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Blood and Betrayal

Page 20

by S. K. Sayari

  “Yes, I know. We need to find him first.”

  The door to the casino was wide open, hanging from a hinge, and Selena did her best to ignore Max’s body, which lay in a heap. Well, at least that meant one less vampire in the world.

  Inside the casino the war had been even worse. Shattered slot machines lay tumbled on their sides, card tables were toppled over, and chips rolled in every direction. Many of Bruno’s men were dead or just knocked out. It took all of Selena’s strength to keep the monster from ending their lives.

  They weren’t here for the vampires; they were here for the warlock. She tugged on her will and pulled the monster back to their task of finding Xander.

  Alonzo stirred a few feet away, and she ran to him, cupping his face in her hands. “Easy, Al. What the hell happened?”

  Red eyes blazed as they opened, focusing on Selena. His teeth bared as he swatted her hands from him. “You did this.”

  “You have to believe me—I had no idea he was a warlock.”

  Alonzo smiled. “It’s nice to see that you let the monster out to play.”

  Selena sucked in a breath and turned away. “Where are they?”

  “It was a compliment. Your buddy took Bruno and they left. I think they went searching for his sister’s body. Which means they’re headed to the Marzdens’ cemetery.”

  The cemetery. So Bruno did know what happened to Alexi, and he’d been the one to do it.

  Selena wasted no more time and started back toward the front of the club. The monster may have been out, but they were both in agreement: they had a warlock to hunt down.

  “Lena, wait! There’s one more thing you need to know. I think that crazy warlock is trying to bring—”

  “—her back from the dead. I know. And he’s trying to use my blood to do it.”

  Alonzo’s face paled. “Your blood? He can’t do that.”

  “Apparently he can.”

  The monster thrashed harder, its need burning against her skin. It wouldn’t be much longer until it took control and anyone in her path would feel its wrath.

  She needed to sink her teeth into someone.

  Back in the club, one of the vampires’ minions stood cleaning up the mess of glass. She knew this was wrong, but no matter how firmly she told herself that, the desire ached in her throat. Before she could stop the beast, it sank its teeth into the man. The taste of his blood like a juicy steak hot off the grill, Selena wrapped her hands around his head and let the beast’s hunger be quenched.

  Stop, she commanded. Enough, no killing. Not him, not when we have a warlock to maim.

  To her surprise, the monster listened and let go of the man, who dropped to his knees, finally able to let out a scream as he crawled away.

  She hated that—the way humans feared her. Hated that she had to harm even a single one of them. Yet here she was, on the hunt for one.

  Betrayed. Lied. Broken promises. The beast repeated the words over and over, only fueling its anger as they took off toward the cemetery. Only a few blocks and she’d be face-to-face with her enemy.

  The Marzdens’ cemetery was the oldest in the entire town, owned and operated by the brothers and their family for centuries. Only those in the family—or close to it—were allowed to rest here. Selena walked up to the iron gate, where an ‘M’ nearly half the size of the gate was carved into the iron. It was already open, so she slipped through. Row upon row of once-white tombstones surrounded her, and chills ran down her back as she pushed on further through the dead. Cemeteries were something she tried to stay away from—though death wasn’t something the monster would allow. She’d tried a long time ago to take her life and had been most unsuccessful.

  Without warning, the deafening silence was pierced by the deathly shriek of a blackened crow. It perched itself atop a blank tombstone, watching her with curious eyes. Ignoring it, she traveled on.

  She walked a bit further before a familiar voice echoed against the stones.

  “Awaken, my dear sister. Come back to me with the blood of the damned. Arise as one.”

  Selena was too late.

  In the shadow of a large obelisk, Xander stood with the already decaying body of his sister laid on a raised cement slab. There was no way this girl had been dead for an entire year. Days, maybe weeks, but definitely not longer than that. So what had happened to her in all that time? Her withered frame was barely noticeable underneath the clothes she wore, all dirt-covered and stained with dried blood.

  Next to the slab lay Bruno, his head red with his own blood. She couldn’t sense whether or not he was still alive and held on to hope that he was still with her. She might not like Bruno most of the time, but if anyone was going to end him, she’d rather it be her.

  “Xander.” Selena stepped out of the shadows and into the light of day. She held out her hands and took small steps closer.

  “You can’t stop this, Selena. She is about to wake, and when she does, she and I are leaving.”

  “Leaving where?”

  “Not your concern.”

  “I still can’t let you do that.”

  Selena begged the monster inside to hold on, to wait for the right moment to strike. She needed to know just how strong Xander was before they took him down.

  He laughed, a deafening screech that pierced her ears. “You can’t stop me. Once my sister has risen, she will slaughter both of you and we can finally be free without worry. I can finally have the power to best those who oppose me, with her at my side.”

  “Is that what you think, you fool? You fucking lied to me. Betrayed me and used your magic so that I would sleep with you, all so you could gain power? And your sister—you’ve done nothing but curse her, damn her to the life of a mindless monster. Don’t you get it? An Infuriya without a soul is just that, mindless and damned. A creature of destruction and death. She will kill and kill until there is nothing left. She doesn’t know who she is, and nothing you do will change that. I know because I have seen this before, Xander. End her suffering once and for all, or I will, and I will not do so mercifully.”

  A flash of light zipped through the air, striking Selena where she stood. It sent her flying back into the obelisk. Bits of stone shattered around her. In a heartbeat, the monster inside charged. They had almost made it to Xander when a small child crashed into them, moving like a woken zombie. Alexi screamed, lifting her face toward the rising sun. When she looked back at Selena, a smile crept onto her boney face.

  Selena knew that this child’s death was inevitable the second she looked into the girl’s cold, dead eyes. There was nothing there but emptiness and the monster’s anger. She noticed, then, the vampiric glint in the girl’s eyes and the sharp canines protruding from her mouth. She had been turned.

  There would be time for answers later, she thought, knowing what needed to be done now. Selena knew how to take care of one of her own, having done it more than once back when her master still controlled her. She kicked toward the girl, the blow landing straight into her chest. Quickly rolling to her feet, Selena waited for a blow from Xander that never came. Her ears pulled her attention to Bruno, who was now back on his feet, fully conscious, fending off Xander’s attacks. Each jab calculated and precise, it left Selena glued to the show. Until something grabbed the back of her shirt and tossed her to the ground. Her head slammed against the ground, sending stars into her vision, and then Alexi was on top of her.

  All Bruno had to do was keep Xander occupied. Selena swallowed and hoped like hell the monster would allow her to regain control after this was all said and done. She took one final breath, and the monster sprang to life. Selena tore the girl off her. Fast as a lightning strike, the beast sank its teeth into the side of Alexi’s neck.

  Alexi screamed and moved to strike Selena, but missed—a trained fighter this one was not. She managed to scurry away, and as predicted, she ran. Infuriya were fast, faster than vampires and werewolves combined, but an untrained newling was nothing compared to Selena and her beast. They c
aught up and pulled Alexi down by her hair. With one quick, solid motion, the monster within Selena grabbed the Infuriya child by the throat, severing the head from its body. Alexi didn’t even have time to cry out in pain. Though Selena wanted to. Having to do such a thing to a child would leave her scarred, and above all else, angry at the one responsible.

  Behind her, Xander did the crying for them both. He launched Bruno off him with one of his spells and looked at Selena, his anger more prevalent than ever before. She’d killed his sister for good, and now he was prepared to ensure she paid the price.

  “I should have just taken your blood the moment I saw you. Taken it, and you wouldn’t have even known. But I had to be sure, I had to know that you were what they said. Filthy, bloodsucking bitch.”

  “And you’re a ray of sunshine.” Selena curled her hands into fists, preparing herself to end a second life today.

  “You’re not even fully human, a disgrace and—”

  “And you betrayed me, lied to me, and made me believe that I actually felt something for you.” Selena laughed. “It’s good to know it was all just a trick, an illusion caused by your spells. This time, though, I won’t let your tricks fool me.”

  Selena leapt forward, crashing down on top of Xander, but agile as she was, he still managed to shove her off and throw her into a nearby tombstone.

  Disoriented and seeing stars, it took her a second to sit up. “Why did you even recruit me? What was the point of this whole ruse?” Selena coughed as she got up, pain coursing down her back.

  “Because he’s a fucking god.” Bruno was bent over, a hand placed against a gash in his side. Dried blood covered the side of his face.

  “What?” Selena furrowed her brow.

  “Ha! Point to the bloodsucker.”

  Selena covered her eyes as a bright, green flash emanated from Xander. As the light died, what it revealed left her in awe. Dark wavy locks cascaded down his back while his face paled from once-dark skin. Black and green robes covered him, save for a hand that held a wooden staff. Pieces of twine curled up its curves like barbed wire, and the top of it wrapped around his hand as though it were a part of him. Glowing yellow eyes turned to Selena, who couldn’t move. The monster tried to free them, but even its strength was nothing compared to a god.

  “Wh-who are you?”

  “The trickster, of course.”

  Trickster? A god of deceit and illusions. There was only one who fit that bill.

  “Loki?” Selena swayed, and as the beast within howled, the truth came crashing back at once. The rich smell of the otherworldly, the way his eyes had twinkled on their first encounter. The intertwining snakes—the damn symbol of the god himself. Her attacking Bruno at his club like a savage beast. The strong feelings of need and lust that had her throwing herself at him. The constant doubting of what he said, of what he was. Not even the taste of his blood had given any indication that this god was more than just a simple human.

  Selena fell to her knees, panting and cursing as Loki showed her just what the beast had been trying to tell her. Through each bit of anger, it hadn’t been confusion or a hungry desire for blood. The monster had simply been trying to open her eyes to this illusion.

  “You played me.”

  Loki waved his staff, sending Selena back against a tree.

  “It sure was fun, wasn’t it?” Loki laughed.

  “Fun? What the hell was the purpose of all of this? Is Alexi even your sister?”

  “Tsk, tsk. Don’t you try figuring me out, Selena. Many have died trying. But, thanks for playing my game anyway.” Loki winked before vanishing.

  Selena fell to the ground coughing and sputtering as she cursed the sky. Damn her, damn him.

  A game? Selena growled, a sound that would make any werewolf proud. Getting to her feet, she looked at the carnage around her. The girl’s body in two, blood splattered on broken tombstones. So many answers, and yet she still had no idea what he’d wanted from her. What was the point?

  Bruno closed the distance between them. “He told me he has a job for you. I didn’t know what he meant by that until we got here.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “He said he has plans for you and wanted to know what power your beast possessed. Apparently, this was just him gearing up for something.”

  “And this girl?” She pointed toward Alexi.

  Bruno shrugged and turned to leave, but stopped. When his eyes met hers, they were lit with rage. “Don’t think I haven’t forgotten what you did to me, Selena. Compulsion or not, I don’t ever want to see you in my club again.” He looked away and left Selena to deal with the aftermath of a god’s game.

  All of it, every bit of the last few days, had been a test for her. Selena tried to understand but was left with more questions than answers.

  “I swear to Odin himself, Loki. If I ever see your face again, I will end you.” Selena’s hands shook with anger while the monster inside slid back into its cage.

  Whatever the trickster had done, whatever he was planning, he’d certainly made one thing clear:

  She would never trust another soul again.

  Death’s Requiem

  Ine Gausel

  He felt her presence long before he heard footsteps approaching. It would be so good to see her again—it had been a while since she’d last visited.

  “Good evening.” Her elegant voice rang out through the damp air of the dungeons.

  He opened his eyes. The flaming torches outside his cell lit her up, making it look like she was the one burning.

  “Good evening, Princess. Didn’t know you could walk on the ceiling.”

  “I’m afraid I cannot,” she chuckled. She rolled her eyes before holding a tray of food out toward him. “Are you hungry? I brought your favorite.”

  Floating in midair, Beyond rolled around to look at her. “Bread? That’s very kind of you.” He put his feet back on the ground and walked over to her, grabbing ahold of the golden bars between them. The tip of his fingers tingled, then the feeling spread through his arms and started to sting.

  Seeing her face up close again made him smile. He’d missed those dark, almost black eyes, her naturally blood-red lips. Those beautiful lips smiled back at him, and he could not resist reaching out between the bars to caress her cheek. She leaned into his touch.

  “I missed you, Avita.”

  Princess Avita had visited him for years, ever since she was just a curious child. Their friendship was something he treasured—he would almost go so far as to say that he loved her, something he hadn’t even thought himself capable of before meeting her. He appreciated her small gestures: how she came to him with food and drink, told him about her day, and the games they played when there was nothing left for them to talk about.

  “I missed you too, B. I’m so sorry that I have not been able to come visit you before now; I’ve been preoccupied.” She put her hand atop the one he held to her cheek.

  “I don’t expect you to come and visit me,” he tried to assure her before retracting his hand.

  She remembered the tray and held it out to him, letting him choose between a slice of bread, some meat still stuck to a bone, a cup of wine, and a cup of water.

  To be polite, he picked up the wine, drinking it all in one quick gulp. “You should give the water to someone else. It is—”

  “—the source of life, which makes it special. Holy,” she recited, reassuring him that she remembered his former lectures. “Just thought I’d give you the option, but after all these years, I should have known.”

  Beyond put the cup back onto the tray. “Will you stay with me for a little while, my dear Avita?”

  “It would be my pleasure,” she said, sitting down on the hard floor. Her dark-green dress fell elegantly around her, making the neat bump on her belly slightly more obvious. At first, nothing had made him happier than knowing she was about to bring more life into the world, but his happiness had faded quickly.

  “Is your husband treat
ing you well?” Beyond asked, kneeling down. The cell bars blocked his view a little, but he still met Avita’s eyes. The dim torchlight reflected in her dark-brown irises.

  “Yes, Lun takes very good care of me. He brought me four slices of cake yesterday. I’m no longer certain how much of this is cake and how much is baby.” Her laughter was so lively it filled him with joy.

  “When is the baby due?”

  “In two months. I hope it’s a boy. I want to name him after you and his father.” She looked down at her ever-growing stomach. “Don’t you think Beylun would be a good name for a boy?”

  “It would be a beautiful name for your son, Avita. I’m honored.”

  A moment of silence brought her attention back to the untouched food. “Take some,” she offered again.

  He shook his head. “Please, give this to the same person you give your water. Give it to someone who needs it.”

  Sometimes he wondered why she would ever bring sustenance to him rather than the healthy portion of the realm’s population; she seemed to have food to spare, and the people needed it. He didn’t.

  “I promise,” Avita said. She paused, thoughtful. “Maybe I could give it to my father? He’s come down with the sickness. He’s been bedridden for a week now.”

  Beyond lifted his brows. “No. Someone who needs it. Your father does not.”

  “He’s the king. The people need him to recover,” she countered. “And I want him to meet his grandchild.” Her eyes fell to her stomach. She stroked over it with a gentle hand, as if already soothing the child.

  “He won’t recover. Give it to someone not affected by the sickness.”

  A small tear traveled down her cheek. She didn’t understand anything—poor child. Beyond sighed quietly before reaching his hand out to her again. She took it in her own, and he caressed her knuckles gently with his thumb.


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