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Profile of the Gemini Serial Killer

Page 13

by Michael Rawding

  Jon pushed on the black exit push bar on of the double wide doors. They walked towards the Jeep in the parking lot as he reached into his pocket revealing his pack of cigarettes. He tapped onto the bottom of the pack until one came loose, meticulously gripping the tip with his lips, pulling the cigarette out of the pack. Jon lit the smoke and replied,

  “Good question. I think the side that took over Steven’s brain, Shawn Campbell hid it somewhere before the police showed up. The witness that called 911. We are going to have to have a chat with her. See if she saw him dispose the kill kit somewhere.”

  Detective Parsons opened the jeep door and said,

  “Okay sounds good. We have to get back to the station first to deal with the press conference and then we’ll follow up to the witness.”

  Chapter 11

  Detective Parsons and Detective Cratick pulled back into the station parking lot. There were news reporters everywhere in front of the station with their cameras already rolling. Jon took in a deep breath looking over at Parsons rolling his eyes. He hated doing press conferences about cases they were working on. The public had a right to know what was going on but sometimes it seemed to backfire doing more harm than good. Chief Ponce was already on the podium giving his speech about Steven Willis. Jon and Cassandra got out of the Jeep and walked towards the back of the crowd that was surrounding the steps to the prescient. All of their microphones and cameras were outstretched focusing on the Chief’s speech. Ponce continued talking as he said,

  “Yes we have a suspect in custody for the murder of Veronica Stanfield. An eyewitness called 911 at 0200 hours this morning informing authorities that there was a person committing some suspicious activity in the residence’s garage. Upon arrival our officers discovered Veronica’s remains from a brutal murder. The suspect was still on the property and was arrested. We are now taking their statement building our case.”

  A bray of questions from all of the reporters roared at once. A young pretty long haired blonde reporter pushed her way to the front of the crowd with her camera man following behind her. She was wearing a black buttoned up pants suit with a white blouse and glasses over her big blue eyes. She said,

  “Chief Ponce, Kate Summers reporting. Is the suspect Steven Willis a serial killer? I have sources that suggest that this man may be involved in numerous missing cases?”

  Chief Ponce replied,

  “We cannot disclose any further information until our investigation is done.”

  Kate Summers pulled her microphone back to her chin as she continued,

  “My source also tells me that the killer Steven Willis may have multiple personalities which is medically referred to as Disassociate Identity Disorder. Is this a contributing factor to the murders? Do you have any insight to other names the Gemini Serial Killer refers himself to?” Chief Ponce glared at Kate Summers speaking loudly over the crowd as he said,

  “I have no further comments. Thank you.”

  All of the reporters turned back to their cameras as Chief Ponce walked back inside of the precinct. There was a murmur among the crowd all referring Steven Willis to the Gemini Serial Killer. Jon shook his head looking at Parsons and said,

  “How does that reporter know so much?”

  Parsons looked at Jon replying,

  “I don’t know, but somebody brought her up to speed. She knows just as much as we do! Who the hell could her source be? We’ve only had Steven Willis in custody since this morning?”

  Jon rolled his eyes and said,

  “I knew something was up with that medical practitioner the moment we talked to him. He was too interested in what we were saying about the murders then determining the cause of death. He’s the only one I can think of that would have insight to us talking about Steven Willis and his Disassociate Identity Disorder.”

  Detective Parsons nodded her head as she replied,

  “Doctor Russel Henderson must have tipped Kate Summers off. Probably was paid off. Son of a bitch.”

  Kate Summers walked up to Parsons and Cratick smiling as she said,

  “Care to make a statement Detective’s?

  Jon rolled his eyes looking away from the camera. He could already feel his blood beginning to boil. Cassandra leaned forward and said,

  “You know there is a reason we keep that information out of the press. What if he sees that? That could hurt our investigation. Don’t you have any respect for the victim Veronica Stanfield or her family?”

  Kate smiled looking back at the camera making sure it was still rolling and turned back to the detectives replying,

  “The community has a right to know what is going on. The Gemini Serial Killer apparently has been on a killing spree for quite some time and this is the first time the police is doing something about it. Why did it take so long to apprehend him?”

  Jon turned his head, he looked up at Kate Summers perplexed and said,

  “I’m just curious. Why did you name him the Gemini Serial Killer?”

  Kate Summers flashed her white teeth, smiling as she replied,

  “Well I know that the killer has Disassociate Identity Disorder and it is the month of June. Gemini’s are known for different personality traits. Seems fitting to me? Catchy name huh? I came up with it myself. So Steven Willis, what other names does he identify himself as?”

  Jon and Cassandra starting walking back up the station steps. Jon shook his head as he was walking away and muttered,

  “No comment.”

  As they walked back into the station Jon repeated the name to himself out loud to Cassandra,

  “The Gemini Serial Killer.”

  Parsons glanced up at Jon as they were walking through the bull pen. There were officers everywhere standing around looking at the television about Steven Willis. The Gemini Serial Killer case. The station buzzed with clacking noises of typing and officers talking amongst each other. Detective Parsons said,

  “Leave it to the press to come up with a catchy nick name for the psychopath.”

  Jon nodded as they made their way past some offices down the hallway back to the interrogation room. Jon kept thinking about the name repeating it out loud to himself,

  “The Gemini Serial Killer. Gemini Serial Killer. When Kate Summers was telling us the name, she mentioned that it’s currently the month of June pertaining to Gemini.”

  Parsons shook her head and said,

  “Yeah so?”

  Jon clasped his jaw as he opened the door to the dark room. Steven Willis was still sitting in his chair in shackles admiring the jars of body parts. His trophies, his sick, morbid collection of memorabilia. Jon stared at him through the two way mirror for a moment repeating,

  “Gemini Serial Killer. June, June.”

  Suddenly he snapped his head back at one of the officers and said,

  “Officer Brandon can you bring me all the missing case files as soon as possible. I need to see them.”

  Officer Brandon got up from his desk and said,

  “Yeah sure, do you need the hard copies? We have them on file on our data base in the computer system?”

  Jon shook his head erratically as he said,

  “No, no, no, I need all the files. All the hard copies. More specifically I need any missing person’s reports specifically between the dates of May 21st to June 21st starting from 1971 to present.”

  Detective Parsons looked at Jon with a concerned look and said,

  “Jon that is a lot of missing case files. Why so specific?”

  Jon still clasping his face said,

  “Emily Clark went missing May 28, 1971. Mark Tate went missing June 18th, 1973. Paul Selig and Grace Gibbs went missing June 13th, 1974. My brother Alexander Cratick was killed after his encounter with Steven from the Sylas Jenkins Mental Asylum on June 20th, 1997. All of them were murdered within the zodiac sign of the Gemini from May 21st to June 21st. I bet if we run all of the missing persons reports between those specific dates; compared to the DNA samples we have in Steven Willis’s
trophy jars of his victims, we can get positive ID’s to all of his victims!”

  Detective Parsons quickly glanced at the case files that had already been identified as Steven Willis’s victims. Sure enough the dates matched to what Jon’s theory. She turned to him and said,

  “Jon I think you’re right. We’re going to have to inform Chief Ponce about this.”

  Detective Cratick nodded looking back at the two way mirror staring at Steven Willis. As he was staring at the serial killer he wondered just who specifically was in that room at that particular moment? Was it Steven Willis or was it Shawn Campbell? Who was protecting whom? Chief Ponce entered the room furious. His eyes were bulging in a rage as he crossed his arms across his chest and said,

  “How did that reporter Kate Summers know so much?”

  Jon and Cassandra gave each other an upward glance for a moment. Chief Ponce rolled his eyes with discontent and said,


  Detective Parsons shrugging her shoulders said,

  “We may have discussed specific details about the case in front of the coroner. We suspect that he might’ve leaked those details to Kate Summers.”

  Ponce smiled condescendingly nodding his head neurotically stating,

  “Great, that’s just great. Not only does the country now know about the other missing person reports. The public now has key information pertaining to Steven Willis’s unique illness and the case itself.”

  Parsons nodded saying,

  “That may be true, but something good did come out of it. Jon thought about the name the Gemini Serial Killer and realized that the murder dates that are confirmed by Steven Willis match up to the Gemini calendar months. We can retrace with the DNA in the jars back to the missing person reports to those same calendar months. All we have to do now is get Steven Willis to confirm where the victims’ bodies are buried.”

  Jon looked back at Steven Willis through the two way mirror then back at the Chief and said,

  “We may have to take him to the victim’s dumpsites for him to reveal where they are. In exchange the sicko wants to relive his murders.”

  Chief Ponce said,

  “I don’t care what you have to do. Just get these missing persons cases closed as soon as possible.”

  Jon nodded as he grabbed the missing person’s files walking back into the interrogation room. Steven Willis was still sitting statuesque in his chair in his trance like state. Detective Cratick pulled up the steel chair, dragging it next to Steven along the floor. It screeched and gave an echoing thud as Jon plopped himself back down into the chair. Steven never flinched from the noise, nor looked up. He was still infatuated with his jars, adoringly admiring them. Jon sprawled the files of the missing persons across the table, opening up each folder revealing the victim’s photos. Jon then tapped each one pointing the missing person’s dates and said,

  “You only kill your victim’s on these certain months. Why?”

  Steven Willis focused on the pictures licking his lips. He then slowly settled back into his chair and looked up at Jon. He replied,

  “Shawn said it had to be on those months. It helps keep us connected.”

  Jon nodded looking at Steven. He inched forward in his chair and asked,

  “Am I speaking to Steven right now?”

  Steven Willis looked at Jon perplexed nodding his head and said,


  Jon nodded his head. He then asked,

  “Okay Steven, can I possibly talk to Shawn Campbell?”

  Steven let out a chuckle. He fidgeted with his cuffs as he replied,

  “Shawn isn’t here obviously. Besides I don’t think he would want to talk to you.”

  Jon looked at Steven and said,

  “Oh and why is that?”

  Steven sneered,

  “Shawn hates cops, especially pigs like you. He really never liked you specifically Detective Jonathon Cratick. Or should I say, Profiler Cratick? Probably would end up slicing your throat, slicing your belly down through your pelvic region, splitting you open and hauling your end trails out of your asshole. Fitting for the slaughter and disembowelment of a pig.”

  Jon looked back at the two way mirror and then back at Steven who was staring at him coldly. Detective Cratick then said,

  “Now what would make Shawn want to do that for?”

  Steven smiled and said,

  “Why that’s how you prepare a meal Jon. You dress your food out in a field Detective.”

  Jon stared at Steven back into his enlarged black pupils and said,

  “Steven….was it you or Shawn who ate the victims we found at your household?”

  Steven looked at Jon and said,

  “Shawn would be the one to disembowel you, but the both of us would love to eat you.”

  Jon nodded his head. Looking back into Steven’s ice blue eyes made his spine tingle and shiver. There was no remorse in them, just a far off distant hatred that was strange to see in a human. Steven’s eyes looked wild with intensity, almost animalistic. Jon slowly and calmly said,

  “Okay, so let’s start out where we need to go to find your dumping grounds on the map shall we? Where are we going first?”

  Steven let out a sigh replying,

  “We’re going to go to North Bay Ontario then.”

  Jon pushed himself from the table and said,

  “Get out of the seat, we’re going to catch a plane Steven.”

  Jon grabbed Steven by his arm and escorted him out of the interrogation room. Steven’s feet were still shackled together, with his hands handcuffed in front him. A chain link was looped from his cuffs down to his feet. Steven Willis shuffled alongside of Jon as another two officers took a hold of him leading him out to a van in the parking lot. Detective Parsons was waiting by the van and said,

  “We have a plane at the runway awaiting for you for takeoff. Estimated time of arrival is two hours from here.”

  Steven Willis ducked his head as he was loaded into the van. He gave Detective Cratick and Parsons a devilish grin as he said,

  “Oh Jonny boy, the fun is about to begin.”

  Jon was about to get into the van and felt his sleeve become taught. He turned back to Parsons clutching his coat as she said,

  “I’m staying behind to follow up on the witness to the murder of Veronica Stanfield Lyla Rose. She might have saw where he dumped the murder weapon and the hacksaw Steven used.”

  Jon nodded replying,

  “Good idea. As soon as you’re done, give me a call and I’ll let you know where we are. Keep in touch. See you soon.”

  Detective Cratick reached into his side and grabbed a two way radio. He spoke into it and said,

  “Chief Ponce we need a jet ready in the next fifteen to take us to North Bay Ontario. We are on the move and will be there by 1500 hours. I will brief you once Steven Willis has confirmed the dump sites.”

  Chief Ponce responded,

  “Copy, see you in fifteen. Over and out”

  Jon slid the van door shut once the two officers had Steven Willis shackled into his seat. As they were reaching around and buckling him in, Steven never took his eyes off Jon. He stared at him coldly and hissed,

  “What keeps you awake at night Jonny boy? What makes you tingle at night as your eyes wander over those cold case files? Shawn always wanted to know? He said you were the one who was going to understand us best. Tell me Jonny boy do you see us for what we really are?”

  Jon looked back at Steven replying,

  “Is that why you are taking me to the first dumpsite Steven? So Shawn can help me understand?”

  Steven tilted his head looking at Jon in a peculiar way. He shook his head slightly responding,

  “I do not understand? What does Shawn have to do with any of this? I am taking you to where I was born Jon. I am taking you to where we were created.”

  Jon nodded his head saying,

  “Yeah, you’re right Steven. I want to see where you were born. I want to see where you
were created.”

  Steven smiled as he sighed,

  “Shawn was right about you Steven. He said you would understand.”

  The van stopped as the officer’s unbuckled Steven. He looked around hesitantly for a moment and saw a dozens of other officers waiting for them at the off ramp. He sneered back at Jon and said,

  “Why all of the fuss for little old me?”

  Jon motioned his hand upward replying to the officers,

  “Don’t mind him, just make sure he is secured in his seat before takeoff.”

  The officers carrying their rifles motioned for Steven to move forward along the tarmac towards the jet. Jon followed behind the officers and pulled out his tape recorder he had in the interview room. He switched out one of the tapes with one from his breast pocket and snapped it back into the recorder. He clicked record with his thumb as he was still walking and said,

  “Steven Willis is showing that he acknowledges this other side of him who he refers to as Shawn Campbell. Interesting part is it seems with each murder case we have talked about so far that Shawn his other half of his Dissociative identity disorder (DID) is specifically involved with certain parts of his killing process. Most serial killers in their most irate state of gruesome steps or rituals in their murders sometimes deny these killings. I think that Steven Willis blames Shawn Campbell for the parts he is either ashamed of doing, or cannot come to grips with the most horrendous crimes of his murders. I am not sure who I am talking to sometimes. The change he has is so subtle when I am talking to him. I do have my strong suspicions when I am speaking to his counterpart Shawn. It’s his eyes that give him away. I sometimes suspect that Steven Willis may be lying to me and Shawn comes out to talk about the murders. In a sense I suspect he feels that part of his psyche is protecting Steven from my interrogation. I wonder who I will be talking to when we arrive to North Bay. Steven claims it was only him that was part of the murders that took place there. He claims this is where he was born physically but I suspect that this first murder victim, Emily Clark; is where this other side of him was born. This Shawn Campbell persona came to form and became a part of him. It wouldn’t surprise me if Shawn comes out during the walkthrough of the dumpsite. I will add more to the profile later.”


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