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The Heart of a Wolf

Page 8

by Megan Smith

  The game had begun.

  She flew low through the air, scanning the ground below. When she didn’t see anything, she circled lazily, watching and listening carefully for the tale tell signs of pursuit everyone had.

  Nothing moved, causing her to frown. Even the stealthiest of predators caused some movement-usually of smaller animals skittering away from the area in nervous fear. She knew Kendrick was tracking her so he had to be affecting the wildlife around them. A rabbit hopping frantically to a bush, the rustle of leaves as he moved. Something.

  Spotting the waterfall through the trees, she scanned the area one more time and gauged just how far she’d come. About half-way, which meant she had to do the rest on foot in her human form. With one more sweep, she landed gently on a thick tree limb, shifting back to human form.

  Slipping silently down, she opened up all her senses before moving quickly through the woods, setting traps for Kendrick as she went. Instinct told her he wasn’t far behind and she had no doubt that he was an expert hunter. But she’d been trained by the best and had no doubts about her own skills both as hunter and how to elude one.

  Stepping lightly, she stilled at the sudden hint of an almost silent footfall a few yards away. Grasping a nearby tree branch, she hoisted herself up and crouched on a limb. Closing her eyes, she sharpened her hearing, listening for the sound of breathing.

  Frowning in concentration, she patiently waited until, finally, she heard the softest expelling of breath...right below her.

  Eyes popping open, she jerked her head down to find herself staring into Kendrick’s satisfied aqua gaze. One hand rested on the tree trunk, a hint of a ‘gotcha’ smile tugging at his lips.

  He obviously thought he’d won, but she’d been trained to never give up and wasn’t about to let her new husband win now without a fight. Without warning, she erupted into motion, jumping from branch to branch, using the trees as a pathway to where she needed to go.

  Below her, she could hear Kendrick pursuing her with single-minded intent and couldn’t stop the grin from spreading across her lips. Heart pounding, she heard the roar of the waterfall and victory within her grasp. Risking a glancing down and back, she saw him just behind her. Jumping from the tree to the ground in one continuous movement, she put her all into a burst of speed and raced toward the water.

  Bursting through the edge of the tree line, she laughed-her win so close she could taste it-only to suddenly find herself facedown on the ground with Kendrick’s warm weight heavy on her back. All the air whooshed out of her with a gasp as he leaned close to her ear.

  “I win.”

  Shoving back, she twisted in his grasp until she was gazing up at him, her breathing still heavy from that last frantic run. He looked down at her, his expression fierce after a successful hunt and she couldn’t stop the giggle that erupted.

  He blinked, eyebrows arching up. “What exactly is so amusing?” he demanded.

  “You are. The expression on your face! Like you’d chased down an enemy. This was a game, right? For fun?” she teased while he stared, nonplussed. For a long moment he didn’t react and she just shook her head at him.

  Then, suddenly, his lips twitched and she grinned.

  “There he is! The Kendrick who used to laugh with me-not the ‘oh, so serious Ascendant Alpha’.”

  A loud, rusty laugh exploded out of him, shaking his broad shoulders with the force of it. The sound echoed through the trees and up into the sky where members of the Pack stilled in response, their Alpha’s unfettered joy snaking through the bonds that tied them together.

  Allandra raised up on her elbow to watch her husband with amusement as he fell onto his back, laughter shuddering through him in great gasps.

  In the last week she’d seen him intense, frustrated, wickedly alluring and confidently responsible in his role as alpha. This was the first time she’d seen him...happy. It gave her hope for the first time that the laughing boy she’d known was still there in the serious man he’d become.

  “I guess I did forget it was just play there for a minute” he admitted, looking skyward and giving a shake of his head, “it’s been a long time since I’ve hunted just for the sheer sport of it.”

  Reaching over to take the hand resting on his belly and twine her fingers with his, she smiled gently. “I guess I’ll have to make that one of my duties then. You need to remember the reason you’re working so hard to build a life for the werewolves is so they can be happy and find as many moments of pleasure they can. Life is hard enough without taking the time to happy. You’re their Alpha. You have to show them it’s okay to laugh, to play, to forget the hard things even for a few minutes.”

  “To win a contest against your wife?” he teased, making her huff out a breath.

  “It was hardly a fair race-this is your home. I’ve only been here a short time” she defended herself and he grinned back, resting his head on a bent arm.

  “You keep telling yourself that.”

  “I almost made it to the pool-without knowing the terrain like the back of my hand like you do” she reminded him archly.

  “Keep thinking that if it makes you feel better. But, you’re right. It’s been...a long time since I’ve found a reason to laugh. With everything that’s happened...” he paused, his eyes darkening with a faraway look before he gave another shake of his head.

  “I know you’ve been through a lot and you carry a heavy load of burdens but someone told me a long time ago that life was to be enjoyed-not trudged through no matter what your circumstances.”

  Slanting a sideways look her way, he pursed his lips. “I said that, huh?”

  Her smile was bittersweet as she leaned in to kiss him on the cheek. “In another lifetime. But it still applies.”

  He nodded his agreement before a wicked look entered his eyes. Without warning, he suddenly loomed up over her, catching her hands above her head.

  “I wonder if you’re still as ticklish as you used to be?” he wondered, making her eyes widen in sudden panic.

  “No! Kendrick-no! Stop! Oh, it hurts!”

  His fingers moved with devilish intent as she squirmed with helpless laughter beneath him, their joy filling the air and across the valley, wolf howls rose up to join in.

  Chapter 9

  “I THINK WE’RE DONE, unless you there’s something else you want to include?”

  Allandra shook her head with a grateful smile at the women sitting around the table. Alaine and several others had cornered her earlier that morning with a request to start planning the mating celebration and she had agreed, sending Brylee and Teagan with Kendrick while he patrolled a northern section of the edge of their territory.

  They’d spent the last few hours going over werewolf traditions and adding any touches that Allandra wanted. She had commented that Kendrick should have to be there to give his input, making the other’s exchange amused looks at the thought of their alpha planning a gathering. One of them had remarked that as long as there was plenty of food and games of skill, the men didn’t seem to care what else was involved.

  Conceding the point, she had let the other’s do most of the planning, recognizing that the celebration was their present to the two of them, as well as an expression of joy at their alpha having found his mate. Her only real request had been that her fellow Guardians be invited, which had made them hesitate before quietly remarking that that would have to be up to Kendrick. Normally, celebrations were for pack only.

  Abbie had wandered into the great hall half-way through and had plopped down at the table with a friendly smile cast Allandra’s way before giving her own opinions on the gathering. She liked the Sentinel, appreciating the fierce loyalty she exhibited and the natural warmth that made others around her feel welcomed. Out of all Kendrick’s lieutenants, Abbie had been the most open to friendship.

  Grabbing a handful of nuts from the wooden platter set in the middle of the table as the planning session broke up, she followed Abbie outside. Lifting a ha
nd in offering, Abbie took a few and cracked a shell before popping one in her mouth.

  “How are you settling in?” the other woman asked conversationally as they crossed the grass and headed toward the area Kendrick said he’d wait for her in.

  Shrugging, Allandra popped a nut into her mouth and chewed before answering. “Well, I think. I imagine it’ll continue to feel like I’m navigating dangerous waters for a while but I think I’m starting to understand the rhythm of the Pack. Most everyone has been very welcoming. There’s certainly a lot more people in the den now than there were just a couple of days ago.”

  Abbie laughed while accepting a few more nuts. “Wolves are just as curious as cats. I’m surprised they stayed away as long as they did-you’ve been the topic of every conversation for weeks. Now that you’re considered Pack, you won’t have a moments privacy-or any secrets.”

  “I already have that with the Guardians,” she answered drily, “so it won’t be anything new for me. I swear that all of them have an unbeatable spy network for gossip.”

  “I told the Sentinels that I was going to have a baby at a morning meeting-twenty minutes later when I walked out of the den a crowd of werewolves were waiting outside to congratulate me” Abbie told her with an amused shake of her head before her eyes grew serious, “have you thought about how things are going to work-being a Guardian and the Ascendants mate?”

  Blowing out a breath, she agilely jumped up and across a boulder lodged in the middle of the path. “I don’t think I’ve thought of anything but” she admitted, “a few weeks ago the only thing I had to worry about was my current assignment from Cadrian. Now, I’m married to the Ascendant Alpha with a host of new duties I’m learning, mother to two children who are still healing from their early years and I still have assignments to worry about from Cadrian. I feel like I’m trying to make my way in the dark with everyone throwing things at me.”

  Stopping, Abbie reached out and pulled her into a hug. Touch was second nature to the wolves and she knew that the other womans action was instinctive and meant to soothe. She wasn’t a werewolf, but felt comforted just the same by the unspoken action of support. Pulling back, Abbie smiled soothingly.

  “It’ll work out. The Creators knew what they were doing when they paired you with Kendrick. The Pack feels the difference already since you’ve been here.”

  Tilting her head curiously, she asked. “How do you mean?”

  Walking on, they stepped over a fallen log, Abbie’s pregnancy not slowing her down a bit. “A pack is influenced by their Alpha’s mood. If he’s consistently on edge or calm, angry or ecstatic-we feel it. Our wolves take their cues from him and respond accordingly. How an alpha handles their emotions can help determine how healthy or strong a pack is. One who’s tense all the time or who feels peaceful will have packmates who can’t help but feel a whisper of that in their own wolves.”

  “Does Kendrick being the Ascendant mean his emotions affect all werewolves?”

  “Yes. And no. As the Ascendant, he is far more dominant than any other wolf and if he wanted to, he could have us all feeling exactly what he wanted us to. He could, in effect, control us. But, he chooses not to because he knows that our pack social structure is the healthiest place for us. Each alpha is tied to each member in his pack-is responsible for them physically and mentally. A good alpha will make sure that his packmates are in a healthy place by keeping their own emotions on an even keel. Our lives our inherently stressful so they make sure life is balanced with moments of peace, of touch, of comfort. Being frustrated frequently isn’t necessarily a bad thing as long as it’s balanced by an equal number of positives.”

  Allandra nodded slowly, thinking of her own interactions with Cadrian and the other Guardians. They often remarked about taking their joy wherever and whenever they could to balance out the darkness they often battled. Cadrian made sure that he often spent time with them one on one. Sometimes it was just a casual talk walking down the hall at Maerwyth, a discussion after an assignment in his study or even an investigation into an inner pain during a training session.

  Cadrian was very much an involved, hands on alpha and Allandra knew that he considered them his in every way.

  “So Kendrick primarily affects the Kalvara pack.”

  “Yes. He’s very good at keeping things...healthy. But since the two of you mated, his wolf is noticeably calmer, more content. It’s a common reaction in mated pairs, we’ve found. There’s something about that bond that strengthens them both. Kendrick and his wolf are happy and the packs feels it. Is better for it. Like I said, the Creators knew what they were doing” she finished with a shrug and a smile.

  “Thanks, Abbie.”

  “I know it’s a challenge, all the changes you’re going through but I’m here anytime you need to talk. You’re pack now” she said simply.

  Feeling an inner glow at the matter-of-fact statement, the two parted ways with Abbie heading toward her patrol area while Allandra continued on toward Kendrick.

  She found him halfway up a mountain, sitting on a large boulder over-looking the valley. Both legs were pulled up with his forearms resting on his knees, a tiny smile tugging at his lips as he faced forward.

  The reason for his amusement was obvious. One small black wolf was attempting to sneak up on him from the back while another, tinier one hopped on excited feet at his side, her muzzle flicking back and forth from Kendrick’s profile to her brother. She dropped down on her front legs, tail wagging madly before jumping up again and dancing back and forth.

  You’re being stalked.

  He sent her a sideways look, one eyebrow lifting up. Am I? I hadn’t noticed.

  Not evening attempting to hide a grin, she leaned against a tree, careful to keep to the shadows so she didn’t distract her son from his hunting. Teagan scooted slowly along his belly, glowing emerald gaze locked on Kendrick’s back. Brylee’s tail wagged with frantic enthusiasm until, in perfect concert, the two young wolves sprang at their father.

  Kendrick twisted, falling to the ground laughing as the wolves ‘attacked’ with playful barks. Allandra couldn’t contain her own answering laughter as he pretended to yell in alarm as the children scrambled all over him, attempting to pin him down. She noted how gently he moved, allowing them to move with abandon while making sure they weren’t hurt.

  I think you’re losing. Imagine what people will say....

  Shooting her a wry look, he growled low when Brylee used her teeth on his arm. Both wolves froze, staring at him with wide eyes. Tapping her front teeth gently, he shook his head.

  “No teeth in play” he reminded her and she gave a tiny nod before lurching forward to nuzzle her head against his neck. Stroking her ears, he reached out to tug Teagan against him, the expression of profound love on his face bringing tears to Allandra’s eyes.

  He murmured something quietly at them and she smiled, loving this simple, happy family moment. She didn’t have time to wonder what he said before two small wolves launched themselves in her direction and, like her husband, allowed herself to be taken to the ground.

  Little paws found her ticklish spots-no doubt revealed by Kendrick-making her writhe with helpless laughter. Her breathless cries for mercy only made the children wriggle over her in mad abandon before finally they all lay grinning at each other, panting and happy.

  What do you have to say about ‘losing’ now?

  Shaking her head with a grin at her husband’s smug voice, she stuck her tongue out at him even as the children shifted back into human form with a shimmer of air. Teagan’s face was wild with excitement, a wide grin splitting his young face.

  “Were you surprised?” he demanded eagerly and she nodded, happiness bubbling up inside as the two children crowded against her sides.

  “I was so. I had no idea you were going to spring at me” she assured him and he straightened with pride.

  “Father didn’t have any idea either. Brylee was supposed to distract him.”

worked. That’s why you took him down so easily” she added, with a laughing sideways look at Kendrick, who had shifted to lay next to them. Shooting her a look that promised retribution, he verbalized his agreement, making the two children exchange pleased looks.

  “You’ll both make good hunters” he praised them and they responded with low, happy growls. A far away howl had all three cocking their heads in a move so distinctly wolf-like, it had Allandra biting her lip to keep from smiling. Teagan looked at Kendrick, disappointment darkening his eyes.

  “Is it time for you to go back?”

  Kendrick hesitated, obviously thinking of the message contained in the howl from one of his warriors before shaking his head. “Not yet. I think we should take your mother to our favorite fishing spot in the river. I bet she’s never caught a fish and cooked it over a fire before.”

  Two amazed gazes looked over at her before nodding eagerly at the suggestion. Brylee’s hand curled trustingly around hers while she smiled sweetly.

  “Don’t worry Mother, we’ll show you how” she reassured her and Allandra reached over to hug her tightly, gaze meeting Kendrick’s over the small head. Given how rarely Brylee still spoke, the little girls earnest sentence was a beautiful promise of what their relationship was slowly becoming-a family bound by love and trust.

  “Thank you, sweetheart.”

  Reaching up to take the hand Kendrick held out, she pushed up to her feet and smiled contentedly up into his beautiful eyes. “I love you” she said simply, making his aqua eyes grow warm in response. Wrapping a hand around the back of her neck, he pressed a quick, hard kiss against her mouth before tangling his fingers with hers and leading the way down the mountain with Brylee holding her mothers hand and Teagan scampering ahead.

  The fishing spot was a long trek from where they were and took an hour of brisk walking to get there. Half-way through, Kendrick had tossed Brylee onto his shoulders when she tired, making her giggle while Teagan tugged on Allandra’s hand to show her a special rock he’d found. It was an enchanting moment of normalcy and one that made her heart feel full.


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