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The Immoral Ones- a Sinister Set

Page 3

by Yolanda Olson

  “Yeah I know,” he replies with a loud sigh. “We’re almost there though, babe. Another four hours I think, then we’ll get what we’re looking for.”

  I sigh and lean my head against the car window watching the endless rows of scorched trees on a road off the beaten path. I don’t know where it leads but I feel like I’ve been here before.

  It’s alright though because as long as I’ve got Judge by my side, I know everything will be okay.

  Sickness In The Sunrise

  Sickness in the Sunrise

  Previously released in the Just Breathe Anthology


  One hundred and one.

  That’s how many times I’ve written to him. That’s how many times he has yet to answer. It doesn’t bother me because I know he’s busy, and he’ll get back to me when he can. It’s just the waiting—the not knowing if he’s received my letters, that ignites the flames of turmoil inside my head.

  Do I write him another? Is the lucky number really one hundred and two, and not three?

  I sigh and wrap my arms around myself. I’ve been watching this damn movie for the fifth time today and I’m so damn sure he knows that I’m here because he’s watching me from the television screen. He’s told me more than once through his different roles that he loves me and that we’re meant to be together—that one day, he’ll come for me and we’ll have our happily ever after.

  Today is the day I try to see him in person. He’s been working on a new movie and because of that, I was able to get his appearances locations from his publicist. It wasn’t a difficult thing to do by any means. I presented myself as the president of a non-profit organization, gave her all the information she wanted to confirm it, then waited for her to call me back.

  I spent the past year researching everything I needed to know and then six months bringing it to fruition. My organization has a name, a dream, and now it just needs a face—that’s where he comes in. When we present ourselves together for the first time, the world will finally know that he’s mine and that I’m his, like I always have been.

  When two souls have been mated throughout the immeasurable space of time like ours have, it only makes sense that they find each other again—no matter how long it takes. Destiny is a fickle thing, but it always finds a way to bring two people back together again when they belong to each other.

  A quick glance at the time on the cable box tells me that I’ve got a couple of hours before I have to start getting ready. I need to be cool, calm, and collected when I finally get the chance to breathe the same air as him. I know he’ll be just as excited to see me, but I also don’t want to seem too eager. We’ve been apart for so long and we deserve a little game of cat and mouse before we fall happily into each others arms, knowing that we are where we belong again.

  I lean forward and grab the pamphlet from my coffee table. The Dinosaur Place in Montville is where our meeting will happen, and even though I’ve never been there before, I know it’s the perfect spot for our rendezvous.

  It will make us both feel right at home because I remember him saying in an interview once that one of his favorite experiences in cinema was related to dinosaurs. And it will also give us time to talk, to be alone, and to rekindle the old flames that time has seen us to before.

  It’s beyond perfect, I think with a happy sigh.

  The fruits of my hard labor have finally borne their reward and in a matter of hours, I’ll reap the harvest and be in the arms of the man that has held me countless times on other planes before.

  But now is not the time for starry-eyed dreams of the little girl inside of me. It’s the time for action that the woman I now am deserves and before this day is over, he’ll know that we’re meant to be together.


  The white, terry cloth towel that’s secured around my freshly showered body tickles the bare skin underneath. I smile as I lean into the mirror and run the tip of my forefinger across my bottom lip. It’s full and warm to the touch, yet until my lips are against his, I won’t feel whole. For now, I just want to make sure that my lips will be soft and ready for his kiss.

  A kiss is a simple gesture that can bear a thousand meanings. A greeting amongst friends would be placed on the cheek, a sign of respect in families would be placed the same way, or perhaps gently on the forehead, however a token of unconditional love between two people that share it so deeply, would be placed on the lips by the willing as their declaration to each other.

  And today, I’ll get to feel it again—for the first time and possibly, the last.

  Reaching for my brush, I begin to run it quickly through my hair. I decided against washing it today because I didn’t want to spend the time trying to blow-dry it perfectly straight. Once I’m satisfied that it’s as presentable as it can be, I reach under the sink and open the little wooden door, pull out a can of dry shampoo, and generously spray a cloud around my head.

  While I let that settle in, I remove the towel from around my body and begin to dry myself off. There’s not much work to be done on that front, because the bathroom is hot and humid from the temperature I like to shower in, but I want to make sure that I’m completely free of any moisture when I slip into my carefully planned outfit for today.

  I remember once reading that his favorite book as a child was Where The Red Fern Grows, and I’ve managed to put something together that should remind him of a time when he was as innocent as our love is.

  Once I’m as dry as I can be, I reach for my comb and begin to slowly run it through my hair. The dry shampoo will make it manageable and shiny, I just want to make sure that it stays presentable.

  In our past lives, he’s never cared too much for appearance, always having stated that as long as we remained presentable to others, then he really didn’t care if I had gained weight or became underweight, as I had done a few times before.

  He’s always loved me for who I am on the inside, and that’s what makes our union so special. He just needs to realize it’s me again and then everything will be as it should.

  With a happy sigh, I pick my towel up from the floor and toss it into the wicker hamper that’s beside the sink. The reason I chose this particular furnishing is because I remember it from when we lived during the Victorian Era in England. He had made one for our little home and it made me smile when I felt the memory came flooding back.

  I usually don’t think about those times though, because the only thing that matters is now.

  Walking out of the bathroom, I flip the light off as I make my way toward the bedroom. On the bed will be something that I made with my own hands—that special outfit that will remind him of his youth and solidify me in his heart again.

  Where I belong.

  I turn the television on as I slip the dress over my head and sit down for a moment to finish watching the movie. Netflix makes it easy to continue viewing movies and shows from different rooms and I won’t leave until I’m ready to.

  Another twenty minutes passes, until the moment I’ve been waiting for finally happens. He looks directly into the camera—into my eyes, and says what I’ve been waiting for this entire time.

  “I love you.”


  It takes me less than an hour to reach the dinosaur park. I’m feeling nervous now, because if all goes well, he and his publicist will be waiting for me to arrive. I’ll give them some bullshit excuse about how I got stuck in traffic, and they won’t know any different. They won’t know that the real reason I’m late is because I wanted to make myself presentable.

  I won’t let him down and refuse to stand up to be anything less than his standards. I extend a shaky hand toward my purse that’s sitting on the passenger’s side seat and fish around for my pack of cigarettes. I have body spray inside so I won’t smell entirely like nicotine, but I need one right now to stop my body from shaking.

  I hate the taste of these things. Even with the blast of menthol, for some reason they always leave me feeling like I have cottonmouth and cravi
ng water. Hopefully the park will have some bottles for sale.

  Inhaling deeply, I turn into the grand entrance of The Dinosaur Place and make my way down the driveway. There’s a parking lot off to the right—at least that’s what the attendant in the booth tells me. Thankfully, parking is free here, which helps pick my mood back up.

  I smile and thank the attendant as they tell me that now that all parties have arrived, they can leave. I booked this meeting for just before the park opens for the season because I know that eventually, he’ll want to walk around the attractions with just me, so once we meet the manager here, I’ll find a way to sneak off with him.

  As soon as I park my car in one of the many empty spots, I crush the cigarette in the car’s ashtray, then spray myself with the body spray. It’s apple blossom, which I hope he likes, but I won’t know for sure until I get near him.

  “Here goes everything,” I mutter to myself, as I primp my hair before reaching for my purse and getting out of the car.

  I’m not shaking anymore. The only thing that I can honestly feel is pure excitement because in a matter of moments, I’ll be in his arms again.

  We’re supposed to meet up outside of The Gateway Museum. The manager of the park picked this particular spot probably due to it’s proximity to the makeshift volcano. Apparently, that’s supposed to be one hell of a sight to see. I guess that he wants to make as much of an impression on my true love as I do, and I don’t blame him.

  Show the park in a good light, and perhaps, it’ll get more business than you can ever imagine.

  It’s all about presentation.

  I can only hope that he appreciates the work I’ve put into my dress and that he sees how hard I’m trying to get him to remember who I am. It’ll make more sense when we’re alone together, but if it makes him smile when he sees me, then I’ll know it’s all coming back to him.


  "And here she is now!”

  A broad smile stretches across my face as I approach the trio that’s been obviously awaiting my arrival. The manager of the park, someone I don’t quite know, and him.

  I know he’s been waiting for me much longer than the mere twenty or so minutes that it took me to get out of my car, but soon, he’ll know that I remember him too and that we’ll be together again—just like we have been in so many lives before.

  “Sorry I’m late,” I say to the manager sheepishly. I can feel the eyes of the stranger looking me up and down, while he stands by casually watching as the scene unfolds.

  “We weren’t waiting long,” he says in a cheerful tone.

  I still don’t look at him.

  I can’t—not yet.

  It’s part of the conditions of being together. The first time our souls joined was so very long ago, and in order to keep our love intertwined, he was instructed to lead me back to the world without looking back.

  But he did.

  And since then, we’ve spent eternity chasing each other, though it seems that he may have forgotten our origins.

  I push my sunglasses up the bridge of my nose, nodding in his general direction, as I cross my arms loosely over my chest.

  “Dice is going to take it from here, if we’re all comfortable now, and I’ll take my leave then,” the manager says with a nod.

  I smile.

  It’s been so long since I’ve heard that name—part of my true name, and soon, he’ll remember his too.

  “I’m Angela,” the stranger says, extending her hand toward me. “I’m Chris’ assistant.”

  I glance down at her hand, then up at her, the disdain hidden behind the black tint of the lenses that are keeping my obvious revulsion of her presence a secret. Clearing my throat, I take her hand and shake it quickly.


  That’s such a common name.

  I know better.

  “I’ll be with him today while you talk about your organization. We’re both very interested in hearing about it,” she continues with great enthusiasm.

  “Okay,” I reply quietly.


  Looks like this is going to be a little harder than I thought. Unless …

  “Would you mind doing me a favor?” I ask her brightly. She shoots a quick glance at him then nods back in my direction. “The manager? I forgot to get the keys to open the different attractions in here. I want you guys to have a real understanding of how this will work, so I need to be able to show you everything.”

  She looks up at him again before she shrugs and turns her back toward us, jogging off after the manager.

  “So your name is really interesting; how do you pronounce it?” he asks.

  “Uh .. Dih-see,” I say, sounding it out as best as I can without seeming like a fool. You should know this.

  “That’s cool,” he remarks.

  “Thanks,” I mumble. “Follow me.”

  I start walking and he falls into step beside me. Mindless chatter, no meaningful conversation, as we walk toward The Dinosaur Trails. It’s long enough to get us lost for a bit, especially since I don’t know my way around here, and hidden enough to get us some privacy.

  “I really appreciate this being a private meeting,” he says conversationally. Finally; something that he’s said grabs my attention and I look over at his arm and nod. “It’s not that I don’t love my fans, because I do, it’s just easier to talk when there’s not a crowd around, you know?”

  “I know,” I reply evenly, nodding my head as we take our first steps into what will soon become a path of enlightenment for the both of us.


  “I wonder what’s keeping Angela?”

  A small smirk creases my lips and I turn my head away to make sure that he can’t see it. Sending his assistant after the manager was a stroke of genius because the deal I made with them when I booked the place for today was that if anyone left at any point for any reason, they wouldn’t be allowed back in.

  Of course, that little ruse was only to be used for the park manager, but it seems to have worked out to my advantage in a different way.

  “How long have you been off the ground? With your charity work, I mean?” he asks me.

  “Oh a few years,” I mumble. I can’t remember what I told them but I’m sure that’ll sound better than I just thought about it.

  “That’s cool. I love being able to help out charities in anyway I can. Though, usually, just an appearance seems to help,” he says with a good-natured laugh.

  I stop walking abruptly and so does he. “Is everything okay?”

  I take a deep breath and decide to end the fucking charade. It’s hurting my heart that being near me isn’t enough for our souls to speak to each other yet, so it’s time to help them along.

  “You don’t remember me, do you?” I ask quietly, removing my sunglasses from my face and glancing up at his neck. I still won’t look into those beautiful blue eyes until I’m asked to. I don’t want to go through this pain and torment again.

  “I’m sorry, have we met before?” he asks, the tenor of his voice rising slightly. I can tell that the confusion is far more prominent than the feeling of having been my mate for so many lives and it’s making me angry.

  The universe sure loves throwing wrenches into everything, I think with a heavy sigh.

  I walk a little further along the trails until I’m sure we’ve gone so far into them that the only way out will be ahead of us instead of behind. There’s no chance of escape and that’s what I need. I have one shot to explain this for what seems like the thousandth time, but it will sink in like it always does once I’ve had my say.

  I turn around to face him without looking directly into those eyes that once knew me so well, and take a deep breath.

  Here goes nothing.

  "My name isn’t Dice—only part of it is. And your name isn’t ‘Chris’,” I continue, making a sour face. “But before I can tell you who we really are, I need you to ask me to look at you.”

  There’s a tension between us that wasn’t there b
efore and I can feel his confusion turning into slight apprehension.

  “What was that?”

  The tenor rises again and I can almost smell the sweat starting to emanate from his perfect body. The same body that I’ve laid under in different lives—the same body that’s held me close when my heart felt like it would break from the sadness of knowing that we had failed again.

  The moment that we’re taken from each other and sent into the vast void of darkness for an untold amount of time is one of pain and longing. We can’t fail again—my heart—whichever one I receive next, won’t be able to stand it.


  “Um. I wonder where Angela is?” he states nervously.

  “Please ask me to look at you,” I say in quiet earnest. I’m not above begging for his permission for the most menial of things and I’ll drop to my knees if I have to.

  His hand moves out of my sight, but the way his body shifts, I know that he’s rubbing it over the face I’ve longed to see in person.

  “You can … you can look at me.”

  A shiver goes through my body—more like a tidal wave of emotions as I finally am granted what I know will help us come together again completely in this life.

  I push the stray hair that’s fallen across my face back behind my ear and raise my eyes. A smile—a genuine one of love and hope, slips across my lips as I look into his eyes for the first time in what seems like an eternity.

  “Now do you remember me?” I ask softly.

  He takes a nervous step back, a faltering smile on the lips I want nothing more than to feel against mine, and I watch as his eyes dart wildly around us.

  “I’m sorry, I don’t. I … um. I think I should go, but it was lovely to meet you,” he says quickly, as he takes another step back.


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