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Page 2

by Hannah Steenbock

  She curled up as soon as she was free.

  Zell explored the two doors. One opened to a room with gleaming contraptions he didn’t quite understand. Behind the other door was only a cupboard with boxes, panels and blank pads. He had never see those, either, but they probably contained food. He sighed.

  Living with the Tribe had not prepared him for a life in a Dile home. He turned toward the girl.

  “Do you know how to work these things?”

  She looked up. “What things?”

  He waved towards the doors. “These.”

  She glanced over to them. “That’s a bathroom and galley.”

  “I see.”

  Realization dawned on her face. “You don’t know what a bathroom is? Or a galley?”

  Zell shook his head, and her eyes went to his chest and his Tribal mark. Then she asked a wide-eye question. “Are you a Wild One?”

  He gritted his teeth and faced his new reality with the same determination he used to face a megaboar. “I was. Until this morning.”

  “Oh.” She sat up. “I’m sorry.”

  He sighed and touched his collar. “I can’t change it. I need to learn fast.”

  “I’ll show you.” She slipped off the bed and stepped into the room with all the gleaming things. “Wait a moment, please. I need to use it.”

  She slid the door shut before he could move. He could hear some splashing and the sound of some water rushing before she opened the door again. “Come in.”

  She explained the toilet where he was expected to deposit his bodily wastes and flush them away, and then pointed to an area she called ‘shower’. He moved into it, and she followed him.

  “It’s nice that it holds two,” she said cryptically, before touching one of those strange pads several times.

  Water sprayed out of the wall, and Zell jumped back.

  The girl giggled. “It’s okay. It’s just water.”

  He gingerly stepped into the shower thing again. “Is it supposed to do that?”

  She nodded and grinned. “I love showers. The warm water feels so good, and it’s wonderful to be clean. We only had enough energy to use ours once every few days. Let me show you.”

  She pulled him a bit closer until he was completely wet. Then she touched another pad, held her open hand close to an aperture and allowed a blob of something to drop into it. She rubbed it on his skin, and it foamed. Zell stood very still while she rubbed the foam over his chest and arms. Suddenly, she frowned.

  “You’re hurt.” She put her finger on the small cut just above his collar bone.

  “That’s from getting chipped”, Zell explained. “It’s nothing.”

  The truth was that it burned a little after the foam had washed away the scab, but he wasn’t about to tell her.

  “Do what I did and wash… below.” She blushed a little as she pointed to his member.

  Zell touched the pad and looked at the blob that was deposited in his hand. Then he smiled at her and rubbed it on her chest.

  She giggled, even as he rubbed it over her breasts. It felt quite funny to have this smooth foam on her skin and below his fingers. It was much more foamy than soaproot. He allowed his hands to wander over her shoulders and arms, playing with the foam and the smoothness of her skin. She did the same to him, making him turn around and foaming his back. It was almost arousing.

  “But you have to wash your… thing yourself,” she finally said. He looked down and grinned at his member. Of course it had risen.

  He did as he was told, while she washed her parts. And then, just because they were so close and he was already thinking of another romp with her, he pulled her to him and kissed her.

  She let him, holding still, but not participating.

  Zell lifted his head and looked into her eyes. They were actually dark brown, he saw, going well with her jet-black hair.

  “Have you ever been kissed like this?”

  She shook her head. “And I have never done what we did today.”

  “It is called ‘making love’. Or ‘having sex’.”

  Her jaw dropped. “That is sex?”


  She stepped back, her eyes wide again. “But… but I was told that sex is ugly and painful. And dirty. And only for making babies… and I… I don’t think we’re supposed to make babies, and I don’t even know your name, and…” She blinked and closed her mouth.

  Zell took a deep breath. “My name is Zell. And honestly, did it feel dirty and bad? What we did on the bed?”

  She shook her head, her face full of tragedy. “It felt good. It felt so good. But enjoying it makes me a bad woman.”

  Zell put his hands on her shoulders, wet as they were. “We are both Dile pets now. Our main function is to have sex. With each other and with Diles, too.”

  She stared. “That’s what he chose me for?”

  “Yes. The Master chose you as his pet.”

  “The Master?” Her eyes widened even more. “The Master wants to do this with me?”

  Zell nodded. “And he is kind enough to let me teach you to enjoy it before he takes you.”

  “I was taught that sex is bad,” she whispered. “Only allowed for Breeding. And enjoying it is even worse.”

  “Oh, my dear… What’s your name?”

  “Girma.” She put her head on his shoulder and wept.

  “My dear Girma, sex is part of Human life. Yes, it can result in pregnancy and children, but it is also very, very important for your inner balance.”

  “Is that how you see it in the Tribes?”

  “Yes. Humans need lots of it.”

  She clung to him. “And it’s okay to like it?”

  “Very much okay.”

  She sighed and her arms went around him. “Is it okay to want more?” she whispered.

  Zell had to smile at her. “Yes. Do you want it here in this ‘shower’?”

  She lifted her head and stared again. “Is that possible?”


  She laughed a little. “I can see I have much to learn, as well. And to let go of old teachings.”

  “That’s the way to go. That’s what the Tribes do, face life, and work with what is available.” He hugged her, appreciating her willingness to adapt.

  “My mother always said that Tribes were a myth. I can see she was wrong on that, as well.”

  “Is she a Breeder?”

  Girma nodded against his shoulder. “I was allowed to stay in the Sanctuary longer than most.”

  “How old are you?”

  “I turned eighteen yesterday. I was brought here this morning.”

  Zell sighed and wrapped his arms around her. Having grown up in a Breeder Sanctuary meant that she was practically innocent. He was glad he had taken the time to make her enjoy his lovemaking. And he felt strangely protective about her.

  “I’m glad you’re strong,” she whispered. “I like how you look. I like how you move. I like your… lovemaking.”

  Zell almost laughed. “Thank you. Living in a Tribe is a lot of work and there is much danger. We have to be strong. And we learn to enjoy the good things when we have them.”

  “I can understand that.”

  He held her close. “From now on, you must use your mind. Observe and learn. Remember everything. Learn how to read Dile body language. Only when you’re smart and strong inside will you survive as a pet.”

  She shivered in his arms despite the warm spray that still fell from openings in the ‘shower’. “Is it that bad?”

  Zell hated having to scare her. “I think we might be lucky with our Master. Unless he’s toying with us. But we in the Tribes have stories. To a Dile, we’re things. Possessions. They do with us as they please, and some are very, very nasty. And as they breed us, they can always get a new pet.”

  “My mom said they cherish us.”

  Zell gave a bitter laugh. “They do. For their entertainment.”

  Girma gave a sigh and cuddled closer. “I want to believe our Maste
r is a good one.”

  “He might be, but do not trust him until he earns it.”

  She sighed again. “I don’t want to think about it right now. Can you make me feel good again?”

  Zell smiled. His body was so ready for more, with her lithe form pressed against his. “Of course.”

  He started kissing her jaw, moving down her neck. His hands found her breasts, and she caressed his back with her hands.

  “That’s good,” he mumbled. “Try using your nails. Diles have tough skin.”

  “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “Play with it.” He moved lower, kissing her nipples, one hand between her legs. The warm spray made him close his eyes. It was strange not to smell her body, all he could smell was the scent of the blob and the foam he had rubbed over her.

  Soon, she was gasping again, spreading her legs and almost dancing on his fingers when he entered her. He didn’t have to tease her for long, she was ready for him more quickly than he expected. She clung to him when he grabbed her buttocks, lifted her up and thrust his member into her eager well.

  Her excited moan was his reward. She wrapped her legs around him, hooked the fingers of one hand and scraped her nails along his spine. Zell shivered, and his member throbbed urgently inside her. She matched his thrusts, grabbing his neck and shoulder, throwing her head back. They slammed together, moving in an ever faster rhythm, until they both gasped in release.

  The warm spray washed away all sweat. Gradually, their breathing slowed, and Girma looked up with a dreamy smile on her face. Zell moved a lock of wet hair out of her eyes and smiled back.

  “This is wonderful,” Girma said after a while. “Is it always like that?”

  Zell took a deep breath. “I will always do my best to make you happy and feel good, yes. But the truth is that others may not, and it could hurt.”

  “Oh.” She looked down and was silent for a long time, the water running over her. Absentmindedly, she rubbed herself clean. When she looked up again, she was very serious. “Thank you for telling me the truth.”

  “The truth gives freedom,” Zell quoted an old saying. “You cannot prepare yourself in your mind if you don’t know the dangers. I could not lie to you and give you false comfort.”

  She nodded. “I think my mother tried to do that.”

  “Or maybe she was lying to herself, too.” The words slipped out of Zell’s mouth before he could stop them.

  Girma looked up sharply. “She always said she had a good life.”

  “What is life like for a Breeder?”

  Instead of answering, Girma took a deep breath and stepped out of the ‘shower’. Zell followed her, and she threw a piece of cloth at him.

  “This is to dry yourself.”

  As they did, the water stopped flowing in the ‘shower’. A fan started working, moving the damp air out of the ‘bathroom’.

  “Let’s get some food.” She walked into their room and opened the cupboard. “What do you like?”

  Zell looked over her shoulder and shrugged. “I have no idea what is there.”

  “But it says on the packages.” She pointed at the rows of signs on them. Then she turned and looked at him. “Oh. You can’t read, can you?”

  Zell shook his head. “There are no books among the Tribes. Too much to carry.” Elera had mentioned a cave with books, and he had always assumed she could read, but they had never found the time for her to teach him.

  “Well, then you’ll have to trust me with this.” She grinned at him, picked one of the packages, opened a small door that Zell hadn’t noticed, stuck it in there and tapped something on a panel. A low hum indicated that machinery was working.

  Girma looked through the drawers while they waited for the machinery to finish. She handed Zell a spoon, which he took with a little bow. She giggled.

  A ding announced that whatever the machine had been doing was done. Girma opened the panel again, picked up the container and handed it to Zell. He looked at her with a frown.

  “Open it carefully, because it’s now hot inside. Here’s a handle to pull.”

  She put another package into the machine and set it off.

  Zell sat down on one of the chairs and slowly pulled off the lid from his container. Steam rose, as well as the smell of meat and broth. And yet, something was off. He dipped his spoon into the container, lifted it and blew on it.

  The ding sounded again, and moments later, Girma settled down next to him. She had no trouble pulling off the lid of her container and digging in with her fork. “Mhm. Pasta. I love it. Not something we have often in the Sanctuary.”

  Zell looked at her again but said nothing. He was already feeling like a fool without admitting he had no idea what pasta was. Instead, he watched closely as she speared something with her fork that looked like white worms covered in red goo.

  He quickly concentrated on his food again. It was a meaty soup, similar to what Elera sometimes cooked but somehow less filling.

  “Life as a Breeder is safe,” Girma said suddenly. “I grew up in a little group of people, five Breeders, two Aunties, two Uncles and the children, in our Sanctuary. We grew a lot of our own food, and other things were brought in when needed. Once a year, we’d get a medical checkup, but we could get help in an emergency, as well.”

  Zell looked up, astonished at one thing she had said, ignoring what he didn’t understand. “You grew food?”

  “Yes, we had a large vegetable garden, and raised harebits and piggies. And we had a few gueep for milk and wool. It was hard work, but also rewarding.”

  “And there were actually men?”

  Girma nodded. “One was old, the other had lost a leg. They did work in the gardens, too, and one of them knew how to make leather. My mother used to weave cloth and make shirts, too.”

  “What kept you there?”

  Girma gave him a sick smile. “The Fence, of course. And we’re all chipped and wear GPS collars.”

  Zell nodded.

  “And everyone knew that it was so dangerous Outside you’d get eaten within a day. That’s why nobody believed there could be Wild Ones. It was just a fairy tale, my mother said.”

  “It is dangerous, yes,” Zell admitted. “But one can work around danger if you know it.”

  “Maybe.” Girma looked down. “I was scared of the Outside.”

  “Don’t be ashamed of that. It is what you were taught. And you probably wouldn’t have lasted long.”

  She sighed a little.

  “My mother would have a child about every two years. After a while, I realized that she would be pregnant again after she had gone away for a few days. It was always in order to conceive, she never left the Sanctuary otherwise. Same as the other Breeders. Of course, the Aunties were so old they didn’t Breed and just helped with the work and raising the children.”

  “And what happened to the children?”

  Girma gave another sigh. “Some were taken early, as toddlers. Most a little later. There was only me and Ferrie, who really grew up there, from everyone born in the Sanctuary. She’s probably still there. Maybe she’ll be a Breeder, too.”

  “And no sex ever?”

  She shrugged. “I never saw anything like it, and my mother… I think she hates it.”

  “That can happen with Studs,” Zell said carefully.

  “What are Studs?”

  “Men who are chosen to Breed, for their genes, and often for their looks. All they have to do is to get a Breeder pregnant, and many don’t care how and just take their own pleasure. The Diles don’t care, either.”

  “How do you know?”

  “There was an escaped Breeder in our Tribe.”

  Girma’s jaw dropped. “How…?”

  Zell shook his head. “I will not betray her.”


  “I am certain we are being monitored.”


  Zell had finished his food but wasn’t sure what to do with the container. So he just held it in his hand
. Girma fished around for the last of those worms, ate them, and looked up again.

  “Are you done?”

  He nodded.

  Girma held out her hand, and he gave her the container with the spoon in it. She opened another panel and deposited both containers in it. “This will be taken care of. I think they cleanse it and use it again.”

  “All of this is very strange.” Zell waved a hand at their room, the ‘bathroom’ and the area where the food was stored.

  “We didn’t have anything this fancy in the Sanctuary, either, but we did have three bathrooms, and one of them had a shower,” Girma admitted. “Of course, we cooked our own food, so there was no galley. They showed it to me before tying me up. I like not having to cook. But I miss being in the fresh air.”

  She came back to her chair and settled next to Zell.

  A little later, she sighed. “And what do we do now?”

  He had been wondering the same thing. Sitting around with nothing to do never happened in the Tribe.

  “We could curl up on the bed,” he suggested. “It would be nicer than sitting here on a hard chair.”

  They discovered blankets hidden behind another panel, shook them out and crawled under them. Zell held Girma in his arms, and she fell asleep with her head on his shoulder.

  He decided that sleep was a good idea, even though he had toyed with the idea of enticing Girma to more sex. Nothing could enter this place without the permission of the Master, so they were as safe as possible for now.

  Chapter 4

  For a few days, the Master came twice a day and watched Zell making love to Girma. The rest of the time, they were left alone, with nothing to do but talk and explore their bodies even more. Girma started to teach him to read with the words on the food packages, and he taught her some words of the Tribal language.

  Yet Zell found himself getting more and more upset and restless. The constant light threw off his sense of day and night, and he couldn’t sleep as well as he used to. He decided he needed to talk to the Mater Dile about this.

  When the Master came again, he steeled himself. As soon as the inevitable escort had taken up their position at the door, he stood in front of the Master Dile.


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