Rubbed Out
Page 4
When the tempo of the song changed, I lead her off the floor. We walked to an empty table and sat down. I glanced around the room, noticing familiar faces solidified what a bad idea coming here was. Not to mention, men were admiring Ali, and for some odd reason, I felt consumed with jealousy.
“What’s wrong?” she asked, her voice laced with a tinge of concern and barely above a whisper.
“I’m thinking we should get out of here.” I took her hands in mine and rubbed the backs with my thumbs.
Her brows lowered creating the cutest crease between her eyes. “The event has barely started. Why would you want to leave?”
She was right because if I got her alone I’d want to be inside her. “You’re right... it’s just that you’re very beautiful, and I want my eyes to be the only ones on you.”
I watched the color of her cheeks turn a dusty rose. “Is that a line?”
“Definitely not, Ali.” I kept my voice gentle but wanted her to know I was serious. “You’re fucking stunning.” Her full gorgeous lips slowly lifted into a small smile. “You’re the most gorgeous woman in this room,” I continued because it was true. “Don’t you realize how exquisite you are?”
Knowing what Chloe admitted when she hired me to be there, I knew Ali didn’t think very highly of herself, and if I ever met the prick that made her feel this way, I’d kick his ass.
Before she responded, her eyes focused behind me. Following her gaze, I turned to see Chloe and her husband walking toward us.
“They just opened the doors to the casino!” Chloe’s boisterous voice rang out. “Let’s go play!” She tugged on Andrew’s arm and we followed her.
The room looked exactly like Vegas. Slot machines rang and dealers were shuffling cards. All the proceeds would go to charity, so I didn’t care how much money I spent. Actually, losing the money Chloe paid me would have me feeling a touch better. I wished I could give it back because ever since that night in the bar, I’ve wanted to be with Ali.
I put my hand on the small of her back and whispered in her ear. “What’s your pleasure?”
Her face flushed as her eyes narrowed. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”
“You have no idea how much so,” I chuckled and waved my finger toward the different tables. “But I meant gambling. What do you like to play?”
“Sure you did.” Fuck, her sass made me as hard as her face and body did. “Virgin here. I’ve never been to a casino before, so I’ll just watch you.”
The thought of what else she’d never done quickly ran through my mind, but I needed to tamp that shit down. Hopefully, my dick would get the message, or I’d be walking around with a slight limp. “Then, Craps it is.”
We walked to the banker, and I handed him three crisp hundreds. I heard Ali gasp but didn’t let on. He then passed me the chips and wished me luck. As we headed toward the craps table, more familiar eyes were on me, including Victoria’s. Fuck. She gave a small wave and I nodded.
“Another client?” Ali’s eyes went between me and the sultry woman sitting at the poker table.
“Yeah.” I smiled tightly and continued walking until we made it to the craps table.
The minute we arrived, the stickman called out, “Pretty lady, you’re the shooter.” When he pushed five dice toward her, she looked to me for help.
I leaned in bringing my lips to her ear. “Pick two dice.” My face lingered a moment taking in her scent before I straightened. Ali locked eyes with me as she grabbed two of the red dice before the stickman pulled the others away.
“Now what?” her voice asked hesitantly, noticing the other couples around the oval table staring at her.
Everything that Chloe had told me about Ali’s confidence surfaced. Under all that bravado was indeed a woman who had been hurt. Maybe, I was just the person to bring her out of that shell. Maybe, she needed me and she didn’t even know it.
Turned on beyond reason, I moved to stand behind her and placed my hands on her shoulders. “That man at the end is the stickman, or dealer, if you will. He’ll let you know if you’ve won or lost. All you need to do is roll the dice. If you get a seven or an eleven, we automatically win. If you roll a two, three or twelve, that’s craps and we lose.”
She twisted her head and asked, “What about the other numbers?”
“If you roll a four, five, six, eight, nine or ten, we are still alive and we can move on from there. Understand?”
Shaking her head with a huff, she admitted, “Why does it have to be so confusing?”
I couldn’t stop the chuckle. “How about you roll, and I’ll place the bets?” I bent my knees so we were eye to eye. “Okay?”
Relieved, she took a breath and turned toward the table. “Okay, I’m ready.”
The stickman asked everyone to place their bets. I put fifty dollars in chips on the pass line. Ali picked up the dice and as she was about to roll them I stopped her.
“Give them a kiss.” Her eyes lit up at my words and she brought the two squares to her perfectly plump lips. I envied those dice. A flick of her wrist sent them tumbling down the table.
“Four!” The stickman bellowed.
“Is that good?” Ali turned to look at me.
“It’s okay. Now roll another four.” I smiled while she grimaced.
She swallowed hard and kissed the dice right before releasing them. We watched them ricochet off the padded side of the table. “Four! I got four!” Ali bounced up and down, and my eyes immediately fixated on her tits.
I smiled as the dealer added chips to those who bet with us and took them away from those who didn’t. Ali was on a roll... literally. It was as though the dice had strings and she could manipulate them however she wanted. Naturally, they didn’t and it was all luck.
As the evening wore on, we had quite a few cocktails and were up eight hundred dollars. She started to loosen up. Every time we won she’d jump in my arms for a hug... and I didn’t want to let go.
Jeannette and Andrew walked up to us. “Looks like you are doing great!”
“Not bad for a beginner!” Ali’s excitement was palpable.
Andrew’s eyes went wide, “Holy shit! You won all that?”
“Yup! Wanna play with us?”
He nodded and stood next to her as he placed his own stack of chips down.
I excused myself to go get us drinks, and as I made it back to the table Ali was hugging another guy and then he high-fived Andrew. A wave of irate possessiveness passed over me which I ignored. For fuck’s sake, I barely knew her.
Ali turned as if she sensed my approach. “Did you see that? We won again!”
“You’re a natural, babe.” I handed her a glass of champagne, sipping my Jack on the rocks with a smile.
As she took a long sip almost draining the crystal flute, my phone buzzed with a text from Chloe.
Chloe: It’s been a while since Ali was this happy. Good job. I’m glad I did this for her.
Yeah, me too. That was the truth. If she hadn’t, I may have never seen Ali again. But having said that, I really needed to talk to Chloe.
Polishing off my whiskey, I leaned toward Ali. “Let’s cash out and get out of here.”
The sexiest smile spread over her glistening lips. “Okay.”
This whole arrangement tonight was about her feeling wanted, and it was time to prove how much she was... by me.
We went back into the ballroom after collecting our payout. All of the money we won was donated, so it was all in good fun and to benefit others. I let Ali hand it to the woman in charge of the charity. It was obvious she was absolutely thrilled that she could do this.
“I loved that. Thank you for teaching me.” She was borderline giddy, and I suspected the several glasses of champagne was responsible.
When her head tilted as her beautiful hazel eyes met mine, I impulsively crashed my lips onto hers. I couldn’t stop myself. My hands cupped her face, pulling her closer. I needed more of her... all of her.
“Let’s go.”<
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Before she could answer, I grabbed her hand leading her out the door and into the cool night air.
I gave my ticket to the valet. “Did you drive here, Ali?”
She shook her head. “No, I got a ride.” Her head snapped back to the club. “I need to go back in and tell Chloe that I’m with you.”
“Text her,” my voice commanded.
Chapter 7
Minutes later, when we got into my car she said, “Where are we going?”
“I’m not ready for this night to end yet.” Quickly glancing at her, I left it at that wanting to get her back to my place to see how things played out between us.
If she seemed nervous, it wasn’t apparent. Instead, she relaxed into her seat and crossed her legs revealing a long sliver of smooth skin. During the drive to my place, the sexual tension between us was palpable. When I turned into the lot, I admired her with a salacious grin.
“What?” she asked, adorably biting her lip.
“You’re so beautiful, Ali.” As her gaze held mine and her lips parted, every fiber of my being wanted to take her mouth in a heated kiss, but I forced myself to wait until we got inside.
I got out of the car and went to open her door, giving my hand and linking our fingers during the walk to my apartment. Once we were inside, I flicked the lights on and noticed Derek wasn’t home. Thank, Christ. I had her all to myself, and I planned to make her scream in ecstasy.
“Would you like a drink, Ali?”
“No, thank you.” She looked around my apartment. “This is a really nice place. It smells fantastic.” Her eyes cut to me, and she bit down on her lip nervously.
I stalked toward her and fingered a curl that rested on her shoulder. “You’re probably smelling my massage oils and the candles I light.”
“You work out of your apartment?”
I nodded. “Yes.” Her eyes looked past me. “Come with me, I’ll show you.”
With a hand on the center of her back, I led her to the spare room. Once inside, I lowered the dimmer on the switch and flicked it on. As I grabbed the lighter out of a drawer and lit the candles, she took it all in. Even in the dimly lit room, I could sense tension radiating off her. If anyone needed a rubdown it was Ali. But fucking her in this scenario was not what my cock wanted.
I reached behind her to turn the music on, and she shivered as my arm grazed hers. When our eyes met, the need to have her consumed me. Even if for this one night... no strings, all fun. And as quickly as I had that thought I wasn’t sure one time with her would be enough.
She stiffened slightly when I walked behind her to place my hands on her arms before leaning down and softly kissing the side of her neck. Her skin prickled as my lips peppered her soft skin from her shoulder to just below her ear. Pleasure forced her head to tilt to the side, giving me more access to this delicious part of her body, and I couldn’t wait to taste the rest of her.
“Aiden.” My name came out as a plea the same time her hands reached back to grip my thighs.
“Ali. I need to touch you—all of you.”
She turned, forcing me to move my hands. “Yes. But...” The doubt in her voice scared me. What if she didn’t want this? Getting her here, so close to having my hands on her, my mouth on her, only for her to decide not to be with me would be a major letdown... one I wasn’t sure I wanted to experience.
She wasn’t just a one-night stand, like so many I had, that would leave in the morning with a smile and a wave. No, Ali was more than that. Why she was, I had no idea, but I wanted to find out.
“What is it? Talk to me.”
“Why?” My confused expression forced her to add, “I mean why me?” Once again, she bit her lip and lowered her gaze nervously.
Forcing her to look into my eyes, I tilted her head back, “Because you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, and I want you. Do you realize how sexy you are?”
Not convinced, she shook her head. “There are plenty of sexy women out there.” That mistrust she carried was obvious in the way she challenged me.
“Well, there’s something about you, Ali. I knew it when we first met. But, if you aren’t comfortable, we can just talk.” Talk? What the fuck was wrong with me?
Ali looked at me, and I could practically see the gears turning in her head weighing her options.
“Aiden, I know this sounds cliché, but I’m really not this type of girl. I don’t sleep with men on the first date.” She let out a deep breath. “To be honest, it’s been a long time for me.”
The fact that she hadn’t been with someone made my inner caveman want to thump my fists against my chest. If it wasn’t for the sweet way she innocently nibbled her bottom lip, I would have. “If you don’t want to do this, we don’t have to.” That admission caused my cock to press against my zipper in rebuttal. “But as I said, there is something about you, Ali, that I can’t resist.” Those gorgeous eyes continued to stare right into my soul. It made me feel vulnerable, exposed. Could she see the real me, the man who was no better than a whore?
And with every second that ticked by, I expected her to finally refuse my advances. Yet, surprisingly, she whispered, “Okay.”
My brows furrowed. “Okay?” I asked, wanting to be sure it wasn’t my imagination playing tricks on me.
“Yes. I want you to touch me.” Hastily, she turned so her back was to me as if she didn’t trust herself to not change her mind. “Can you help me with my dress?” Her hands grabbed her hair and held it high exposing her sexy neck. My fingers went to the zipper on the back of the strapless dress and I pulled it down to just enough to notice she wasn’t wearing a bra. I slipped my hands under the fabric and made small circles with my thumbs along each side of her body.
I then moved my fingertips just enough until they grazed the sides of her breasts, which triggered the sexiest fucking moan from her.
Just as Ali’s head dropped forward, I slid my hands over her breasts. Feeling her nipples pebble under my touch made me harder than steel. When I took the opportunity to pinch them, she pushed her ass against my dick.
“I need to see the rest of you, Ali.” I really wasn’t asking for permission and pulled the tab down the rest of the way until her gown pooled at her feet. Shit, seeing her bare back and her perfect ass exposed by a black G-string had precum seeping before we even began.
“Wow, you truly are perfect.” I didn’t want her on my massage table, but in my bed. I blew the candles out and grabbed her hand. I gave the apartment a quick glance hoping Derek wasn’t around, thankfully we were still alone. I pulled her into my bedroom and walked her over to my bed before coaxing her to sit.
As Ali watched me take my tux off, I decided to make a bit of a show out of it. I started with my cufflinks, then my bow tie. While slipping one button at a time through its hole, her breathing deepened and her skin flushed. Yeah, this was working. I pulled my shirt out of the top of my pants and shrugged it off. I never took my eyes off her as she watched my striptease.
Her eyes fixated on my abs as if she was silently counting them. I smirked, kicked off my shoes and peeled off my socks, before lowering my pants. She bit her lower lip as she spotted the tip of my cock peeking out of the waistband of my boxers. One step and then two more put her eye to eye with my cock, and because of it her chest rose and fell at a quicker pace.
“Like something you see, Ali?” My voice was steady and deep.
I watched her swallow as her eyes rolled up and met mine. “Aiden.” My name sounded like a muffled whisper. Yeah, she was totally affected.
I brought my hand to the side of her face and caressed her cheek with my thumb. “Why don’t you finish what I started?”
She reached her trembling hands forward and placed them on my hips to run them down the curve of my ass over my boxers. Fuck. She was going to make me lose my shit if she didn’t get me naked and fast. Her fingers tucked beneath the waistband, and she slowly lowered them down. I tried to remain calm as she appreciated my length.
At first, I thought maybe she was trying to decide whether we fit together. I knew we would be just perfect, but she blew my mind when her tongue darted out and licked the moisture that had escaped after removing her dress.
“Fuck, Ali,” I groaned as she continued down my length, from the tip to the base, and back up. Her lips then parted to take me in her mouth. Instinctively, I fisted her hair pumping into her mouth in shallow thrusts, back and forth, and each time she took me deeper than any woman had.
Between her tongue, the gentle way her teeth grazed my hardened skin, and the low moan that erupted from, I needed to stop her or I’d be coming down her throat. I tightened my grip on her head and gently pulled her off me.
When her eyes widened as she looked up at me, I explained, “Your turn. Lay back.” She nodded and scooted back on the bed giving me an unfettered view to her creamy skin and those sexy as fuck black panties. Curious eyes followed me as I reached into my nightstand to grab a condom and a small bottle of massage oil. Tossing the condom on the bed, I demanded, “Get naked.” My lips twisted into a grin when she hastily squirmed out of her lace thong.
I bent over and kissed her flat stomach and ran my tongue up toward her perfect tits. “Aiden.”
“I got you, sweetheart.” I climbed onto the bed, straddled her ankles, and poured a healthy amount of oil in my palm of my hand. I tossed the bottle aside and rubbed my hands together and began on her thighs, sliding my hands upwards until I reached the bottom of her pelvic bone. Applying gentle pressure, I relished the deep sigh, the arch of her back, the heady desire in those stunning eyes.
I continued toward her breasts, cupping and squeezing them before focusing on her erect nipples. “Aiden,” she began to beg. “Please.”
“Just relax.” I massaged her shoulders and ran my hands down the length of her arms until I got to her fingertips, caressing each digit and the palms of her hands. By the time I reached over and grabbed the condom, she squirmed with need in the center of my bed.