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Too Many Secrets

Page 27

by E B Corbin


  The unit smelled of burnt plastic, wood, and fabric. No way could she stay there, even though her bedroom escaped most of the damage caused by the fire and explosion. She grabbed a few clothes, stuffing them into her trusty duffel. Since she never had time to unpack her toothbrush, makeup, and shampoo, she was prepared to go in minutes.

  Callahan asked, “Do you want to call your mother?”

  “No, I can’t worry her any more than I already have.” Roxanne slung her bag over her shoulder. “I’m going to find a hotel where I can clean up and get to the office.”

  “You’re going in today? Don’t you need some time?” Callahan found it hard to believe she could just gloss it over but he admired her ability and determination to move on.

  “For what? There’s nothing here for me anymore.” She swept her arm around the living area and kitchen. “I wonder if there ever was.”

  “You were almost killed last night… again,” Callahan pointed out.

  “All the more reason I want to get this over with. I can’t think about it any longer.”

  “The impact of all that’s gone down will fade. You should give it time before making any important decisions.”

  “I don’t need time. My mind’s made up. Second-guessing will only confuse me.”

  “So you’d like to put this all behind you?”

  “More than anything, but I prefer to call it looking ahead. If I’ve learned nothing else by all that’s happened, I know I can’t to dwell on the past any longer. I need to move forward.”

  “I see.” Callahan took a deep breath. “I’m sorry you feel that way.”

  “Why? Should I walk around frightened for the rest of my life?”

  “Of course not. It’s over. You no longer have to worry about Patti or Luke or any of it.” Callahan scanned the condo before taking her hand. “I hope you’re not done with everything though.”

  Roxanne smiled at him. “You think I’m making a mistake.”

  “I don’t know what to think,” he told her. “In any case, I can’t tell you what to do.”

  “What would you have me do?”

  “Well…” He shrugged. “Sometimes it doesn’t hurt to stop to consider things before you do something you’ll regret.”

  “I assure you I don’t have any qualms about this.”

  Callahan sighed. “Can we have dinner tonight before I leave for D.C.?”

  “I’d love to. I’m booking a room at the Omni William Penn. It’s on Grant Street, only a block away from my office. I’ll call you. We can meet later.”

  “Sounds good. Do you want me to help you pack anything else?”

  She glanced at the sparse remaining contents of her condo—not much worth saving. “Maybe I’ll stop back at some point to grab a few photos and things, but there’s nothing I can’t live without.”


  When she entered the opulent hotel lobby, she could feel people staring at her disheveled hair and smoke-stained peacoat. Nothing she could do about it. The impeccably groomed young man at the front desk gave her a form to fill out while casting sidelong glances at her soot covered hands. When she told him she wanted a suite, he asked if she was sure and recited the price. Without blinking, Roxanne handed over her American Express card. She imagined he thought the charge would be declined, so rather than try to explain, she maintained her dignity while hiding a haughty smirk. The clerk handed her the card without a word but wore an astonished expression at the acceptance of the charge. She tried not to laugh at him or herself—she must be a sight!

  He gave her the key card keeping his eyes averted, then signaled for a bellhop to take her smoky duffel. Roxanne followed the bellhop through the lobby to the elevator, her head held high. She was not ashamed of looking like a homeless derelict; she got a kick out of it. The thought crossed her mind to just go to the office in her present state. She chuckled at the predictable reactions from her coworkers; the same, or worse than the desk clerk’s. She dismissed the frivolous idea straight off.

  After making certain she could have her clothing back in an hour, she sent her best navy suit and white silk blouse with the bellhop to have them dry-cleaned. A twenty-dollar tip should make sure she got the clothes back on time. A long, hot shower would take care of any remaining odors in her hair and skin.

  Ninety minutes later, she was ready to face her bosses at the law firm. She fought off the urge to wave to the desk clerk as she walked out the lobby doors, dressed to impress. After crossing the busy street, she headed through the plaza to the US Steel Tower entrance.

  The elevator zipped to the 54th floor. She greeted the receptionist with a cheerful smile before walking down the hall.

  Anne hit a button and tried to hide the fact that she worked on a labor contract when Roxanne entered. “Roxanne! I didn’t know you were coming in today. You should have called.”

  “Sorry, I didn’t think about it.”

  “Duane asked to be informed the minute you came in.” Anne reached for the phone. “Should I call him for you?”

  “Sure, tell him I’d like to see him as soon as possible.”

  “Will do. Anything else?”

  “No, please go on with whatever you’re doing. I don’t mind. Since I’ve been slacking off lately, you’ve done an excellent job of keeping busy.”

  Before Roxanne could settle at her desk, Anne entered. “Duane said to give him thirty minutes to get a few of the other partners, then come to his office.”

  Roxanne nodded. “Thanks.”

  Once Anne shut the door, Roxanne spent the time packing a few personal belongings that had accumulated over the years. The framed 5x7 snapshot of her and Richard at an office party went in the trash. She grabbed a banker’s box sliding her parent’s anniversary portrait in. Next came the few photos from her vacation in Cancun plus one of her receiving her black belt in tai chi and kung-fu. She had an extra blouse and pair of flats tucked in the bottom drawer of her desk, along with an old leather address book not used for years. She threw them in with the rest. She almost forgot her framed law degree from Tulane and her numbered print of the Paris Metro which hung on the wall. All in all, it wasn’t much for five years in the space. She put the lid on the box and stuck it on the floor behind her desk.

  She sat at the computer composing a statement which she printed on the firm letterhead. Then she proceeded to the women’s restroom to wash her hands before checking that her makeup hid the fading bruises on her face. She looked fine: happy and content, ready to take on whatever came next. With a deep breath and resolution to keep calm, she headed for Duane Linden’s office, the letter burning a hole in her suit pocket.

  Five of the equity partners were sitting in the conversation area. As the managing partner, Duane commanded a bigger corner space than most of the others, so it made sense to hold the gathering there. Two of those present were semi-retired, name partners in the firm who considered themselves more important than the current managing partner. In truth, the acting partners tolerated them but mostly disregarded their outdated opinions— politely dismissed, but nevertheless superfluous.

  No one but Duane rose when she entered. After a quick glance, they continued their conversations. The nuances of their golf games were of greater relevance than some associate who hadn’t bothered to be available for their big announcement.

  “Roxanne! Good to see you,” Duane exclaimed as she paused a few feet into the room. “I hear you’ve been a little tied up with family business this week.”

  Roxanne nodded. “Yes, it took longer than I expected.”

  “Not to worry.” Duane pasted on a phony smile. “We have great news for you.” He stopped, waiting for her reaction. When she said nothing, he cleared his throat and continued as the five others ceased their conversation to listen. “We have unanimously decided to elevate you to the rank of partner starting the first of the year.” The seated attorneys all bobbed their heads while wearing the smiles they usually reserve
d for their biggest clients. Someone started halfhearted clapping; the others joined in with limited enthusiasm.

  Rosanne ignored them wondering if they knew how obvious those fake smiles were. She kept her expression blank. “Thank you. I appreciate the offer but—”

  “It’s not just an offer,” Duane assured her. “It’s a done deal. You’re our newest partner!”

  If she were a man, she had no doubt he would have slapped her on the back and welcomed her to the club. She peered around at the faces watching her with their shallow, frozen faces. “I’m afraid I’ll have to turn down the opportunity.”

  “What?” Duane’s smile disappeared in a flash. “I don’t understand. You should appreciate the fact we think so highly of you. We haven’t brought in a new female partner since Darlene Masters seven years ago. She’s delighted with her position. You should ask her about it.”

  “No need.” She paused for effect. “In fact, I’d like to take this opportunity to hand in my resignation.”

  Duane’s mouth hung open while the others sat back in their seats, shaking their heads in disapproval. “Are you certain this is what you want?” he asked. “If we accept it, there’s no taking it back.”

  “Yes, I’m certain.” She handed him the letter. “It’s effective immediately.”

  “We’ll need time to bring your replacement up to speed,” Duane huffed. “Springing it on us in this manner isn’t very professional.”

  Roxanne said, “Neither is the way you decided I was second choice.”

  “But, we…” Duane puffed his cheeks, turning to the seated five for support.

  To a man, they shrugged looking away.

  She smiled. “I think that about settles it. I’ll be out by the end of the day today. However, there is one thing I would like to request.”

  Duane let out a defeated huff. “You’re not in much of a position to ask for anything, but go ahead.”

  “Anne Lewis, my assistant, is a hard worker, also very dedicated. She’s been taking up the slack in the labor law department. It would be a good move for you to transfer her there, full time.”

  He tried to hide his scowl. “We’ll see what we can do. If she’s as competent as you say, she’ll have no problem finding a place here.” He turned and joined the other attorneys in the plush seating, dismissing her without another word.

  Roxanne left the big corner office, no longer doubtful, certain she’d made the right decision.


  Oilville, February 2017

  Roxanne sat in the living room, legal papers strewn across the table in front of the sofa, while a toasty fire warmed the space. Puka, Roxy’s golden retriever, lay in front of the fireplace, her head on her paws. The dog sighed, content to settle in for an evening with her new owner. Before long, soft doggie snores filled the room.

  She had no regrets about leaving the law firm, moving to Oilville, and accepting Sylvia’s offer to take over Ralph’s law practice. After the explosion in her condo, the other homeowners were more than happy to see her go. Since Tucker, Jones and Steinmetz accepted her resignation with no hesitation, it sometimes seemed too easy. As of the first of the year, the name of her new firm officially became Boudreaux and Patterson, LLC. They had enough clients to keep busy; not enough to overwhelm.

  Callahan promised to join them as soon as the whole Taggart case wrapped up. DDS agreed to allow Interpol access to their prisoner, although he would remain in US custody. Thus, for the past several weeks, Callahan was in Ireland coordinating with Interpol and keeping an eye on Taggart.

  The doorbell rang, signaling the arrival of the Chinese food Roxanne had ordered from the new restaurant in town. Puka got up, alert, her tail waving in anticipation. Roxanne grabbed her wallet as she swung open the door.

  “How much do I—?” She stared at the older woman on her porch. The woman had short blonde hair with startling turquoise eyes. “Can I help you?”

  The woman stood motionless, scanning Roxanne’s face. “I’m Roxy. May I come in?”

  Thank You

  Thank you for reading the first book in the Roxanne Boudreaux trilogy. I hope you enjoyed it and will leave an honest review at Amazon if you have the time. Reviews are important but readers, more so. You can leave a review by clicking on this link, Amazon reviews. Reviews are very important to all authors and I would really, really appreciate knowing your thoughts!

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  I appreciate your interest very much and look forward to hearing from you.

  Muchas gracias, (I’m learning Spanish for my new home in Ecuador, SA) and thank-you very much!

  Edana Corbin, (EB Corbin)


  Too Many Secrets

  Too Many Lies

  Too Many Suspects


  Death With Dignity

  (available in December, 2018)

  I Will Fight No More Forever

  (available in 2019)




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