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Crazy for You

Page 6

by Susan May Warren

  But she wasn’t here to make friends. She had a job to do. Mark her words, despite their breakfast meeting, before that man left this yard, she would have a firm date for signing off on that helicopter and a detailed plan to make the Deep Haven EMS staff a cohesive, well-trained team.

  Chapter 4

  All a hardworking, stressed-out guy wanted was a quiet day off. Here, away from all family connections, Peter should have that.

  But no. Megan had invited Ronnie Morales. And man alive, she was relentless.

  At least for now, she headed in the opposite direction to join Megan and Ella. He would make this helicopter decision in his own time, thank you very much. He didn’t need her pressuring him too.

  Peter released a long breath. Time to enjoy the holiday and forget all about the vote and helicopter business.

  He walked to the back of the yard where the sun trickled through the branches of the shaggy spruce tree border. Josh’s face lit up, but Ronnie’s brother stepped back, jutting out his chin in a way too familiar way.

  “Hey, Josh.” Peter gave him a high five. He nodded in greeting to the other dark-haired boy. “It’s Tiago, right? You’re Ronnie’s brother?”

  “Yeah. What about it?”

  Not much muscle or meat to the kid. Josh actually stood an inch or two taller. But like Ronnie, Tiago gave the impression of being bigger than he was, tougher.

  “Welcome to Deep Haven.” Peter tossed him the football. “You play football?”

  His eyes narrowed in challenge. “Wanna find out?”

  “Show me what you got.” Peter backed up, giving the boy space to throw.

  Tiago launched a perfect spiral.

  Peter nabbed it with one hand, bringing it in easily. “Not too shabby.” He tossed it to Josh, who caught it two handed, grinning.

  Josh spiraled it out to Tiago, just like Cole had taught him. The kid was really catching on.

  Peter’s shoulders loosened as the three of them zigzagged across the backyard with the football. Now, this was what a day off should be like. The smell of sizzling burgers on the grill. Sweet lemonade to quench the thirst. Tossing around a pigskin.

  “Go long, Peter!” Josh yelled.

  The football sailed in a perfect arc. Peter reached out and—

  Ronnie swooped in from the side and intercepted the catch.


  She danced away with the ball, laughing.

  And sure, impressive, but seriously? What was it about this woman butting into things?

  She turned to face him, smirk and jutting chin matching her little brother’s. She tossed the ball back and forth in her slender hands, that glint in her amber eyes.

  Oh no. The bulldog was back. Better cut her off before she got started. “Nice catch. You want to join the game, Ronnie? We could make it two-on-two.” He offered her his most charming grin.

  “What’s it gonna take for you to sign off on the helicopter?”

  He stifled a groan. Clearly this woman did not know what the word holiday meant. “We have plenty of time to talk about that later. Let’s take on these boys and see if they can score against us.”

  “After you give me a decision on that helo, I’m in.”

  Re. Lent. Less.

  Okay, new tactic. “On second thought, I’m going to see if Cole needs any help with those burgers. I bet we’re close to eating. Can I bring you a plate?”

  “No, I’m—”

  “Ronnie, stop hogging the ball!” Tiago called from across the yard. “Toss it here.”

  She turned away and Peter escaped to the grill. He glanced at Ronnie. Good. The boys lured her into their game, so she was occupied for the moment—hopefully a really long moment. That meant he could hang with the guys and relax a little.

  Cole flipped one of his handmade burgers. “So, what do you think, Dahlquist?”

  “I think those burgers look amazing. Can’t wait to eat.”

  Megan came over and handed him lemonade in a Mason jar with a lemon slice floating on top. Peter thanked her.

  Adrian laughed. “Nice try, Peter. Cole means what do you think about our new paramedic?”

  Them too? “Uh, she’s very…persistent.” He took a swig of his lemonade.

  “That’s a nice way of putting it.” Cole flipped the next one. “She’ll be a real asset to the team if she doesn’t scare everyone away. That’s why she needs you.”

  “What do you mean—”

  “Listen. I know she can be a little rough around the edges, but she’s good at her job. And I know a lot of people in town thought I should hire Kirby, but she has more medical experience as a paramedic versus his EMT certification, and she has more time in the field. But we’ve got to get her through this probationary period. Ninety days. Just…help her fit in. You know—put out any fires she starts.”

  Perfect. Like he didn’t have enough of that in his line of work or his family life. “Why me?”

  Cole looked up from the grill. “What can I say? You’re good at it.”

  “Gee, thanks a lot. But I don’t remember that being on my job description when you approached me about the Crisis Team.”

  “Come on, Peter. I’ve never met anyone as calm as Ronnie when the world is blowing up around her. She gets things done. She just needs some help relating to people. So much of the town is stacked against her because she’s not Kirby Hueston. She just needs someone to pave a way for her.”

  Yeah, but how much trouble was she going to get him into in the process? And ninety days to get her to fit in? Might as well be ninety years.

  She threw the ball to Tiago, laughing with the boys. Okay, maybe it wouldn’t be too horrible. She had to be a pretty decent person to take care of a little brother like she did.

  Cole pulled the last burgers off the grill and called everyone to the table. Ronnie ran up with Tiago and Josh, breathing hard.

  “Just in time! I’m starved.” She picked up a plate just as Cole said, “Let’s pray.”

  She stiffened even as Peter bowed his head.

  “Lord,” Cole said, “thank You for the food and the freedom we celebrate today. We are humbled with gratitude for those who made the greatest sacrifice. And thank you for Ronnie and Tiago who were able to join us. Amen.”

  Though Peter’s eyes were closed, he could feel Ronnie shift at the mention of her name. He peeked, caught the surprise in her expression, like it was a strange thing for someone to pray for her.

  Interesting. Might be a reason for all that edginess.

  They sat down at the long picnic table. Peter took one bite of his burger and moaned. “Aw, man, this is good.”

  Ronnie cut into her bunless meat with a fork. “Does anyone know how Gust is doing?”

  “Gretchen said he’s much better and will probably be released later this week.” Peter turned to Cole. “So, what’s your secret with these burgers? Do you use some kind of special seasoning for the meat?”

  “You know, we should get your EMS and rescue teams together and debrief after that call,” Ronnie said. “There were so many people not following protocol. We could use it as a teaching time. Examples of what not to do.”

  Did this woman ever stop thinking about the job?

  Peter turned to her. “Everyone on that call is a volunteer. They’re doing their best.” He looked back at Cole. “So, is the seasoning homemade?”

  Ronnie leaned in. “Well, if that’s their best, then we definitely need to debrief and get some training done.”

  He sighed. “Look, we try. We do what we can.”

  “But you can be better. You need everyone on the same page. Do you want a team that saves lives, or do you want to continue to bumble around?”

  “Of course we want to save lives and help, but—”

  “Great. Then, see? We’re on the same page.” She took another bite. “He’s right, Cole. These are amazing.”

  Wow. She was a piece of work. He glanced at Cole.

  Who was smirking.

  And yeah,
as an emergency response team, they could use a lot more training and practice with so many of the older, more experienced players retiring and not enough new volunteers filling in. But couldn’t a guy just relax a little on his day off and not be reminded of all the responsibilities awaiting him tomorrow? He bit into his burger once more, but it had cooled off and lost a little of its flavor.

  Ronnie and Cole started talking old times—something about grill recipes in Afghanistan, and he should have guessed she’d done time in the military. He finished his burger and helped Megan and Ella clear the plates from the table.

  The sun was just falling toward the horizon, bathing the lake in a beautiful rim of gold.

  “So, Peter. Helicopter. What’s your decision?”

  He looked at her. She stood, wiping her hands with a napkin, her dark hair pulled back, those brown eyes locked on him.

  Fine. “Look, I know you want an answer, but it’s not that easy.”

  “So explain it to me.”

  He crumpled a paper cup and threw it in the garbage bag he held. “There’s just a lot of options to go through.”

  “Like what?”

  She really wanted to do this? “Okay…do I get one built for speed and best for the medical evacuation calls that EMS wants, or the one that’s sturdier, better for wilderness rescues? Or there’s one that the fire department wants with firefighting capabilities for the few times that will be helpful. Then I have to think about pilots. Some choppers are easier to fly. We’ll have more pilots available with the proper training. But the more multi-function choppers will need two pilots with specialized training. Then we could potentially have a helicopter without anyone to fly it. And there’s the storage issue. Which helos are easiest to maintain and find parts for and which will be held up when we have to get a part from Germany or Italy because that’s where they’re made. See? Not a clear-cut decision.”

  Around him, the chatter had died. Perfect. This was almost as fun as a council meeting.

  She didn’t seem to notice. “Sure, it’s a big decision, but it has to be made.” She scooped up the dirty napkins on the table. “Just make it.” She threw away the napkins and stood toe to toe with him.

  “Just…make it? I’m responsible for making a million-dollar decision. The people of this community are counting on me. I don’t take that lightly.”

  “Good, then you’re probably the right person to make the choice. But you can’t wait forever. This is too important.”

  Oh that was just enough. “I know it’s important! And maybe if you would get out of my face and let me think, I could choose!” He narrowed his eyes at her. “We will get the chopper. We’ll get the training. And I’ll have a decision by next Monday.”

  His jaw hurt, it was clamped so tight. His heart pounded as he stared down into those sparking amber eyes.

  She smiled.

  Honest to goodness smiled.

  “Okay.” She gave him a playful punch on the shoulder. “That wasn’t so bad, was it?” She turned and walked over to where Josh and Tiago sat with an orange tabby cat.

  What. Just. Happened?

  Ella and Adrian stood like statues. Eyes wide, mouths agape. Cole and Megan were probably right behind him with similar expressions.

  And he was shaking inside.

  But what was he supposed to do? She dug her claws in and would not relent.

  And then just like that she trotted off with a grin like he hadn’t just completely lost his cool, raised his voice, and shocked his close friends with a side of him he didn’t even recognize.

  Peter plopped down on the picnic bench while everyone else moved to the decorative fire table and dug into ice cream sundaes Ella handed out. He closed his eyes and counted to ten.

  “Hey.” Megan handed him a bowl, one of his cookies stuck into a mountain of vanilla ice cream and swirls of warm caramel drizzled all over. “Your cookies are delicious. Did you make them yourself?”

  “Yeah. Mom’s recipe.” His monotone voice was barely more than a whisper. “Peanut butter chocolate chip.”

  She made a sympathetic hum. “Uh, you okay?”

  Good question. Was he?

  Not in the least. He hadn’t even recognized himself there for a while. But Ronnie—she didn’t seem upset by their fight at all.

  In fact, if he wasn’t mistaken, she’d almost looked like she respected him before she walked away.

  He nodded slowly. “I’m okay. I think.”

  Megan shook her head with a quiet chuckle. “And here I thought my pretty new neighbor might be a good match for you. Finally, someone in Deep Haven you’re not related to. But obviously…” Her voice trailed off as she made a face.

  He met it. “Yeah, sorry. No.”

  From the firepit, Ronnie’s laugh carried over. Her hands gestured wildly as she jumped into some story. Her eyes shone. Her tan skin glowed.

  The boys and the others were captivated by whatever she was saying.

  Maybe she was pretty in a tomboy, exotic way.

  But he didn’t like exotic and especially not annoying and stubborn and…

  Although, maybe she was right about the EMS team. Uncle Charlie and Dean never could’ve handled that last call alone. They needed more volunteers and to step up their game if they were going to keep citizens and visitors to Deep Haven safe.

  But with her around, he’d be lucky if his entire team didn’t quit.

  If he didn’t quit.

  “She has one thing going for her though,” he said as Megan got up.

  “What’s that?”

  He took a bite of his ice cream and looked back to Megan. “At least she’s not my cousin.”

  She just might like it here.

  The night felt almost perfect. Ice cream sundaes and laughter around propane flames of the Black Spruce fire table. Tiago was making a friend. And to finish it off like the cherry on top, she’d talked Peter into signing off on the helicopter within the week.

  Admittedly, he’d surprised her with all the things he had to consider in choosing a helicopter. He really cared about covering all his bases. But he’d just needed a little push.

  She’d helped him, like a good partner should.

  Yes, she might survive this small town. She didn’t even know who her neighbors were in the city. They never had backyard barbecues like this. But it was…nice.

  Looked like she’d made the right decision to come. Now she just had to find a way to stay. She took one last lick of her spoon and set the dish to the side.

  “Ronnie, you should’ve seen Adrian when he first came to Deep Haven. Or the first time we went camping. It was a disaster.” Ella smiled from across the fire.

  “What? You’re not all from Deep Haven?”

  Ella shook her head. “Oh, no. Adrian, Cole, and I are all transplants. Megan and Peter are the natives. But we’re hoping to put down some roots. In fact, my stepsister is moving here soon.”

  “My first night here was spent in jail, so you’re already doing better than me,” Adrian said. “Although, I think I managed okay.” They all laughed as Adrian sweetly kissed Ella’s cheek. “So, Ronnie, why Deep Haven? I heard you’re a fantastic paramedic. Why not stay in the Cities?”

  She looked at Tiago. His gaze sank to the ground and his thin shoulders slumped. He didn’t need a reminder of what had spurred this move. And wholesome small-town folk like this group wouldn’t last a day in Abuela’s neighborhood. She had to show them she and T belonged. “It’s Cole’s fault.”

  Cole held up his hands. “Guilty.”

  Tiago raised his head a little. Sneaked a glance at her.

  Good. She needed him to keep coming out of that shell. “Yeah, Cole told me about the paramedic position and I just got out of the Army not too long ago, so the timing and the job were perfect. Couldn’t miss out on the opportunity.”

  Ella rested her head on Adrian’s shoulder. “Why did you leave the Army?”

  Oh. That. Holding the smile got a lot more difficult. She coul
d still hear Abuela’s shaky voice telling her that Tiago had been taken to a temporary foster home. Mom was back in jail. Not exactly the kind of thing that would give her a ticket of welcome.

  “The Army was a great choice for me after high school, but I didn’t want to miss my brother’s life, watching from afar. So, when my time came to re-up, I told Uncle Sam that I had a better offer and came home. I worked with one of the ambulance services down in the Cities the last few months, but North Minneapolis isn’t the greatest place for a kid to grow up, so when I got the call from Cole about the paramedic job here, I pounced. And here we are.”

  Adrian looked down at his girlfriend. “Deep Haven is a great place for a fresh start.”

  Everyone around the fire nodded, but Ronnie’s back stiffened. Fresh start, huh? She’d never really been a fan of those, mostly because those were the same words Lara Morales said the last time she left Ronnie and newborn Tiago with Abuela.

  I just need a fresh start, baby. Then I’ll be back for you.

  Sure, and all the money Ronnie had saved up for a car just happened to disappear at the same time. And the creep with Mom was apparently the only one who could give her the fresh start she wanted no matter how much Ronnie begged her to stay.

  Well, they were better off without her. She hoped her “fresh start” had been worth it because Ronnie and Tiago had paid too dear a price for it.

  She shook the memory off as Megan called her name. “This must seem really boring after working in combat zones and living in the Cities.”

  “Yeah, but I’ve always wanted to help people. That’s one of the reasons I joined the Army in the first place. Here, I feel like I can make even more of a difference.” She turned to Peter. No time like now to try to make amends and forge a good working relationship. “I know I come off a little strong, but I mean well. I really want to help you—I mean, help the people here.”

  Megan stood and started collecting dishes. “Of course you do. Look at what you did for Gust. We’re glad you and Tiago are here.” She took Ronnie’s dish and moved on to the boys. “Josh, I’ve got work tomorrow, so you should head to the house and get ready for bed.”


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