bridegroom, they need nothing more than their wedding dress. This means being racked with pain in sickness, in days of suffering, in temptation, and in much anguish of heart. We find much of this among sinful Christians. These are the wedding dresses of loving souls. But the everyday work clothes are fasting, keeping vigils, scourging oneself, going to confession, sighing, weeping, praying, fearing sin, severely curbing the senses and the body in God for love of God, sweet hoping and ceaseless loving desire and a constantly praying heart in all one's works. These are the work clothes of a good person. When we are sick, we wear wedding dresses; and when we are healthy, we wear work clothes.

  This is how the tormented body speaks to the lonely soul: "When shall you soar with the feathers of your yearning to the blissful heights to Jesus, your eternal Love? Thank him there for me, lady, that, feeble and unworthy though I am, he nevertheless wanted to be mine when he came into this land of exile and took our humanity upon himself; and ask him to keep me innocent in his favor until I attain a holy end, when you, dearest Soul, turn away from me."

  The soul: "Ah, dearest prison in which I have been bound, I thank you especially for being obedient to me. Though I was often unhappy because of you, you nevertheless came to my aid. On the last day all your troubles will be taken from you.


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